未配对的图像到图像翻译旨在找到源域和目标域之间的映射。为了减轻缺乏源图像的监督标签的问题,通过假设未配对的图像之间的可逆关系,已经提出了基于周期矛盾的方法来保存图像结构。但是,此假设仅使用图像对之间的有限对应关系。最近,使用基于贴片的正/负学习,对比度学习(CL)已被用来进一步研究未配对图像翻译中的图像对应关系。基于贴片的对比例程通过自相似度计算获得阳性,并将其余的斑块视为负面。这种灵活的学习范式以低成本获得辅助上下文化信息。由于负面的样本人数令人印象深刻,因此我们有好奇心,我们基于一个问题进行了调查:是否需要所有负面的对比度学习?与以前的CL方法不同,在本文中,我们从信息理论的角度研究了负面因素,并通过稀疏和对补丁进行排名来引入一种新的负面修剪技术,以用于未配对的图像到图像翻译(PUT) 。所提出的算法是有效的,灵活的,并使模型能够稳定地学习相应贴片之间的基本信息。通过将质量置于数量上,只需要几个负贴片即可获得更好的结果。最后,我们通过比较实验验证了模型的优势,稳定性和多功能性。
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In image-to-image translation, each patch in the output should reflect the content of the corresponding patch in the input, independent of domain. We propose a straightforward method for doing so -maximizing mutual information between the two, using a framework based on contrastive learning. The method encourages two elements (corresponding patches) to map to a similar point in a learned feature space, relative to other elements (other patches) in the dataset, referred to as negatives. We explore several critical design choices for making contrastive learning effective in the image synthesis setting. Notably, we use a multilayer, patch-based approach, rather than operate on entire images. Furthermore, we draw negatives from within the input image itself, rather than from the rest of the dataset. We demonstrate that our framework enables one-sided translation in the unpaired image-to-image translation setting, while improving quality and reducing training time. In addition, our method can even be extended to the training setting where each "domain" is only a single image.
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Image harmonization task aims at harmonizing different composite foreground regions according to specific background image. Previous methods would rather focus on improving the reconstruction ability of the generator by some internal enhancements such as attention, adaptive normalization and light adjustment, $etc.$. However, they pay less attention to discriminating the foreground and background appearance features within a restricted generator, which becomes a new challenge in image harmonization task. In this paper, we propose a novel image harmonization framework with external style fusion and region-wise contrastive learning scheme. For the external style fusion, we leverage the external background appearance from the encoder as the style reference to generate harmonized foreground in the decoder. This approach enhances the harmonization ability of the decoder by external background guidance. Moreover, for the contrastive learning scheme, we design a region-wise contrastive loss function for image harmonization task. Specifically, we first introduce a straight-forward samples generation method that selects negative samples from the output harmonized foreground region and selects positive samples from the ground-truth background region. Our method attempts to bring together corresponding positive and negative samples by maximizing the mutual information between the foreground and background styles, which desirably makes our harmonization network more robust to discriminate the foreground and background style features when harmonizing composite images. Extensive experiments on the benchmark datasets show that our method can achieve a clear improvement in harmonization quality and demonstrate the good generalization capability in real-scenario applications.
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Automatic font generation without human experts is a practical and significant problem, especially for some languages that consist of a large number of characters. Existing methods for font generation are often in supervised learning. They require a large number of paired data, which are labor-intensive and expensive to collect. In contrast, common unsupervised image-to-image translation methods are not applicable to font generation, as they often define style as the set of textures and colors. In this work, we propose a robust deformable generative network for unsupervised font generation (abbreviated as DGFont++). We introduce a feature deformation skip connection (FDSC) to learn local patterns and geometric transformations between fonts. The FDSC predicts pairs of displacement maps and employs the predicted maps to apply deformable convolution to the low-level content feature maps. The outputs of FDSC are fed into a mixer to generate final results. Moreover, we introduce contrastive self-supervised learning to learn a robust style representation for fonts by understanding the similarity and dissimilarities of fonts. To distinguish different styles, we train our model with a multi-task discriminator, which ensures that each style can be discriminated independently. In addition to adversarial loss, another two reconstruction losses are adopted to constrain the domain-invariant characteristics between generated images and content images. Taking advantage of FDSC and the adopted loss functions, our model is able to maintain spatial information and generates high-quality character images in an unsupervised manner. Experiments demonstrate that our model is able to generate character images of higher quality than state-of-the-art methods.
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对比学习在各种高级任务中取得了显着的成功,但是为低级任务提出了较少的方法。采用VANILLA对比学习技术采用直接为低级视觉任务提出的VANILLA对比度学习技术,因为所获得的全局视觉表现不足以用于需要丰富的纹理和上下文信息的低级任务。在本文中,我们提出了一种用于单图像超分辨率(SISR)的新型对比学习框架。我们从两个视角调查基于对比的学习的SISR:样品施工和特征嵌入。现有方法提出了一些天真的样本施工方法(例如,考虑到作为负样本的低质量输入以及作为正样品的地面真理),并且它们采用了先前的模型(例如,预先训练的VGG模型)来获得该特征嵌入而不是探索任务友好的。为此,我们向SISR提出了一个实用的对比学习框架,涉及在频率空间中产生许多信息丰富的正负样本。我们不是利用其他预先训练的网络,我们设计了一种从鉴别器网络继承的简单但有效的嵌入网络,并且可以用主SR网络迭代优化,使其成为任务最通报。最后,我们对我们的方法进行了广泛的实验评估,与基准方法相比,在目前的最先进的SISR方法中显示出高达0.21 dB的显着增益。
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Person re-identification (re-ID) models trained on one domain often fail to generalize well to another. In our attempt, we present a "learning via translation" framework. In the baseline, we translate the labeled images from source to target domain in an unsupervised manner. We then train re-ID models with the translated images by supervised methods. Yet, being an essential part of this framework, unsupervised image-image translation suffers from the information loss of source-domain labels during translation.Our motivation is two-fold. First, for each image, the discriminative cues contained in its ID label should be maintained after translation. Second, given the fact that two domains have entirely different persons, a translated image should be dissimilar to any of the target IDs. To this end, we propose to preserve two types of unsupervised similarities, 1) self-similarity of an image before and after translation, and 2) domain-dissimilarity of a translated source image and a target image. Both constraints are implemented in the similarity preserving generative adversarial network (SPGAN) which consists of an Siamese network and a Cy-cleGAN. Through domain adaptation experiment, we show that images generated by SPGAN are more suitable for domain adaptation and yield consistent and competitive re-ID accuracy on two large-scale datasets.
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Inspired by the impressive success of contrastive learning (CL), a variety of graph augmentation strategies have been employed to learn node representations in a self-supervised manner. Existing methods construct the contrastive samples by adding perturbations to the graph structure or node attributes. Although impressive results are achieved, it is rather blind to the wealth of prior information assumed: with the increase of the perturbation degree applied on the original graph, 1) the similarity between the original graph and the generated augmented graph gradually decreases; 2) the discrimination between all nodes within each augmented view gradually increases. In this paper, we argue that both such prior information can be incorporated (differently) into the contrastive learning paradigm following our general ranking framework. In particular, we first interpret CL as a special case of learning to rank (L2R), which inspires us to leverage the ranking order among positive augmented views. Meanwhile, we introduce a self-ranking paradigm to ensure that the discriminative information among different nodes can be maintained and also be less altered to the perturbations of different degrees. Experiment results on various benchmark datasets verify the effectiveness of our algorithm compared with the supervised and unsupervised models.
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尽管具有生成对抗网络(GAN)的图像到图像(I2I)翻译的显着进步,但使用单对生成器和歧视器将图像有效地转换为多个目标域中的一组不同图像仍然具有挑战性。现有的I2i翻译方法采用多个针对不同域的特定于域的内容编码,其中每个特定于域的内容编码器仅经过来自同一域的图像的训练。然而,我们认为应从所有域之间的图像中学到内容(域变相)特征。因此,现有方案的每个特定于域的内容编码器都无法有效提取域不变特征。为了解决这个问题,我们提出了一个灵活而通用的Sologan模型,用于在多个域之间具有未配对数据的多模式I2I翻译。与现有方法相反,Solgan算法使用具有附加辅助分类器的单个投影鉴别器,并为所有域共享编码器和生成器。因此,可以使用来自所有域的图像有效地训练Solgan,从而可以有效提取域 - 不变性内容表示。在多个数据集中,针对多个同行和sologan的变体的定性和定量结果证明了该方法的优点,尤其是对于挑战i2i翻译数据集的挑战,即涉及极端形状变化的数据集或在翻译后保持复杂的背景,需要保持复杂的背景。此外,我们通过消融研究证明了Sogan中每个成分的贡献。
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Segmenting the fine structure of the mouse brain on magnetic resonance (MR) images is critical for delineating morphological regions, analyzing brain function, and understanding their relationships. Compared to a single MRI modality, multimodal MRI data provide complementary tissue features that can be exploited by deep learning models, resulting in better segmentation results. However, multimodal mouse brain MRI data is often lacking, making automatic segmentation of mouse brain fine structure a very challenging task. To address this issue, it is necessary to fuse multimodal MRI data to produce distinguished contrasts in different brain structures. Hence, we propose a novel disentangled and contrastive GAN-based framework, named MouseGAN++, to synthesize multiple MR modalities from single ones in a structure-preserving manner, thus improving the segmentation performance by imputing missing modalities and multi-modality fusion. Our results demonstrate that the translation performance of our method outperforms the state-of-the-art methods. Using the subsequently learned modality-invariant information as well as the modality-translated images, MouseGAN++ can segment fine brain structures with averaged dice coefficients of 90.0% (T2w) and 87.9% (T1w), respectively, achieving around +10% performance improvement compared to the state-of-the-art algorithms. Our results demonstrate that MouseGAN++, as a simultaneous image synthesis and segmentation method, can be used to fuse cross-modality information in an unpaired manner and yield more robust performance in the absence of multimodal data. We release our method as a mouse brain structural segmentation tool for free academic usage at https://github.com/yu02019.
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无教师的在线知识蒸馏(KD)旨在培训多个学生模型的合奏,并彼此提炼知识。尽管现有的在线KD方法实现了理想的性能,但它们通常专注于阶级概率作为核心知识类型,而忽略了宝贵的特征代表性信息。我们为在线KD提供了一个相互的对比学习(MCL)框架。 MCL的核心思想是以在线方式进行对比分布的相互交互和对比度分布的转移。我们的MCL可以汇总跨网络嵌入信息,并最大化两个网络之间的相互信息的下限。这使每个网络能够从他人那里学习额外的对比知识,从而提供更好的特征表示形式,从而提高视觉识别任务的性能。除最后一层外,我们还将MCL扩展到辅助特征细化模块辅助的几个中间层。这进一步增强了在线KD的表示能力。关于图像分类和转移学习到视觉识别任务的实验表明,MCL可以针对最新的在线KD方法带来一致的性能提高。优势表明,MCL可以指导网络生成更好的特征表示。我们的代码可在https://github.com/winycg/mcl上公开获取。
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我们从一组未配对的清晰和朦胧的图像中提供了实用的基于学习的图像飞行网络。本文提供了一种新的观点,可以将图像除去作为两类分离的因子分离任务,即清晰图像重建的任务相关因素以及与雾霾相关的分布的任务含量。为了在深度特征空间中实现这两类因素的分离,将对比度学习引入了一个自行车框架中,以通过指导与潜在因素相关的生成的图像来学习分离的表示形式。通过这种表述,提出的对比度拆除的脱掩护方法(CDD-GAN)采用负面发电机与编码器网络合作以交替进行更新,以产生挑战性负面对手的队列。然后,这些负面的对手是端到端训练的,以及骨干代表网络,以通过最大化对抗性对比损失来增强歧视性信息并促进因素分离性能。在培训期间,我们进一步表明,硬性负面例子可以抑制任务 - 无关紧要的因素和未配对的清晰景象可以增强与任务相关的因素,以便更好地促进雾霾去除并帮助图像恢复。对合成和现实世界数据集的广泛实验表明,我们的方法对现有的未配对飞行基线的表现良好。
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This work focuses on unsupervised representation learning in person re-identification (ReID). Recent self-supervised contrastive learning methods learn invariance by maximizing the representation similarity between two augmented views of a same image. However, traditional data augmentation may bring to the fore undesirable distortions on identity features, which is not always favorable in id-sensitive ReID tasks. In this paper, we propose to replace traditional data augmentation with a generative adversarial network (GAN) that is targeted to generate augmented views for contrastive learning. A 3D mesh guided person image generator is proposed to disentangle a person image into id-related and id-unrelated features. Deviating from previous GAN-based ReID methods that only work in id-unrelated space (pose and camera style), we conduct GAN-based augmentation on both id-unrelated and id-related features. We further propose specific contrastive losses to help our network learn invariance from id-unrelated and id-related augmentations. By jointly training the generative and the contrastive modules, our method achieves new state-of-the-art unsupervised person ReID performance on mainstream large-scale benchmarks.
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