大规模蛋白质语言模型(PLM)在蛋白质预测任务中的性能提高,范围从3D结构预测到各种功能预测。特别是,Alphafold(一种开创性的AI系统)可能会重塑结构生物学。但是,尚未探索超出结构预测的AlphaFold,Evoformer的PLM模块的效用。在本文中,我们研究了三个流行PLM的表示能力:ESM-1B(单序),MSA转换器(多个序列比对)和Evoformer(结构),并特别关注Evoformer。具体而言,我们旨在回答以下关键问题:(i)作为Alphafold的一部分,Evoformer是否会产生可预测蛋白质功能的表示形式? (ii)如果是的,可以替换ESM-1B和MSA转换器? (iii)这些PLM多少依赖于进化相关的蛋白质数据?在这方面,他们彼此补充吗?我们通过实证研究以及新的见解和结论来比较这些模型。最后,我们发布代码和数据集以获得可重复性。
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基于AI的蛋白质结构预测管道(例如AlphaFold2)已达到了几乎实验的准确性。这些高级管道主要依赖于多个序列比对(MSA)和模板作为输入来从同源序列中学习共进化信息。但是,从蛋白质数据库中搜索MSA和模板很耗时,通常需要数十分钟。因此,我们尝试通过仅使用蛋白质的主要序列来探索快速蛋白质结构预测的极限。提出了Helixfold单一的形式将大规模蛋白质语言模型与AlphaFold2的优质几何学习能力相结合。我们提出的方法,Helixfold单个,首先预先培训是一种大规模蛋白质语言模型(PLM),使用了数以千计的主要序列利用自我监督的学习范式,将用作MSA和模板的替代方法共同进化信息。然后,通过将预训练的PLM和AlphaFold2的必需组件组合在一起,我们获得了一个端到端可区分模型,以仅从主要序列预测原子的3D坐标。 Helixfold-Single在数据集CASP14和Cameo中得到了验证,通过基于MSA的方法,具有大型同源家庭的基于MSA的方法,从而实现了竞争精度。此外,与主流管道进行蛋白质结构预测相比,Helixfold单个的时间比主流管道的时间少得多,这表明其在需要许多预测的任务中的潜力。 HelixFold-Single的守则可在https://github.com/paddlepaddle/paddlehelix/tree/dev/dev/pprotein_folding/helixfold-single上获得,我们还在https://paddlehelix.baidu.com上提供稳定的Web服务。 /app/drug/protein-single/prevast。
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Deep learning has been widely used for protein engineering. However, it is limited by the lack of sufficient experimental data to train an accurate model for predicting the functional fitness of high-order mutants. Here, we develop SESNet, a supervised deep-learning model to predict the fitness for protein mutants by leveraging both sequence and structure information, and exploiting attention mechanism. Our model integrates local evolutionary context from homologous sequences, the global evolutionary context encoding rich semantic from the universal protein sequence space and the structure information accounting for the microenvironment around each residue in a protein. We show that SESNet outperforms state-of-the-art models for predicting the sequence-function relationship on 26 deep mutational scanning datasets. More importantly, we propose a data augmentation strategy by leveraging the data from unsupervised models to pre-train our model. After that, our model can achieve strikingly high accuracy in prediction of the fitness of protein mutants, especially for the higher order variants (> 4 mutation sites), when finetuned by using only a small number of experimental mutation data (<50). The strategy proposed is of great practical value as the required experimental effort, i.e., producing a few tens of experimental mutation data on a given protein, is generally affordable by an ordinary biochemical group and can be applied on almost any protein.
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The prediction of protein structures from sequences is an important task for function prediction, drug design, and related biological processes understanding. Recent advances have proved the power of language models (LMs) in processing the protein sequence databases, which inherit the advantages of attention networks and capture useful information in learning representations for proteins. The past two years have witnessed remarkable success in tertiary protein structure prediction (PSP), including evolution-based and single-sequence-based PSP. It seems that instead of using energy-based models and sampling procedures, protein language model (pLM)-based pipelines have emerged as mainstream paradigms in PSP. Despite the fruitful progress, the PSP community needs a systematic and up-to-date survey to help bridge the gap between LMs in the natural language processing (NLP) and PSP domains and introduce their methodologies, advancements and practical applications. To this end, in this paper, we first introduce the similarities between protein and human languages that allow LMs extended to pLMs, and applied to protein databases. Then, we systematically review recent advances in LMs and pLMs from the perspectives of network architectures, pre-training strategies, applications, and commonly-used protein databases. Next, different types of methods for PSP are discussed, particularly how the pLM-based architectures function in the process of protein folding. Finally, we identify challenges faced by the PSP community and foresee promising research directions along with the advances of pLMs. This survey aims to be a hands-on guide for researchers to understand PSP methods, develop pLMs and tackle challenging problems in this field for practical purposes.
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现在,我们目睹了深度学习方法在各种蛋白质(或数据集)中的重大进展。但是,缺乏评估不同方法的性能的标准基准,这阻碍了该领域的深度学习进步。在本文中,我们提出了一种称为PEER的基准,这是一种用于蛋白质序列理解的全面和多任务基准。 PEER提供了一组不同的蛋白质理解任务,包括蛋白质功能预测,蛋白质定位预测,蛋白质结构预测,蛋白质 - 蛋白质相互作用预测和蛋白质 - 配体相互作用预测。我们评估每个任务的不同类型的基于序列的方法,包括传统的特征工程方法,不同的序列编码方法以及大规模的预训练蛋白质语言模型。此外,我们还研究了这些方法在多任务学习设置下的性能。实验结果表明,大规模的预训练蛋白质语言模型可实现大多数单个任务的最佳性能,共同训练多个任务进一步提高了性能。该基准的数据集和源代码均可在https://github.com/deepgraphlearning/peer_benchmark上获得
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蛋白质 - 蛋白质相互作用(PPI)对于许多生物过程至关重要,其中两种或更多种蛋白质物理地结合在一起以实现其功能。建模PPI对许多生物医学应用有用,例如疫苗设计,抗体治疗和肽药物发现。预先训练蛋白质模型以学习有效的代表对于PPI至关重要。对于PPI的大多数预训练模型是基于序列的,这是基于序列的,该模型是基于氨基酸序列的自然语言处理中使用的语言模型。更先进的作品利用结构感知的预训练技术,利用已知蛋白质结构的联系地图。然而,既不是序列和联系地图都可以完全表征蛋白质的结构和功能,这与PPI问题密切相关。灵感来自这种洞察力,我们提出了一种具有三种方式的多模式蛋白质预训练模型:序列,结构和功能(S2F)。值得注意的是,而不是使用联系地图来学习氨基酸水平刚性结构,而是用重度原子的点云的拓扑复合物编码结构特征。它允许我们的模型不仅仅是基于底部的结构信息,还可以了解侧链。此外,我们的模型包括从文献或手动注释中提取的蛋白质的功能描述中的知识。我们的实验表明,S2F学习蛋白质嵌入物,在包括各种PPI,包括跨物种PPI,抗体 - 抗原亲和预测,抗体中和对SARS-COV-2的抗体中和预测的蛋白质嵌入,以及突变驱动的结合亲和力变化预测。
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In the field of antibody engineering, an essential task is to design a novel antibody whose paratopes bind to a specific antigen with correct epitopes. Understanding antibody structure and its paratope can facilitate a mechanistic understanding of its function. Therefore, antibody structure prediction from its sequence alone has always been a highly valuable problem for de novo antibody design. AlphaFold2, a breakthrough in the field of structural biology, provides a solution to predict protein structure based on protein sequences and computationally expensive coevolutionary multiple sequence alignments (MSAs). However, the computational efficiency and undesirable prediction accuracy of antibodies, especially on the complementarity-determining regions (CDRs) of antibodies limit their applications in the industrially high-throughput drug design. To learn an informative representation of antibodies, we employed a deep antibody language model (ALM) on curated sequences from the observed antibody space database via a transformer model. We also developed a novel model named xTrimoABFold to predict antibody structure from antibody sequence based on the pretrained ALM as well as efficient evoformers and structural modules. The model was trained end-to-end on the antibody structures in PDB by minimizing the ensemble loss of domain-specific focal loss on CDR and the frame-aligned point loss. xTrimoABFold outperforms AlphaFold2 and other protein language model based SOTAs, e.g., OmegaFold, HelixFold-Single, and IgFold with a large significant margin (30+\% improvement on RMSD) while performing 151 times faster than AlphaFold2. To the best of our knowledge, xTrimoABFold achieved state-of-the-art antibody structure prediction. Its improvement in both accuracy and efficiency makes it a valuable tool for de novo antibody design and could make further improvements in immuno-theory.
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基于注意的蛋白质序列训练的基于注意力的模型在分类和与人工智能驱动的蛋白质设计相关的分类和生成任务方面取得了令人难以置信的成功。但是,我们对非常大规模的模型和数据在有效的蛋白质模型开发中发挥作用。我们介绍了一套名为progen2的蛋白质语言模型的套件,该模型最高为6.4b参数,并在从基因组,宏基因组和免疫曲目数据库中绘制的不同序列数据集上进行了培训。 GEECEN2模型在捕获观察到的进化序列的分布,生成新型的可行序列并预测蛋白质适应性的情况下显示出最先进的性能,而无需额外的芬特。随着蛋白质序列的大型大小和原始数量继续变得更加广泛,我们的结果表明,越来越多的重点需要放在提供给蛋白质序列模型的数据分布上。我们在https://github.com/salesforce/progen上发布了PECEN2模型和代码。
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最近,自我监督的神经语言模型最近已应用于生物序列数据,进步的结构,功能和突变效应预测。一些蛋白质语言模型,包括MSA变压器和Alphafold的Evoformer,将进化相关蛋白的多个序列比对作为输入。 MSA Transformer的行专注的简单组合导致了最新的无监督结构接触预测。我们证明,MSA变压器柱浓度的简单和通用组合与MSA中序列之间的锤距距离密切相关。因此,基于MSA的语言模型编码详细的系统发育关系。我们进一步表明,这些模型可以将编码功能和结构约束的共同进化信号与反映历史意义的系统发育相关性分开。为了评估这一点,我们从POTTS模型中生成了在天然MSA训练的POTTS模型的合成MSA。我们发现,当使用MSA变压器与推断的POTTS模型时,无监督的接触预测对系统发育噪声的弹性更大。
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Geometric deep learning has recently achieved great success in non-Euclidean domains, and learning on 3D structures of large biomolecules is emerging as a distinct research area. However, its efficacy is largely constrained due to the limited quantity of structural data. Meanwhile, protein language models trained on substantial 1D sequences have shown burgeoning capabilities with scale in a broad range of applications. Nevertheless, no preceding studies consider combining these different protein modalities to promote the representation power of geometric neural networks. To address this gap, we make the foremost step to integrate the knowledge learned by well-trained protein language models into several state-of-the-art geometric networks. Experiments are evaluated on a variety of protein representation learning benchmarks, including protein-protein interface prediction, model quality assessment, protein-protein rigid-body docking, and binding affinity prediction, leading to an overall improvement of 20% over baselines and the new state-of-the-art performance. Strong evidence indicates that the incorporation of protein language models' knowledge enhances geometric networks' capacity by a significant margin and can be generalized to complex tasks.
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数据驱动的预测方法可以有效,准确地将蛋白质序列转化为生物活性结构,对于科学研究和治疗发展非常有价值。使用共同进化信息确定准确的折叠格局是现代蛋白质结构预测方法的成功基础。作为最新的状态,AlphaFold2显着提高了准确性,而无需进行明确的共同进化分析。然而,其性能仍然显示出对可用序列同源物的强烈依赖。我们研究了这种依赖性的原因,并提出了一种元生成模型Evogen,以弥补较差的MSA靶标的Alphafold2的表现不佳。 Evogen使我们能够通过降低搜索的MSA或生成虚拟MSA来操纵折叠景观,并帮助Alphafold2在低数据表方面准确地折叠,甚至通过单序预测来实现令人鼓舞的性能。能够用很少的MSA做出准确的预测,不仅可以更好地概括为孤儿序列的Alphafold2,而且使其在高通量应用程序中的使用民主化。此外,Evogen与AlphaFold2结合产生了一种概率结构生成方法,该方法可以探索蛋白质序列的替代构象,并且序列生成的任务意识可区分算法将使包括蛋白质设计在内的其他相关任务受益。
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RNA结构的确定和预测可以促进靶向RNA的药物开发和可用的共性元素设计。但是,由于RNA的固有结构灵活性,所有三种主流结构测定方法(X射线晶体学,NMR和Cryo-EM)在解决RNA结构时会遇到挑战,这导致已解决的RNA结构的稀缺性。计算预测方法作为实验技术的补充。但是,\ textit {de从头}的方法都不基于深度学习,因为可用的结构太少。取而代之的是,他们中的大多数采用了耗时的采样策略,而且它们的性能似乎达到了高原。在这项工作中,我们开发了第一种端到端的深度学习方法E2FOLD-3D,以准确执行\ textit {de de novo} RNA结构预测。提出了几个新的组件来克服数据稀缺性,例如完全不同的端到端管道,二级结构辅助自我鉴定和参数有效的骨干配方。此类设计在独立的,非重叠的RNA拼图测试数据集上进行了验证,并达到平均sub-4 \ aa {}根平方偏差,与最先进的方法相比,它表现出了优越的性能。有趣的是,它在预测RNA复杂结构时也可以取得令人鼓舞的结果,这是先前系统无法完成的壮举。当E2FOLD-3D与实验技术耦合时,RNA结构预测场可以大大提高。
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A long-standing goal of machine-learning-based protein engineering is to accelerate the discovery of novel mutations that improve the function of a known protein. We introduce a sampling framework for evolving proteins in silico that supports mixing and matching a variety of unsupervised models, such as protein language models, and supervised models that predict protein function from sequence. By composing these models, we aim to improve our ability to evaluate unseen mutations and constrain search to regions of sequence space likely to contain functional proteins. Our framework achieves this without any model fine-tuning or re-training by constructing a product of experts distribution directly in discrete protein space. Instead of resorting to brute force search or random sampling, which is typical of classic directed evolution, we introduce a fast MCMC sampler that uses gradients to propose promising mutations. We conduct in silico directed evolution experiments on wide fitness landscapes and across a range of different pre-trained unsupervised models, including a 650M parameter protein language model. Our results demonstrate an ability to efficiently discover variants with high evolutionary likelihood as well as estimated activity multiple mutations away from a wild type protein, suggesting our sampler provides a practical and effective new paradigm for machine-learning-based protein engineering.
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已经开发出各种机器学习模型,包括深神经网络模型,以预测错义(非同义)突变的有害性。尽管如此,使用更复杂的自适应机器学习方法对生物学问题的新审查可能会受益于当前最新水平的潜在改进。自然语言处理领域的最新进展显示了变压器模型 - 一种深神经网络类型,在与上下文依赖性建模序列信息方面特别有力。在这项研究中,我们介绍了Mutformer,这是一种基于变压器的模型,用于预测有害错义突变。 Mutformer使用人类基因组中的参考和突变蛋白序列作为主要特征。它结合了自我发项层和卷积层的结合,以学习蛋白质序列中氨基酸突变之间的远距离依赖性和短期依赖性。我们在参考蛋白序列和突变蛋白序列上预先训练融合剂,该蛋白质序列是由于人类种群中观察到的常见遗传变异而产生的。接下来,我们检查了不同的微调方法,以成功地将模型应用于错义突变的有害性预测。最后,我们在多个测试数据集上评估了杂货商的性能。我们发现,在各种现有工具中,杂种器表现出相似或改进的性能,包括使用常规机器学习方法的工具(例如,支持向量机,卷积神经网络,经常性神经网络)。我们得出的结论是,杂货商成功考虑了以前研究中未探索的序列特征,并且可能会补充现有的计算预测或经验产生的功能分数,以提高我们对疾病变异的理解。
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Proteins are fundamental biological entities that play a key role in life activities. The amino acid sequences of proteins can be folded into stable 3D structures in the real physicochemical world, forming a special kind of sequence-structure data. With the development of Artificial Intelligence (AI) techniques, Protein Representation Learning (PRL) has recently emerged as a promising research topic for extracting informative knowledge from massive protein sequences or structures. To pave the way for AI researchers with little bioinformatics background, we present a timely and comprehensive review of PRL formulations and existing PRL methods from the perspective of model architectures, pretext tasks, and downstream applications. We first briefly introduce the motivations for protein representation learning and formulate it in a general and unified framework. Next, we divide existing PRL methods into three main categories: sequence-based, structure-based, and sequence-structure co-modeling. Finally, we discuss some technical challenges and potential directions for improving protein representation learning. The latest advances in PRL methods are summarized in a GitHub repository https://github.com/LirongWu/awesome-protein-representation-learning.
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