已知深神经网络(DNN)容易受到对抗性攻击的影响。已经提出了一系列防御方法来培训普遍稳健的DNN,其中对抗性培训已经证明了有希望的结果。然而,尽管对对抗性培训开发的初步理解,但从架构角度来看,它仍然不明确,从架构角度来看,什么配置可以导致更强大的DNN。在本文中,我们通过全面调查网络宽度和深度对前对方培训的DNN的鲁棒性的全面调查来解决这一差距。具体地,我们进行以下关键观察:1)更多参数(更高的模型容量)不一定有助于对抗冒险; 2)网络的最后阶段(最后一组块)降低能力实际上可以改善对抗性的鲁棒性; 3)在相同的参数预算下,存在对抗性鲁棒性的最佳架构配置。我们还提供了一个理论分析,解释了为什么这种网络配置可以帮助鲁棒性。这些架构见解可以帮助设计对抗的强制性DNN。代码可用于\ url {https://github.com/hanxunh/robustwrn}。
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Efforts to improve the adversarial robustness of convolutional neural networks have primarily focused on developing more effective adversarial training methods. In contrast, little attention was devoted to analyzing the role of architectural elements (such as topology, depth, and width) on adversarial robustness. This paper seeks to bridge this gap and present a holistic study on the impact of architectural design on adversarial robustness. We focus on residual networks and consider architecture design at the block level, i.e., topology, kernel size, activation, and normalization, as well as at the network scaling level, i.e., depth and width of each block in the network. In both cases, we first derive insights through systematic ablative experiments. Then we design a robust residual block, dubbed RobustResBlock, and a compound scaling rule, dubbed RobustScaling, to distribute depth and width at the desired FLOP count. Finally, we combine RobustResBlock and RobustScaling and present a portfolio of adversarially robust residual networks, RobustResNets, spanning a broad spectrum of model capacities. Experimental validation across multiple datasets and adversarial attacks demonstrate that RobustResNets consistently outperform both the standard WRNs and other existing robust architectures, achieving state-of-the-art AutoAttack robust accuracy of 61.1% without additional data and 63.7% with 500K external data while being $2\times$ more compact in terms of parameters. Code is available at \url{ https://github.com/zhichao-lu/robust-residual-network}
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改善深度神经网络(DNN)对抗对抗示例的鲁棒性是安全深度学习的重要而挑战性问题。跨越现有的防御技术,具有预计梯度体面(PGD)的对抗培训是最有效的。对手训练通过最大化分类丢失,通过最大限度地减少从内在最大化生成的逆势示例的丢失来解决\ excepitient {内部最大化}生成侵略性示例的初始最大优化问题。 。因此,衡量内部最大化的衡量标准是如何对对抗性培训至关重要的。在本文中,我们提出了这种标准,即限制优化(FOSC)的一阶静止条件,以定量评估内部最大化中发现的对抗性实例的收敛质量。通过FOSC,我们发现,为了确保更好的稳健性,必须在培训的\ Texit {稍后的阶段}中具有更好的收敛质量的对抗性示例。然而,在早期阶段,高收敛质量的对抗例子不是必需的,甚至可能导致稳健性差。基于这些观察,我们提出了一种\ Texit {动态}培训策略,逐步提高产生的对抗性实例的收敛质量,这显着提高了对抗性培训的鲁棒性。我们的理论和经验结果表明了该方法的有效性。
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Deep neural networks (DNNs) are found to be vulnerable to adversarial attacks, and various methods have been proposed for the defense. Among these methods, adversarial training has been drawing increasing attention because of its simplicity and effectiveness. However, the performance of the adversarial training is greatly limited by the architectures of target DNNs, which often makes the resulting DNNs with poor accuracy and unsatisfactory robustness. To address this problem, we propose DSARA to automatically search for the neural architectures that are accurate and robust after adversarial training. In particular, we design a novel cell-based search space specially for adversarial training, which improves the accuracy and the robustness upper bound of the searched architectures by carefully designing the placement of the cells and the proportional relationship of the filter numbers. Then we propose a two-stage search strategy to search for both accurate and robust neural architectures. At the first stage, the architecture parameters are optimized to minimize the adversarial loss, which makes full use of the effectiveness of the adversarial training in enhancing the robustness. At the second stage, the architecture parameters are optimized to minimize both the natural loss and the adversarial loss utilizing the proposed multi-objective adversarial training method, so that the searched neural architectures are both accurate and robust. We evaluate the proposed algorithm under natural data and various adversarial attacks, which reveals the superiority of the proposed method in terms of both accurate and robust architectures. We also conclude that accurate and robust neural architectures tend to deploy very different structures near the input and the output, which has great practical significance on both hand-crafting and automatically designing of accurate and robust neural architectures.
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The study on improving the robustness of deep neural networks against adversarial examples grows rapidly in recent years. Among them, adversarial training is the most promising one, which flattens the input loss landscape (loss change with respect to input) via training on adversarially perturbed examples. However, how the widely used weight loss landscape (loss change with respect to weight) performs in adversarial training is rarely explored. In this paper, we investigate the weight loss landscape from a new perspective, and identify a clear correlation between the flatness of weight loss landscape and robust generalization gap. Several well-recognized adversarial training improvements, such as early stopping, designing new objective functions, or leveraging unlabeled data, all implicitly flatten the weight loss landscape. Based on these observations, we propose a simple yet effective Adversarial Weight Perturbation (AWP) to explicitly regularize the flatness of weight loss landscape, forming a double-perturbation mechanism in the adversarial training framework that adversarially perturbs both inputs and weights. Extensive experiments demonstrate that AWP indeed brings flatter weight loss landscape and can be easily incorporated into various existing adversarial training methods to further boost their adversarial robustness.
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已知深度神经网络(DNN)容易受到用不可察觉的扰动制作的对抗性示例的影响,即,输入图像的微小变化会引起错误的分类,从而威胁着基于深度学习的部署系统的可靠性。经常采用对抗训练(AT)来通过训练损坏和干净的数据的混合物来提高DNN的鲁棒性。但是,大多数基于AT的方法在处理\ textit {转移的对抗示例}方面是无效的,这些方法是生成以欺骗各种防御模型的生成的,因此无法满足现实情况下提出的概括要求。此外,对抗性训练一般的国防模型不能对具有扰动的输入产生可解释的预测,而不同的领域专家则需要一个高度可解释的强大模型才能了解DNN的行为。在这项工作中,我们提出了一种基于Jacobian规范和选择性输入梯度正则化(J-SIGR)的方法,该方法通过Jacobian归一化提出了线性化的鲁棒性,还将基于扰动的显着性图正规化,以模仿模型的可解释预测。因此,我们既可以提高DNN的防御能力和高解释性。最后,我们评估了跨不同体系结构的方法,以针对强大的对抗性攻击。实验表明,提出的J-Sigr赋予了针对转移的对抗攻击的鲁棒性,我们还表明,来自神经网络的预测易于解释。
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对抗性训练已被证明是捍卫对抗性例子的最有效的补救措施之一,但通常会遭受在看不见的测试对手身上巨大的稳定性概括差距,被认为是\ emph {对抗性强大的概括性问题}。尽管最初是针对对抗性强大的概括的初步理解,但从建筑的角度来看,知之甚少。因此,本文试图通过系统地检查最具代表性的体系结构(例如,视觉变压器和CNN)来弥合差距。特别是,我们首先对Imagenette和CIFAR-10数据集进行了对抗训练的架构\ Emph {20}对几个对手(多个$ \ ell_p $ -norm -norm对照攻击)的架构,并发现视觉变形金刚(例如,PVT,Coatnet)经常产生更好的对抗性稳定性。为了进一步了解哪种建筑成分有利于对抗性的强大概括,我们深入研究了几个关键的构建块,并通过Rademacher复杂性的镜头揭示了这一事实,即更高的重量稀疏性对更好的对手的视觉变形金刚的强大良好概括有很大贡献,这通常可以实现这一目标,这是可以实现的。通过注意层。我们的广泛研究发现了建筑设计与对抗性稳定的概括之间的密切关系,并实例化了一些重要的见解。我们希望我们的发现可以帮助更好地理解设计强大的深度学习体系结构的机制。
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Recent work has demonstrated that deep neural networks are vulnerable to adversarial examples-inputs that are almost indistinguishable from natural data and yet classified incorrectly by the network. In fact, some of the latest findings suggest that the existence of adversarial attacks may be an inherent weakness of deep learning models. To address this problem, we study the adversarial robustness of neural networks through the lens of robust optimization. This approach provides us with a broad and unifying view on much of the prior work on this topic. Its principled nature also enables us to identify methods for both training and attacking neural networks that are reliable and, in a certain sense, universal. In particular, they specify a concrete security guarantee that would protect against any adversary. These methods let us train networks with significantly improved resistance to a wide range of adversarial attacks. They also suggest the notion of security against a first-order adversary as a natural and broad security guarantee. We believe that robustness against such well-defined classes of adversaries is an important stepping stone towards fully resistant deep learning models. 1
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对抗性的鲁棒性已经成为深度学习的核心目标,无论是在理论和实践中。然而,成功的方法来改善对抗的鲁棒性(如逆势训练)在不受干扰的数据上大大伤害了泛化性能。这可能会对对抗性鲁棒性如何影响现实世界系统的影响(即,如果它可以提高未受干扰的数据的准确性),许多人可能选择放弃鲁棒性)。我们提出内插对抗培训,该培训最近雇用了在对抗培训框架内基于插值的基于插值的培训方法。在CiFar -10上,对抗性训练增加了标准测试错误(当没有对手时)从4.43%到12.32%,而我们的内插对抗培训我们保留了对抗性的鲁棒性,同时实现了仅6.45%的标准测试误差。通过我们的技术,强大模型标准误差的相对增加从178.1%降至仅为45.5%。此外,我们提供内插对抗性培训的数学分析,以确认其效率,并在鲁棒性和泛化方面展示其优势。
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Adversarial training based on the minimax formulation is necessary for obtaining adversarial robustness of trained models. However, it is conservative or even pessimistic so that it sometimes hurts the natural generalization. In this paper, we raise a fundamental question-do we have to trade off natural generalization for adversarial robustness? We argue that adversarial training is to employ confident adversarial data for updating the current model. We propose a novel formulation of friendly adversarial training (FAT): rather than employing most adversarial data maximizing the loss, we search for least adversarial data (i.e., friendly adversarial data) minimizing the loss, among the adversarial data that are confidently misclassified. Our novel formulation is easy to implement by just stopping the most adversarial data searching algorithms such as PGD (projected gradient descent) early, which we call early-stopped PGD. Theoretically, FAT is justified by an upper bound of the adversarial risk. Empirically, early-stopped PGD allows us to answer the earlier question negatively-adversarial robustness can indeed be achieved without compromising the natural generalization.* Equal contribution † Preliminary work was done during an internship at RIKEN AIP.
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对抗训练方法是针对对抗性例子的最先进(SOTA)经验防御方法。事实证明,许多正则化方法与对抗训练的组合有效。然而,这种正则化方法是在时域中实现的。由于对抗性脆弱性可以被视为一种高频现象,因此必须调节频域中的对抗训练的神经网络模型。面对这些挑战,我们对小波的正则化属性进行了理论分析,可以增强对抗性训练。我们提出了一种基于HAAR小波分解的小波正则化方法,该方法称为小波平均池。该小波正则化模块集成到宽的残留神经网络中,因此形成了新的WideWavelEtResnet模型。在CIFAR-10和CIFAR-100的数据集上,我们提出的对抗小波训练方法在不同类型的攻击下实现了相当大的鲁棒性。它验证了以下假设:我们的小波正则化方法可以增强对抗性的鲁棒性,尤其是在深宽的神经网络中。实施了频率原理(F原理)和解释性的可视化实验,以显示我们方法的有效性。提出了基于不同小波碱函数的详细比较。该代码可在存储库中获得:\ url {https://github.com/momo1986/AdversarialWavelTraining}。
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作为一种概率建模技术,基于流的模型在无损压缩\ cite {idf,idf ++,lbb,ivpf,iflow}的领域表现出了巨大的潜力。与其他深层生成模型(例如自动回应,VAE)\ cite {bitswap,hilloc,pixelcnn ++,pixelsnail},这些模型明确地模拟了数据分布概率,因此基于流的模型的性能更好,因为它们的出色概率密度估计和满意度的概率和满意度的概率。在基于流量的模型中,多尺度体系结构提供了从浅层到输出层的快捷方式,从而大大降低了计算复杂性并避免添加更多层时性能降解。这对于构建基于先进的基于流动的可学习射击映射至关重要。此外,实用压缩任务中模型设计的轻量级要求表明,具有多尺度体系结构的流量在编码复杂性和压缩效率之间取得了最佳的权衡。
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在本文中,我们询问视觉变形金刚(VIT)是否可以作为改善机器学习模型对抗逃避攻击的对抗性鲁棒性的基础结构。尽管较早的作品集中在改善卷积神经网络上,但我们表明VIT也非常适合对抗训练以实现竞争性能。我们使用自定义的对抗训练配方实现了这一目标,该配方是在Imagenet数据集的一部分上使用严格的消融研究发现的。与卷积相比,VIT的规范培训配方建议强大的数据增强,部分是为了补偿注意力模块的视力归纳偏置。我们表明,该食谱在用于对抗训练时可实现次优性能。相比之下,我们发现省略所有重型数据增强,并添加一些额外的零件($ \ varepsilon $ -Warmup和更大的重量衰减),从而大大提高了健壮的Vits的性能。我们表明,我们的配方在完整的Imagenet-1k上概括了不同类别的VIT体系结构和大规模模型。此外,调查了模型鲁棒性的原因,我们表明,在使用我们的食谱时,在训练过程中产生强烈的攻击更加容易,这会在测试时提高鲁棒性。最后,我们通过提出一种量化对抗性扰动的语义性质并强调其与模型的鲁棒性的相关性来进一步研究对抗训练的结果。总体而言,我们建议社区应避免将VIT的规范培训食谱转换为在对抗培训的背景下进行强大的培训和重新思考常见的培训选择。
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对抗性可转移性是一种有趣的性质 - 针对一个模型制作的对抗性扰动也是对另一个模型有效的,而这些模型来自不同的模型家庭或培训过程。为了更好地保护ML系统免受对抗性攻击,提出了几个问题:对抗性转移性的充分条件是什么,以及如何绑定它?有没有办法降低对抗的转移性,以改善合奏ML模型的鲁棒性?为了回答这些问题,在这项工作中,我们首先在理论上分析和概述了模型之间的对抗性可转移的充分条件;然后提出一种实用的算法,以减少集合内基础模型之间的可转换,以提高其鲁棒性。我们的理论分析表明,只有促进基础模型梯度之间的正交性不足以确保低可转移性;与此同时,模型平滑度是控制可转移性的重要因素。我们还在某些条件下提供了对抗性可转移性的下界和上限。灵感来自我们的理论分析,我们提出了一种有效的可转让性,减少了平滑(TRS)集合培训策略,以通过实施基础模型之间的梯度正交性和模型平滑度来培训具有低可转换性的强大集成。我们对TRS进行了广泛的实验,并与6个最先进的集合基线进行比较,防止不同数据集的8个白箱攻击,表明所提出的TRS显着优于所有基线。
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随机平滑是目前是最先进的方法,用于构建来自Neural Networks的可认真稳健的分类器,以防止$ \ ell_2 $ - vitersarial扰动。在范例下,分类器的稳健性与预测置信度对齐,即,对平滑分类器的较高的置信性意味着更好的鲁棒性。这使我们能够在校准平滑分类器的信仰方面重新思考准确性和鲁棒性之间的基本权衡。在本文中,我们提出了一种简单的训练方案,Coined Spiremix,通过自我混合来控制平滑分类器的鲁棒性:它沿着每个输入对逆势扰动方向进行样品的凸起组合。该提出的程序有效地识别过度自信,在平滑分类器的情况下,作为有限的稳健性的原因,并提供了一种直观的方法来自适应地在这些样本之间设置新的决策边界,以实现更好的鲁棒性。我们的实验结果表明,与现有的最先进的强大培训方法相比,该方法可以显着提高平滑分类器的认证$ \ ell_2 $ -toSpustness。
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Adversarial training (AT) is one of the most effective ways for improving the robustness of deep convolution neural networks (CNNs). Just like common network training, the effectiveness of AT relies on the design of basic network components. In this paper, we conduct an in-depth study on the role of the basic ReLU activation component in AT for robust CNNs. We find that the spatially-shared and input-independent properties of ReLU activation make CNNs less robust to white-box adversarial attacks with either standard or adversarial training. To address this problem, we extend ReLU to a novel Sparta activation function (Spatially attentive and Adversarially Robust Activation), which enables CNNs to achieve both higher robustness, i.e., lower error rate on adversarial examples, and higher accuracy, i.e., lower error rate on clean examples, than the existing state-of-the-art (SOTA) activation functions. We further study the relationship between Sparta and the SOTA activation functions, providing more insights about the advantages of our method. With comprehensive experiments, we also find that the proposed method exhibits superior cross-CNN and cross-dataset transferability. For the former, the adversarially trained Sparta function for one CNN (e.g., ResNet-18) can be fixed and directly used to train another adversarially robust CNN (e.g., ResNet-34). For the latter, the Sparta function trained on one dataset (e.g., CIFAR-10) can be employed to train adversarially robust CNNs on another dataset (e.g., SVHN). In both cases, Sparta leads to CNNs with higher robustness than the vanilla ReLU, verifying the flexibility and versatility of the proposed method.
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