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Reasoning about human motion is an important prerequisite to safe and socially-aware robotic navigation. As a result, multi-agent behavior prediction has become a core component of modern human-robot interactive systems, such as self-driving cars. While there exist many methods for trajectory forecasting, most do not enforce dynamic constraints and do not account for environmental information (e.g., maps). Towards this end, we present Trajectron++, a modular, graph-structured recurrent model that forecasts the trajectories of a general number of diverse agents while incorporating agent dynamics and heterogeneous data (e.g., semantic maps). Trajectron++ is designed to be tightly integrated with robotic planning and control frameworks; for example, it can produce predictions that are optionally conditioned on ego-agent motion plans. We demonstrate its performance on several challenging real-world trajectory forecasting datasets, outperforming a wide array of state-ofthe-art deterministic and generative methods.
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Deep motion forecasting models have achieved great success when trained on a massive amount of data. Yet, they often perform poorly when training data is limited. To address this challenge, we propose a transfer learning approach for efficiently adapting pre-trained forecasting models to new domains, such as unseen agent types and scene contexts. Unlike the conventional fine-tuning approach that updates the whole encoder, our main idea is to reduce the amount of tunable parameters that can precisely account for the target domain-specific motion style. To this end, we introduce two components that exploit our prior knowledge of motion style shifts: (i) a low-rank motion style adapter that projects and adjusts the style features at a low-dimensional bottleneck; and (ii) a modular adapter strategy that disentangles the features of scene context and motion history to facilitate a fine-grained choice of adaptation layers. Through extensive experimentation, we show that our proposed adapter design, coined MoSA, outperforms prior methods on several forecasting benchmarks.
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Deep reinforcement learning algorithms require large amounts of experience to learn an individual task. While in principle meta-reinforcement learning (meta-RL) algorithms enable agents to learn new skills from small amounts of experience, several major challenges preclude their practicality. Current methods rely heavily on on-policy experience, limiting their sample efficiency. The also lack mechanisms to reason about task uncertainty when adapting to new tasks, limiting their effectiveness in sparse reward problems. In this paper, we address these challenges by developing an offpolicy meta-RL algorithm that disentangles task inference and control. In our approach, we perform online probabilistic filtering of latent task variables to infer how to solve a new task from small amounts of experience. This probabilistic interpretation enables posterior sampling for structured and efficient exploration. We demonstrate how to integrate these task variables with off-policy RL algorithms to achieve both metatraining and adaptation efficiency. Our method outperforms prior algorithms in sample efficiency by 20-100X as well as in asymptotic performance on several meta-RL benchmarks.
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Making safe and human-like decisions is an essential capability of autonomous driving systems and learning-based behavior planning is a promising pathway toward this objective. Distinguished from existing learning-based methods that directly output decisions, this work introduces a predictive behavior planning framework that learns to predict and evaluate from human driving data. Concretely, a behavior generation module first produces a diverse set of candidate behaviors in the form of trajectory proposals. Then the proposed conditional motion prediction network is employed to forecast other agents' future trajectories conditioned on each trajectory proposal. Given the candidate plans and associated prediction results, we learn a scoring module to evaluate the plans using maximum entropy inverse reinforcement learning (IRL). We conduct comprehensive experiments to validate the proposed framework on a large-scale real-world urban driving dataset. The results reveal that the conditional prediction model is able to forecast multiple possible future trajectories given a candidate behavior and the prediction results are reactive to different plans. Moreover, the IRL-based scoring module can properly evaluate the trajectory proposals and select close-to-human ones. The proposed framework outperforms other baseline methods in terms of similarity to human driving trajectories. Moreover, we find that the conditional prediction model can improve both prediction and planning performance compared to the non-conditional model, and learning the scoring module is critical to correctly evaluating the candidate plans to align with human drivers.
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We introduce a Deep Stochastic IOC 1 RNN Encoderdecoder framework, DESIRE, for the task of future predictions of multiple interacting agents in dynamic scenes. DESIRE effectively predicts future locations of objects in multiple scenes by 1) accounting for the multi-modal nature of the future prediction (i.e., given the same context, future may vary), 2) foreseeing the potential future outcomes and make a strategic prediction based on that, and 3) reasoning not only from the past motion history, but also from the scene context as well as the interactions among the agents. DESIRE achieves these in a single end-to-end trainable neural network model, while being computationally efficient. The model first obtains a diverse set of hypothetical future prediction samples employing a conditional variational autoencoder, which are ranked and refined by the following RNN scoring-regression module. Samples are scored by accounting for accumulated future rewards, which enables better long-term strategic decisions similar to IOC frameworks. An RNN scene context fusion module jointly captures past motion histories, the semantic scene context and interactions among multiple agents. A feedback mechanism iterates over the ranking and refinement to further boost the prediction accuracy. We evaluate our model on two publicly available datasets: KITTI and Stanford Drone Dataset. Our experiments show that the proposed model significantly improves the prediction accuracy compared to other baseline methods.
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We propose an algorithm for meta-learning that is model-agnostic, in the sense that it is compatible with any model trained with gradient descent and applicable to a variety of different learning problems, including classification, regression, and reinforcement learning. The goal of meta-learning is to train a model on a variety of learning tasks, such that it can solve new learning tasks using only a small number of training samples. In our approach, the parameters of the model are explicitly trained such that a small number of gradient steps with a small amount of training data from a new task will produce good generalization performance on that task. In effect, our method trains the model to be easy to fine-tune. We demonstrate that this approach leads to state-of-the-art performance on two fewshot image classification benchmarks, produces good results on few-shot regression, and accelerates fine-tuning for policy gradient reinforcement learning with neural network policies.
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自动驾驶的运动预测是一项艰巨的任务,因为复杂的驾驶场景导致静态和动态输入的异质组合。这是一个开放的问题,如何最好地表示和融合有关道路几何,车道连接,时变的交通信号状态以及动态代理的历史及其相互作用的历史。为了模拟这一不同的输入功能集,许多提出的方法旨在设计具有多种模态模块的同样复杂系统。这导致难以按严格的方式进行扩展,扩展或调整的系统以进行质量和效率。在本文中,我们介绍了Wayformer,这是一个基于注意力的运动架构,用于运动预测,简单而均匀。 Wayformer提供了一个紧凑的模型描述,该描述由基于注意力的场景编码器和解码器组成。在场景编码器中,我们研究了输入方式的早期,晚和等级融合的选择。对于每种融合类型,我们通过分解的注意力或潜在的查询关注来探索策略来折衷效率和质量。我们表明,尽管早期融合的结构简单,但不仅是情感不可知论,而且还取得了最先进的结果。
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学习来自观察数据的行为模式一直是运动预测的遗传方法。然而,目前的范式遭受了两种缺点:协会变化下的脆性和知识转移的低效。在这项工作中,我们建议从因果表现形式解决这些挑战。我们首先介绍了运动预测的因果形式主义,这将问题作为一种动态过程,其中三组潜在变量,即不变的机制,风格混乱和虚假功能。然后我们介绍一个学习框架,分别对待每个组:(i)与从不同地点收集的数据集的共同做法不同,我们通过不变性的损失来利用它们的微妙区分,鼓励模型抑制虚假相关; (ii)我们设计了一种模块化的架构,可以修理不变机制和风格混淆的表示,以近似因果图; (iii)我们介绍了一种风格的一致性损失,不仅强制实施了风格表示的结构,而且还用作自我监控信号,以便在飞行中进行测试时间改进。合成和实时数据集的实验结果表明,我们的三个提出的组件显着提高了学习运动表示的鲁棒性和可重用性,优于出现的先前最先进的运动预测模型,用于分发外概括和低次转移。
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元强化学习(RL)方法可以使用比标准RL少的数据级的元培训策略,但元培训本身既昂贵又耗时。如果我们可以在离线数据上进行元训练,那么我们可以重复使用相同的静态数据集,该数据集将一次标记为不同任务的奖励,以在元测试时间适应各种新任务的元训练策略。尽管此功能将使Meta-RL成为现实使用的实用工具,但离线META-RL提出了除在线META-RL或标准离线RL设置之外的其他挑战。 Meta-RL学习了一种探索策略,该策略收集了用于适应的数据,并元培训策略迅速适应了新任务的数据。由于该策略是在固定的离线数据集上进行了元训练的,因此当适应学识渊博的勘探策略收集的数据时,它可能表现得不可预测,这与离线数据有系统地不同,从而导致分布变化。我们提出了一种混合脱机元元素算法,该算法使用带有奖励的脱机数据来进行自适应策略,然后收集其他无监督的在线数据,而无需任何奖励标签来桥接这一分配变化。通过不需要在线收集的奖励标签,此数据可以便宜得多。我们将我们的方法比较了在模拟机器人的运动和操纵任务上进行离线元rl的先前工作,并发现使用其他无监督的在线数据收集可以显着提高元训练政策的自适应能力,从而匹配完全在线的表现。在一系列具有挑战性的域上,需要对新任务进行概括。
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自我监督学习(SSL)是一种新兴技术,已成功地用于培训卷积神经网络(CNNS)和图形神经网络(GNNS),以进行更可转移,可转换,可推广和稳健的代表性学习。然而,很少探索其对自动驾驶的运动预测。在这项研究中,我们报告了将自学纳入运动预测的首次系统探索和评估。我们首先建议研究四项新型的自我监督学习任务,以通过理论原理以及对挑战性的大规模argoverse数据集进行运动预测以及定量和定性比较。其次,我们指出,基于辅助SSL的学习设置不仅胜过预测方法,这些方法在性能准确性方面使用变压器,复杂的融合机制和复杂的在线密集目标候选优化算法,而且具有较低的推理时间和建筑复杂性。最后,我们进行了几项实验,以了解为什么SSL改善运动预测。代码在\ url {https://github.com/autovision-cloud/ssl-lanes}上开源。
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We propose a learning-based robust predictive control algorithm that compensates for significant uncertainty in the dynamics for a class of discrete-time systems that are nominally linear with an additive nonlinear component. Such systems commonly model the nonlinear effects of an unknown environment on a nominal system. We optimize over a class of nonlinear feedback policies inspired by certainty equivalent "estimate-and-cancel" control laws pioneered in classical adaptive control to achieve significant performance improvements in the presence of uncertainties of large magnitude, a setting in which existing learning-based predictive control algorithms often struggle to guarantee safety. In contrast to previous work in robust adaptive MPC, our approach allows us to take advantage of structure (i.e., the numerical predictions) in the a priori unknown dynamics learned online through function approximation. Our approach also extends typical nonlinear adaptive control methods to systems with state and input constraints even when we cannot directly cancel the additive uncertain function from the dynamics. We apply contemporary statistical estimation techniques to certify the system's safety through persistent constraint satisfaction with high probability. Moreover, we propose using Bayesian meta-learning algorithms that learn calibrated model priors to help satisfy the assumptions of the control design in challenging settings. Finally, we show in simulation that our method can accommodate more significant unknown dynamics terms than existing methods and that the use of Bayesian meta-learning allows us to adapt to the test environments more rapidly.
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预测行人运动对于人类行为分析以及安全有效的人类代理相互作用至关重要。但是,尽管取得了重大进展,但对于捕捉人类导航决策的不确定性和多模式的现有方法仍然具有挑战性。在本文中,我们提出了SocialVae,这是一种新颖的人类轨迹预测方法。社会节的核心是一种时间上的变性自动编码器体系结构,它利用随机反复的神经网络进行预测,结合社会注意力机制和向后的后近似值,以更好地提取行人导航策略。我们表明,社交活动改善了几个步行轨迹预测基准的最新性能,包括ETH/UCY基准,Stanford Drone DataSet和Sportvu NBA运动数据集。代码可在以下网址获得:https://github.com/xupei0610/socialvae。
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