嵌入式机器学习(ML)系统现在已成为部署ML服务任务的主要平台,预计对于培训ML模型而言非常重要。随之而来的是,在严格的内存约束下,总体高效部署,尤其是低功率和高吞吐量实现的挑战。在这种情况下,与常规SRAM相比,由于其非挥发性,较高的细胞密度和可伸缩性特征,STT-MRAM和SOT-MRAM等非易失性记忆(NVM)技术具有显着优势。虽然先前的工作已经调查了NVM对通用应用的几种架构含义,但在这项工作中,我们提出了DeepNVM ++,这是一个综合框架,用于表征,模型和分析基于NVM的GPU架构中的基于NVM的CACHES,通过结合技术特异性的技术应用程序(DL)应用程序(DL)应用程序。电路级模型和各种DL工作负载的实际内存行为。 DEEPNVM ++依赖于使用常规SRAM和新兴STT-MRAM和SOT-MRAM Technologies实施的最后级别缓存的ISO容量和ISO区域性能和能量模型。在ISO容量的情况下,与常规的SRAM相比,STT-MRAM和SOT-MRAM可提供高达3.8倍和4.7倍的能量延迟产品(EDP)的降低以及2.4倍和2.8倍面积。在ISO-AREA假设下,STT-MRAM和SOT-MRAM可提供高达2.2倍和2.4倍的EDP降低,并且与SRAM相比,分别可容纳2.3倍和3.3倍的缓存能力。我们还执行可伸缩性分析,并表明与大型缓存能力相比,STT-MRAM和SOT-MRAM与SRAM相比实现了EDP的降低。 DEEPNVM ++在STT-/SOT-MRAM技术上进行了证明,可用于DL应用中GPU中最后一级缓存的任何NVM技术的表征,建模和分析。
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Deep neural networks (DNNs) are currently widely used for many artificial intelligence (AI) applications including computer vision, speech recognition, and robotics. While DNNs deliver state-of-the-art accuracy on many AI tasks, it comes at the cost of high computational complexity. Accordingly, techniques that enable efficient processing of DNNs to improve energy efficiency and throughput without sacrificing application accuracy or increasing hardware cost are critical to the wide deployment of DNNs in AI systems.This article aims to provide a comprehensive tutorial and survey about the recent advances towards the goal of enabling efficient processing of DNNs. Specifically, it will provide an overview of DNNs, discuss various hardware platforms and architectures that support DNNs, and highlight key trends in reducing the computation cost of DNNs either solely via hardware design changes or via joint hardware design and DNN algorithm changes. It will also summarize various development resources that enable researchers and practitioners to quickly get started in this field, and highlight important benchmarking metrics and design considerations that should be used for evaluating the rapidly growing number of DNN hardware designs, optionally including algorithmic co-designs, being proposed in academia and industry.The reader will take away the following concepts from this article: understand the key design considerations for DNNs; be able to evaluate different DNN hardware implementations with benchmarks and comparison metrics; understand the trade-offs between various hardware architectures and platforms; be able to evaluate the utility of various DNN design techniques for efficient processing; and understand recent implementation trends and opportunities.
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Increasing popularity of deep-learning-powered applications raises the issue of vulnerability of neural networks to adversarial attacks. In other words, hardly perceptible changes in input data lead to the output error in neural network hindering their utilization in applications that involve decisions with security risks. A number of previous works have already thoroughly evaluated the most commonly used configuration - Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) against different types of adversarial attacks. Moreover, recent works demonstrated transferability of the some adversarial examples across different neural network models. This paper studied robustness of the new emerging models such as SpinalNet-based neural networks and Compact Convolutional Transformers (CCT) on image classification problem of CIFAR-10 dataset. Each architecture was tested against four White-box attacks and three Black-box attacks. Unlike VGG and SpinalNet models, attention-based CCT configuration demonstrated large span between strong robustness and vulnerability to adversarial examples. Eventually, the study of transferability between VGG, VGG-inspired SpinalNet and pretrained CCT 7/3x1 models was conducted. It was shown that despite high effectiveness of the attack on the certain individual model, this does not guarantee the transferability to other models.
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低功率边缘-AI功能对于支持元视野的设备扩展现实(XR)应用至关重要。在这项工作中,我们研究了两个代表性的XR工作负载:(i)手动检测和(ii)眼睛分割,用于硬件设计空间探索。对于这两种应用,我们都会训练深层神经网络,并分析量化和硬件特定瓶颈的影响。通过模拟,我们评估了CPU和两个收缩推理加速器实现。接下来,我们将这些硬件解决方案与先进的技术节点进行比较。评估了将最新的新兴非易失性记忆技术(STT/SOT/VGSOT MRAM)集成到XR-AI推论管道中的影响。我们发现,可以通过在7nm节点的设计中引入非挥发性记忆来实现手部检测(IPS = 40)和眼部分割(IPS = 6)的显着能源益处(IPS = 40)(IPS = 6)。 (推断每秒)。此外,由于MRAM与传统的SRAM相比,由于MRAM的较小形式,我们可以大大减少面积(> = 30%)。
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神经网络(NNS)的重要性和复杂性正在增长。神经网络的性能(和能源效率)可以通过计算或内存资源约束。在内存阵列附近或内部放置计算的内存处理(PIM)范式是加速内存绑定的NNS的可行解决方案。但是,PIM体系结构的形式各不相同,其中不同的PIM方法导致不同的权衡。我们的目标是分析基于NN的性能和能源效率的基于DRAM的PIM架构。为此,我们分析了三个最先进的PIM架构:(1)UPMEM,将处理器和DRAM阵列集成到一个2D芯片中; (2)Mensa,是针对边缘设备量身定制的基于3D堆栈的PIM架构; (3)Simdram,它使用DRAM的模拟原理来执行位序列操作。我们的分析表明,PIM极大地受益于内存的NNS:(1)UPMEM在GPU需要内存过度按要求的通用矩阵 - 矢量乘数内核时提供23x高端GPU的性能; (2)Mensa在Google Edge TPU上提高了3.0倍和3.1倍的能源效率和吞吐量,用于24个Google Edge NN型号; (3)SIMDRAM在三个二进制NNS中以16.7倍/1.4倍的速度优于CPU/GPU。我们得出的结论是,由于固有的建筑设计选择,NN模型的理想PIM体系结构取决于模型的独特属性。
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State-of-the-art deep neural networks (DNNs) have hundreds of millions of connections and are both computationally and memory intensive, making them difficult to deploy on embedded systems with limited hardware resources and power budgets. While custom hardware helps the computation, fetching weights from DRAM is two orders of magnitude more expensive than ALU operations, and dominates the required power.Previously proposed 'Deep Compression' makes it possible to fit large DNNs (AlexNet and VGGNet) fully in on-chip SRAM. This compression is achieved by pruning the redundant connections and having multiple connections share the same weight. We propose an energy efficient inference engine (EIE) that performs inference on this compressed network model and accelerates the resulting sparse matrix-vector multiplication with weight sharing. Going from DRAM to SRAM gives EIE 120× energy saving; Exploiting sparsity saves 10×; Weight sharing gives 8×; Skipping zero activations from ReLU saves another 3×. Evaluated on nine DNN benchmarks, EIE is 189× and 13× faster when compared to CPU and GPU implementations of the same DNN without compression. EIE has a processing power of 102 GOPS/s working directly on a compressed network, corresponding to 3 TOPS/s on an uncompressed network, and processes FC layers of AlexNet at 1.88×10 4 frames/sec with a power dissipation of only 600mW. It is 24,000× and 3,400× more energy efficient than a CPU and GPU respectively. Compared with DaDianNao, EIE has 2.9×, 19× and 3× better throughput, energy efficiency and area efficiency.
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With an ever-growing number of parameters defining increasingly complex networks, Deep Learning has led to several breakthroughs surpassing human performance. As a result, data movement for these millions of model parameters causes a growing imbalance known as the memory wall. Neuromorphic computing is an emerging paradigm that confronts this imbalance by performing computations directly in analog memories. On the software side, the sequential Backpropagation algorithm prevents efficient parallelization and thus fast convergence. A novel method, Direct Feedback Alignment, resolves inherent layer dependencies by directly passing the error from the output to each layer. At the intersection of hardware/software co-design, there is a demand for developing algorithms that are tolerable to hardware nonidealities. Therefore, this work explores the interrelationship of implementing bio-plausible learning in-situ on neuromorphic hardware, emphasizing energy, area, and latency constraints. Using the benchmarking framework DNN+NeuroSim, we investigate the impact of hardware nonidealities and quantization on algorithm performance, as well as how network topologies and algorithm-level design choices can scale latency, energy and area consumption of a chip. To the best of our knowledge, this work is the first to compare the impact of different learning algorithms on Compute-In-Memory-based hardware and vice versa. The best results achieved for accuracy remain Backpropagation-based, notably when facing hardware imperfections. Direct Feedback Alignment, on the other hand, allows for significant speedup due to parallelization, reducing training time by a factor approaching N for N-layered networks.
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超比计算(HDC)是由大脑启发的新出现的计算框架,其在数千个尺寸上运行以模拟认知的载体。与运行数量的传统计算框架不同,HDC,如大脑,使用高维随机向量并能够一次学习。 HDC基于明确定义的算术运算集,并且是高度误差的。 HDC的核心运营操纵高清vectors以散装比特方式,提供许多机会利用并行性。遗憾的是,在传统的von-neuman架构上,处理器中的高清矢量的连续运动可以使认知任务过度缓慢和能量密集。硬件加速器只会略微改进相关的指标。相反,只有使用新兴铭文设备内存的HDC框架的部分实施,已报告了相当大的性能/能源收益。本文介绍了一种基于赛道内存(RTM)的架构,以便在内存中进行和加速整个HDC框架。所提出的解决方案需要最小的附加CMOS电路,并在称为横向读取(TR)的RTM中跨多个域的读取操作,以实现排他性或(XOR)和添加操作。为了最小化CMOS电路的开销,我们提出了一种基于RTM纳米线的计数机制,其利用TR操作和标准RTM操作。使用语言识别作为用例,分别与FPGA设计相比,整体运行时和能耗降低了7.8倍和5.3倍。与最先进的内存实现相比,所提出的HDC系统将能耗降低8.6倍。
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Video, as a key driver in the global explosion of digital information, can create tremendous benefits for human society. Governments and enterprises are deploying innumerable cameras for a variety of applications, e.g., law enforcement, emergency management, traffic control, and security surveillance, all facilitated by video analytics (VA). This trend is spurred by the rapid advancement of deep learning (DL), which enables more precise models for object classification, detection, and tracking. Meanwhile, with the proliferation of Internet-connected devices, massive amounts of data are generated daily, overwhelming the cloud. Edge computing, an emerging paradigm that moves workloads and services from the network core to the network edge, has been widely recognized as a promising solution. The resulting new intersection, edge video analytics (EVA), begins to attract widespread attention. Nevertheless, only a few loosely-related surveys exist on this topic. A dedicated venue for collecting and summarizing the latest advances of EVA is highly desired by the community. Besides, the basic concepts of EVA (e.g., definition, architectures, etc.) are ambiguous and neglected by these surveys due to the rapid development of this domain. A thorough clarification is needed to facilitate a consensus on these concepts. To fill in these gaps, we conduct a comprehensive survey of the recent efforts on EVA. In this paper, we first review the fundamentals of edge computing, followed by an overview of VA. The EVA system and its enabling techniques are discussed next. In addition, we introduce prevalent frameworks and datasets to aid future researchers in the development of EVA systems. Finally, we discuss existing challenges and foresee future research directions. We believe this survey will help readers comprehend the relationship between VA and edge computing, and spark new ideas on EVA.
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本文探讨了超线性增长趋势的环境影响,从整体角度来看,跨越数据,算法和系统硬件。我们通过在行业规模机器学习用例中检查模型开发周期来表征AI计算的碳足迹,同时考虑系统硬件的生命周期。进一步迈出一步,我们捕获AI计算的操作和制造碳足迹,并为硬件 - 软件设计和尺度优化的结束分析以及如何帮助降低AI的整体碳足迹。根据行业经验和经验教训,我们分享关键挑战,并在AI的许多方面上绘制了重要的发展方向。我们希望本文提出的关键信息和见解能够激发社区以环保的方式推进AI领域。
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Resistive Random-Access Memory (RRAM) is well-suited to accelerate neural network (NN) workloads as RRAM-based Processing-in-Memory (PIM) architectures natively support highly-parallel multiply-accumulate (MAC) operations that form the backbone of most NN workloads. Unfortunately, NN workloads such as transformers require support for non-MAC operations (e.g., softmax) that RRAM cannot provide natively. Consequently, state-of-the-art works either integrate additional digital logic circuits to support the non-MAC operations or offload the non-MAC operations to CPU/GPU, resulting in significant performance and energy efficiency overheads due to data movement. In this work, we propose NEON, a novel compiler optimization to enable the end-to-end execution of the NN workload in RRAM. The key idea of NEON is to transform each non-MAC operation into a lightweight yet highly-accurate neural network. Utilizing neural networks to approximate the non-MAC operations provides two advantages: 1) We can exploit the key strength of RRAM, i.e., highly-parallel MAC operation, to flexibly and efficiently execute non-MAC operations in memory. 2) We can simplify RRAM's microarchitecture by eliminating the additional digital logic circuits while reducing the data movement overheads. Acceleration of the non-MAC operations in memory enables NEON to achieve a 2.28x speedup compared to an idealized digital logic-based RRAM. We analyze the trade-offs associated with the transformation and demonstrate feasible use cases for NEON across different substrates.
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当今的大多数计算机视觉管道都是围绕深神经网络构建的,卷积操作需要大部分一般的计算工作。与标准算法相比,Winograd卷积算法以更少的MAC计算卷积,当使用具有2x2尺寸瓷砖$ F_2 $的版本时,3x3卷积的操作计数为2.25倍。即使收益很大,Winograd算法具有较大的瓷砖尺寸,即$ f_4 $,在提高吞吐量和能源效率方面具有更大的潜力,因为它将所需的MAC降低了4倍。不幸的是,具有较大瓷砖尺寸的Winograd算法引入了数值问题,这些问题阻止了其在整数域特异性加速器上的使用和更高的计算开销,以在空间和Winograd域之间转换输入和输出数据。为了解锁Winograd $ F_4 $的全部潜力,我们提出了一种新颖的Tap-Wise量化方法,该方法克服了使用较大瓷砖的数值问题,从而实现了仅整数的推断。此外,我们介绍了以功率和区域效率的方式处理Winograd转换的自定义硬件单元,并展示了如何将此类自定义模块集成到工业级,可编程的DSA中。对大量最先进的计算机视觉基准进行了广泛的实验评估表明,Tap-Wise量化算法使量化的Winograd $ F_4 $网络几乎与FP32基线一样准确。 Winograd增强的DSA可实现高达1.85倍的能源效率,最高可用于最先进的细分和检测网络的端到端速度高达1.83倍。
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我们旨在通过引入全面的分布式深度学习(DDL)探索器来解决此问题,该研究人员可以确定DDL在公共云上运行时遭受的各种执行“失速”。我们已经通过扩展先前的工作来估算两种类型的通信失速 - 互连和网络摊位来实现剖面。我们使用Profiler培训流行的DNN模型来表征各种AWS GPU实例,并列出了用户做出明智决定的优势和缺点。我们观察到,较昂贵的GPU实例可能不是所有DNN型号的性能最多,并且AWS可能会在次优的硬件互连资源分配次优。具体而言,与单个实例的培训相比,机内互连可以引入高达90%的DNN培训时间和网络连接的实例的通信开销,而与网络连接的实例可能会遭受高达5倍的速度。此外,我们对DNN宏观特征的影响进行建模,例如层的数量和通信摊位上的梯度数量。最后,我们为用户提出了一个基于衡量的建议模型,以降低DDL的公共云货币成本。
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