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During the deployment of deep neural networks (DNNs) on edge devices, many research efforts are devoted to the limited hardware resource. However, little attention is paid to the influence of dynamic power management. As edge devices typically only have a budget of energy with batteries (rather than almost unlimited energy support on servers or workstations), their dynamic power management often changes the execution frequency as in the widely-used dynamic voltage and frequency scaling (DVFS) technique. This leads to highly unstable inference speed performance, especially for computation-intensive DNN models, which can harm user experience and waste hardware resources. We firstly identify this problem and then propose All-in-One, a highly representative pruning framework to work with dynamic power management using DVFS. The framework can use only one set of model weights and soft masks (together with other auxiliary parameters of negligible storage) to represent multiple models of various pruning ratios. By re-configuring the model to the corresponding pruning ratio for a specific execution frequency (and voltage), we are able to achieve stable inference speed, i.e., keeping the difference in speed performance under various execution frequencies as small as possible. Our experiments demonstrate that our method not only achieves high accuracy for multiple models of different pruning ratios, but also reduces their variance of inference latency for various frequencies, with minimal memory consumption of only one model and one soft mask.
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The deployment of deep convolutional neural networks (CNNs) in many real world applications is largely hindered by their high computational cost. In this paper, we propose a novel learning scheme for CNNs to simultaneously 1) reduce the model size; 2) decrease the run-time memory footprint; and 3) lower the number of computing operations, without compromising accuracy. This is achieved by enforcing channel-level sparsity in the network in a simple but effective way. Different from many existing approaches, the proposed method directly applies to modern CNN architectures, introduces minimum overhead to the training process, and requires no special software/hardware accelerators for the resulting models. We call our approach network slimming, which takes wide and large networks as input models, but during training insignificant channels are automatically identified and pruned afterwards, yielding thin and compact models with comparable accuracy. We empirically demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach with several state-of-the-art CNN models, including VGGNet, ResNet and DenseNet, on various image classification datasets. For VGGNet, a multi-pass version of network slimming gives a 20× reduction in model size and a 5× reduction in computing operations.
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Many applications require sparse neural networks due to space or inference time restrictions. There is a large body of work on training dense networks to yield sparse networks for inference, but this limits the size of the largest trainable sparse model to that of the largest trainable dense model. In this paper we introduce a method to train sparse neural networks with a fixed parameter count and a fixed computational cost throughout training, without sacrificing accuracy relative to existing dense-tosparse training methods. Our method updates the topology of the sparse network during training by using parameter magnitudes and infrequent gradient calculations. We show that this approach requires fewer floating-point operations (FLOPs) to achieve a given level of accuracy compared to prior techniques. We demonstrate state-of-the-art sparse training results on a variety of networks and datasets, including ResNet-50, MobileNets on Imagenet-2012, and RNNs on WikiText-103. Finally, we provide some insights into why allowing the topology to change during the optimization can overcome local minima encountered when the topology remains static * .
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通过强迫连续重量的最多n非零,最近的N:M网络稀疏性因其两个有吸引力的优势而受到越来越多的关注:1)高稀疏性的有希望的表现。 2)对NVIDIA A100 GPU的显着加速。最近的研究需要昂贵的训练阶段或重型梯度计算。在本文中,我们表明N:M学习可以自然地将其描述为一个组合问题,该问题可以在有限的集合中寻找最佳组合候选者。由这种特征激励,我们以有效的分裂方式解决了n:m的稀疏性。首先,我们将重量向量分为$ c _ {\ text {m}}}^{\ text {n}} $组合s子集的固定大小N。然后,我们通过分配每个组合来征服组合问题,一个可学习的分数是共同优化了其关联权重。我们证明,引入的评分机制可以很好地模拟组合子集之间的相对重要性。通过逐渐去除低得分的子集,可以在正常训练阶段有效地优化N:M细粒稀疏性。全面的实验表明,我们的学习最佳组合(LBC)的表现始终如一,始终如一地比现成的N:m稀疏方法更好。我们的代码在\ url {https://github.com/zyxxmu/lbc}上发布。
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深度神经网络(DNN)的记录断裂性能具有沉重的参数化,导致外部动态随机存取存储器(DRAM)进行存储。 DRAM访问的禁用能量使得在资源受限的设备上部署DNN是不普遍的,呼叫最小化重量和数据移动以提高能量效率。我们呈现SmartDeal(SD),算法框架,以进行更高成本的存储器存储/访问的较低成本计算,以便在推理和培训中积极提高存储和能量效率。 SD的核心是一种具有结构约束的新型重量分解,精心制作以释放硬件效率潜力。具体地,我们将每个重量张量分解为小基矩阵的乘积以及大的结构稀疏系数矩阵,其非零被量化为-2的功率。由此产生的稀疏和量化的DNN致力于为数据移动和重量存储而大大降低的能量,因为由于稀疏的比特 - 操作和成本良好的计算,恢复原始权重的最小开销。除了推理之外,我们采取了另一次飞跃来拥抱节能培训,引入创新技术,以解决培训时出现的独特障碍,同时保留SD结构。我们还设计专用硬件加速器,充分利用SD结构来提高实际能源效率和延迟。我们在不同的设置中对多个任务,模型和数据集进行实验。结果表明:1)应用于推理,SD可实现高达2.44倍的能效,通过实际硬件实现评估; 2)应用于培训,储存能量降低10.56倍,减少了10.56倍和4.48倍,与最先进的训练基线相比,可忽略的准确性损失。我们的源代码在线提供。
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Structured channel pruning has been shown to significantly accelerate inference time for convolution neural networks (CNNs) on modern hardware, with a relatively minor loss of network accuracy. Recent works permanently zero these channels during training, which we observe to significantly hamper final accuracy, particularly as the fraction of the network being pruned increases. We propose Soft Masking for cost-constrained Channel Pruning (SMCP) to allow pruned channels to adaptively return to the network while simultaneously pruning towards a target cost constraint. By adding a soft mask re-parameterization of the weights and channel pruning from the perspective of removing input channels, we allow gradient updates to previously pruned channels and the opportunity for the channels to later return to the network. We then formulate input channel pruning as a global resource allocation problem. Our method outperforms prior works on both the ImageNet classification and PASCAL VOC detection datasets.
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重量修剪是一种有效的模型压缩技术,可以解决在移动设备上实现实时深神经网络(DNN)推断的挑战。然而,由于精度劣化,难以利用硬件加速度,以及某些类型的DNN层的限制,难以降低的应用方案具有有限的应用方案。在本文中,我们提出了一般的细粒度的结构化修剪方案和相应的编译器优化,适用于任何类型的DNN层,同时实现高精度和硬件推理性能。随着使用我们的编译器优化所支持的不同层的灵活性,我们进一步探讨了确定最佳修剪方案的新问题,了解各种修剪方案的不同加速度和精度性能。两个修剪方案映射方法,一个是基于搜索,另一个是基于规则的,建议自动推导出任何给定DNN的每层的最佳修剪规则和块大小。实验结果表明,我们的修剪方案映射方法,以及一般细粒化结构修剪方案,优于最先进的DNN优化框架,最高可达2.48 $ \ times $和1.73 $ \ times $ DNN推理加速在CiFar-10和Imagenet DataSet上没有准确性损失。
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Network pruning is widely used for reducing the heavy inference cost of deep models in low-resource settings. A typical pruning algorithm is a three-stage pipeline, i.e., training (a large model), pruning and fine-tuning. During pruning, according to a certain criterion, redundant weights are pruned and important weights are kept to best preserve the accuracy. In this work, we make several surprising observations which contradict common beliefs. For all state-of-the-art structured pruning algorithms we examined, fine-tuning a pruned model only gives comparable or worse performance than training that model with randomly initialized weights. For pruning algorithms which assume a predefined target network architecture, one can get rid of the full pipeline and directly train the target network from scratch. Our observations are consistent for multiple network architectures, datasets, and tasks, which imply that: 1) training a large, over-parameterized model is often not necessary to obtain an efficient final model, 2) learned "important" weights of the large model are typically not useful for the small pruned model, 3) the pruned architecture itself, rather than a set of inherited "important" weights, is more crucial to the efficiency in the final model, which suggests that in some cases pruning can be useful as an architecture search paradigm. Our results suggest the need for more careful baseline evaluations in future research on structured pruning methods. We also compare with the "Lottery Ticket Hypothesis" (Frankle & Carbin, 2019), and find that with optimal learning rate, the "winning ticket" initialization as used in Frankle & Carbin (2019) does not bring improvement over random initialization. * Equal contribution. † Work done while visiting UC Berkeley.
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While machine learning is traditionally a resource intensive task, embedded systems, autonomous navigation, and the vision of the Internet of Things fuel the interest in resource-efficient approaches. These approaches aim for a carefully chosen trade-off between performance and resource consumption in terms of computation and energy. The development of such approaches is among the major challenges in current machine learning research and key to ensure a smooth transition of machine learning technology from a scientific environment with virtually unlimited computing resources into everyday's applications. In this article, we provide an overview of the current state of the art of machine learning techniques facilitating these real-world requirements. In particular, we focus on deep neural networks (DNNs), the predominant machine learning models of the past decade. We give a comprehensive overview of the vast literature that can be mainly split into three non-mutually exclusive categories: (i) quantized neural networks, (ii) network pruning, and (iii) structural efficiency. These techniques can be applied during training or as post-processing, and they are widely used to reduce the computational demands in terms of memory footprint, inference speed, and energy efficiency. We also briefly discuss different concepts of embedded hardware for DNNs and their compatibility with machine learning techniques as well as potential for energy and latency reduction. We substantiate our discussion with experiments on well-known benchmark datasets using compression techniques (quantization, pruning) for a set of resource-constrained embedded systems, such as CPUs, GPUs and FPGAs. The obtained results highlight the difficulty of finding good trade-offs between resource efficiency and predictive performance.
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Neural network pruning has been a well-established compression technique to enable deep learning models on resource-constrained devices. The pruned model is usually specialized to meet specific hardware platforms and training tasks (defined as deployment scenarios). However, existing pruning approaches rely heavily on training data to trade off model size, efficiency, and accuracy, which becomes ineffective for federated learning (FL) over distributed and confidential datasets. Moreover, the memory- and compute-intensive pruning process of most existing approaches cannot be handled by most FL devices with resource limitations. In this paper, we develop FedTiny, a novel distributed pruning framework for FL, to obtain specialized tiny models for memory- and computing-constrained participating devices with confidential local data. To alleviate biased pruning due to unseen heterogeneous data over devices, FedTiny introduces an adaptive batch normalization (BN) selection module to adaptively obtain an initially pruned model to fit deployment scenarios. Besides, to further improve the initial pruning, FedTiny develops a lightweight progressive pruning module for local finer pruning under tight memory and computational budgets, where the pruning policy for each layer is gradually determined rather than evaluating the overall deep model structure. Extensive experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of FedTiny, which outperforms state-of-the-art baseline approaches, especially when compressing deep models to extremely sparse tiny models.
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我们考虑在具有挑战性的训练后环境中,深度神经网络(DNN)的模型压缩问题,在该设置中,我们将获得精确的训练模型,并且必须仅基于少量校准输入数据而无需任何重新培训即可压缩它。鉴于新兴软件和硬件支持通过加速修剪和/或量化压缩的模型,并且已经针对两种压缩方法独立提出了良好的表现解决方案,因此该问题已变得流行。在本文中,我们引入了一个新的压缩框架,该框架涵盖了统一环境中的重量修剪和量化,时间和空间效率高,并且在现有的后训练方法的实际性能上大大改善。在技​​术层面上,我们的方法基于[Lecun,Denker和Solla,1990年]在现代DNN的规模上的经典最佳脑外科医生(OBS)框架的第一个精确实现,我们进一步扩展到覆盖范围。重量量化。这是通过一系列可能具有独立利益的算法开发来实现的。从实际的角度来看,我们的实验结果表明,它可以在现有后训练方法的压缩 - 准确性权衡方面显着改善,并且甚至可以在训练后进行修剪和量化的准确共同应用。
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这项工作专注于通过使用直接稀疏算法来提高一些卷积神经网络(CNNS)并提高图形处理单元(GPU)的效率。 NVIDIA深神经网络(CUDNN)图书馆是GPU的深度学习(DL)算法的最有效实现。 GPU是深度学习计算最常用的加速器。提高CNN模型效率的最常用技术之一是重量修剪和量化。修剪有两种主要类型:结构和非结构性。首先,可以在许多类型的加速器上更容易地加速,但是通过这种类型,难以实现稀疏度水平和高精度,与第二种类型一样高。在一些深入的CNN模型中,刷新的非结构修剪可以产生高达90%或更多的重量张量,其稀疏性。在本文中,提出了修剪算法,这使得可以在没有精确下降的情况下实现高稀疏水平。在下一阶段,线性和非线性量化适用于进一步的时间和占地面积。本文是一篇关于有效修剪技术的先前发表的论文,并且目前具有高稀疏性的实际模型和降低精度,可以实现比CUDNN图书馆更好的性能。
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