Modeling the risk of extreme weather events in a changing climate is essential for developing effective adaptation and mitigation strategies. Although the available low-resolution climate models capture different scenarios, accurate risk assessment for mitigation and adaption often demands detail that they typically cannot resolve. Here, we develop a dynamic data-driven downscaling (super-resolution) method that incorporates physics and statistics in a generative framework to learn the fine-scale spatial details of rainfall. Our method transforms coarse-resolution ($0.25^{\circ} \times 0.25^{\circ}$) climate model outputs into high-resolution ($0.01^{\circ} \times 0.01^{\circ}$) rainfall fields while efficaciously quantifying uncertainty. Results indicate that the downscaled rainfall fields closely match observed spatial fields and their risk distributions.
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超级解决全球气候模拟的粗略产出,称为缩减,对于需要长期气候变化预测的系统做出政治和社会决策至关重要。但是,现有的快速超分辨率技术尚未保留气候数据的空间相关性,这在我们以空间扩展(例如运输基础设施的开发)处理系统时尤其重要。本文中,我们展示了基于对抗性的网络的机器学习,使我们能够在降尺度中正确重建区域间空间相关性,并高达五十,同时保持像素统计的一致性。与测量的温度和降水分布的气象数据的直接比较表明,整合气候上重要的物理信息对于准确的缩减至关重要,这促使我们称我们的方法称为$ \ pi $ srgan(物理学知情的超级分辨率生成生成的对手网络)。本方法对气候变化影响的区域间一致评估具有潜在的应用。
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尽管有持续的改进,但降水预测仍然没有其他气象变量的准确和可靠。造成这种情况的一个主要因素是,几个影响降水分布和强度的关键过程出现在全球天气模型的解决规模以下。计算机视觉社区已经证明了生成的对抗网络(GAN)在超分辨率问题上取得了成功,即学习为粗图像添加精细的结构。 Leinonen等。 (2020年)先前使用GAN来产生重建的高分辨率大气场的集合,并给定较粗糙的输入数据。在本文中,我们证明了这种方法可以扩展到更具挑战性的问题,即通过使用高分辨率雷达测量值作为“地面真相”来提高天气预报模型中相对低分辨率输入的准确性和分辨率。神经网络必须学会添加分辨率和结构,同时考虑不可忽略的预测错误。我们表明,甘斯和vae-gan可以在创建高分辨率的空间相干降水图的同时,可以匹配最新的后处理方法的统计特性。我们的模型比较比较与像素和合并的CRP分数,功率谱信息和等级直方图(用于评估校准)的最佳现有缩减方法。我们测试了我们的模型,并表明它们在各种场景中的表现,包括大雨。
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Flooding is one of the most disastrous natural hazards, responsible for substantial economic losses. A predictive model for flood-induced financial damages is useful for many applications such as climate change adaptation planning and insurance underwriting. This research assesses the predictive capability of regressors constructed on the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) dataset using neural networks (Conditional Generative Adversarial Networks), decision trees (Extreme Gradient Boosting), and kernel-based regressors (Gaussian Process). The assessment highlights the most informative predictors for regression. The distribution for claims amount inference is modeled with a Burr distribution permitting the introduction of a bias correction scheme and increasing the regressor's predictive capability. Aiming to study the interaction with physical variables, we incorporate Daymet rainfall estimation to NFIP as an additional predictor. A study on the coastal counties in the eight US South-West states resulted in an $R^2=0.807$. Further analysis of 11 counties with a significant number of claims in the NFIP dataset reveals that Extreme Gradient Boosting provides the best results, that bias correction significantly improves the similarity with the reference distribution, and that the rainfall predictor strengthens the regressor performance.
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Climate change is causing the intensification of rainfall extremes. Precipitation projections with high spatial resolution are important for society to prepare for these changes, e.g. to model flooding impacts. Physics-based simulations for creating such projections are very computationally expensive. This work demonstrates the effectiveness of diffusion models, a form of deep generative models, for generating much more cheaply realistic high resolution rainfall samples for the UK conditioned on data from a low resolution simulation. We show for the first time a machine learning model that is able to produce realistic samples of high-resolution rainfall based on a physical model that resolves atmospheric convection, a key process behind extreme rainfall. By adding self-learnt, location-specific information to low resolution relative vorticity, quantiles and time-mean of the samples match well their counterparts from the high-resolution simulation.
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基于深度学习(DL)的降尺度已成为地球科学中的流行工具。越来越多的DL方法被采用来降低降水量的降水量数据,并在局部(〜几公里甚至更小)的尺度上产生更准确和可靠的估计值。尽管有几项研究采用了降水的动力学或统计缩减,但准确性受地面真理的可用性受到限制。衡量此类方法准确性的一个关键挑战是将缩小的数据与点尺度观测值进行比较,这些观察值通常在如此小的尺度上是无法使用的。在这项工作中,我们进行了基于DL的缩减,以估计印度气象部(IMD)的当地降水数据,该数据是通过近似从车站位置到网格点的价值而创建的。为了测试不同DL方法的疗效,我们采用了四种不同的缩小方法并评估其性能。所考虑的方法是(i)深度统计缩小(DEEPSD),增强卷积长期记忆(ConvlstM),完全卷积网络(U-NET)和超分辨率生成对抗网络(SR-GAN)。 SR-GAN中使用的自定义VGG网络是在这项工作中使用沉淀数据开发的。结果表明,SR-GAN是降水数据缩减的最佳方法。 IMD站的降水值验证了缩小的数据。这种DL方法为统计缩减提供了有希望的替代方法。
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Machine learning models are frequently employed to perform either purely physics-free or hybrid downscaling of climate data. However, the majority of these implementations operate over relatively small downscaling factors of about 4--6x. This study examines the ability of convolutional neural networks (CNN) to downscale surface wind speed data from three different coarse resolutions (25km, 48km, and 100km side-length grid cells) to 3km and additionally focuses on the ability to recover subgrid-scale variability. Within each downscaling factor, namely 8x, 16x, and 32x, we consider models that produce fine-scale wind speed predictions as functions of different input features: coarse wind fields only; coarse wind and fine-scale topography; and coarse wind, topography, and temporal information in the form of a timestamp. Furthermore, we train one model at 25km to 3km resolution whose fine-scale outputs are probability density function parameters through which sample wind speeds can be generated. All CNN predictions performed on one out-of-sample data outperform classical interpolation. Models with coarse wind and fine topography are shown to exhibit the best performance compared to other models operating across the same downscaling factor. Our timestamp encoding results in lower out-of-sample generalizability compared to other input configurations. Overall, the downscaling factor plays the largest role in model performance.
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在各种机器学习应用中,表示学习已被证明是一种强大的方法。然而,对于大气动力学,迄今为止尚未考虑它,这可以说是由于缺乏可用于培训的大型,标记的数据集。在这项工作中,我们表明困难是良性的,并引入了一项自我监督的学习任务,该任务定义了各种未标记的大气数据集的绝对损失。具体而言,我们在简单而复杂的任务上训练神经网络,即预测与不同但附近的大气场之间的时间距离。我们证明,对ERA5重新分析进行此任务的培训会导致内部表示,从而捕获了大气动态的内在方面。我们通过为大气状态引入数据驱动的距离度量来做到这一点。当在其他机器学习应用程序中用作损失功能时,与经典$ \ ell_2 $ -loss相比,该ATMODIST距离会改善结果。例如,对于缩小缩放,一个人获得了更高的分辨率字段,该字段比以前的方法更接近真正的统计信息,而对于缺失或遮挡数据的插值,ATMODIST距离导致的结果导致包含更真实的精细规模特征的结果。由于它来自观察数据,因此Atmodist还提供了关于大气可预测性的新观点。
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了解极端事件及其可能性是研究气候变化影响,风险评估,适应和保护生物的关键。在这项工作中,我们开发了一种方法来构建极端热浪的预测模型。这些模型基于卷积神经网络,对极长的8,000年气候模型输出进行了培训。由于极端事件之间的关系本质上是概率的,因此我们强调概率预测和验证。我们证明,深度神经网络适用于法国持续持续14天的热浪,快速动态驱动器提前15天(500 hpa地球电位高度场),并且在慢速较长的交货时间内,慢速物理时间驱动器(土壤水分)。该方法很容易实现和通用。我们发现,深神经网络选择了与北半球波数字3模式相关的极端热浪。我们发现,当将2米温度场添加到500 HPA地球电位高度和土壤水分场中时,2米温度场不包含任何新的有用统计信息。主要的科学信息是,训练深层神经网络预测极端热浪的发生是在严重缺乏数据的情况下发生的。我们建议大多数其他应用在大规模的大气和气候现象中都是如此。我们讨论了处理缺乏数据制度的观点,例如罕见的事件模拟,以及转移学习如何在后一种任务中发挥作用。
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后处理整体预测系统可以改善天气预报,尤其是对于极端事件预测。近年来,已经开发出不同的机器学习模型来提高后处理步骤的质量。但是,这些模型在很大程度上依赖数据并生成此类合奏成员需要以高计算成本的数值天气预测模型进行多次运行。本文介绍了ENS-10数据集,由十个合奏成员组成,分布在20年中(1998-2017)。合奏成员是通过扰动数值天气模拟来捕获地球的混乱行为而产生的。为了代表大气的三维状态,ENS-10在11个不同的压力水平以及0.5度分辨率的表面中提供了最相关的大气变量。该数据集以48小时的交货时间针对预测校正任务,这实质上是通过消除合奏成员的偏见来改善预测质量。为此,ENS-10为预测交货时间t = 0、24和48小时(每周两个数据点)提供了天气变量。我们在ENS-10上为此任务提供了一组基线,并比较了它们在纠正不同天气变量预测时的性能。我们还评估了使用数据集预测极端事件的基准。 ENS-10数据集可在创意共享归因4.0国际(CC By 4.0)许可下获得。
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该调查侧重于地球系统科学中的当前问题,其中可以应用机器学习算法。它概述了以前的工作,在地球科学部,印度政府的持续工作,以及ML算法的未来应用到一些重要的地球科学问题。我们提供了与本次调查的比较的比较,这是与机器学习相关的多维地区的思想地图,以及地球系统科学(ESS)中机器学习的Gartner的炒作周期。我们主要关注地球科学的关键组成部分,包括大气,海洋,地震学和生物圈,以及覆盖AI / ML应用程序统计侦查和预测问题。
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使用计算流体动力学(CFD)方法近似风流可能是耗时的。创建用于在观察风流量变化的同时以交互式设计原型的工具需要更简单的模型来模拟更快。代替运行数值近似导致的详细计算,深度学习中的数据驱动方法可能能够在一小部分中提供类似的结果。这项工作将使用CFD计算到计算3D流场的问题,以在建筑占地面积上使用CFD到基于2D图像到图像转换的问题,以预测行人高度水平的流场。我们调查使用生成的对冲网络(GAN),例如PIX2PIX [1]和CYCREGAN [2]代表各种域中的图像到图像转换任务以及U-Net AutoEncoder [ 3]。模型可以以数据驱动的方式学习数据集的基础分布,我们认为可以帮助模型从CFD中了解底层雷诺平均的Navier-Stokes(RANS)方程。我们在具有且没有高度信息的各种三维诈唬型建筑物上进行新型模拟数据集。此外,我们为生成的图像提供了广泛的定性和定量评估,以选择模型,并将其性能与CFD传递的模拟进行比较。然后,我们通过提出用于在不同架构上注入这种信息的一般框架,将位置数据添加到输入可以产生更准确的结果。此外,我们表明模型通过应用注意机制和光谱归一化来改善,以便于稳定训练。
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The primary aim of single-image super-resolution is to construct a high-resolution (HR) image from a corresponding low-resolution (LR) input. In previous approaches, which have generally been supervised, the training objective typically measures a pixel-wise average distance between the super-resolved (SR) and HR images. Optimizing such metrics often leads to blurring, especially in high variance (detailed) regions. We propose an alternative formulation of the super-resolution problem based on creating realistic SR images that downscale correctly. We present a novel super-resolution algorithm addressing this problem, PULSE (Photo Upsampling via Latent Space Exploration), which generates high-resolution, realistic images at resolutions previously unseen in the literature. It accomplishes this in an entirely self-supervised fashion and is not confined to a specific degradation operator used during training, unlike previous methods (which require training on databases of LR-HR image pairs for supervised learning). Instead of starting with the LR image and slowly adding detail, PULSE traverses the high-resolution natural image manifold, searching for images that downscale to the original LR image. This is formalized through the "downscaling loss," which guides exploration through the latent space of a generative model. By leveraging properties of high-dimensional Gaussians, we restrict the search space to guarantee that our outputs are realistic. PULSE thereby generates super-resolved images that both are realistic and downscale correctly. We show extensive experimental results demonstrating the efficacy of our approach in the domain of face super-resolution (also known as face hallucination). We also present a discussion of the limitations and biases of the method as currently implemented with an accompanying model card with relevant metrics. Our method outperforms state-of-the-art methods in perceptual quality at higher resolutions and scale factors than previously pos-sible.
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在没有人为干预的图像自动色彩上是在机器学习界的兴趣中的一个短暂的时间。分配颜色到图像是一个非常令人虐待的问题,因为它具有非常高的自由度的先天性;给定图像,通常没有单一的颜色组合是正确的。除了着色之外,图像重建中的另一个问题是单图像超分辨率,其旨在将低分辨率图像转换为更高的分辨率。该研究旨在通过专注于图像的非常特定的图像,即天文图像,并使用生成的对抗网络(GAN)来提供自动化方法。我们探索两种不同颜色空间,RGB和L * A *中各种型号的使用。我们使用传输学习,由于小数据集,使用预先训练的Reset-18作为骨干,即U-Net的编码器,进一步微调。该模型产生视觉上有吸引力的图像,其在原始图像中不存在的这些结果中呈现的高分辨率高分辨率,着色数据。我们通过使用所有通道的每个颜色空间中的距离度量(例如L1距离和L2距离)评估GAN来提供我们的结果,以提供比较分析。我们使用Frechet Inception距离(FID)将生成的图像的分布与实际图像的分布进行比较,以评估模型的性能。
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In medical image analysis, low-resolution images negatively affect the performance of medical image interpretation and may cause misdiagnosis. Single image super-resolution (SISR) methods can improve the resolution and quality of medical images. Currently, Generative Adversarial Networks (GAN) based super-resolution models have shown very good performance. Real-Enhanced Super-Resolution Generative Adversarial Network (Real-ESRGAN) is one of the practical GAN-based models which is widely used in the field of general image super-resolution. One of the challenges in medical image super-resolution is that, unlike natural images, medical images do not have high spatial resolution. To solve this problem, we can use transfer learning technique and fine-tune the model that has been trained on external datasets (often natural datasets). In our proposed approach, the pre-trained generator and discriminator networks of the Real-ESRGAN model are fine-tuned using medical image datasets. In this paper, we worked on chest X-ray and retinal images and used the STARE dataset of retinal images and Tuberculosis Chest X-rays (Shenzhen) dataset for fine-tuning. The proposed model produces more accurate and natural textures, and its outputs have better detail and resolution compared to the original Real-ESRGAN outputs.
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