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Document-level relation extraction (DocRE) aims to identify semantic labels among entities within a single document. One major challenge of DocRE is to dig decisive details regarding a specific entity pair from long text. However, in many cases, only a fraction of text carries required information, even in the manually labeled supporting evidence. To better capture and exploit instructive information, we propose a novel expLicit syntAx Refinement and Subsentence mOdeliNg based framework (LARSON). By introducing extra syntactic information, LARSON can model subsentences of arbitrary granularity and efficiently screen instructive ones. Moreover, we incorporate refined syntax into text representations which further improves the performance of LARSON. Experimental results on three benchmark datasets (DocRED, CDR, and GDA) demonstrate that LARSON significantly outperforms existing methods.
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我们提出了文件的实体级关系联合模型。与其他方法形成鲜明对比 - 重点关注本地句子中的对,因此需要提及级别的注释 - 我们的模型在实体级别运行。为此,遵循多任务方法,它在Coreference分辨率上建立并通过多级别表示结合全局实体和本地提到信息来聚集相关信号。我们在积木数据集中实现最先进的关系提取结果,并报告了未来参考的第一个实体级端到端关系提取结果。最后,我们的实验结果表明,联合方法与特定于任务专用的学习相提并论,虽然由于共享参数和培训步骤而言更有效。
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Document-level relation extraction faces two overlooked challenges: long-tail problem and multi-label problem. Previous work focuses mainly on obtaining better contextual representations for entity pairs, hardly address the above challenges. In this paper, we analyze the co-occurrence correlation of relations, and introduce it into DocRE task for the first time. We argue that the correlations can not only transfer knowledge between data-rich relations and data-scarce ones to assist in the training of tailed relations, but also reflect semantic distance guiding the classifier to identify semantically close relations for multi-label entity pairs. Specifically, we use relation embedding as a medium, and propose two co-occurrence prediction sub-tasks from both coarse- and fine-grained perspectives to capture relation correlations. Finally, the learned correlation-aware embeddings are used to guide the extraction of relational facts. Substantial experiments on two popular DocRE datasets are conducted, and our method achieves superior results compared to baselines. Insightful analysis also demonstrates the potential of relation correlations to address the above challenges.
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捕获该段落中的单词中复杂语言结构和长期依赖性的能力对于话语级关系提取(DRE)任务是必不可少的。图形神经网络(GNNS)是编码依赖图的方法之一,它在先前的RE中有效地显示了。然而,对GNN的接受领域得到了相对较少的关注,这对于需要话语理解的非常长的文本的情况可能是至关重要的。在这项工作中,我们利用图形汇集的想法,并建议在DRE任务上使用汇集解凝框架。汇集分支减少了图形尺寸,使GNN能够在更少的层内获得更大的接收领域; UnoDooling分支将池化图恢复为其原始分辨率,以便可以提取实体提及的表示。我们提出子句匹配(cm),这是一个新的语言启发图形汇集方法,用于NLP任务。两个DE DATASET上的实验表明,我们的模型在需要建模长期依赖性时显着改善基线,这表明了汇集了解冻框架的有效性和我们的CM汇集方法。
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文件级关系提取旨在识别整个文件中实体之间的关系。捕获远程依赖性的努力大量依赖于通过(图)神经网络学习的隐式强大的表示,这使得模型不太透明。为了解决这一挑战,在本文中,我们通过学习逻辑规则提出了一种新的文档级关系提取的概率模型。 Logire将逻辑规则视为潜在变量,包括两个模块:规则生成器和关系提取器。规则生成器是生成可能导致最终预测的逻辑规则,并且关系提取器基于所生成的逻辑规则输出最终预测。可以通过期望最大化(EM)算法有效地优化这两个模块。通过将逻辑规则引入神经网络,Logire可以明确地捕获远程依赖项,并享受更好的解释。经验结果表明,Logire在关系性能(1.8 F1得分)和逻辑一致性(超过3.3逻辑得分)方面显着优于几种强大的基线。我们的代码可以在https://github.com/rudongyu/logire提供。
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Machine reading comprehension (MRC) is a long-standing topic in natural language processing (NLP). The MRC task aims to answer a question based on the given context. Recently studies focus on multi-hop MRC which is a more challenging extension of MRC, which to answer a question some disjoint pieces of information across the context are required. Due to the complexity and importance of multi-hop MRC, a large number of studies have been focused on this topic in recent years, therefore, it is necessary and worth reviewing the related literature. This study aims to investigate recent advances in the multi-hop MRC approaches based on 31 studies from 2018 to 2022. In this regard, first, the multi-hop MRC problem definition will be introduced, then 31 models will be reviewed in detail with a strong focus on their multi-hop aspects. They also will be categorized based on their main techniques. Finally, a fine-grain comprehensive comparison of the models and techniques will be presented.
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In recent years, there is a surge of generation-based information extraction work, which allows a more direct use of pre-trained language models and efficiently captures output dependencies. However, previous generative methods using lexical representation do not naturally fit document-level relation extraction (DocRE) where there are multiple entities and relational facts. In this paper, we investigate the root cause of the underwhelming performance of the existing generative DocRE models and discover that the culprit is the inadequacy of the training paradigm, instead of the capacities of the models. We propose to generate a symbolic and ordered sequence from the relation matrix which is deterministic and easier for model to learn. Moreover, we design a parallel row generation method to process overlong target sequences. Besides, we introduce several negative sampling strategies to improve the performance with balanced signals. Experimental results on four datasets show that our proposed method can improve the performance of the generative DocRE models. We have released our code at https://github.com/ayyyq/DORE.
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使用诸如BERT,ELMO和FLAIR等模型建模上下文信息的成立具有显着改善了文字的表示学习。它还给出了几乎每个NLP任务机器翻译,文本摘要和命名实体识别的Sota结果,以命名为少。在这项工作中,除了使用这些主导的上下文感知的表示之外,我们还提出了一种用于命名实体识别(NER)的知识意识表示学习(KARL)网络。我们讨论了利用现有方法在纳入世界知识方面的挑战,并展示了如何利用我们所提出的方法来克服这些挑战。 KARL基于变压器编码器,该变压器编码器利用表示为事实三元组的大知识库,将它们转换为图形上下文,并提取驻留在内部的基本实体信息以生成用于特征增强的上下文化三联表示。实验结果表明,使用卡尔的增强可以大大提升我们的内部系统的性能,并在三个公共网络数据集中的文献中的现有方法,即Conll 2003,Conll ++和Ontonotes V5实现了比文献中现有方法的显着更好的结果。我们还观察到更好的概括和应用于从Karl上看不见的实体的真实环境。
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在文档级事件提取(DEE)任务中,事件参数始终散布在句子(串行问题)中,并且多个事件可能存在于一个文档(多事件问题)中。在本文中,我们认为事件参数的关系信息对于解决上述两个问题具有重要意义,并提出了一个新的DEE框架,该框架可以对关系依赖关系进行建模,称为关系授权的文档级事件提取(REDEE)。更具体地说,该框架具有一种新颖的量身定制的变压器,称为关系增强的注意变形金刚(RAAT)。 RAAT可扩展以捕获多尺度和多启动参数关系。为了进一步利用关系信息,我们介绍了一个单独的事件关系预测任务,并采用多任务学习方法来显式增强事件提取性能。广泛的实验证明了该方法的有效性,该方法可以在两个公共数据集上实现最新性能。我们的代码可在https:// github上找到。 com/tencentyouturesearch/raat。
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Neural language representation models such as BERT pre-trained on large-scale corpora can well capture rich semantic patterns from plain text, and be fine-tuned to consistently improve the performance of various NLP tasks. However, the existing pre-trained language models rarely consider incorporating knowledge graphs (KGs), which can provide rich structured knowledge facts for better language understanding. We argue that informative entities in KGs can enhance language representation with external knowledge. In this paper, we utilize both large-scale textual corpora and KGs to train an enhanced language representation model (ERNIE), which can take full advantage of lexical, syntactic, and knowledge information simultaneously. The experimental results have demonstrated that ERNIE achieves significant improvements on various knowledge-driven tasks, and meanwhile is comparable with the state-of-the-art model BERT on other common NLP tasks. The source code and experiment details of this paper can be obtained from https:// github.com/thunlp/ERNIE.
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Knowledge graph (KG) link prediction aims to infer new facts based on existing facts in the KG. Recent studies have shown that using the graph neighborhood of a node via graph neural networks (GNNs) provides more useful information compared to just using the query information. Conventional GNNs for KG link prediction follow the standard message-passing paradigm on the entire KG, which leads to over-smoothing of representations and also limits their scalability. On a large scale, it becomes computationally expensive to aggregate useful information from the entire KG for inference. To address the limitations of existing KG link prediction frameworks, we propose a novel retrieve-and-read framework, which first retrieves a relevant subgraph context for the query and then jointly reasons over the context and the query with a high-capacity reader. As part of our exemplar instantiation for the new framework, we propose a novel Transformer-based GNN as the reader, which incorporates graph-based attention structure and cross-attention between query and context for deep fusion. This design enables the model to focus on salient context information relevant to the query. Empirical results on two standard KG link prediction datasets demonstrate the competitive performance of the proposed method.
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The development of deep neural networks has improved representation learning in various domains, including textual, graph structural, and relational triple representations. This development opened the door to new relation extraction beyond the traditional text-oriented relation extraction. However, research on the effectiveness of considering multiple heterogeneous domain information simultaneously is still under exploration, and if a model can take an advantage of integrating heterogeneous information, it is expected to exhibit a significant contribution to many problems in the world. This thesis works on Drug-Drug Interactions (DDIs) from the literature as a case study and realizes relation extraction utilizing heterogeneous domain information. First, a deep neural relation extraction model is prepared and its attention mechanism is analyzed. Next, a method to combine the drug molecular structure information and drug description information to the input sentence information is proposed, and the effectiveness of utilizing drug molecular structures and drug descriptions for the relation extraction task is shown. Then, in order to further exploit the heterogeneous information, drug-related items, such as protein entries, medical terms and pathways are collected from multiple existing databases and a new data set in the form of a knowledge graph (KG) is constructed. A link prediction task on the constructed data set is conducted to obtain embedding representations of drugs that contain the heterogeneous domain information. Finally, a method that integrates the input sentence information and the heterogeneous KG information is proposed. The proposed model is trained and evaluated on a widely used data set, and as a result, it is shown that utilizing heterogeneous domain information significantly improves the performance of relation extraction from the literature.
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Multi-hop machine reading comprehension is a challenging task in natural language processing, which requires more reasoning ability across multiple documents. Spectral models based on graph convolutional networks grant inferring abilities and lead to competitive results. However, part of them still faces the challenge of analyzing the reasoning in a human-understandable way. Inspired by the concept of the Grandmother Cells in cognitive neuroscience, a spatial graph attention framework named ClueReader was proposed in this paper, imitating the procedure. This model is designed to assemble the semantic features in multi-level representations and automatically concentrate or alleviate information for reasoning via the attention mechanism. The name ClueReader is a metaphor for the pattern of the model: regard the subjects of queries as the start points of clues, take the reasoning entities as bridge points, consider the latent candidate entities as the grandmother cells, and the clues end up in candidate entities. The proposed model allows us to visualize the reasoning graph, then analyze the importance of edges connecting two entities and the selectivity in the mention and candidate nodes, which can be easier to be comprehended empirically. The official evaluations in the open-domain multi-hop reading dataset WikiHop and the Drug-drug Interactions dataset MedHop prove the validity of our approach and show the probability of the application of the model in the molecular biology domain.
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