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Information overloading requires the need for summarizers to extract salient information from the text. Currently, there is an overload of dialogue data due to the rise of virtual communication platforms. The rise of Covid-19 has led people to rely on online communication platforms like Zoom, Slack, Microsoft Teams, Discord, etc. to conduct their company meetings. Instead of going through the entire meeting transcripts, people can use meeting summarizers to select useful data. Nevertheless, there is a lack of comprehensive surveys in the field of meeting summarizers. In this survey, we aim to cover recent meeting summarization techniques. Our survey offers a general overview of text summarization along with datasets and evaluation metrics for meeting summarization. We also provide the performance of each summarizer on a leaderboard. We conclude our survey with different challenges in this domain and potential research opportunities for future researchers.
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有几种原因,抽象对话摘要是一项有挑战性的任务。首先,谈话中的大多数重要信息通过与不同纹理样式的多方交互来跨越话语。其次,对话通常是非正式结构,其中不同的个人表达个人观点,与文本摘要不同,通常针对新闻文章等正式文件的任务。为解决这些问题,我们专注于来自各个扬声器和独特的句法结构之间的话语之间的关联。扬声器具有唯一的文本方式,可以包含语言信息,例如声音。因此,我们通过利用语言信息(即POS标记)来构建语法感知模型,这通过自然区分从各个扬声器发出的句子来减轻上述问题。我们采用了多任务学习的语法感知信息和对话摘要。据我们所知,我们的方法是第一种将多任务学习应用于对话摘要任务的方法。 Samsum语料库(大规模对话摘要语料库)的实验表明,我们的方法改善了香草模型。我们进一步分析了我们对基线模型的方法的成本和益处。
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Text summarization is a user-preference based task, i.e., for one document, users often have different priorities for summary. As a key aspect of customization in summarization, granularity is used to measure the semantic coverage between the summary and source document. However, developing systems that can generate summaries with customizable semantic coverage is still an under-explored topic. In this paper, we propose the first unsupervised multi-granularity summarization framework, GranuSum. We take events as the basic semantic units of the source documents and propose to rank these events by their salience. We also develop a model to summarize input documents with given events as anchors and hints. By inputting different numbers of events, GranuSum is capable of producing multi-granular summaries in an unsupervised manner. Meanwhile, we annotate a new benchmark GranuDUC that contains multiple summaries at different granularities for each document cluster. Experimental results confirm the substantial superiority of GranuSum on multi-granularity summarization over strong baselines. Further, by exploiting the event information, GranuSum also exhibits state-of-the-art performance under the conventional unsupervised abstractive setting. Dataset for this paper can be found at: https://github.com/maszhongming/GranuDUC
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我们提出了一项实证研究,以适应现有的经过验证的文本对文本模型,以备长期输入。通过沿预训练管道的三个轴的全面研究 - 模型架构,优化目标和训练式语料库,我们提出了一种有效的食谱,以从现有的短篇小说模型中构建长篇小说模型。具体而言,我们用汇总仪的块关注替换了变压器中的全部注意力,并使用蒙版的跨度预测任务为模型预算,长度不同。就训练训练的语料库而言,我们发现,与使用通常在其域覆盖范围中通常受到限制的现有长文档语料库相比,使用大型开放域语料库的随机串联的短篇小说可以提高性能。通过这些发现,我们建立了一个长篇文本模型,该模型可以在长篇文本质量检查任务上实现竞争性能,并在五个长文本摘要数据集上建立新的最新技术,通常优于先前的方法,具有较大的模型大小。
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以查询为中心的摘要(QFS)旨在产生应答感兴趣的特定问题的摘要,从而实现更大的用户控制和个性化。虽然最近发布的数据集如QMSUM或Aquamuse,促进QFS中的研究工作,但该领域缺乏对适用建模方法的广泛空间的全面研究。在本文中,考虑到两种普遍的方法,我们对QFS进行了系统探索,探讨了QFS:两阶段的采掘解决方案和端到端模型。在这些类别中,我们调查现有方法,并呈现了在QMSUM数据集上实现最先进的性能的两个模型扩展,其边缘高达3.38 Rouge-1,3.72 Rouge-2和3.28 Rouge-L。通过定量实验,我们突出了不同模型配置之间的权衡,并探讨了摘要任务之间的转移能力。代码和检查点公开可用:https://github.com/salesforce/query-focused-sum。
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Dialogue summarization has recently garnered significant attention due to its wide range of applications. However, existing methods for summarizing dialogues are suboptimal because they do not take into account the inherent structure of dialogue and rely heavily on labeled data, which can lead to poor performance in new domains. In this work, we propose DIONYSUS (dynamic input optimization in pre-training for dialogue summarization), a pre-trained encoder-decoder model for summarizing dialogues in any new domain. To pre-train DIONYSUS, we create two pseudo summaries for each dialogue example: one is produced by a fine-tuned summarization model, and the other is a collection of dialogue turns that convey important information. We then choose one of these pseudo summaries based on the difference in information distribution across different types of dialogues. This selected pseudo summary serves as the objective for pre-training DIONYSUS using a self-supervised approach on a large dialogue corpus. Our experiments show that DIONYSUS outperforms existing methods on six datasets, as demonstrated by its ROUGE scores in zero-shot and few-shot settings.
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最近的工作表明,(1)增加输入长度或(2)增加模型大小可以提高基于变压器的神经模型的性能。在本文中,我们提出了一个名为Longt5的新模型,我们探讨了同时缩放输入长度和模型大小的效果。具体而言,我们综合了从长输入变压器(ETC)的关注思路,并采用了从摘要预训练(PEGASU)的预训练策略进入可扩展的T5架构。结果是我们称之为{\ EM瞬态全球}(TGLOBAL)的新关注机制,这些机制是模仿等本地/全球注意力机制,但不需要额外的侧面输入。我们能够实现最先进的结果,以若干摘要任务,优于问题应答任务的原始T5模型。
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这些日子,自动会议总结变得越来越受欢迎。能够自动总结会议和提取关键信息的能力可以大大提高我们工作和生活的效率。在本文中,我们试验不同的方法来提高基于查询的会议概述的性能。我们从HMNET \ CITE {HMNET}开始了一个分层网络,该网络采用单词级变压器和转动级变压器,作为基线。我们探讨使用大型新闻摘要数据集进行预培训模型的有效性。我们调查将查询的嵌入品作为输入向量的一部分添加为基于查询的摘要。此外,我们使用中间聚类步骤扩展了QMSUM \ CITE {QMSUM}的定位 - 然后总结方法。最后,我们将基线模型与BART进行比较,这是一个有效的总结的最先进的语言模型。我们通过将查询嵌入物添加到模型的输入,通过使用BART作为替代语言模型来实现改进的性能,并且通过使用聚类方法在将文本送入摘要模型之前在话语级别提取关键信息。
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We present BART, a denoising autoencoder for pretraining sequence-to-sequence models. BART is trained by ( 1) corrupting text with an arbitrary noising function, and (2) learning a model to reconstruct the original text. It uses a standard Tranformer-based neural machine translation architecture which, despite its simplicity, can be seen as generalizing BERT (due to the bidirectional encoder), GPT (with the left-to-right decoder), and many other more recent pretraining schemes. We evaluate a number of noising approaches, finding the best performance by both randomly shuffling the order of the original sentences and using a novel in-filling scheme, where spans of text are replaced with a single mask token. BART is particularly effective when fine tuned for text generation but also works well for comprehension tasks. It matches the performance of RoBERTa with comparable training resources on GLUE and SQuAD, achieves new stateof-the-art results on a range of abstractive dialogue, question answering, and summarization tasks, with gains of up to 6 ROUGE. BART also provides a 1.1 BLEU increase over a back-translation system for machine translation, with only target language pretraining. We also report ablation experiments that replicate other pretraining schemes within the BART framework, to better measure which factors most influence end-task performance.
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生成摘要中的事实不一致严重限制了抽象对话摘要的实际应用。尽管通过使用预先训练的模型实现了显着进展,但在人类评估期间发现了大量的幻觉含量。预先接受的模型最常见的是微调文本摘要的跨熵损失,这可能不是最佳策略。在这项工作中,我们为带注释数据提供了事实错误的类型,以突出显示错误的类型并远离对事实的二进制了解。我们进一步提出了一种培训策略,通过新颖的对比微调,改善了摘要的事实一致性和整体素质。基于我们的语言信息的错误类型,我们设计了各个目标的不同模块化目标。具体而言,我们利用硬阴性样本具有误差,以减少事实不一致的产生。为了捕获扬声器之间的关键信息,我们还设计了特定于对话的损失。使用人类评估和自动忠实度量指标,我们表明我们的模型在对话摘要,Samsum语料库中大大降低了各种事实错误。此外,我们的模型可以推广到会议概述,AMI语料库,它产生的分数明显高于两个数据集关于单词 - 重叠度量标准的基线。
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In long document controllable summarization, where labeled data is scarce, pretrained models struggle to adapt to the task and effectively respond to user queries. In this paper, we introduce Socratic pretraining, a question-driven, unsupervised pretraining objective specifically designed to improve controllability in summarization tasks. By training a model to generate and answer relevant questions in a given context, Socratic pretraining enables the model to more effectively adhere to user-provided queries and identify relevant content to be summarized. We demonstrate the effectiveness of this approach through extensive experimentation on two summarization domains, short stories and dialogue, and multiple control strategies: keywords, questions, and factoid QA pairs. Our pretraining method relies only on unlabeled documents and a question generation system and outperforms pre-finetuning approaches that use additional supervised data. Furthermore, our results show that Socratic pretraining cuts task-specific labeled data requirements in half, is more faithful to user-provided queries, and achieves state-of-the-art performance on QMSum and SQuALITY.
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预先接受训练的语言模型的最新进展具有显着改善的神经反应生成。但是,现有方法通常将对话背景视为令牌的线性序列,并通过令牌级自我关注学习生成下一个单词。这些令牌级编码阻碍了话语中话语水平一致性的探索。本文介绍了对话贝特,这是一种新的会话响应生成模型,可以增强以前的基于PLM的对话模型。 DialogBert采用分层变压器架构。为了有效地捕捉话语中的话语水平一致性,我们提出了两种培训目标,包括蒙面的话语回归和分布式话语秩序与原始BERT训练相比。在三个多转对谈话数据集上的实验表明,在定量评估方面,我们的方法非常优于BART和Dialogpt等基线。人类评估表明,DialogBert比具有显着利润率的基线产生更加连贯,信息和人类的反应。
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上下文化的单词嵌入会导致自然语言理解中最新的表演。最近,诸如BERT之类的预先训练的深层上下文化的文本编码器显示了其在改善包括抽象性摘要在内的自然语言任务方面的潜力。对话摘要中的现有方法着重于将大型语言模型纳入摘要任务,该任务是在大规模语料库中培训的,这些任务由新闻文章组成,而不是多个演讲者的对话。在本文中,我们介绍了自我监督的方法,以补偿培训对话摘要模型的缺点。我们的原则是使用借口对话文本检测不一致的信息流,以增强伯特对对话文本表示形式的上下文能力。我们使用增强的BERT在共享的编码器架构上构建并微调一个抽象的对话摘要模型。我们通过Samsum语料库(Samsum copus)进行了验证评估我们的抽象对话摘要,这是一个最近介绍的带有抽象性对话摘要的数据集。我们所有的方法都为在胭脂分数中测得的抽象摘要做出了改进。通过一项广泛的消融研究,我们还向关键模型超参数,切换话语和掩盖对话者的概率提出了灵敏度分析。
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Natural Language Generation (NLG) has improved exponentially in recent years thanks to the development of sequence-to-sequence deep learning technologies such as Transformer-based language models. This advancement has led to more fluent and coherent NLG, leading to improved development in downstream tasks such as abstractive summarization, dialogue generation and data-to-text generation. However, it is also apparent that deep learning based generation is prone to hallucinate unintended text, which degrades the system performance and fails to meet user expectations in many real-world scenarios. To address this issue, many studies have been presented in measuring and mitigating hallucinated texts, but these have never been reviewed in a comprehensive manner before. In this survey, we thus provide a broad overview of the research progress and challenges in the hallucination problem in NLG. The survey is organized into two parts: (1) a general overview of metrics, mitigation methods, and future directions; and (2) an overview of task-specific research progress on hallucinations in the following downstream tasks, namely abstractive summarization, dialogue generation, generative question answering, data-to-text generation, machine translation, and visual-language generation. This survey serves to facilitate collaborative efforts among researchers in tackling the challenge of hallucinated texts in NLG.
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