精神分裂症是一种慢性神经精神疾病,会引起大脑内部的不同结构改变。我们假设将深度学习应用于结构性神经影像学数据集可以检测到与疾病相关的改变,并提高分类和诊断准确性。我们使用单一可用的,常规的T1加权MRI扫描测试了这一假设,我们使用标准后处理方法从中提取了3D全脑结构。然后在三个开放数据集上开发,优化和评估了一个深度学习模型,并对精神分裂症患者进行T1加权MRI扫描。我们提出的模型优于基准模型,该模型还使用3D CNN体系结构对结构MR图像进行了训练。我们的模型几乎能够完美地(ROC曲线下的区域= 0.987),将精神分裂症患者与看不见的结构MRI扫描中的健康对照区分开。区域分析将皮质下区域和心室局部作为最预测的大脑区域。皮层结构在人类的认知,情感和社会功能中起关键作用,这些区域的结构异常与精神分裂症有关。我们的发现证实了精神分裂症与皮质下大脑结构的广泛改变有关,皮层结构信息在诊断分类中提供了突出的特征。总之,这些结果进一步证明了深度学习的潜力,以改善精神分裂症的诊断,并从单个标准的T1加权脑MRI中确定其结构性神经影像学特征。
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背景:虽然卷积神经网络(CNN)实现了检测基于磁共振成像(MRI)扫描的阿尔茨海默病(AD)痴呆的高诊断准确性,但它们尚未应用于临床常规。这是一个重要原因是缺乏模型可理解性。最近开发的用于导出CNN相关性图的可视化方法可能有助于填补这种差距。我们调查了具有更高准确性的模型还依赖于先前知识预定义的判别脑区域。方法:我们培训了CNN,用于检测痴呆症和Amnestic认知障碍(MCI)患者的N = 663 T1加权MRI扫描的AD,并通过交叉验证和三个独立样本验证模型的准确性= 1655例。我们评估了相关评分和海马体积的关联,以验证这种方法的临床效用。为了提高模型可理解性,我们实现了3D CNN相关性图的交互式可视化。结果:跨三个独立数据集,组分离表现出广告痴呆症与控制的高精度(AUC $ \ GEQUQ $ 0.92)和MCI与控制的中等精度(AUC $ \约0.75美元)。相关性图表明海马萎缩被认为是广告检测的最具信息性因素,其其他皮质和皮质区域中的萎缩额外贡献。海马内的相关评分与海马体积高度相关(Pearson的r $ \大约$ -0.86,p <0.001)。结论:相关性地图突出了我们假设先验的地区的萎缩。这加强了CNN模型的可理解性,这些模型基于扫描和诊断标签以纯粹的数据驱动方式培训。
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Structural alterations have been thoroughly investigated in the brain during the early onset of schizophrenia (SCZ) with the development of neuroimaging methods. The objective of the paper is an efficient classification of SCZ in 2 different classes: Cognitive Normal (CN), and SCZ using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) images. This paper proposed a lightweight 3D convolutional neural network (CNN) based framework for SCZ diagnosis using MRI images. In the proposed model, lightweight 3D CNN is used to extract both spatial and spectral features simultaneously from 3D volume MRI scans, and classification is done using an ensemble bagging classifier. Ensemble bagging classifier contributes to preventing overfitting, reduces variance, and improves the model's accuracy. The proposed algorithm is tested on datasets taken from three benchmark databases available as open-source: MCICShare, COBRE, and fBRINPhase-II. These datasets have undergone preprocessing steps to register all the MRI images to the standard template and reduce the artifacts. The model achieves the highest accuracy 92.22%, sensitivity 94.44%, specificity 90%, precision 90.43%, recall 94.44%, F1-score 92.39% and G-mean 92.19% as compared to the current state-of-the-art techniques. The performance metrics evidenced the use of this model to assist the clinicians for automatic accurate diagnosis of SCZ.
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深层神经网络目前提供了最先进,最精确的机器学习模型,以区分患有阿尔茨海默氏病和健康对照的受试者的结构MRI扫描。不幸的是,由于这些多层和非线性模型的复杂性,这些模型捕获的微妙的大脑改变很难解释。已经提出了几种热图方法来解决此问题并分析从深神经网络中提取的成像模式,但是到目前为止,尚未对这些方法进行定量比较。在这项工作中,我们通过从ADNI数据集的T1 MRI扫描中得出卷积神经网络(CNN)的热图来探讨这些问题,并通过将这些热图与对应于支持向量机(SVM)系数的脑图进行比较。研究了三种突出的热图方法:层次相关性传播(LRP),综合梯度(IG)和引导GRAD-CAM(GGC)。与先前在视觉上或定性评估热图的质量的研究相反,我们通过与大型荟萃分析的地面图相重叠,从而获得了精确的定量措施,该量度合并了77个基于Voxel的形态计量学(VBM)研究,独立于ADNI。我们的结果表明,所有三个热图方法都能够捕获涵盖荟萃分析图的大脑区域,并获得了比SVM系数更好的结果。其中,IG产生了与独立荟萃分析的最佳重叠的热图。
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Late-life depression (LLD) is a highly prevalent mood disorder occurring in older adults and is frequently accompanied by cognitive impairment (CI). Studies have shown that LLD may increase the risk of Alzheimer's disease (AD). However, the heterogeneity of presentation of geriatric depression suggests that multiple biological mechanisms may underlie it. Current biological research on LLD progression incorporates machine learning that combines neuroimaging data with clinical observations. There are few studies on incident cognitive diagnostic outcomes in LLD based on structural MRI (sMRI). In this paper, we describe the development of a hybrid representation learning (HRL) framework for predicting cognitive diagnosis over 5 years based on T1-weighted sMRI data. Specifically, we first extract prediction-oriented MRI features via a deep neural network, and then integrate them with handcrafted MRI features via a Transformer encoder for cognitive diagnosis prediction. Two tasks are investigated in this work, including (1) identifying cognitively normal subjects with LLD and never-depressed older healthy subjects, and (2) identifying LLD subjects who developed CI (or even AD) and those who stayed cognitively normal over five years. To the best of our knowledge, this is among the first attempts to study the complex heterogeneous progression of LLD based on task-oriented and handcrafted MRI features. We validate the proposed HRL on 294 subjects with T1-weighted MRIs from two clinically harmonized studies. Experimental results suggest that the HRL outperforms several classical machine learning and state-of-the-art deep learning methods in LLD identification and prediction tasks.
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Over the years, Machine Learning models have been successfully employed on neuroimaging data for accurately predicting brain age. Deviations from the healthy brain aging pattern are associated to the accelerated brain aging and brain abnormalities. Hence, efficient and accurate diagnosis techniques are required for eliciting accurate brain age estimations. Several contributions have been reported in the past for this purpose, resorting to different data-driven modeling methods. Recently, deep neural networks (also referred to as deep learning) have become prevalent in manifold neuroimaging studies, including brain age estimation. In this review, we offer a comprehensive analysis of the literature related to the adoption of deep learning for brain age estimation with neuroimaging data. We detail and analyze different deep learning architectures used for this application, pausing at research works published to date quantitatively exploring their application. We also examine different brain age estimation frameworks, comparatively exposing their advantages and weaknesses. Finally, the review concludes with an outlook towards future directions that should be followed by prospective studies. The ultimate goal of this paper is to establish a common and informed reference for newcomers and experienced researchers willing to approach brain age estimation by using deep learning models
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大脑磁共振成像(MRI)扫描的自动分割和体积对于诊断帕金森氏病(PD)和帕金森氏症综合症(P-Plus)至关重要。为了提高诊断性能,我们在大脑分割中采用了深度学习(DL)模型,并将其性能与金标准的非DL方法进行了比较。我们收集了健康对照组(n = 105)和PD患者(n = 105),多个全身性萎缩(n = 132)和渐进性超核麻痹(n = 69)的大脑MRI扫描。 2020.使用金标准的非DL模型FreeSurfer(FS),我们对六个脑结构进行了分割:中脑,PON,CAUDATE,CAUDATE,PUTATATE,pALLIDUM和THIRD CNTRICLE,并将其视为DL模型的注释数据,代表性V -net和unet。计算了分化正常,PD和P-Plus病例的曲线下的骰子分数和面积。每位患者六个大脑结构的V-NET和UNETR的分割时间分别为3.48 +-0.17和48.14 +-0.97 s,比FS(15,735 +-1.07 s)快至少300倍。两种DL模型的骰子得分都足够高(> 0.85),它们的疾病分类AUC优于FS。为了分类正常与P-Plus和PD与多个全身性萎缩(小脑型)的分类,DL模型和FS显示出高于0.8的AUC。 DL显着减少了分析时间,而不会损害大脑分割和差异诊断的性能。我们的发现可能有助于在临床环境中采用DL脑MRI分割并提高大脑研究。
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Accurate diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease (AD) is both challenging and time consuming. With a systematic approach for early detection and diagnosis of AD, steps can be taken towards the treatment and prevention of the disease. This study explores the practical application of deep learning models for diagnosis of AD. Due to computational complexity, large training times and limited availability of labelled dataset, a 3D full brain CNN (convolutional neural network) is not commonly used, and researchers often prefer 2D CNN variants. In this study, full brain 3D version of well-known 2D CNNs were designed, trained and tested for diagnosis of various stages of AD. Deep learning approach shows good performance in differentiating various stages of AD for more than 1500 full brain volumes. Along with classification, the deep learning model is capable of extracting features which are key in differentiating the various categories. The extracted features align with meaningful anatomical landmarks, that are currently considered important in identification of AD by experts. An ensemble of all the algorithm was also tested and the performance of the ensemble algorithm was superior to any individual algorithm, further improving diagnosis ability. The 3D versions of the trained CNNs and their ensemble have the potential to be incorporated in software packages that can be used by physicians/radiologists to assist them in better diagnosis of AD.
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机器学习在医学图像分析中发挥着越来越重要的作用,产卵在神经影像症的临床应用中的新进展。之前有一些关于机器学习和癫痫的综述,它们主要专注于电生理信号,如脑电图(EEG)和立体脑电图(SEENG),同时忽略癫痫研究中神经影像的潜力。 NeuroImaging在确认癫痫区域的范围内具有重要的优点,这对于手术后的前诊所评估和评估至关重要。然而,脑电图难以定位大脑中的准确癫痫病变区。在这篇综述中,我们强调了癫痫诊断和预后在癫痫诊断和预后的背景下神经影像学和机器学习的相互作用。我们首先概述癫痫诊所,MRI,DWI,FMRI和PET中使用的癫痫和典型的神经影像姿态。然后,我们在将机器学习方法应用于神经影像数据的方法:i)将手动特征工程和分类器的传统机器学习方法阐述了两种方法,即卷积神经网络和自动化器等深度学习方法。随后,详细地研究了对癫痫,定位和横向化任务等分割,本地化和横向化任务的应用,以及与诊断和预后直接相关的任务。最后,我们讨论了目前的成就,挑战和潜在的未来方向,希望为癫痫的计算机辅助诊断和预后铺平道路。
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主要的神经影像学研究推动了1.0 mm以下的3T MRI采集分辨率,以改善结构定义和形态学。然而,只有很少的时间 - 密集的自动化图像分析管道已被验证为高分辨率(雇用)设置。另一方面,有效的深度学习方法很少支持多个固定分辨率(通常1.0 mm)。此外,缺乏标准的杂交数据分辨率以及具有足够覆盖的扫描仪,年龄,疾病或遗传方差的多样化数据的有限可用性会带来额外的,未解决的挑战培训网络。将分辨率独立于基于深度学习的分割,即在一系列不同的体素大小上以其本地分辨率进行分辨率的能力,承诺克服这些挑战,但目前没有这种方法。我们现在通过向决议独立的分割任务(VINN)引入VINOSEIZED独立的神经网络(VINN)来填补这个差距,并呈现FastSurfervinn,(i)建立并实施决议独立,以获得深度学习作为同时支持0.7-1.0 mm的第一种方法分割,(ii)显着优于跨决议的最先进方法,(iii)减轻雇用数据集中存在的数据不平衡问题。总体而言,内部分辨率 - 独立性相互益处雇用和1.0 mm MRI分割。通过我们严格验证的FastSurfervinn,我们将为不同的神经视线镜分析分发一个快速工具。此外,VINN架构表示更广泛应用的有效分辨率的分段方法
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Brain tumor classification is crucial for clinical analysis and an effective treatment plan to cure patients. Deep learning models help radiologists to accurately and efficiently analyze tumors without manual intervention. However, brain tumor analysis is challenging because of its complex structure, texture, size, location, and appearance. Therefore, a novel deep residual and regional-based Res-BRNet Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) is developed for effective brain tumor (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) MRI classification. The developed Res-BRNet employed Regional and boundary-based operations in a systematic order within the modified spatial and residual blocks. Moreover, the spatial block extract homogeneity and boundary-defined features at the abstract level. Furthermore, the residual blocks employed at the target level significantly learn local and global texture variations of different classes of brain tumors. The efficiency of the developed Res-BRNet is evaluated on a standard dataset; collected from Kaggle and Figshare containing various tumor categories, including meningioma, glioma, pituitary, and healthy images. Experiments prove that the developed Res-BRNet outperforms the standard CNN models and attained excellent performances (accuracy: 98.22%, sensitivity: 0.9811, F-score: 0.9841, and precision: 0.9822) on challenging datasets. Additionally, the performance of the proposed Res-BRNet indicates a strong potential for medical image-based disease analyses.
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从磁共振成像(MRI)数据(称为颅骨条状)中去除非脑信号是许多神经图像分析流的组成部分。尽管它们很丰富,但通常是针对具有特定采集特性的图像量身定制的,即近乎各向异性的分辨率和T1加权(T1W)MRI对比度,这些分辨率在研究环境中很普遍。结果,现有的工具倾向于适应其他图像类型,例如在诊所常见的快速旋转回声(FSE)MRI中获得的厚切片。尽管近年来基于学习的大脑提取方法已获得吸引力,但这些方法面临着类似的负担,因为它们仅对训练过程中看到的图像类型有效。为了在成像协议的景观中实现强大的颅骨缠身,我们引入了Synthstrip,这是一种快速,基于学习的脑萃取工具。通过利用解剖学分割来生成具有解剖学,强度分布和远远超过现实医学图像范围的完全合成训练数据集,Synthstrip学会了成功推广到各种真实获得的大脑图像,从而消除了使用训练数据的需求目标对比。我们证明了合成条的功效对受试者人群的各种图像采集和决议的功效,从新生儿到成人。我们显示出与流行的颅骨基线的准确性的实质性提高 - 所有这些基线都采用单个训练有素的模型。我们的方法和标记的评估数据可在https://w3id.org/synthstrip上获得。
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用于预测神经影像数据的深度学习算法在各种应用中显示出巨大的希望。先前的工作表明,利用数据的3D结构的深度学习模型可以在几个学习任务上胜过标准机器学习。但是,该领域的大多数先前研究都集中在成年人的神经影像学数据上。在一项大型纵向发展研究的青少年大脑和认知发展(ABCD)数据集中,我们检查了结构性MRI数据,以预测性别并确定与性别相关的大脑结构变化。结果表明,性别预测准确性异常高(> 97%),训练时期> 200,并且这种准确性随着年龄的增长而增加。大脑区域被确定为研究的任务中最歧视性的,包括主要的额叶区域和颞叶。当评估年龄增加两年的性别预测变化时,揭示了一组更广泛的视觉,扣带和孤立区域。我们的发现表明,即使在较小的年龄范围内,也显示出与性别相关的结构变化模式。这表明,通过查看这些变化与不同的行为和环境因素如何相关,可以研究青春期大脑如何变化。
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准确诊断自闭症谱系障碍(ASD),随后有效康复对该疾病的管理至关重要。人工智能(AI)技术可以帮助医生应用自动诊断和康复程序。 AI技术包括传统机器学习(ML)方法和深度学习(DL)技术。常规ML方法采用各种特征提取和分类技术,但在DL中,特征提取和分类过程是智能的,一体地完成的。诊断ASD的DL方法已经专注于基于神经影像动物的方法。神经成像技术是无侵入性疾病标志物,可能对ASD诊断有用。结构和功能神经影像技术提供了关于大脑的结构(解剖结构和结构连接)和功能(活性和功能连接)的实质性信息。由于大脑的复杂结构和功能,提出了在不利用像DL这样的强大AI技术的情况下使用神经影像数据进行ASD诊断的最佳程序可能是具有挑战性的。本文研究了借助DL网络进行以区分ASD进行的研究。还评估了用于支持ASD患者的康复工具,用于利用DL网络的支持患者。最后,我们将在ASD的自动检测和康复中提出重要挑战,并提出了一些未来的作品。
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阿尔茨海默氏病的准确诊断和预后对于开发新疗法和降低相关成本至关重要。最近,随着卷积神经网络的进步,已经提出了深度学习方法,以使用结构MRI自动化这两个任务。但是,这些方法通常缺乏解释性和泛化,预后表现有限。在本文中,我们提出了一个旨在克服这些局限性的新型深框架。我们的管道包括两个阶段。在第一阶段,使用125个3D U-NET来估计整个大脑的体voxelwise等级得分。然后将所得的3D地图融合,以构建一个可解释的3D分级图,以指示结构水平的疾病严重程度。结果,临床医生可以使用该地图来检测受疾病影响的大脑结构。在第二阶段,分级图和受试者的年龄用于使用图卷积神经网络进行分类。基于216名受试者的实验结果表明,与在不同数据集上进行AD诊断和预后的最新方法相比,我们的深框架的竞争性能。此外,我们发现,使用大量的U-NET处理不同的重叠大脑区域,可以提高所提出方法的概括能力。
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脑转移性疾病的治疗决策依赖于主要器官位点的知识,目前用活组织检查和组织学进行。在这里,我们开发了一种具有全脑MRI数据的准确非侵入性数字组织学的新型深度学习方法。我们的IRB批准的单网回顾性研究由患者(n = 1,399)组成,提及MRI治疗规划和伽马刀放射牢房超过19年。对比增强的T1加权和T2加权流体减毒的反转恢复脑MRI考试(n = 1,582)被预处理,并输入肿瘤细分,模态转移和主要部位分类的建议深度学习工作流程为五个课程之一(肺,乳腺,黑色素瘤,肾等)。十倍的交叉验证产生的总体AUC为0.947(95%CI:0.938,0.955),肺类AUC,0.899(95%CI:0.884,0.915),乳房类AUC为0.990(95%CI:0.983,0.997) ,黑色素瘤ACAC为0.882(95%CI:0.858,0.906),肾类AUC为0.870(95%CI:0.823,0.918),以及0.885的其他AUC(95%CI:0.843,0.949)。这些数据确定全脑成像特征是判别的,以便准确诊断恶性肿瘤的主要器官位点。我们的端到端深度射出方法具有巨大的分类来自全脑MRI图像的转移性肿瘤类型。进一步的细化可以提供一种无价的临床工具,以加快对精密治疗和改进的结果的原发性癌症现场鉴定。
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Pneumonia, a respiratory infection brought on by bacteria or viruses, affects a large number of people, especially in developing and impoverished countries where high levels of pollution, unclean living conditions, and overcrowding are frequently observed, along with insufficient medical infrastructure. Pleural effusion, a condition in which fluids fill the lung and complicate breathing, is brought on by pneumonia. Early detection of pneumonia is essential for ensuring curative care and boosting survival rates. The approach most usually used to diagnose pneumonia is chest X-ray imaging. The purpose of this work is to develop a method for the automatic diagnosis of bacterial and viral pneumonia in digital x-ray pictures. This article first presents the authors' technique, and then gives a comprehensive report on recent developments in the field of reliable diagnosis of pneumonia. In this study, here tuned a state-of-the-art deep convolutional neural network to classify plant diseases based on images and tested its performance. Deep learning architecture is compared empirically. VGG19, ResNet with 152v2, Resnext101, Seresnet152, Mobilenettv2, and DenseNet with 201 layers are among the architectures tested. Experiment data consists of two groups, sick and healthy X-ray pictures. To take appropriate action against plant diseases as soon as possible, rapid disease identification models are preferred. DenseNet201 has shown no overfitting or performance degradation in our experiments, and its accuracy tends to increase as the number of epochs increases. Further, DenseNet201 achieves state-of-the-art performance with a significantly a smaller number of parameters and within a reasonable computing time. This architecture outperforms the competition in terms of testing accuracy, scoring 95%. Each architecture was trained using Keras, using Theano as the backend.
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