This white paper lays out a vision of research and development in the field of artificial intelligence for the next decade (and beyond). Its denouement is a cyber-physical ecosystem of natural and synthetic sense-making, in which humans are integral participants$\unicode{x2014}$what we call ''shared intelligence''. This vision is premised on active inference, a formulation of adaptive behavior that can be read as a physics of intelligence, and which inherits from the physics of self-organization. In this context, we understand intelligence as the capacity to accumulate evidence for a generative model of one's sensed world$\unicode{x2014}$also known as self-evidencing. Formally, this corresponds to maximizing (Bayesian) model evidence, via belief updating over several scales: i.e., inference, learning, and model selection. Operationally, this self-evidencing can be realized via (variational) message passing or belief propagation on a factor graph. Crucially, active inference foregrounds an existential imperative of intelligent systems; namely, curiosity or the resolution of uncertainty. This same imperative underwrites belief sharing in ensembles of agents, in which certain aspects (i.e., factors) of each agent's generative world model provide a common ground or frame of reference. Active inference plays a foundational role in this ecology of belief sharing$\unicode{x2014}$leading to a formal account of collective intelligence that rests on shared narratives and goals. We also consider the kinds of communication protocols that must be developed to enable such an ecosystem of intelligences and motivate the development of a shared hyper-spatial modeling language and transaction protocol, as a first$\unicode{x2014}$and key$\unicode{x2014}$step towards such an ecology.
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Recent progress in artificial intelligence (AI) has renewed interest in building systems that learn and think like people. Many advances have come from using deep neural networks trained end-to-end in tasks such as object recognition, video games, and board games, achieving performance that equals or even beats humans in some respects. Despite their biological inspiration and performance achievements, these systems differ from human intelligence in crucial ways. We review progress in cognitive science suggesting that truly human-like learning and thinking machines will have to reach beyond current engineering trends in both what they learn, and how they learn it. Specifically, we argue that these machines should (a) build causal models of the world that support explanation and understanding, rather than merely solving pattern recognition problems; (b) ground learning in intuitive theories of physics and psychology, to support and enrich the knowledge that is learned; and (c) harness compositionality and learning-to-learn to rapidly acquire and generalize knowledge to new tasks and situations. We suggest concrete challenges and promising routes towards these goals that can combine the strengths of recent neural network advances with more structured cognitive models.
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我们展示了任何具有自由度和局部自由能的系统如何在自由能原理的限制下,都将发展朝着支持层次结构计算的神经形态形态发展,在该计算中,每个层次结构的每个级别都会构成其投入的粗糙度。,并双重地将其输出的细粒度。这种层次结构发生在整个生物学中,从细胞内信号转导途径的体系结构到哺乳动物大脑中的感知和动作周期的大规模组织。正式地,一方面,锥体 - 康基图(CCCD)作为量子参考帧的模型,另一方面是CCCDS和拓扑量子场理论之间的近距离形式连接,允许在全剂量量子中代表此类计算拓扑量子神经网络的计算框架。
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We are currently unable to specify human goals and societal values in a way that reliably directs AI behavior. Law-making and legal interpretation form a computational engine that converts opaque human values into legible directives. "Law Informs Code" is the research agenda capturing complex computational legal processes, and embedding them in AI. Similar to how parties to a legal contract cannot foresee every potential contingency of their future relationship, and legislators cannot predict all the circumstances under which their proposed bills will be applied, we cannot ex ante specify rules that provably direct good AI behavior. Legal theory and practice have developed arrays of tools to address these specification problems. For instance, legal standards allow humans to develop shared understandings and adapt them to novel situations. In contrast to more prosaic uses of the law (e.g., as a deterrent of bad behavior through the threat of sanction), leveraged as an expression of how humans communicate their goals, and what society values, Law Informs Code. We describe how data generated by legal processes (methods of law-making, statutory interpretation, contract drafting, applications of legal standards, legal reasoning, etc.) can facilitate the robust specification of inherently vague human goals. This increases human-AI alignment and the local usefulness of AI. Toward society-AI alignment, we present a framework for understanding law as the applied philosophy of multi-agent alignment. Although law is partly a reflection of historically contingent political power - and thus not a perfect aggregation of citizen preferences - if properly parsed, its distillation offers the most legitimate computational comprehension of societal values available. If law eventually informs powerful AI, engaging in the deliberative political process to improve law takes on even more meaning.
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2021年8月,圣达菲研究所举办了一个关于集体智力的研讨会,是智力项目基础的一部分。该项目旨在通过促进智能性质的跨学科研究来推进人工智能领域。该研讨会汇集了计算机科学家,生物学家,哲学家,社会科学家和其他人,以分享他们对多种代理人之间的互动产生的洞察力的见解 - 是否这些代理商是机器,动物或人类。在本报告中,我们总结了每个会谈和随后的讨论。我们还借出了许多关键主题,并确定未来研究的重要前沿。
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预测性编码提供了对皮质功能的潜在统一说明 - 假设大脑的核心功能是最小化有关世界生成模型的预测错误。该理论与贝叶斯大脑框架密切相关,在过去的二十年中,在理论和认知神经科学领域都产生了重大影响。基于经验测试的预测编码的改进和扩展的理论和数学模型,以及评估其在大脑中实施的潜在生物学合理性以及该理论所做的具体神经生理学和心理学预测。尽管存在这种持久的知名度,但仍未对预测编码理论,尤其是该领域的最新发展进行全面回顾。在这里,我们提供了核心数学结构和预测编码的逻辑的全面综述,从而补充了文献中最新的教程。我们还回顾了该框架中的各种经典和最新工作,从可以实施预测性编码的神经生物学现实的微电路到预测性编码和广泛使用的错误算法的重新传播之间的紧密关系,以及对近距离的调查。预测性编码和现代机器学习技术之间的关系。
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The applicability of computational models to the biological world is an active topic of debate. We argue that a useful path forward results from abandoning hard boundaries between categories and adopting an observer-dependent, pragmatic view. Such a view dissolves the contingent dichotomies driven by human cognitive biases (e.g., tendency to oversimplify) and prior technological limitations in favor of a more continuous, gradualist view necessitated by the study of evolution, developmental biology, and intelligent machines. Efforts to re-shape living systems for biomedical or bioengineering purposes require prediction and control of their function at multiple scales. This is challenging for many reasons, one of which is that living systems perform multiple functions in the same place at the same time. We refer to this as "polycomputing" - the ability of the same substrate to simultaneously compute different things. This ability is an important way in which living things are a kind of computer, but not the familiar, linear, deterministic kind; rather, living things are computers in the broad sense of computational materials as reported in the rapidly-growing physical computing literature. We argue that an observer-centered framework for the computations performed by evolved and designed systems will improve the understanding of meso-scale events, as it has already done at quantum and relativistic scales. Here, we review examples of biological and technological polycomputing, and develop the idea that overloading of different functions on the same hardware is an important design principle that helps understand and build both evolved and designed systems. Learning to hack existing polycomputing substrates, as well as evolve and design new ones, will have massive impacts on regenerative medicine, robotics, and computer engineering.
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There has been a recent resurgence in the area of explainable artificial intelligence as researchers and practitioners seek to make their algorithms more understandable. Much of this research is focused on explicitly explaining decisions or actions to a human observer, and it should not be controversial to say that looking at how humans explain to each other can serve as a useful starting point for explanation in artificial intelligence. However, it is fair to say that most work in explainable artificial intelligence uses only the researchers' intuition of what constitutes a 'good' explanation. There exists vast and valuable bodies of research in philosophy, psychology, and cognitive science of how people define, generate, select, evaluate, and present explanations, which argues that people employ certain cognitive biases and social expectations towards the explanation process. This paper argues that the field of explainable artificial intelligence should build on this existing research, and reviews relevant papers from philosophy, cognitive psychology/science, and social psychology, which study these topics. It draws out some important findings, and discusses ways that these can be infused with work on explainable artificial intelligence.
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Artificial life is a research field studying what processes and properties define life, based on a multidisciplinary approach spanning the physical, natural and computational sciences. Artificial life aims to foster a comprehensive study of life beyond "life as we know it" and towards "life as it could be", with theoretical, synthetic and empirical models of the fundamental properties of living systems. While still a relatively young field, artificial life has flourished as an environment for researchers with different backgrounds, welcoming ideas and contributions from a wide range of subjects. Hybrid Life is an attempt to bring attention to some of the most recent developments within the artificial life community, rooted in more traditional artificial life studies but looking at new challenges emerging from interactions with other fields. In particular, Hybrid Life focuses on three complementary themes: 1) theories of systems and agents, 2) hybrid augmentation, with augmented architectures combining living and artificial systems, and 3) hybrid interactions among artificial and biological systems. After discussing some of the major sources of inspiration for these themes, we will focus on an overview of the works that appeared in Hybrid Life special sessions, hosted by the annual Artificial Life Conference between 2018 and 2022.
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积极推断是复杂系统中的认知和行为的叙述,它在贝叶斯推论的理论地幔下举起动作,感知和学习。积极的推论已经看到学术研究中的应用越来越多,特别是在寻求模拟人类或动物行为的领域。虽然近年来,来自有效推理文献产生的一些代码已经用Python和Julia这样的开源语言编写,迄今为止,用于模拟活动推理代理的最流行的软件是SPM,Matlab库的DEM工具箱最初开发用于神经影像数据的统计分析和建模。因此,在纯粹的数字和科学学科的应用程序方面,表现出对积极推断的兴趣,因此为在开源科学计算语言中模拟了激活推论的通用,广泛可用的和用户友好的代码,这一切都表现为纯粹的数字以及跨科学学科的应用程序。像python。我们在这里呈现的Python包,Pymdp(参见表示朝这个方向的重要一步:即,我们提供了用于模拟有源推断的第一个开源包,部分 - 可观察的马尔可夫决策过程或POMDPS。我们查看包的结构,并解释了模块化设计和定制等优点,同时提供沿着文本代码块,以便演示如何使用它以轻松地构建和运行主动推断过程。我们开发了PyMDP,以增加有效推理框架的可访问性和暴露于有多种纪律背景的研究人员,工程师和开发人员。本着开源软件的精神,我们也希望它在不断增长的积极推理界中产生新的创新,发展和合作。
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