The purpose of this work was to tackle practical issues which arise when using a tendon-driven robotic manipulator with a long, passive, flexible proximal section in medical applications. A separable robot which overcomes difficulties in actuation and sterilization is introduced, in which the body containing the electronics is reusable and the remainder is disposable. A control input which resolves the redundancy in the kinematics and a physical interpretation of this redundancy are provided. The effect of a static change in the proximal section angle on bending angle error was explored under four testing conditions for a sinusoidal input. Bending angle error increased for increasing proximal section angle for all testing conditions with an average error reduction of 41.48% for retension, 4.28% for hysteresis, and 52.35% for re-tension + hysteresis compensation relative to the baseline case. Two major sources of error in tracking the bending angle were identified: time delay from hysteresis and DC offset from the proximal section angle. Examination of these error sources revealed that the simple hysteresis compensation was most effective for removing time delay and re-tension compensation for removing DC offset, which was the primary source of increasing error. The re-tension compensation was also tested for dynamic changes in the proximal section and reduced error in the final configuration of the tip by 89.14% relative to the baseline case.
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脑出血(ICH)是最致命的中风子类型,死亡率高达52%。由于颅骨切开术引起的潜在皮质破坏,保守管理(注意等待)历史上一直是一种常见的治疗方法。最小的侵入性疏散最近已成为一种可公认的治疗方法,用于体积30-50 mL的深座性血肿的患者,但适当的可视化和工具敏感性仍然受到常规内窥镜方法的限制,尤其是较大的血肿体积(> 50 mL)。在本文中,我们描述了Aspihre的发展(脑部出血机器人疏散的手术平台),这是有史以来的第一个同心管机器人,该机器人使用现成的塑料管来进行MR引导ICH撤离,改善工具敏感性和程序可视化。机器人运动学模型是基于基于校准的方法和试管力学建模开发的,使模型可以考虑可变曲率和扭转偏转。使用可变增益PID算法控制旋转精度为0.317 +/- 0.3度。硬件和理论模型在一系列系统的基准和MRI实验中进行了验证,导致1.39 +\ -0.54 mm的管尖的位置精度。验证靶向准确性后,在MR引导的幻影凝块疏散实验中测试了机器人的疏散功效。该机器人能够在5分钟内撤离最初38.36 mL的凝块,使残留血肿为8.14 mL,远低于15 mL指南,表明良好的后疏散临床结果。
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This paper considers a combination of actuation tendons and measurement strings to achieve accurate shape sensing and direct kinematics of continuum robots. Assuming general string routing, a methodical Lie group formulation for the shape sensing of these robots is presented. The shape kinematics is expressed using arc-length-dependent curvature distributions parameterized by modal functions, and the Magnus expansion for Lie group integration is used to express the shape as a product of exponentials. The tendon and string length kinematic constraints are solved for the modal coefficients and the configuration space and body Jacobian are derived. The noise amplification index for the shape reconstruction problem is defined and used for optimizing the string/tendon routing paths, and a planar simulation study shows the minimal number of strings/tendons needed for accurate shape reconstruction. A torsionally stiff continuum segment is used for experimental evaluation, demonstrating mean (maximal) end-effector absolute position error of less than 2% (5%) of total length. Finally, a simulation study of a torsionally compliant segment demonstrates the approach for general deflections and string routings. We believe that the methods of this paper can benefit the design process, sensing and control of continuum and soft robots.
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在人类机器人的相互作用中,眼球运动在非语言交流中起着重要作用。但是,控制机器人眼的动作表现出与人眼动物系统相似的性能仍然是一个重大挑战。在本文中,我们研究了如何使用电缆驱动的驱动系统来控制人眼的现实模型,该系统模仿了六个眼外肌肉的自由度。仿生设计引入了解决新的挑战,最值得注意的是,需要控制每种肌肉的支撑,以防止运动过程中的紧张感损失,这将导致电缆松弛和缺乏控制。我们构建了一个机器人原型,并开发了一个非线性模拟器和两个控制器。在第一种方法中,我们使用局部衍生技术线性化了非线性模型,并设计了线性 - 季度最佳控制器,以优化计算准确性,能量消耗和运动持续时间的成本函数。第二种方法使用复发性神经网络,该神经网络从系统的样本轨迹中学习非线性系统动力学,以及一个非线性轨迹优化求解器,可最大程度地减少相似的成本函数。我们专注于具有完全不受限制的运动学的快速saccadic眼球运动,以及六根电缆的控制信号的生成,这些电缆同时满足了几个动态优化标准。该模型忠实地模仿了人类扫视观察到的三维旋转运动学和动力学。我们的实验结果表明,尽管两种方法都产生了相似的结果,但非线性方法对于未来改进该模型的方法更加灵活,该模型的计算是线性化模型的位置依赖性偏向和局部衍生物的计算变得特别乏味。
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如果机器人曾经实现与动物所展示的机器人相当的自动运动,则它们必须获得在损害,故障或环境条件下快速恢复运动行为的能力,从而损害了其有效移动的能力。我们提出了一种方法,该方法使我们的机器人和模拟机器人能够在几十次尝试中恢复自由运动行为的高度。我们的方法采用行为规范,以等级的差异约束来表达所需的行为。我们展示了如何通过编码模板来考虑这些约束,从而产生了将先前优化的行为推广到新情况下以快速学习的形式概括的秘诀。我们进一步说明,在数据驱动的上下文中,足够的限制通常很容易确定。作为例证,我们证明了我们在物理7 DOF六型六杆元机器人上的恢复方法,以及对6 DOF 2D运动机制的模拟。在这两种情况下,我们恢复了与先前优化的运动在功能上无法区分的行为。
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MODBOAT是一种低成本,不足的模块化机器人,能够进行表面游泳,停靠到其他模块,并仅使用一个电动机和两个被动式拖鞋从中脱落。通过在某些配置中引起相邻模块的尾巴之间的故意自我碰撞来实现撤消;但是,当集体游泳作为一个连接的组件是理想的时,这将成为一个挑战。在这项工作中,我们制定了一种集中式控制策略,以允许\ textit {任意}配置Modboats作为单个可通道的车辆游泳,并保证不会意外撤离。我们还提出了一个简化的模型,用于在实时控制的配置中以船只之间的流体动力相互作用。我们在实验上证明,我们的控制器的性能很好,对于各种尺寸和形状的配置都是一致的,并且可以同时控制潮流速度和偏航角。游泳时保持可控性,但是纯偏航控制会导致侧向运动,而横向运动不能被提出的框架抵消。
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Soft robots are interesting examples of hyper-redundancy in robotics, however, the nonlinear continuous dynamics of these robots and the use of hyper-elastic and visco-elastic materials makes modeling of these robots more complicated. This study presents a geometric Inverse Kinematic (IK) model for trajectory tracking of multi-segment extensible soft robots, where, each segment of the soft actuator is geometrically approximated with multiple rigid links connected with rotary and prismatic joints. Using optimization methods, the desired configuration variables of the soft actuator for the desired end-effector positions are obtained. Also, the redundancy of the robot is applied for second task applications, such as tip angle control. The model's performance is investigated through simulations, numerical benchmarks, and experimental validations and results show lower computational costs and higher accuracy compared to most existing methods. The method is easy to apply to multi segment soft robots, both in 2D and 3D. As a case study, a fully 3D-printed soft robot manipulator is tested using a control unit and the model predictions show good agreement with the experimental results.
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This book provides a solution to the control and motion planning design for an octocopter system. It includes a particular choice of control and motion planning algorithms which is based on the authors' previous research work, so it can be used as a reference design guidance for students, researchers as well as autonomous vehicles hobbyists. The control is constructed based on a fault tolerant approach aiming to increase the chances of the system to detect and isolate a potential failure in order to produce feasible control signals to the remaining active motors. The used motion planning algorithm is risk-aware by means that it takes into account the constraints related to the fault-dependant and mission-related maneuverability analysis of the octocopter system during the planning stage. Such a planner generates only those reference trajectories along which the octocopter system would be safe and capable of good tracking in case of a single motor fault and of majority of double motor fault scenarios. The control and motion planning algorithms presented in the book aim to increase the overall reliability of the system for completing the mission.
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在这项工作中,我们为软机器人蛇提供了一种基于学习的目标跟踪控制方法。受到生物蛇的启发,我们的控制器由两个关键模块组成:用于学习靶向轨迹行为的增强学习(RL)模块,给出了软蛇机器人的随机动力学,以及带有Matsuoka振荡器的中央模式生成器(CPG)系统,用于产生稳定而多样的运动模式。基于提议的框架,我们全面讨论了软蛇机器人的可操作性,包括在其蛇形运动期间的转向和速度控制。可以将这种可操作性映射到CPG系统振荡模式的控制中。通过对Matsuoka CPG系统振荡性能的理论分析,这项工作表明,实现我们软蛇机器人的自由移动性的关键是正确限制和控制Matsuoka CpG系统的某些系数比率。基于此分析,我们系统地制定了CPG系统的可控系数,供RL代理运行。通过实验验证,我们表明,在模拟环境中学习的控制政策可以直接应用于控制我们的真正的蛇机器人以执行目标跟踪任务,而不管模拟与现实世界之间的物理环境差距如何。实验结果还表明,与我们先前的方法和基线RL方法(PPO)相比,我们的方法对SIM到现实过渡的适应性和鲁棒性得到了显着改善。
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拍打翅膀是一种生物启发的方法,可在空中机器人中产生升力和推动,从而导致安静有效的运动。该技术的优点是安全性和可操作性,以及与环境,人类和动物的物理互动。但是,为了实现大量应用,这些机器人必须栖息和土地。尽管最近在栖息场上取得了进展,但直到今天,拍打翼车辆或鸟类动物仍无法停止在分支上的飞行。在本文中,我们提出了一种新颖的方法,该方法定义了一个可以可靠和自主将鸟鸟类降落在分支上的过程。该方法描述了拍打飞行控制器的联合操作,近距离校正系统和被动爪附件。飞行由三重俯仰高空控制器和集成的车身电子设备处理,允许以3 m/s的速度栖息。近距离校正系统,具有快速的光学分支传感可补偿着陆时的位置错位。这是通过被动双向爪设计可以补充的,可以锁定和固定2 nm的扭矩,在25毫秒内掌握,并且由于集成的肌腱致动而可以重新打开。栖息的方法补充了四步实验开发过程,该过程为成功的设计优化。我们用700 g的鸟杆验证了这种方法,并演示了在分支上拍打翼机器人的第一次自主栖息飞行,结果用第二个机器人复制。这项工作为在远程任务,观察,操纵和室外飞行中应用翼机器人的应用铺平了道路。
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在本文中,我们提出了一种新颖的,通用的数据驱动方法,用于伺服控制连续机器人的3-D形状,并嵌入了纤维bragg光栅(FBG)传感器。 3D形状感知和控制技术的发展对于连续机器人在手术干预中自主执行任务至关重要。但是,由于连续机器人的非线性特性,主要难度在于它们的建模,尤其是对于具有可变刚度的软机器人。为了解决这个问题,我们通过利用FBG形状反馈和神经网络(NNS)提出了一个新的健壮自适应控制器,该反馈和神经网络(NNS)可以在线估算连续机器人的未知模型,并说明了意外的干扰以及NN近似错误,该错误表现出适应性行为对适应性行为呈现没有先验数据探索的未建模系统。基于新的复合适应算法,Lyapunov理论证明了具有NNS学习参数的闭环系统的渐近收敛。为了验证所提出的方法,我们通过使用两个连续机器人进行了一项全面的实验研究,这些连续机器人都与多核FBG集成,包括机器人辅助结肠镜和多部分可扩展的软操纵剂。结果表明,在各种非结构化环境以及幻影实验中,我们的控制器的可行性,适应性和优越性。
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This paper introduces a structure-deformable land-air robot which possesses both excellent ground driving and flying ability, with smooth switching mechanism between two modes. The elaborate coupled dynamics model of the proposed robot is established, including rotors, chassis, especially the deformable structures. Furthermore, taking fusion locomotion and complex near-ground situations into consideration, a model based controller is designed for landing and mode switching under various harsh conditions, in which we realise the cooperation between fused two motion modes. The entire system is implemented in ADAMS/Simulink simulation and in practical. We conduct experiments under various complex scenarios. The results show our robot can accomplish land-air switching swiftly and smoothly, and the designed controller can effectively improve the landing flexibility and reliability.
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意识到高性能软机器人抓手是具有挑战性的,因为软执行器和人造肌肉的固有局限性。尽管现有的软机器人抓手表现出可接受的性能,但他们的设计和制造仍然是一个空旷的问题。本文探索了扭曲的弦乐执行器(TSA),以驱动软机器人抓手。 TSA已被广泛用于众多机器人应用中,但它们包含在软机器人中是有限的。提议的抓手设计灵感来自人类手,四个手指和拇指。通过使用拮抗剂TSA,在手指中实现了可调刚度。手指的弯曲角度,驱动速度,阻塞力输出和刚度调整是实验表征的。抓手能够在Kapandji测试中获得6分,并且还可以达到33个Feix Grasp Grasp分类法中的31个。一项比较研究表明,与其他类似抓手相比,提出的抓手表现出等效或卓越的性能。
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Snakes and their bio-inspired robot counterparts have demonstrated locomotion on a wide range of terrains. However, dynamic vertical climbing is one locomotion strategy that has received little attention in the existing snake robotics literature. We demonstrate a new scansorial gait and robot inspired by the locomotion of the Pacific Lamprey. This new gait allows a robot to steer while climbing on flat, near-vertical surfaces. A reduced-order model is developed and used to explore the relationship between body actuation and vertical and lateral motions of the robot. Trident, the new wall climbing lamprey-inspired robot, demonstrates dynamic climbing on flat vertical surfaces with a peak net vertical stride displacement of 4.1 cm per step. Actuating at 1.3 Hz, Trident attains a vertical climbing speed of 4.8 cm/s (0.09 Bl/s) at specific resistance of 8.3. Trident can also traverse laterally at 9 cm/s (0.17 Bl/s). Moreover, Trident is able to make 14\% longer strides than the Pacific Lamprey when climbing vertically. The computational and experimental results demonstrate that a lamprey-inspired climbing gait coupled with appropriate attachment is a useful climbing strategy for snake robots climbing near vertical surfaces with limited push points.
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腔内器官内部的导航是一项艰巨的任务,需要在操作员的手的运动与从内窥镜视频获得的信息之间进行非直觉的协调。开发自动化某些任务的工具可以减轻干预期间医生的身体和精神负担,从而使他们专注于诊断和决策任务。在本文中,我们提出了一种用于腔内导航的协同解决方案,该解决方案由3D打印的内窥镜软机器人组成,该机器人可以在腔内结构内安全移动。基于卷积神经网络(CNN)的Visual Servoing用于完成自主导航任务。 CNN经过幻象和体内数据训练以分割管腔,并提出了一种无模型的方法来控制受约束环境中的运动。在不同的路径配置中,在解剖幻像中验证了所提出的机器人。我们使用不同的指标分析机器人的运动,例如任务完成时间,平滑度,稳态中的误差以及均值和最大误差。我们表明,我们的方法适合在空心环境和条件下安全导航,这些环境和条件与最初对网络训练的条件不同。
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