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Domain adaptive object detection (DAOD) aims to alleviate transfer performance degradation caused by the cross-domain discrepancy. However, most existing DAOD methods are dominated by computationally intensive two-stage detectors, which are not the first choice for industrial applications. In this paper, we propose a novel semi-supervised domain adaptive YOLO (SSDA-YOLO) based method to improve cross-domain detection performance by integrating the compact one-stage detector YOLOv5 with domain adaptation. Specifically, we adapt the knowledge distillation framework with the Mean Teacher model to assist the student model in obtaining instance-level features of the unlabeled target domain. We also utilize the scene style transfer to cross-generate pseudo images in different domains for remedying image-level differences. In addition, an intuitive consistency loss is proposed to further align cross-domain predictions. We evaluate our proposed SSDA-YOLO on public benchmarks including PascalVOC, Clipart1k, Cityscapes, and Foggy Cityscapes. Moreover, to verify its generalization, we conduct experiments on yawning detection datasets collected from various classrooms. The results show considerable improvements of our method in these DAOD tasks. Our code is available on \url{https://github.com/hnuzhy/SSDA-YOLO}.
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Domain adaptive detection aims to improve the generalization of detectors on target domain. To reduce discrepancy in feature distributions between two domains, recent approaches achieve domain adaption through feature alignment in different granularities via adversarial learning. However, they neglect the relationship between multiple granularities and different features in alignment, degrading detection. Addressing this, we introduce a unified multi-granularity alignment (MGA)-based detection framework for domain-invariant feature learning. The key is to encode the dependencies across different granularities including pixel-, instance-, and category-levels simultaneously to align two domains. Specifically, based on pixel-level features, we first develop an omni-scale gated fusion (OSGF) module to aggregate discriminative representations of instances with scale-aware convolutions, leading to robust multi-scale detection. Besides, we introduce multi-granularity discriminators to identify where, either source or target domains, different granularities of samples come from. Note that, MGA not only leverages instance discriminability in different categories but also exploits category consistency between two domains for detection. Furthermore, we present an adaptive exponential moving average (AEMA) strategy that explores model assessments for model update to improve pseudo labels and alleviate local misalignment problem, boosting detection robustness. Extensive experiments on multiple domain adaption scenarios validate the superiority of MGA over other approaches on FCOS and Faster R-CNN detectors. Code will be released at https://github.com/tiankongzhang/MGA.
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半监督的对象检测在平均教师驱动的自我训练的发展中取得了重大进展。尽管结果有令人鼓舞,但在先前的工作中尚未完全探索标签不匹配问题,从而导致自训练期间严重确认偏见。在本文中,我们从两个不同但互补的角度(即分布级别和实例级别)提出了一个简单而有效的标签框架。对于前者,根据Monte Carlo采样,可以合理地近似来自标记数据的未标记数据的类分布。在这种弱监督提示的指导下,我们引入了一个重新分配卑鄙的老师,该老师利用自适应标签 - 分布意识到的信心阈值来生成无偏见的伪标签来推动学生学习。对于后一个,存在着跨教师模型的被忽视的标签分配歧义问题。为了解决这个问题,我们提出了一种新的标签分配机制,用于自我训练框架,即提案自我分配,该机制将学生的建议注入教师,并生成准确的伪标签,以相应地匹配学生模型中的每个建议。 MS-Coco和Pascal-VOC数据集的实验证明了我们提出的框架与其他最先进的框架相当优越。代码将在https://github.com/hikvision-research/ssod上找到。
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微创手术中的手术工具检测是计算机辅助干预措施的重要组成部分。当前的方法主要是基于有监督的方法,这些方法需要大量的完全标记的数据来培训监督模型,并且由于阶级不平衡问题而患有伪标签偏见。但是,带有边界框注释的大图像数据集通常几乎无法使用。半监督学习(SSL)最近出现了仅使用适度的注释数据训练大型模型的一种手段。除了降低注释成本。 SSL还显示出希望产生更强大和可推广的模型。因此,在本文中,我们在手术工具检测范式中介绍了半监督学习(SSL)框架,该框架旨在通过知识蒸馏方法来减轻培训数据的稀缺和数据失衡。在拟议的工作中,我们培训了一个标有数据的模型,该模型启动了教师学生的联合学习,在该学习中,学生接受了来自未标记数据的教师生成的伪标签的培训。我们提出了一个多级距离,在检测器的利益区域头部具有基于保证金的分类损失函数,以有效地将前景类别与背景区域隔离。我们在M2CAI16-Tool-locations数据集上的结果表明,我们的方法在不同的监督数据设置(1%,2%,5%,注释数据的10%)上的优越性,其中我们的模型可实现8%,12%和27的总体改善在最先进的SSL方法和完全监督的基线上,MAP中的%(在1%标记的数据上)。该代码可在https://github.com/mansoor-at/semi-supervise-surgical-tool-det上获得
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Unsupervised Domain Adaptation (UDA) is an effective approach to tackle the issue of domain shift. Specifically, UDA methods try to align the source and target representations to improve the generalization on the target domain. Further, UDA methods work under the assumption that the source data is accessible during the adaptation process. However, in real-world scenarios, the labelled source data is often restricted due to privacy regulations, data transmission constraints, or proprietary data concerns. The Source-Free Domain Adaptation (SFDA) setting aims to alleviate these concerns by adapting a source-trained model for the target domain without requiring access to the source data. In this paper, we explore the SFDA setting for the task of adaptive object detection. To this end, we propose a novel training strategy for adapting a source-trained object detector to the target domain without source data. More precisely, we design a novel contrastive loss to enhance the target representations by exploiting the objects relations for a given target domain input. These object instance relations are modelled using an Instance Relation Graph (IRG) network, which are then used to guide the contrastive representation learning. In addition, we utilize a student-teacher based knowledge distillation strategy to avoid overfitting to the noisy pseudo-labels generated by the source-trained model. Extensive experiments on multiple object detection benchmark datasets show that the proposed approach is able to efficiently adapt source-trained object detectors to the target domain, outperforming previous state-of-the-art domain adaptive detection methods. Code is available at https://github.com/Vibashan/irg-sfda.
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最近,许多半监督的对象检测(SSOD)方法采用教师学生框架并取得了最新的结果。但是,教师网络与学生网络紧密相结合,因为教师是学生的指数移动平均值(EMA),这会导致表现瓶颈。为了解决耦合问题,我们为SSOD提出了一个周期自我训练(CST)框架,该框架由两个老师T1和T2,两个学生S1和S2组成。基于这些网络,构建了一个周期自我训练机制​​,即S1 $ {\ rightarrow} $ t1 $ {\ rightArow} $ s2 $ {\ rightArrow} $ t2 $ {\ rightArrow} $ s1。对于S $ {\ Rightarrow} $ T,我们还利用学生的EMA权重来更新老师。对于t $ {\ rightarrow} $ s,而不是直接为其学生S1(S2)提供监督,而是老师T1(T2)为学生S2(S1)生成伪标记,从而松散耦合效果。此外,由于EMA的财产,老师最有可能积累学生的偏见,并使错误变得不可逆转。为了减轻问题,我们还提出了分配一致性重新加权策略,在该策略中,根据教师T1和T2的分配一致性,将伪标记重新加权。通过该策略,可以使用嘈杂的伪标签对两个学生S2和S1进行训练,以避免确认偏见。广泛的实验证明了CST的优势,通过将AP比基线优于最先进的方法提高了2.1%的绝对AP改进,并具有稀缺的标记数据,而胜过了2.1%的绝对AP。
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半监督对象检测(SSOD)的最新进展主要由基于一致性的伪标记方法驱动,用于图像分类任务,产生伪标签作为监控信号。然而,在使用伪标签时,缺乏考虑本地化精度和放大的类别不平衡,这两者都对于检测任务至关重要。在本文中,我们介绍了针对物体检测量身定制的确定性感知伪标签,可以有效地估计导出的伪标签的分类和定位质量。这是通过将传统定位转换为分类任务之后的传统定位来实现的。在分类和本地化质量分数上调节,我们动态调整用于为每个类别生成伪标签和重重损耗函数的阈值,以减轻类别不平衡问题。广泛的实验表明,我们的方法在Coco和Pascal VOC上的1-2%AP改善了最先进的SSOD性能,同时与大多数现有方法正交和互补。在有限的注释制度中,我们的方法可以通过从Coco标记的1-10%标记数据来改善监督基准。
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Domain adaptation aims to bridge the domain shifts between the source and the target domain. These shifts may span different dimensions such as fog, rainfall, etc. However, recent methods typically do not consider explicit prior knowledge about the domain shifts on a specific dimension, thus leading to less desired adaptation performance. In this paper, we study a practical setting called Specific Domain Adaptation (SDA) that aligns the source and target domains in a demanded-specific dimension. Within this setting, we observe the intra-domain gap induced by different domainness (i.e., numerical magnitudes of domain shifts in this dimension) is crucial when adapting to a specific domain. To address the problem, we propose a novel Self-Adversarial Disentangling (SAD) framework. In particular, given a specific dimension, we first enrich the source domain by introducing a domainness creator with providing additional supervisory signals. Guided by the created domainness, we design a self-adversarial regularizer and two loss functions to jointly disentangle the latent representations into domainness-specific and domainness-invariant features, thus mitigating the intra-domain gap. Our method can be easily taken as a plug-and-play framework and does not introduce any extra costs in the inference time. We achieve consistent improvements over state-of-the-art methods in both object detection and semantic segmentation.
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Vision-Centric Bird-Eye-View (BEV) perception has shown promising potential and attracted increasing attention in autonomous driving. Recent works mainly focus on improving efficiency or accuracy but neglect the domain shift problem, resulting in severe degradation of transfer performance. With extensive observations, we figure out the significant domain gaps existing in the scene, weather, and day-night changing scenarios and make the first attempt to solve the domain adaption problem for multi-view 3D object detection. Since BEV perception approaches are usually complicated and contain several components, the domain shift accumulation on multi-latent spaces makes BEV domain adaptation challenging. In this paper, we propose a novel Multi-level Multi-space Alignment Teacher-Student ($M^{2}ATS$) framework to ease the domain shift accumulation, which consists of a Depth-Aware Teacher (DAT) and a Multi-space Feature Aligned (MFA) student model. Specifically, DAT model adopts uncertainty guidance to sample reliable depth information in target domain. After constructing domain-invariant BEV perception, it then transfers pixel and instance-level knowledge to student model. To further alleviate the domain shift at the global level, MFA student model is introduced to align task-relevant multi-space features of two domains. To verify the effectiveness of $M^{2}ATS$, we conduct BEV 3D object detection experiments on four cross domain scenarios and achieve state-of-the-art performance (e.g., +12.6% NDS and +9.1% mAP on Day-Night). Code and dataset will be released.
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临床医生在手术室(OR)的细粒度定位是设计新一代或支持系统的关键组成部分。需要基于人像素的分段和身体视觉计算机的计算机视觉模型检测,以更好地了解OR的临床活动和空间布局。这是具有挑战性的,这不仅是因为或图像与传统视觉数据集有很大不同,还因为在隐私问题上很难收集和生成数据和注释。为了解决这些问题,我们首先研究了如何在低分辨率图像上进行姿势估计和实例分割,而下采样因子从1x到12倍进行下采样因子。其次,为了解决域的偏移和缺乏注释,我们提出了一种新型的无监督域适应方法,称为适配器,以使模型从野外标记的源域中适应统计上不同的未标记目标域。我们建议在未标记的目标域图像的不同增强上利用明确的几何约束,以生成准确的伪标签,并使用这些伪标签在自我训练框架中对高分辨率和低分辨率或图像进行训练。此外,我们提出了分离的特征归一化,以处理统计上不同的源和目标域数据。对两个或数据集MVOR+和TUM-或TUM-或测试的详细消融研究的广泛实验结果表明,我们方法对强构建的基线的有效性,尤其是在低分辨率的隐私性或图像上。最后,我们在大规模可可数据集上显示了我们作为半监督学习方法(SSL)方法的普遍性,在这里,我们获得了可比较的结果,而对经过100%标记的监督培训的模型的标签监督只有1%。 。
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Semi-supervised object detection (SSOD) aims to boost detection performance by leveraging extra unlabeled data. The teacher-student framework has been shown to be promising for SSOD, in which a teacher network generates pseudo-labels for unlabeled data to assist the training of a student network. Since the pseudo-labels are noisy, filtering the pseudo-labels is crucial to exploit the potential of such framework. Unlike existing suboptimal methods, we propose a two-step pseudo-label filtering for the classification and regression heads in a teacher-student framework. For the classification head, OCL (Object-wise Contrastive Learning) regularizes the object representation learning that utilizes unlabeled data to improve pseudo-label filtering by enhancing the discriminativeness of the classification score. This is designed to pull together objects in the same class and push away objects from different classes. For the regression head, we further propose RUPL (Regression-Uncertainty-guided Pseudo-Labeling) to learn the aleatoric uncertainty of object localization for label filtering. By jointly filtering the pseudo-labels for the classification and regression heads, the student network receives better guidance from the teacher network for object detection task. Experimental results on Pascal VOC and MS-COCO datasets demonstrate the superiority of our proposed method with competitive performance compared to existing methods.
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在域移位下,跨域几个射击对象检测旨在通过一些注释的目标数据适应目标域中的对象检测器。存在两个重大挑战:(1)高度不足的目标域数据; (2)潜在的过度适应和误导性是由不当放大的目标样本而没有任何限制引起的。为了应对这些挑战,我们提出了一种由两个部分组成的自适应方法。首先,我们提出了一种自适应优化策略,以选择类似于目标样本的增强数据,而不是盲目增加数量。具体而言,我们过滤了增强的候选者,这些候选者在一开始就显着偏离了目标特征分布。其次,为了进一步释放数据限制,我们提出了多级域感知数据增强,以增加增强数据的多样性和合理性,从而利用了跨图像前景 - 背景混合物。实验表明,所提出的方法在多个基准测试中实现了最先进的性能。
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While deep learning methods hitherto have achieved considerable success in medical image segmentation, they are still hampered by two limitations: (i) reliance on large-scale well-labeled datasets, which are difficult to curate due to the expert-driven and time-consuming nature of pixel-level annotations in clinical practices, and (ii) failure to generalize from one domain to another, especially when the target domain is a different modality with severe domain shifts. Recent unsupervised domain adaptation~(UDA) techniques leverage abundant labeled source data together with unlabeled target data to reduce the domain gap, but these methods degrade significantly with limited source annotations. In this study, we address this underexplored UDA problem, investigating a challenging but valuable realistic scenario, where the source domain not only exhibits domain shift~w.r.t. the target domain but also suffers from label scarcity. In this regard, we propose a novel and generic framework called ``Label-Efficient Unsupervised Domain Adaptation"~(LE-UDA). In LE-UDA, we construct self-ensembling consistency for knowledge transfer between both domains, as well as a self-ensembling adversarial learning module to achieve better feature alignment for UDA. To assess the effectiveness of our method, we conduct extensive experiments on two different tasks for cross-modality segmentation between MRI and CT images. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed LE-UDA can efficiently leverage limited source labels to improve cross-domain segmentation performance, outperforming state-of-the-art UDA approaches in the literature. Code is available at: https://github.com/jacobzhaoziyuan/LE-UDA.
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