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我们提出了一种基于生成的对冲网络(GANS)的扩展缺失数据载体方法的条件载荷GaN。激励用例是学习 - 排名,现代搜索,推荐系统和信息检索应用的基石。经验排名数据集并不总是遵循标准高斯分布或完全缺少随机(MCAR)机制,这是经典缺失数据载销方法的标准假设。我们的方法提供了一种简单的解决方案,可提供兼容的估算保证,同时放松缺失机制的假设和近似顽固的分布以提高估算质量。我们证明,对于随机(EMAR)的延伸缺失,实现了最佳的GaN载荷,并且在无随机(OAMAR)机制之外,延伸总是缺少的,超出天真MCAR。我们的方法展示了与最先进的基准和各种特征分布相比的开源Microsoft研究排名(MSR)数据集和合成排名数据集的最高估算质量。使用专有的Amazon搜索排名数据集,我们还展示了与地面真实数据相比训练的对GaN illuted数据训练的排名模型的可比排名质量指标。
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Time series anomaly detection has applications in a wide range of research fields and applications, including manufacturing and healthcare. The presence of anomalies can indicate novel or unexpected events, such as production faults, system defects, or heart fluttering, and is therefore of particular interest. The large size and complex patterns of time series have led researchers to develop specialised deep learning models for detecting anomalous patterns. This survey focuses on providing structured and comprehensive state-of-the-art time series anomaly detection models through the use of deep learning. It providing a taxonomy based on the factors that divide anomaly detection models into different categories. Aside from describing the basic anomaly detection technique for each category, the advantages and limitations are also discussed. Furthermore, this study includes examples of deep anomaly detection in time series across various application domains in recent years. It finally summarises open issues in research and challenges faced while adopting deep anomaly detection models.
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我们在多变量时间序列预测(MTSF)的域中制定了一个新的推理任务,称为变量子集预报(VSF),其中仅在推理过程中可用一小部分变量子集。由于长期数据丢失(例如,传感器故障)或列车 /测试之间的高 - >低资源域移动,因此在推理过程中没有变量。据我们所知,在文献中尚未研究MTSF模型在存在此类故障的情况下的稳健性。通过广泛的评估,我们首先表明,在VSF设置中,最新方法的性能显着降低。我们提出了一种非参数包装技术,该技术可以应用于任何现有的预测模型。通过在4个数据集和5个预测模型的系统实验中,我们表明我们的技术能够恢复模型的接近95 \%性能,即使仅存在15 \%的原始变量。
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Electronic Health Records (EHRs) are a valuable asset to facilitate clinical research and point of care applications; however, many challenges such as data privacy concerns impede its optimal utilization. Deep generative models, particularly, Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) show great promise in generating synthetic EHR data by learning underlying data distributions while achieving excellent performance and addressing these challenges. This work aims to review the major developments in various applications of GANs for EHRs and provides an overview of the proposed methodologies. For this purpose, we combine perspectives from healthcare applications and machine learning techniques in terms of source datasets and the fidelity and privacy evaluation of the generated synthetic datasets. We also compile a list of the metrics and datasets used by the reviewed works, which can be utilized as benchmarks for future research in the field. We conclude by discussing challenges in GANs for EHRs development and proposing recommended practices. We hope that this work motivates novel research development directions in the intersection of healthcare and machine learning.
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随着深度学习生成模型的最新进展,它在时间序列领域的出色表现并没有花费很长时间。用于与时间序列合作的深度神经网络在很大程度上取决于培训中使用的数据集的广度和一致性。这些类型的特征通常在现实世界中不丰富,在现实世界中,它们通常受到限制,并且通常具有必须保证的隐私限制。因此,一种有效的方法是通过添加噪声或排列并生成新的合成数据来使用\ gls {da}技术增加数据数。它正在系统地审查该领域的当前最新技术,以概述所有可用的算法,并提出对最相关研究的分类法。将评估不同变体的效率;作为过程的重要组成部分,将分析评估性能的不同指标以及有关每个模型的主要问题。这项研究的最终目的是摘要摘要,这些领域的进化和性能会产生更好的结果,以指导该领域的未来研究人员。
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Traffic forecasting has attracted widespread attention recently. In reality, traffic data usually contains missing values due to sensor or communication errors. The Spatio-temporal feature in traffic data brings more challenges for processing such missing values, for which the classic techniques (e.g., data imputations) are limited: 1) in temporal axis, the values can be randomly or consecutively missing; 2) in spatial axis, the missing values can happen on one single sensor or on multiple sensors simultaneously. Recent models powered by Graph Neural Networks achieved satisfying performance on traffic forecasting tasks. However, few of them are applicable to such a complex missing-value context. To this end, we propose GCN-M, a Graph Convolutional Network model with the ability to handle the complex missing values in the Spatio-temporal context. Particularly, we jointly model the missing value processing and traffic forecasting tasks, considering both local Spatio-temporal features and global historical patterns in an attention-based memory network. We propose as well a dynamic graph learning module based on the learned local-global features. The experimental results on real-life datasets show the reliability of our proposed method.
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Missing data are ubiquitous in real world applications and, if not adequately handled, may lead to the loss of information and biased findings in downstream analysis. Particularly, high-dimensional incomplete data with a moderate sample size, such as analysis of multi-omics data, present daunting challenges. Imputation is arguably the most popular method for handling missing data, though existing imputation methods have a number of limitations. Single imputation methods such as matrix completion methods do not adequately account for imputation uncertainty and hence would yield improper statistical inference. In contrast, multiple imputation (MI) methods allow for proper inference but existing methods do not perform well in high-dimensional settings. Our work aims to address these significant methodological gaps, leveraging recent advances in neural network Gaussian process (NNGP) from a Bayesian viewpoint. We propose two NNGP-based MI methods, namely MI-NNGP, that can apply multiple imputations for missing values from a joint (posterior predictive) distribution. The MI-NNGP methods are shown to significantly outperform existing state-of-the-art methods on synthetic and real datasets, in terms of imputation error, statistical inference, robustness to missing rates, and computation costs, under three missing data mechanisms, MCAR, MAR, and MNAR.
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Missing data is a common concern in health datasets, and its impact on good decision-making processes is well documented. Our study's contribution is a methodology for tackling missing data problems using a combination of synthetic dataset generation, missing data imputation and deep learning methods to resolve missing data challenges. Specifically, we conducted a series of experiments with these objectives; $a)$ generating a realistic synthetic dataset, $b)$ simulating data missingness, $c)$ recovering the missing data, and $d)$ analyzing imputation performance. Our methodology used a gaussian mixture model whose parameters were learned from a cleaned subset of a real demographic and health dataset to generate the synthetic data. We simulated various missingness degrees ranging from $10 \%$, $20 \%$, $30 \%$, and $40\%$ under the missing completely at random scheme MCAR. We used an integrated performance analysis framework involving clustering, classification and direct imputation analysis. Our results show that models trained on synthetic and imputed datasets could make predictions with an accuracy of $83 \%$ and $80 \%$ on $a) $ an unseen real dataset and $b)$ an unseen reserved synthetic test dataset, respectively. Moreover, the models that used the DAE method for imputed yielded the lowest log loss an indication of good performance, even though the accuracy measures were slightly lower. In conclusion, our work demonstrates that using our methodology, one can reverse engineer a solution to resolve missingness on an unseen dataset with missingness. Moreover, though we used a health dataset, our methodology can be utilized in other contexts.
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物理信息的神经网络(PINN)是神经网络(NNS),它们作为神经网络本身的组成部分编码模型方程,例如部分微分方程(PDE)。如今,PINN是用于求解PDE,分数方程,积分分化方程和随机PDE的。这种新颖的方法已成为一个多任务学习框架,在该框架中,NN必须在减少PDE残差的同时拟合观察到的数据。本文对PINNS的文献进行了全面的综述:虽然该研究的主要目标是表征这些网络及其相关的优势和缺点。该综述还试图将出版物纳入更广泛的基于搭配的物理知识的神经网络,这些神经网络构成了香草·皮恩(Vanilla Pinn)以及许多其他变体,例如物理受限的神经网络(PCNN),各种HP-VPINN,变量HP-VPINN,VPINN,VPINN,变体。和保守的Pinn(CPINN)。该研究表明,大多数研究都集中在通过不同的激活功能,梯度优化技术,神经网络结构和损耗功能结构来定制PINN。尽管使用PINN的应用范围广泛,但通过证明其在某些情况下比有限元方法(FEM)等经典数值技术更可行的能力,但仍有可能的进步,最著名的是尚未解决的理论问题。
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人口级社会事件,如民事骚乱和犯罪,往往对我们的日常生活产生重大影响。预测此类事件对于决策和资源分配非常重要。由于缺乏关于事件发生的真实原因和潜在机制的知识,事件预测传统上具有挑战性。近年来,由于两个主要原因,研究事件预测研究取得了重大进展:(1)机器学习和深度学习算法的开发和(2)社交媒体,新闻来源,博客,经济等公共数据的可访问性指标和其他元数据源。软件/硬件技术中的数据的爆炸性增长导致了社会事件研究中的深度学习技巧的应用。本文致力于提供社会事件预测的深层学习技术的系统和全面概述。我们专注于两个社会事件的域名:\ Texit {Civil unrest}和\ texit {犯罪}。我们首先介绍事件预测问题如何作为机器学习预测任务制定。然后,我们总结了这些问题的数据资源,传统方法和最近的深度学习模型的发展。最后,我们讨论了社会事件预测中的挑战,并提出了一些有希望的未来研究方向。
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As ride-hailing services become increasingly popular, being able to accurately predict demand for such services can help operators efficiently allocate drivers to customers, and reduce idle time, improve congestion, and enhance the passenger experience. This paper proposes UberNet, a deep learning Convolutional Neural Network for short-term prediction of demand for ride-hailing services. UberNet empploys a multivariate framework that utilises a number of temporal and spatial features that have been found in the literature to explain demand for ride-hailing services. The proposed model includes two sub-networks that aim to encode the source series of various features and decode the predicting series, respectively. To assess the performance and effectiveness of UberNet, we use 9 months of Uber pickup data in 2014 and 28 spatial and temporal features from New York City. By comparing the performance of UberNet with several other approaches, we show that the prediction quality of the model is highly competitive. Further, Ubernet's prediction performance is better when using economic, social and built environment features. This suggests that Ubernet is more naturally suited to including complex motivators in making real-time passenger demand predictions for ride-hailing services.
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