Springs are efficient in storing and returning elastic potential energy but are unable to hold the energy they store in the absence of an external load. Lockable springs use clutches to hold elastic potential energy in the absence of an external load but have not yet been widely adopted in applications, partly because clutches introduce design complexity, reduce energy efficiency, and typically do not afford high-fidelity control over the energy stored by the spring. Here, we present the design of a novel lockable compression spring that uses a small capstan clutch to passively lock a mechanical spring. The capstan clutch can lock up to 1000 N force at any arbitrary deflection, unlock the spring in less than 10 ms with a control force less than 1 % of the maximal spring force, and provide an 80 % energy storage and return efficiency (comparable to a highly efficient electric motor operated at constant nominal speed). By retaining the form factor of a regular spring while providing high-fidelity locking capability even under large spring forces, the proposed design could facilitate the development of energy-efficient spring-based actuators and robots.
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Springs can provide force at zero net energy cost by recycling negative mechanical work to benefit motor-driven robots or spring-augmented humans. However, humans have limited force and range of motion, and motors have a limited ability to produce force. These limits constrain how much energy a conventional spring can store and, consequently, how much assistance a spring can provide. In this paper, we introduce an approach to accumulating negative work in assistive springs over several motion cycles. We show that, by utilizing a novel floating spring mechanism, the weight of a human or robot can be used to iteratively increase spring compression, irrespective of the potential energy stored by the spring. Decoupling the force required to compress a spring from the energy stored by a spring advances prior works, and could enable spring-driven robots and humans to perform physically demanding tasks without the use of large actuators.
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In this paper, we present an adjustable-equilibrium parallel elastic actuator (AE-PEA). The actuator consists of a motor, an equilibrium adjusting mechanism, and a spring arranged into a cylindrical geometry, similar to a motor-gearbox assembly. The novel component of the actuator is the equilibrium adjusting mechanism which (i) does not require external energy to maintain the equilibrium position of the actuator even if the spring is deformed and (ii) enables equilibrium position control with low energy cost by rotating the spring while keeping it undeformed. Adjustable equilibrium parallel elastic actuators resolve the main limitation of parallel elastic actuators (PEAs) by enabling energy-efficient operation at different equilibrium positions, instead of being limited to energy-efficient operation at a single equilibrium position. We foresee the use of AE-PEAs in industrial robots, mobile robots, exoskeletons, and prostheses, where efficient oscillatory motion and gravity compensation at different positions are required.
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外骨骼和矫形器是可穿戴移动系统,为用户提供机械益处。尽管在过去几十年中有重大改进,但该技术不会完全成熟,以便采用剧烈和非编程任务。为了适应这种功能不全,需要分析和改进该技术的不同方面。许多研究一直在努力解决外骨骼的某些方面,例如,机构设计,意向预测和控制方案。但是,大多数作品都专注于设计或应用的特定元素,而无需提供全面的审查框架。本研究旨在分析和调查为改进和广泛采用这项技术的贡献方面。为了解决此问题,在引入辅助设备和外骨骼后,将从物理人员 - 机器人接口(HRI)的角度来研究主要的设计标准。通过概述不同类别的已知辅助设备的几个例子,将进一步开发该研究。为了建立智能HRI策略并为用户提供直观的控制,将研究认知HRI。将审查这种策略的各种方法,并提出了意图预测的模型。该模型用于从单个电拍摄(EMG)通道输入的栅极相位。建模结果显示出低功耗辅助设备中单通道输入的潜在使用。此外,所提出的模型可以在具有复杂控制策略的设备中提供冗余。
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拍打翅膀是一种生物启发的方法,可在空中机器人中产生升力和推动,从而导致安静有效的运动。该技术的优点是安全性和可操作性,以及与环境,人类和动物的物理互动。但是,为了实现大量应用,这些机器人必须栖息和土地。尽管最近在栖息场上取得了进展,但直到今天,拍打翼车辆或鸟类动物仍无法停止在分支上的飞行。在本文中,我们提出了一种新颖的方法,该方法定义了一个可以可靠和自主将鸟鸟类降落在分支上的过程。该方法描述了拍打飞行控制器的联合操作,近距离校正系统和被动爪附件。飞行由三重俯仰高空控制器和集成的车身电子设备处理,允许以3 m/s的速度栖息。近距离校正系统,具有快速的光学分支传感可补偿着陆时的位置错位。这是通过被动双向爪设计可以补充的,可以锁定和固定2 nm的扭矩,在25毫秒内掌握,并且由于集成的肌腱致动而可以重新打开。栖息的方法补充了四步实验开发过程,该过程为成功的设计优化。我们用700 g的鸟杆验证了这种方法,并演示了在分支上拍打翼机器人的第一次自主栖息飞行,结果用第二个机器人复制。这项工作为在远程任务,观察,操纵和室外飞行中应用翼机器人的应用铺平了道路。
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我们通过在轮子上的光加权外骨骼提出了一个用于低体积受损的用户的个人移动装置。在其核心上,一种新型的被动外骨骼提供姿势过渡,利用自然身体姿势,该姿势在静坐的静止和静坐(STS)过渡时,通过单个气体弹簧作为储能单元,通过支撑架上的躯干。我们通过双轮线系统提出膝盖和髋关节的方向依赖性耦合,从躯干运动转移到膝关节致动器处的力矩负载来平衡躯干运动。在这里,外骨骼最大化能量转移和用户运动的自然。我们介绍了一个体现的用户界面,用于通过躯干压力感测通过躯干压力感测,导致平均$ 19 ^ {\ rIC} \ PM 13 ^ {\ rIC} $上六个未受害的用户。我们评估了11月11日未受害的用户在过渡期间观察动作和肌肉活动的STS帮助的设计。结果比较辅助和无归档的STS转型验证了涉及的肌肉群体的显着减少(高达68美元\%$ 5,01.01 $)。此外,我们通过自然躯干倾斜运动来显示它是可行的$ + 12 ^ {\ riC} \ pm 6.5 ^ {\ circ} $和$ - 13.7 ^ {\ rIC} \ pm 6.1 ^ {\ riC} $ staity和分别坐着。被动灾害迁移援助保证进一步努力提高其适用性和扩大用户人口。
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Animals run robustly in diverse terrain. This locomotion robustness is puzzling because axon conduction velocity is limited to a few ten meters per second. If reflex loops deliver sensory information with significant delays, one would expect a destabilizing effect on sensorimotor control. Hence, an alternative explanation describes a hierarchical structure of low-level adaptive mechanics and high-level sensorimotor control to help mitigate the effects of transmission delays. Motivated by the concept of an adaptive mechanism triggering an immediate response, we developed a tunable physical damper system. Our mechanism combines a tendon with adjustable slackness connected to a physical damper. The slack damper allows adjustment of damping force, onset timing, effective stroke, and energy dissipation. We characterize the slack damper mechanism mounted to a legged robot controlled in open-loop mode. The robot hops vertically and planar over varying terrains and perturbations. During forward hopping, slack-based damping improves faster perturbation recovery (up to 170%) at higher energetic cost (27%). The tunable slack mechanism auto-engages the damper during perturbations, leading to a perturbation-trigger damping, improving robustness at minimum energetic cost. With the results from the slack damper mechanism, we propose a new functional interpretation of animals' redundant muscle tendons as tunable dampers.
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意识到高性能软机器人抓手是具有挑战性的,因为软执行器和人造肌肉的固有局限性。尽管现有的软机器人抓手表现出可接受的性能,但他们的设计和制造仍然是一个空旷的问题。本文探索了扭曲的弦乐执行器(TSA),以驱动软机器人抓手。 TSA已被广泛用于众多机器人应用中,但它们包含在软机器人中是有限的。提议的抓手设计灵感来自人类手,四个手指和拇指。通过使用拮抗剂TSA,在手指中实现了可调刚度。手指的弯曲角度,驱动速度,阻塞力输出和刚度调整是实验表征的。抓手能够在Kapandji测试中获得6分,并且还可以达到33个Feix Grasp Grasp分类法中的31个。一项比较研究表明,与其他类似抓手相比,提出的抓手表现出等效或卓越的性能。
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In unstructured environments, robots run the risk of unexpected collisions. How well they react to these events is determined by how transparent they are to collisions. Transparency is affected by structural properties as well as sensing and control architectures. In this paper, we propose the collision reflex metric as a way to formally quantify transparency. It is defined as the total impulse transferred in collision, which determines the collision mitigation capabilities of a closed-loop robotic system taking into account structure, sensing, and control. We analyze the effect of motor scaling, stiffness, and configuration on the collision reflex of a system using an analytical model. Physical experiments using the move-until-touch behavior are conducted to compare the collision reflex of direct-drive and quasi-direct-drive actuators and robotic hands (Schunk WSG-50 and Dexterous DDHand.) For transparent systems, we see a counter-intuitive trend: the impulse may be lower at higher pre-impact velocities.
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The ability to convert reciprocating, i.e., alternating, actuation into rotary motion using linkages is hindered fundamentally by their poor torque transmission capability around kinematic singularity configurations. Here, we harness the elastic potential energy of a linear spring attached to the coupler link of four-bar mechanisms to manipulate force transmission around the kinematic singularities. We developed a theoretical model to explore the parameter space for proper force transmission in slider-crank and rocker-crank four-bar kinematics. Finally, we verified the proposed model and methodology by building and testing a macro-scale prototype of a slider-crank mechanism. We expect this approach to enable the development of small-scale rotary engines and robotic devices with closed kinematic chains dealing with serial kinematic singularities, such as linkages and parallel manipulators.
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软气动执行器已经在许多软机器人系统中看到了应用,其压力驱动的性质提出了控制其运动的独特挑战和机会。在这项工作中,我们提出了一个新概念:通过末端几何形状设计和控制气动执行器。我们演示了一个新颖的执行器类,称为折叠气动人造肌肉(Foldpam),该肌肉具有一个薄纤维的空气袋,两侧对称折叠。改变执行器的折叠部分会改变最终约束,从而改变力 - 应变关系。我们通过测量具有各种长度和折叠量的单个foldpam单元的力 - 应变关系来实验研究这一变化。除静态几何单元外,驱动的FOLDPAM设备还设计为产生末端几何形状的连续,按需调整,从而实现闭环位置控制,同时保持恒定压力。使用设备的实验表明几何控制允许进入力 - 应变平面上的不同区域,并且闭环几何控制可以在驱动范围的0.5%以内实现误差。
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精确和高保真力控制对于与人类和未知环境相互作用的新一代机器人至关重要。移动机器人(例如可穿戴设备和腿部机器人)也必须轻巧才能完成其功能。已经提出了静液压传输,作为满足这两个具有挑战性要求的有前途的策略。在以前的出版物中,结果表明,使用磁性执行器(MR)执行器与静水透射率相结合,可提供高功率密度和出色的开环人类机器人相互作用。尽管如此,传输动力学和非线性摩擦仍会降低低频和高频下的开环力保真度。这封信比较了MR-Hydrstortic执行器系统的控制策略,以增加其扭矩保真度,该扭矩屈服于带宽(测量得出的扭矩参考)和透明度(最小化在机器人背后反射到最终效应器的不需要的力)。开发了四种控制方法并通过实验进行比较:(1)具有摩擦补偿的开环控制; (2)非集中压力反馈; (3)压力反馈; (4)LQGI状态反馈。还实施了抖动策略来平滑球螺钉摩擦。结果表明,方法(1),(2)和(3)可以提高性能,但面临妥协,而方法(4)可以同时改善所有指标。这些结果表明,使用控制方案使用束缚架构来改善机器人的力控制性能的潜力,从而解决了传输动力学和摩擦等问题。
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基于手势的界面通常用于实现更自然和直观的机器人遥气操作。然而,有时候,手势控制需要对用户造成显着疲劳的姿势或运动。在先前的用户学习中,我们证明了NA \“IVE用户可以在其武器展开时控制具有躯干运动的固定翼无人机。然而,这种姿势诱导了重要的手臂疲劳。在这项工作中,我们展示了一款被动臂支撑这补偿了手臂重量,平均扭矩误差小于0.005n / kg,超过0.005n / kg的受试者使用的运动范围的97%以上,因此平均降低肩部的肌肉疲劳。此外,这臂支持旨在将5百分位数的身体尺寸的用户融入第99百分位的男性。使用机械模型描述了臂支架的性能分析,并且其实现是用机械表征和用户学习验证的测量飞行性能,肩部肌肉活动和用户验收。
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This paper expounds the design and control of a new Variable Stiffness Series Elastic Actuator (VSSEA). It is established by employing a modular mechanical design approach that allows us to effectively optimise the stiffness modulation characteristics and power density of the actuator. The proposed VSSEA possesses the following features: i) no limitation in the work-range of output link, ii) a wide range of stiffness modulation (~20Nm/rad to ~1KNm/rad), iii) low-energy-cost stiffness modulation at equilibrium and non-equilibrium positions, iv) compact design and high torque density (~36Nm/kg), and v) high-speed stiffness modulation (~3000Nm/rad/s). Such features can help boost the safety and performance of many advanced robotic systems, e.g., a cobot that physically interacts with unstructured environments and an exoskeleton that provides physical assistance to human users. These features can also enable us to utilise variable stiffness property to attain various regulation and trajectory tracking control tasks only by employing conventional controllers, eliminating the need for synthesising complex motion control systems in compliant actuation. To this end, it is experimentally demonstrated that the proposed VSSEA is capable of precisely tracking desired position and force control references through the use of conventional Proportional-Integral-Derivative (PID) controllers.
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