我们在随机特征矩阵的条件数上提供(高概率)界限。特别是,我们表明,如果复杂性比率$ \ frac {n} $ where $ n $是n $ with n $ wore $ n $是$ m $的数量,如$ \ log ^ {-1}( n)$或$ \ log(m)$,然后随机功能矩阵很好。该结果在没有正则化的情况下保持并且依赖于在随机特征矩阵的相关组件之间建立各种浓度界限。另外,我们在随机特征矩阵的受限等距常数上获得界限。我们证明了使用随机特征矩阵的回归问题相关的风险表现出双重下降现象,并且这是条件数的双缩小行为的效果。风险范围包括使用最小二乘问题的underParamedAimed设置和使用最小规范插值问题或稀疏回归问题的过次参数化设置。对于最小二乘或稀疏的回归案例,我们表明风险降低为$ M $和$ N $增加,即使在存在有限或随机噪声时也是如此。风险绑定与文献中的最佳缩放匹配,我们的结果中的常量是显式的,并且独立于数据的维度。
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The spectra of random feature matrices provide essential information on the conditioning of the linear system used in random feature regression problems and are thus connected to the consistency and generalization of random feature models. Random feature matrices are asymmetric rectangular nonlinear matrices depending on two input variables, the data and the weights, which can make their characterization challenging. We consider two settings for the two input variables, either both are random variables or one is a random variable and the other is well-separated, i.e. there is a minimum distance between points. With conditions on the dimension, the complexity ratio, and the sampling variance, we show that the singular values of these matrices concentrate near their full expectation and near one with high-probability. In particular, since the dimension depends only on the logarithm of the number of random weights or the number of data points, our complexity bounds can be achieved even in moderate dimensions for many practical setting. The theoretical results are verified with numerical experiments.
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现代神经网络通常以强烈的过度构造状态运行:它们包含许多参数,即使实际标签被纯粹随机的标签代替,它们也可以插入训练集。尽管如此,他们在看不见的数据上达到了良好的预测错误:插值训练集并不会导致巨大的概括错误。此外,过度散色化似乎是有益的,因为它简化了优化景观。在这里,我们在神经切线(NT)制度中的两层神经网络的背景下研究这些现象。我们考虑了一个简单的数据模型,以及各向同性协变量的矢量,$ d $尺寸和$ n $隐藏的神经元。我们假设样本量$ n $和尺寸$ d $都很大,并且它们在多项式上相关。我们的第一个主要结果是对过份术的经验NT内核的特征结构的特征。这种表征意味着必然的表明,经验NT内核的最低特征值在$ ND \ gg n $后立即从零界限,因此网络可以在同一制度中精确插值任意标签。我们的第二个主要结果是对NT Ridge回归的概括误差的表征,包括特殊情况,最小值-ULL_2 $ NORD插值。我们证明,一旦$ nd \ gg n $,测试误差就会被内核岭回归之一相对于无限宽度内核而近似。多项式脊回归的误差依次近似后者,从而通过与激活函数的高度组件相关的“自我诱导的”项增加了正则化参数。多项式程度取决于样本量和尺寸(尤其是$ \ log n/\ log d $)。
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神经切线内核(NTK)已成为提供记忆,优化和泛化的强大工具,可保证深度神经网络。一项工作已经研究了NTK频谱的两层和深网,其中至少具有$ \ omega(n)$神经元的层,$ n $是培训样本的数量。此外,有越来越多的证据表明,只要参数数量超过样品数量,具有亚线性层宽度的深网是强大的记忆和优化器。因此,一个自然的开放问题是NTK是否在如此充满挑战的子线性设置中适应得很好。在本文中,我们以肯定的方式回答了这个问题。我们的主要技术贡献是对最小的深网的最小NTK特征值的下限,最小可能的过度参数化:参数的数量大约为$ \ omega(n)$,因此,神经元的数量仅为$ $ $ \ omega(\ sqrt {n})$。为了展示我们的NTK界限的适用性,我们为梯度下降训练提供了两个有关记忆能力和优化保证的结果。
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This paper investigates the stability of deep ReLU neural networks for nonparametric regression under the assumption that the noise has only a finite p-th moment. We unveil how the optimal rate of convergence depends on p, the degree of smoothness and the intrinsic dimension in a class of nonparametric regression functions with hierarchical composition structure when both the adaptive Huber loss and deep ReLU neural networks are used. This optimal rate of convergence cannot be obtained by the ordinary least squares but can be achieved by the Huber loss with a properly chosen parameter that adapts to the sample size, smoothness, and moment parameters. A concentration inequality for the adaptive Huber ReLU neural network estimators with allowable optimization errors is also derived. To establish a matching lower bound within the class of neural network estimators using the Huber loss, we employ a different strategy from the traditional route: constructing a deep ReLU network estimator that has a better empirical loss than the true function and the difference between these two functions furnishes a low bound. This step is related to the Huberization bias, yet more critically to the approximability of deep ReLU networks. As a result, we also contribute some new results on the approximation theory of deep ReLU neural networks.
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我们研究了称为“乐观速率”(Panchenko 2002; Srebro等,2010)的统一收敛概念,用于与高斯数据的线性回归。我们的精致分析避免了现有结果中的隐藏常量和对数因子,这已知在高维设置中至关重要,特别是用于了解插值学习。作为一个特殊情况,我们的分析恢复了Koehler等人的保证。(2021年),在良性过度的过度条件下,严格地表征了低规范内插器的人口风险。但是,我们的乐观速度绑定还分析了具有任意训练错误的预测因子。这使我们能够在随机设计下恢复脊和套索回归的一些经典统计保障,并有助于我们在过度参数化制度中获得精确了解近端器的过度风险。
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We consider the problem of estimating the optimal transport map between a (fixed) source distribution $P$ and an unknown target distribution $Q$, based on samples from $Q$. The estimation of such optimal transport maps has become increasingly relevant in modern statistical applications, such as generative modeling. At present, estimation rates are only known in a few settings (e.g. when $P$ and $Q$ have densities bounded above and below and when the transport map lies in a H\"older class), which are often not reflected in practice. We present a unified methodology for obtaining rates of estimation of optimal transport maps in general function spaces. Our assumptions are significantly weaker than those appearing in the literature: we require only that the source measure $P$ satisfies a Poincar\'e inequality and that the optimal map be the gradient of a smooth convex function that lies in a space whose metric entropy can be controlled. As a special case, we recover known estimation rates for bounded densities and H\"older transport maps, but also obtain nearly sharp results in many settings not covered by prior work. For example, we provide the first statistical rates of estimation when $P$ is the normal distribution and the transport map is given by an infinite-width shallow neural network.
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本文研究了具有对抗性误差的强大一位压缩感应的二进制分类。假设该模型过度分配,并且感兴趣的参数有效稀疏。adaboost被考虑,并且通过其与MAX - $ \ ell_1 $ -Margin-Scressifir的关系,派生预测错误界限。开发的理论是一般的,并且允许重型的特征分布,只需要一个薄弱的时刻假设和抗浓缩条件。当特征满足小偏差下限时,示出了改善的收敛速率。特别是,结果提供了解释为什么内插对抗性噪声对于分类问题可以是无害的。模拟说明了所提出的理论。
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元学习或学习学习,寻求设计算法,可以利用以前的经验快速学习新技能或适应新环境。表示学习 - 用于执行元学习的关键工具 - 了解可以在多个任务中传输知识的数据表示,这在数据稀缺的状态方面是必不可少的。尽管最近在Meta-Leature的实践中感兴趣的兴趣,但缺乏元学习算法的理论基础,特别是在学习可转让陈述的背景下。在本文中,我们专注于多任务线性回归的问题 - 其中多个线性回归模型共享常见的低维线性表示。在这里,我们提供了可提供的快速,采样高效的算法,解决了(1)的双重挑战,从多个相关任务和(2)将此知识转移到新的,看不见的任务中的常见功能。两者都是元学习的一般问题的核心。最后,我们通过在学习这些线性特征的样本复杂性上提供信息定理下限来补充这些结果。
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通过梯度流优化平均平衡误差,研究了功能空间中神经网络的动态。我们认为,在underParameterized制度中,网络了解由与其特征值对应的率的神经切线内核(NTK)确定的整体运算符$ t_ {k ^ \ infty} $的特征功能。例如,对于SPENTE $ S ^ {D-1} $和旋转不变的权重分配的均匀分布式数据,$ t_ {k ^ \ infty} $的特征函数是球形谐波。我们的结果可以理解为描述interparameterized制度中的光谱偏压。证据使用“阻尼偏差”的概念,其中NTK物质对具有由于阻尼因子的发生而具有大特征值的特征的偏差。除了下公共条例的制度之外,阻尼偏差可用于跟踪过度分辨率设置中经验风险的动态,允许我们在文献中延长某些结果。我们得出结论,阻尼偏差在优化平方误差时提供了动态的简单和统一的视角。
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最近的一项工作已经通过神经切线核(NTK)分析了深神经网络的理论特性。特别是,NTK的最小特征值与记忆能力,梯度下降算法的全球收敛性和深网的概括有关。但是,现有结果要么在两层设置中提供边界,要么假设对于多层网络,将NTK矩阵的频谱从0界限为界限。在本文中,我们在无限宽度和有限宽度的限制情况下,在最小的ntk矩阵的最小特征值上提供了紧密的界限。在有限宽度的设置中,我们认为的网络体系结构相当笼统:我们需要大致订购$ n $神经元的宽层,$ n $是数据示例的数量;剩余层宽度的缩放是任意的(取决于对数因素)。为了获得我们的结果,我们分析了各种量的独立兴趣:我们对隐藏特征矩阵的最小奇异值以及输入输出特征图的Lipschitz常数上的上限给出了下限。
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In many modern applications of deep learning the neural network has many more parameters than the data points used for its training. Motivated by those practices, a large body of recent theoretical research has been devoted to studying overparameterized models. One of the central phenomena in this regime is the ability of the model to interpolate noisy data, but still have test error lower than the amount of noise in that data. arXiv:1906.11300 characterized for which covariance structure of the data such a phenomenon can happen in linear regression if one considers the interpolating solution with minimum $\ell_2$-norm and the data has independent components: they gave a sharp bound on the variance term and showed that it can be small if and only if the data covariance has high effective rank in a subspace of small co-dimension. We strengthen and complete their results by eliminating the independence assumption and providing sharp bounds for the bias term. Thus, our results apply in a much more general setting than those of arXiv:1906.11300, e.g., kernel regression, and not only characterize how the noise is damped but also which part of the true signal is learned. Moreover, we extend the result to the setting of ridge regression, which allows us to explain another interesting phenomenon: we give general sufficient conditions under which the optimal regularization is negative.
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在负面的感知问题中,我们给出了$ n $数据点$({\ boldsymbol x} _i,y_i)$,其中$ {\ boldsymbol x} _i $是$ d $ -densional vector和$ y_i \ in \ { + 1,-1 \} $是二进制标签。数据不是线性可分离的,因此我们满足自己的内容,以找到最大的线性分类器,具有最大的\ emph {否定}余量。换句话说,我们想找到一个单位常规矢量$ {\ boldsymbol \ theta} $,最大化$ \ min_ {i \ le n} y_i \ langle {\ boldsymbol \ theta},{\ boldsymbol x} _i \ rangle $ 。这是一个非凸优化问题(它相当于在Polytope中找到最大标准矢量),我们在两个随机模型下研究其典型属性。我们考虑比例渐近,其中$ n,d \ to \ idty $以$ n / d \ to \ delta $,并在最大边缘$ \ kappa _ {\ text {s}}(\ delta)上证明了上限和下限)$或 - 等效 - 在其逆函数$ \ delta _ {\ text {s}}(\ kappa)$。换句话说,$ \ delta _ {\ text {s}}(\ kappa)$是overparametization阈值:以$ n / d \ le \ delta _ {\ text {s}}(\ kappa) - \ varepsilon $一个分类器实现了消失的训练错误,具有高概率,而以$ n / d \ ge \ delta _ {\ text {s}}(\ kappa)+ \ varepsilon $。我们在$ \ delta _ {\ text {s}}(\ kappa)$匹配,以$ \ kappa \ to - \ idty $匹配。然后,我们分析了线性编程算法来查找解决方案,并表征相应的阈值$ \ delta _ {\ text {lin}}(\ kappa)$。我们观察插值阈值$ \ delta _ {\ text {s}}(\ kappa)$和线性编程阈值$ \ delta _ {\ text {lin {lin}}(\ kappa)$之间的差距,提出了行为的问题其他算法。
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尽管有许多有吸引力的财产,但内核方法受到维度的诅咒受到严重影响。例如,在$ \ mathbb {r} ^ d $的内部产品内核的情况下,再现内核希尔伯特空间(RKHS)规范对于依赖于小方向子集(RIDGE函数)的功能往往非常大。相应地,使用内核方法难以学习这样的功能。这种观察结果有动力研究内核方法的概括,由此rkhs规范 - 它等同于加权$ \ ell_2 $ norm - 被加权函数$ \ ell_p $ norm替换,我们将其称为$ \ mathcal {f} _p $ norm。不幸的是,这些方法的陶油是不清楚的。内核技巧不可用,最大限度地减少这些规范要求解决无限维凸面问题。我们将随机特征近似于这些规范,表明,对于$ p> 1 $,近似于原始学习问题所需的随机功能的数量是由样本大小的多项式的上限。因此,使用$ \ mathcal {f} _p $ norms在这些情况下是易行的。我们介绍了一种基于双重均匀浓度的证明技术,这可以对超分子化模型的研究更广泛。对于$ p = 1 $,我们对随机功能的保证近似分解。我们证明了使用$ \ mathcal {f} _1 $ norm的学习是在随机减少的$ \ mathsf {np} $ - 基于噪音的半个空间问题的问题。
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Artificial neural networks are functions depending on a finite number of parameters typically encoded as weights and biases. The identification of the parameters of the network from finite samples of input-output pairs is often referred to as the \emph{teacher-student model}, and this model has represented a popular framework for understanding training and generalization. Even if the problem is NP-complete in the worst case, a rapidly growing literature -- after adding suitable distributional assumptions -- has established finite sample identification of two-layer networks with a number of neurons $m=\mathcal O(D)$, $D$ being the input dimension. For the range $D<m<D^2$ the problem becomes harder, and truly little is known for networks parametrized by biases as well. This paper fills the gap by providing constructive methods and theoretical guarantees of finite sample identification for such wider shallow networks with biases. Our approach is based on a two-step pipeline: first, we recover the direction of the weights, by exploiting second order information; next, we identify the signs by suitable algebraic evaluations, and we recover the biases by empirical risk minimization via gradient descent. Numerical results demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach.
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套索是一种高维回归的方法,当时,当协变量$ p $的订单数量或大于观测值$ n $时,通常使用它。由于两个基本原因,经典的渐近态性理论不适用于该模型:$(1)$正规风险是非平滑的; $(2)$估算器$ \ wideHat {\ boldsymbol {\ theta}} $与true参数vector $ \ boldsymbol {\ theta}^*$无法忽略。结果,标准的扰动论点是渐近正态性的传统基础。另一方面,套索估计器可以精确地以$ n $和$ p $大,$ n/p $的订单为一。这种表征首先是在使用I.I.D的高斯设计的情况下获得的。协变量:在这里,我们将其推广到具有非偏差协方差结构的高斯相关设计。这是根据更简单的``固定设计''模型表示的。我们在两个模型中各种数量的分布之间的距离上建立了非反应界限,它们在合适的稀疏类别中均匀地固定在信号上$ \ boldsymbol {\ theta}^*$。作为应用程序,我们研究了借助拉索的分布,并表明需要校正程度对于计算有效的置信区间是必要的。
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