最近开发的基于矩阵的renyi的熵能够通过在再现内核Hilbert空间中的对称正半明确(PSD)矩阵中的EigensPectrum,而无需估计基础数据分布的情况下,能够测量数据中的信息。这种有趣的属性使得新信息测量在多种统计推理和学习任务中广泛采用。然而,这种数量的计算涉及PSD矩阵$ G $的跟踪运算符,以便为电源$ \ alpha $(即$ tr(g ^ \ alpha)$),具有近O $ o的正常复杂性(n ^ 3 )$,当样品数量(即$ N $)大时,严重妨碍了它的实际用法。在这项工作中,我们向这种新的熵功能呈现计算有效的近似,这可以降低其复杂性,以明显不到$ O(n ^ 2)$。为此,我们首先将随机近似为$ \ tr(\ g ^ \ alpha)$,将跟踪估计转换为矩阵矢量乘法问题。我们扩展了$ \ Alpha $(整数或非整数)的任意值策略。然后,我们建立基于矩阵的renyi的熵和PSD矩阵近似之间的连接,这使我们能够利用群集和阻止$ \ g $的低级结构来进一步降低计算成本。理论上我们提供近似精度保证并说明不同近似的属性。综合性和现实数据的大规模实验评估证实了我们的理论发现,展示了有希望的加速,准确性可忽略不计。
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The matrix-based R\'enyi's entropy allows us to directly quantify information measures from given data, without explicit estimation of the underlying probability distribution. This intriguing property makes it widely applied in statistical inference and machine learning tasks. However, this information theoretical quantity is not robust against noise in the data, and is computationally prohibitive in large-scale applications. To address these issues, we propose a novel measure of information, termed low-rank matrix-based R\'enyi's entropy, based on low-rank representations of infinitely divisible kernel matrices. The proposed entropy functional inherits the specialty of of the original definition to directly quantify information from data, but enjoys additional advantages including robustness and effective calculation. Specifically, our low-rank variant is more sensitive to informative perturbations induced by changes in underlying distributions, while being insensitive to uninformative ones caused by noises. Moreover, low-rank R\'enyi's entropy can be efficiently approximated by random projection and Lanczos iteration techniques, reducing the overall complexity from $\mathcal{O}(n^3)$ to $\mathcal{O}(n^2 s)$ or even $\mathcal{O}(ns^2)$, where $n$ is the number of data samples and $s \ll n$. We conduct large-scale experiments to evaluate the effectiveness of this new information measure, demonstrating superior results compared to matrix-based R\'enyi's entropy in terms of both performance and computational efficiency.
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我们提出了一个算法框架,用于近距离矩阵上的量子启发的经典算法,概括了Tang的突破性量子启发算法开始的一系列结果,用于推荐系统[STOC'19]。由量子线性代数算法和gily \'en,su,low和wiebe [stoc'19]的量子奇异值转换(SVT)框架[SVT)的动机[STOC'19],我们开发了SVT的经典算法合适的量子启发的采样假设。我们的结果提供了令人信服的证据,表明在相应的QRAM数据结构输入模型中,量子SVT不会产生指数量子加速。由于量子SVT框架基本上概括了量子线性代数的所有已知技术,因此我们的结果与先前工作的采样引理相结合,足以概括所有有关取消量子机器学习算法的最新结果。特别是,我们的经典SVT框架恢复并经常改善推荐系统,主成分分析,监督聚类,支持向量机器,低秩回归和半决赛程序解决方案的取消结果。我们还为汉密尔顿低级模拟和判别分析提供了其他取消化结果。我们的改进来自识别量子启发的输入模型的关键功能,该模型是所有先前量子启发的结果的核心:$ \ ell^2 $ -Norm采样可以及时近似于其尺寸近似矩阵产品。我们将所有主要结果减少到这一事实,使我们的简洁,独立和直观。
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随机旋转的Cholesky(RPCholesky)是一种用于计算N X N阳性半芬酸矩阵(PSD)矩阵的等级K近似的天然算法。RPCholesky只需几行代码就可以实现。它仅需要(k+1)n进入评估,o(k^2 n)其他算术操作。本文对其实验和理论行为进行了首次认真研究。从经验上讲,rpcholesky匹配或改善了低级别PSD近似的替代算法的性能。此外,RPCholesky可证明达到了近乎最佳的近似保证。该算法的简单性,有效性和鲁棒性强烈支持其在科学计算和机器学习应用中的使用。
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Low-rank matrix approximations, such as the truncated singular value decomposition and the rank-revealing QR decomposition, play a central role in data analysis and scientific computing. This work surveys and extends recent research which demonstrates that randomization offers a powerful tool for performing low-rank matrix approximation. These techniques exploit modern computational architectures more fully than classical methods and open the possibility of dealing with truly massive data sets.This paper presents a modular framework for constructing randomized algorithms that compute partial matrix decompositions. These methods use random sampling to identify a subspace that captures most of the action of a matrix. The input matrix is then compressed-either explicitly or implicitly-to this subspace, and the reduced matrix is manipulated deterministically to obtain the desired low-rank factorization. In many cases, this approach beats its classical competitors in terms of accuracy, speed, and robustness. These claims are supported by extensive numerical experiments and a detailed error analysis.The specific benefits of randomized techniques depend on the computational environment. Consider the model problem of finding the k dominant components of the singular value decomposition of an m × n matrix. (i) For a dense input matrix, randomized algorithms require O(mn log(k)) floating-point operations (flops) in contrast with O(mnk) for classical algorithms. (ii) For a sparse input matrix, the flop count matches classical Krylov subspace methods, but the randomized approach is more robust and can easily be reorganized to exploit multi-processor architectures. (iii) For a matrix that is too large to fit in fast memory, the randomized techniques require only a constant number of passes over the data, as opposed to O(k) passes for classical algorithms. In fact, it is sometimes possible to perform matrix approximation with a single pass over the data.
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随机奇异值分解(RSVD)是用于计算大型数据矩阵截断的SVD的一类计算算法。给定A $ n \ times n $对称矩阵$ \ mathbf {m} $,原型RSVD算法输出通过计算$ \ mathbf {m mathbf {m} $的$ k $引导singular vectors的近似m}^{g} \ mathbf {g} $;这里$ g \ geq 1 $是一个整数,$ \ mathbf {g} \ in \ mathbb {r}^{n \ times k} $是一个随机的高斯素描矩阵。在本文中,我们研究了一般的“信号加上噪声”框架下的RSVD的统计特性,即,观察到的矩阵$ \ hat {\ mathbf {m}} $被认为是某种真实但未知的加法扰动信号矩阵$ \ mathbf {m} $。我们首先得出$ \ ell_2 $(频谱规范)和$ \ ell_ {2 \ to \ infty} $(最大行行列$ \ ell_2 $ norm)$ \ hat {\ hat {\ Mathbf {M}} $和信号矩阵$ \ Mathbf {M} $的真实单数向量。这些上限取决于信噪比(SNR)和功率迭代$ g $的数量。观察到一个相变现象,其中较小的SNR需要较大的$ g $值以保证$ \ ell_2 $和$ \ ell_ {2 \ to \ fo \ infty} $ distances的收敛。我们还表明,每当噪声矩阵满足一定的痕量生长条件时,这些相变发生的$ g $的阈值都会很清晰。最后,我们得出了近似奇异向量的行波和近似矩阵的进入波动的正常近似。我们通过将RSVD的几乎最佳性能保证在应用于三个统计推断问题的情况下,即社区检测,矩阵完成和主要的组件分析,并使用缺失的数据来说明我们的理论结果。
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我们考虑通过复制内核希尔伯特空间的相关协方差操作员对概率分布进行分析。我们表明,冯·诺伊曼(Von Neumann)的熵和这些操作员的相对熵与香农熵和相对熵的通常概念密切相关,并具有许多特性。它们与来自概率分布的各种口径的有效估计算法结合在一起。我们还考虑了产品空间,并表明对于张量产品内核,我们可以定义互信息和联合熵的概念,然后可以完美地表征独立性,但只能部分条件独立。我们最终展示了这些新的相对熵概念如何导致对数分区函数的新上限,这些函数可以与变异推理方法中的凸优化一起使用,从而提供了新的概率推理方法家族。
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确定点过程(DPP)是排斥点模式的统计模型。取样和推理都是DPPS的易用,这是具有负依赖性的模型中的罕见特征,解释了他们在机器学习和空间统计中的普及。已经在有限情况下提出了参数和非参数推断方法,即当点模式生活在有限的地面集中时。在连续的情况下,只有研究参数方法,而DPPS的非参数最大可能性 - 追踪课程运算符的优化问题 - 仍然是一个打开的问题。在本文中,我们表明,这种最大可能性(MLE)问题的受限制版本落入了RKHS中的非负面函数的最新代表定理的范围内。这导致有限的尺寸问题,具有强大的统计关系到原始MLE。此外,我们提出,分析,并展示了解决这个有限尺寸问题的定点算法。最后,我们还提供了对DPP的相关核的受控估计,从而提供更多的解释性。
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我们使用对单个的,相同的$ d $维状态的相同副本进行的测量来研究量子断层扫描和阴影断层扫描的问题。我们首先因Haah等人而重新审视已知的下限。 (2017年)在痕量距离上具有准确性$ \ epsilon $的量子断层扫描,当测量选择与先前观察到的结果无关(即它们是非适应性的)时。我们简要地证明了这一结果。当学习者使用具有恒定结果数量的测量值时,这会导致更强的下限。特别是,这严格确定了民间传说的最佳性``Pauli phymography''算法的样本复杂性。我们还得出了$ \ omega(r^2 d/\ epsilon^2)$和$ \ omega(r^2 d/\ epsilon^2)的新颖界限( R^2 d^2/\ epsilon^2)$用于学习排名$ r $状态,分别使用任意和恒定的结果测量,在非适应性情况下。除了样本复杂性,对于学习量子的实际意义,是一种实际意义的资源状态是算法使用的不同测量值的数量。我们将下限扩展到学习者从固定的$ \ exp(o(d))$测量的情况下进行自适应测量的情况。这特别意味着适应性。没有使用可有效实现的单拷贝测量结果给我们任何优势。在目标是预测给定的可观察到给定序列的期望值的情况下,我们还获得了类似的界限,该任务被称为阴影层析成像。在适应性的情况下单拷贝测量可通过多项式大小的电路实现,我们证明了基于计算给定可观察物的样本平均值的直接策略是最佳的。
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This paper proposes a novel multivariate definition of statistical dependence using a functional methodology inspired by Alfred R\'enyi. We define a new symmetric and self-adjoint cross density kernel through a recursive bidirectional statistical mapping between conditional densities of continuous random processes, which estimates their statistical dependence. Therefore, the kernel eigenspectrum is proposed as a new multivariate statistical dependence measure, and the formulation requires fewer assumptions about the data generation model than current methods. The measure can also be estimated from realizations. The proposed functional maximum correlation algorithm (FMCA) is applied to a learning architecture with two multivariate neural networks. The FMCA optimal solution is an equilibrium point that estimates the eigenspectrum of the cross density kernel. Preliminary results with synthetic data and medium size image datasets corroborate the theory. Four different strategies of applying the cross density kernel are thoroughly discussed and implemented to show the versatility and stability of the methodology, and it transcends supervised learning. When two random processes are high-dimensional real-world images and white uniform noise, respectively, the algorithm learns a factorial code i.e., the occurrence of a code guarantees that a certain input in the training set was present, which is quite important for feature learning.
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我们研究基于Krylov子空间的迭代方法,用于在任何Schatten $ p $ Norm中的低级别近似值。在这里,通过矩阵向量产品访问矩阵$ a $ $如此$ \ | a(i -zz^\ top)\ | _ {s_p} \ leq(1+ \ epsilon)\ min_ {u^\ top u = i_k} } $,其中$ \ | m \ | _ {s_p} $表示$ m $的单数值的$ \ ell_p $ norm。对于$ p = 2 $(frobenius norm)和$ p = \ infty $(频谱规范)的特殊情况,musco and Musco(Neurips 2015)获得了基于Krylov方法的算法,该方法使用$ \ tilde {o}(k)(k /\ sqrt {\ epsilon})$ matrix-vector产品,改进na \“ ive $ \ tilde {o}(k/\ epsilon)$依赖性,可以通过功率方法获得,其中$ \ tilde {o} $抑制均可抑制poly $(\ log(dk/\ epsilon))$。我们的主要结果是仅使用$ \ tilde {o}(kp^{1/6}/\ epsilon^{1/3} {1/3})$ matrix $ matrix的算法 - 矢量产品,并为所有$ p \ geq 1 $。为$ p = 2 $工作,我们的限制改进了先前的$ \ tilde {o}(k/\ epsilon^{1/2})$绑定到$ \ tilde {o}(k/\ epsilon^{1/3})$。由于schatten- $ p $和schatten-$ \ infty $ norms在$(1+ \ epsilon)$ pers $ p时相同\ geq(\ log d)/\ epsilon $,我们的界限恢复了Musco和Musco的结果,以$ p = \ infty $。此外,我们证明了矩阵矢量查询$ \ omega的下限(1/\ epsilon^ {1/3})$对于任何固定常数$ p \ geq 1 $,表明令人惊讶的$ \ tilde {\ theta}(1/\ epsilon^{ 1/3})$是常数〜$ k $的最佳复杂性。为了获得我们的结果,我们介绍了几种新技术,包括同时对多个Krylov子空间进行优化,以及针对分区操作员的不平等现象。我们在[1,2] $中以$ p \的限制使用了Araki-lieb-thirring Trace不平等,而对于$ p> 2 $,我们呼吁对安装分区操作员的规范压缩不平等。
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在机器学习或统计中,通常希望减少高维空间$ \ mathbb {r} ^ d $的数据点样本的维度。本文介绍了一种维度还原方法,其中嵌入坐标是作为半定程序无限尺寸模拟的溶液获得的正半定核的特征向量。这种嵌入是自适应和非线性的。我们对学习内核的弱者和强烈的平滑假设讨论了这个问题。我们的方法的主要特点是在两种情况下存在嵌入坐标的样本延伸公式。该外推公式产生内核矩阵的延伸到数据相关的Mercer内核功能。我们的经验结果表明,与光谱嵌入方法相比,该嵌入方法对异常值的影响更加稳健。
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Kernel matrices, as well as weighted graphs represented by them, are ubiquitous objects in machine learning, statistics and other related fields. The main drawback of using kernel methods (learning and inference using kernel matrices) is efficiency -- given $n$ input points, most kernel-based algorithms need to materialize the full $n \times n$ kernel matrix before performing any subsequent computation, thus incurring $\Omega(n^2)$ runtime. Breaking this quadratic barrier for various problems has therefore, been a subject of extensive research efforts. We break the quadratic barrier and obtain $\textit{subquadratic}$ time algorithms for several fundamental linear-algebraic and graph processing primitives, including approximating the top eigenvalue and eigenvector, spectral sparsification, solving linear systems, local clustering, low-rank approximation, arboricity estimation and counting weighted triangles. We build on the recent Kernel Density Estimation framework, which (after preprocessing in time subquadratic in $n$) can return estimates of row/column sums of the kernel matrix. In particular, we develop efficient reductions from $\textit{weighted vertex}$ and $\textit{weighted edge sampling}$ on kernel graphs, $\textit{simulating random walks}$ on kernel graphs, and $\textit{importance sampling}$ on matrices to Kernel Density Estimation and show that we can generate samples from these distributions in $\textit{sublinear}$ (in the support of the distribution) time. Our reductions are the central ingredient in each of our applications and we believe they may be of independent interest. We empirically demonstrate the efficacy of our algorithms on low-rank approximation (LRA) and spectral sparsification, where we observe a $\textbf{9x}$ decrease in the number of kernel evaluations over baselines for LRA and a $\textbf{41x}$ reduction in the graph size for spectral sparsification.
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我们介绍和分析了多元奇异频谱分析(MSSA)的变体,这是一种流行的时间序列方法,用于启用和预测多元时间序列。在我们介绍的时空因素模型下,给定$ n $时间序列和$ t $观测时间序列,我们为插补和样本外预测均有效地扩展为$ 1 / \ sqrt,为预测和样本预测有效地缩放均值{\ min(n,t)t} $。这是一个改进:(i)$ 1 /\ sqrt {t} $ SSA的错误缩放,MSSA限制对单变量时间序列; (ii)$ 1/\ min(n,t)$对于不利用数据中时间结构的矩阵估计方法的错误缩放。我们引入的时空模型包括:谐波,多项式,可区分的周期函数和持有人连续函数的任何有限总和和产物。在时空因素模型下,我们的样本外预测结果可能对在线学习具有独立的兴趣。从经验上讲,在基准数据集上,我们的MSSA变体通过最先进的神经网络时间序列方法(例如,DEEPAR,LSTM)竞争性能,并且明显优于诸如矢量自动化(VAR)之类的经典方法。最后,我们提出了MSSA的扩展:(i)估计时间序列的时变差异的变体; (ii)一种张量变体,对于$ n $和$ t $的某些制度具有更好的样本复杂性。
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We study a natural extension of classical empirical risk minimization, where the hypothesis space is a random subspace of a given space. In particular, we consider possibly data dependent subspaces spanned by a random subset of the data, recovering as a special case Nystrom approaches for kernel methods. Considering random subspaces naturally leads to computational savings, but the question is whether the corresponding learning accuracy is degraded. These statistical-computational tradeoffs have been recently explored for the least squares loss and self-concordant loss functions, such as the logistic loss. Here, we work to extend these results to convex Lipschitz loss functions, that might not be smooth, such as the hinge loss used in support vector machines. This unified analysis requires developing new proofs, that use different technical tools, such as sub-gaussian inputs, to achieve fast rates. Our main results show the existence of different settings, depending on how hard the learning problem is, for which computational efficiency can be improved with no loss in performance.
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