在本文中,我们提供了一种系统的方法来评估和比较数字信号处理中神经网络层的计算复杂性。我们提供并链接四个软件到硬件的复杂性度量,定义了不同的复杂度指标与层的超参数的关系。本文解释了如何计算这四个指标以进行馈送和经常性层,并定义在这种情况下,我们应该根据我们是否表征了面向更软件或硬件的应用程序来使用特定的度量。新引入的四个指标之一,称为“添加和位移位数(NAB)”,用于异质量化。 NABS不仅表征了操作中使用的位宽的影响,还表征了算术操作中使用的量化类型。我们打算这项工作作为与神经网络在实时数字信号处理中应用相关的复杂性估计级别(目的)的基线,旨在统一计算复杂性估计。
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In this work, we demonstrate the offline FPGA realization of both recurrent and feedforward neural network (NN)-based equalizers for nonlinearity compensation in coherent optical transmission systems. First, we present a realization pipeline showing the conversion of the models from Python libraries to the FPGA chip synthesis and implementation. Then, we review the main alternatives for the hardware implementation of nonlinear activation functions. The main results are divided into three parts: a performance comparison, an analysis of how activation functions are implemented, and a report on the complexity of the hardware. The performance in Q-factor is presented for the cases of bidirectional long-short-term memory coupled with convolutional NN (biLSTM + CNN) equalizer, CNN equalizer, and standard 1-StpS digital back-propagation (DBP) for the simulation and experiment propagation of a single channel dual-polarization (SC-DP) 16QAM at 34 GBd along 17x70km of LEAF. The biLSTM+CNN equalizer provides a similar result to DBP and a 1.7 dB Q-factor gain compared with the chromatic dispersion compensation baseline in the experimental dataset. After that, we assess the Q-factor and the impact of hardware utilization when approximating the activation functions of NN using Taylor series, piecewise linear, and look-up table (LUT) approximations. We also show how to mitigate the approximation errors with extra training and provide some insights into possible gradient problems in the LUT approximation. Finally, to evaluate the complexity of hardware implementation to achieve 400G throughput, fixed-point NN-based equalizers with approximated activation functions are developed and implemented in an FPGA.
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Deep neural networks (DNNs) are currently widely used for many artificial intelligence (AI) applications including computer vision, speech recognition, and robotics. While DNNs deliver state-of-the-art accuracy on many AI tasks, it comes at the cost of high computational complexity. Accordingly, techniques that enable efficient processing of DNNs to improve energy efficiency and throughput without sacrificing application accuracy or increasing hardware cost are critical to the wide deployment of DNNs in AI systems.This article aims to provide a comprehensive tutorial and survey about the recent advances towards the goal of enabling efficient processing of DNNs. Specifically, it will provide an overview of DNNs, discuss various hardware platforms and architectures that support DNNs, and highlight key trends in reducing the computation cost of DNNs either solely via hardware design changes or via joint hardware design and DNN algorithm changes. It will also summarize various development resources that enable researchers and practitioners to quickly get started in this field, and highlight important benchmarking metrics and design considerations that should be used for evaluating the rapidly growing number of DNN hardware designs, optionally including algorithmic co-designs, being proposed in academia and industry.The reader will take away the following concepts from this article: understand the key design considerations for DNNs; be able to evaluate different DNN hardware implementations with benchmarks and comparison metrics; understand the trade-offs between various hardware architectures and platforms; be able to evaluate the utility of various DNN design techniques for efficient processing; and understand recent implementation trends and opportunities.
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We introduce a method to train Quantized Neural Networks (QNNs) -neural networks with extremely low precision (e.g., 1-bit) weights and activations, at run-time. At traintime the quantized weights and activations are used for computing the parameter gradients. During the forward pass, QNNs drastically reduce memory size and accesses, and replace most arithmetic operations with bit-wise operations. As a result, power consumption is expected to be drastically reduced. We trained QNNs over the MNIST, CIFAR-10, SVHN and ImageNet datasets. The resulting QNNs achieve prediction accuracy comparable to their 32-bit counterparts. For example, our quantized version of AlexNet with 1-bit weights and 2-bit activations achieves 51% top-1 accuracy. Moreover, we quantize the parameter gradients to 6-bits as well which enables gradients computation using only bit-wise operation. Quantized recurrent neural networks were tested over the Penn Treebank dataset, and achieved comparable accuracy as their 32-bit counterparts using only 4-bits. Last but not least, we programmed a binary matrix multiplication GPU kernel with which it is possible to run our MNIST QNN 7 times faster than with an unoptimized GPU kernel, without suffering any loss in classification accuracy. The QNN code is available online.
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Recurrent neural networks (RNN) are the backbone of many text and speech applications. These architectures are typically made up of several computationally complex components such as; non-linear activation functions, normalization, bi-directional dependence and attention. In order to maintain good accuracy, these components are frequently run using full-precision floating-point computation, making them slow, inefficient and difficult to deploy on edge devices. In addition, the complex nature of these operations makes them challenging to quantize using standard quantization methods without a significant performance drop. We present a quantization-aware training method for obtaining a highly accurate integer-only recurrent neural network (iRNN). Our approach supports layer normalization, attention, and an adaptive piecewise linear (PWL) approximation of activation functions, to serve a wide range of state-of-the-art RNNs. The proposed method enables RNN-based language models to run on edge devices with $2\times$ improvement in runtime, and $4\times$ reduction in model size while maintaining similar accuracy as its full-precision counterpart.
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深入学习模型的压缩在将这些模型部署到边缘设备方面具有根本重要性。在压缩期间,在压缩期间结合硬件模型和应用限制可以最大限度地提高优势,但使其专为一种情况而设计。因此,压缩需要自动化。搜索最佳压缩方法参数被认为是一个优化问题。本文介绍了一种多目标硬件感知量化(MohaQ)方法,其将硬件效率和推理误差视为混合精度量化的目标。该方法通过依赖于两个步骤,在很大的搜索空间中评估候选解决方案。首先,应用训练后量化以进行快速解决方案评估。其次,我们提出了一个名为“基于信标的搜索”的搜索技术,仅在搜索空间中重新选出所选解决方案,并将其用作信标以了解刷新对其他解决方案的影响。为了评估优化潜力,我们使用Timit DataSet选择语音识别模型。该模型基于简单的复发单元(SRU),由于其相当大的加速在其他复发单元上。我们应用了我们在两个平台上运行的方法:SILAGO和BETFUSION。实验评估表明,SRU通过训练后量化可以压缩高达8倍,而误差的任何显着增加,误差只有1.5个百分点增加。在Silago上,唯一的搜索发现解决方案分别实现了最大可能加速和节能的80 \%和64 \%,错误的误差增加了0.5个百分点。在BETFUSION上,对于小SRAM尺寸的约束,基于信标的搜索将推断搜索的错误增益减少4个百分点,并且与BitFusion基线相比,可能的达到的加速度增加到47倍。
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长期记忆(LSTM)经常性网络经常用于涉及时间序列数据(例如语音识别)的任务。与以前的LSTM加速器相比,它可以利用空间重量稀疏性或时间激活稀疏性,本文提出了一种称为“ Spartus”的新加速器,该加速器可利用时空的稀疏性来实现超低潜伏期推断。空间稀疏性是使用新的圆柱平衡的靶向辍学(CBTD)结构化修剪法诱导的,从而生成平衡工作负载的结构化稀疏重量矩阵。在Spartus硬件上运行的修剪网络可实现高达96%和94%的重量稀疏度,而Timit和LibrisPeech数据集的准确性损失微不足道。为了在LSTM中诱导时间稀疏性,我们将先前的Deltagru方法扩展到Deltalstm方法。将时空的稀疏与CBTD和Deltalstm相结合,可以节省重量存储器访问和相关的算术操作。 Spartus体系结构是可扩展的,并且在大小FPGA上实现时支持实时在线语音识别。 1024个神经元的单个deltalstm层的Spartus每样本延迟平均1 US。使用TIMIT数据集利用我们的测试LSTM网络上的时空稀疏性导致Spartus在其理论硬件性能上达到46倍的加速,以实现9.4 TOP/S有效批次1吞吐量和1.1 TOP/S/W PARTIC效率。
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最新的努力改善了满足当今应用程序要求的神经网络(NN)加速器的性能,这引起了基于逻辑NN推理的新趋势,该趋势依赖于固定功能组合逻辑。将如此大的布尔函数与许多输入变量和产品项绘制到现场可编程门阵列(FPGA)上的数字信号处理器(DSP)需要一个新颖的框架,考虑到此过程中DSP块的结构和可重构性。本文中提出的方法将固定功能组合逻辑块映射到一组布尔功能,其中与每个功能相对应的布尔操作映射到DSP设备,而不是FPGA上的查找表(LUTS),以利用高性能,DSP块的低潜伏期和并行性。 %本文还提出了一种用于NNS编译和映射的创新设计和优化方法,并利用固定功能组合逻辑与DSP进行了使用高级合成流的FPGA上的DSP。 %我们在几个\ revone {DataSets}上进行的实验评估和选定的NNS与使用DSP的基于ART FPGA的NN加速器相比,根据推理潜伏期和输出准确性,证明了我们框架的可比性。
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在本文中,我们提出了一种方法,以最大程度地减少训练有素的卷积神经网络(Convnet)的计算复杂性。这个想法是要近似给定的Convnet的所有元素,并替换原始的卷积过滤器和参数(汇总和偏置系数;以及激活函数),并有效地近似计算复杂性。低复杂性卷积过滤器是通过基于Frobenius Norm的二进制(零)线性编程方案获得的,该方案在一组二元理性的集合上获得。最终的矩阵允许无乘法计算,仅需要添加和位移动操作。这样的低复杂性结构为低功率,高效的硬件设计铺平了道路。我们将方法应用于三种不同复杂性的用例中:(i)“轻”但有效的转换供面部检测(约有1000个参数); (ii)另一个用于手写数字分类的(超过180000个参数); (iii)一个明显更大的Convnet:Alexnet,$ \ $ \ $ 120万美元。我们评估了不同近似级别的各个任务的总体绩效。在所有考虑的应用中,都得出了非常低的复杂性近似值,以保持几乎相等的分类性能。
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在当今智能网络物理系统时代,由于它们在复杂的现实世界应用中的最新性能,深度神经网络(DNN)已无处不在。这些网络的高计算复杂性转化为增加的能源消耗,这是在资源受限系统中部署大型DNN的首要障碍。通过培训后量化实现的定点(FP)实现通常用于减少这些网络的能源消耗。但是,FP中的均匀量化间隔将数据结构的位宽度限制为大值,因为需要以足够的分辨率来表示大多数数字并避免较高的量化误差。在本文中,我们利用了关键见解,即(在大多数情况下)DNN的权重和激活主要集中在零接近零,只有少数几个具有较大的幅度。我们提出了Conlocnn,该框架是通过利用来实现节能低精度深度卷积神经网络推断的框架:(1)重量的不均匀量化,以简化复杂的乘法操作的简化; (2)激活值之间的相关性,可以在低成本的情况下以低成本进行部分补偿,而无需任何运行时开销。为了显着从不均匀的量化中受益,我们还提出了一种新颖的数据表示格式,编码低精度二进制签名数字,以压缩重量的位宽度,同时确保直接使用编码的权重来使用新颖的多重和处理 - 积累(MAC)单元设计。
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In this paper we compare different types of recurrent units in recurrent neural networks (RNNs). Especially, we focus on more sophisticated units that implement a gating mechanism, such as a long short-term memory (LSTM) unit and a recently proposed gated recurrent unit (GRU). We evaluate these recurrent units on the tasks of polyphonic music modeling and speech signal modeling. Our experiments revealed that these advanced recurrent units are indeed better than more traditional recurrent units such as tanh units. Also, we found GRU to be comparable to LSTM.
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Common to all different kinds of recurrent neural networks (RNNs) is the intention to model relations between data points through time. When there is no immediate relationship between subsequent data points (like when the data points are generated at random, e.g.), we show that RNNs are still able to remember a few data points back into the sequence by memorizing them by heart using standard backpropagation. However, we also show that for classical RNNs, LSTM and GRU networks the distance of data points between recurrent calls that can be reproduced this way is highly limited (compared to even a loose connection between data points) and subject to various constraints imposed by the type and size of the RNN in question. This implies the existence of a hard limit (way below the information-theoretic one) for the distance between related data points within which RNNs are still able to recognize said relation.
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