在推荐系统中,一个普遍的挑战是冷门问题,在系统中,相互作用非常有限。为了应对这一挑战,最近,许多作品将元优化的想法介绍到建议方案中,即学习仅通过过去的几个交互项目来学习用户偏好。核心想法是为所有用户学习全局共享的元启动参数,并分别为每个用户迅速调整其本地参数。他们的目的是在各种用户的偏好学习中得出一般知识,以便通过博学的先验和少量培训数据迅速适应未来的新用户。但是,以前的作品表明,推荐系统通常容易受到偏见和不公平的影响。尽管元学习成功地通过冷启动提高了推荐性能,但公平性问题在很大程度上被忽略了。在本文中,我们提出了一个名为Clover的全面的公平元学习框架,以确保元学习的推荐模型的公平性。我们系统地研究了三种公平性 - 个人公平,反事实公平和推荐系统中的群体公平,并建议通过多任务对抗学习方案满足所有三种类型。我们的框架提供了一种通用的培训范式,适用于不同的元学习推荐系统。我们证明了三叶草对三个现实世界数据集的代表性元学习用户偏好估计器的有效性。经验结果表明,三叶草可以实现全面的公平性,而不会恶化整体的冷淡建议性能。
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由于越来越多的用户使用它们来寻求和决策,推荐制度对人类和社会的影响增加了对人类和社会的影响。因此,在建议中解决潜在的不公平问题至关重要。就像用户在物品上具有个性化的偏好,用户对公平性的要求也是个性化的许多情况。因此,为用户提供个性化的公平建议,以满足其个性化的公平需求。此外,以前的公平建议作品主要关注基于关联的公平性。但是,重要的是从联合公平概念前进,以便在推荐系统中更适当地评估公平性的因果公平概念。本文根据上述考虑,侧重于为推荐系统中的用户实现个性化的反事实公平。为此,我们介绍了一个框架,通过对建议产生特征 - 独立的用户嵌入来实现通过对抗学习来实现反转公平的建议。该框架允许推荐系统为用户实现个性化的公平,同时也涵盖非个性化情况。在浅层和深刻的推荐算法上的两个现实数据集的实验表明,我们的方法可以为具有理想的推荐性能的用户生成更公平的建议。
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In this paper, we study item advertisements for small businesses. This application recommends prospective customers to specific items requested by businesses. From analysis, we found that the existing Recommender Systems (RS) were ineffective for small/new businesses with a few sales history. Training samples in RS can be highly biased toward popular businesses with sufficient sales and can decrease advertising performance for small businesses. We propose a meta-learning-based RS to improve advertising performance for small/new businesses and shops: Meta-Shop. Meta-Shop leverages an advanced meta-learning optimization framework and builds a model for a shop-level recommendation. It also integrates and transfers knowledge between large and small shops, consequently learning better features in small shops. We conducted experiments on a real-world E-commerce dataset and a public benchmark dataset. Meta-Shop outperformed a production baseline and the state-of-the-art RS models. Specifically, it achieved up to 16.6% relative improvement of Recall@1M and 40.4% relative improvement of nDCG@3 for user recommendations to new shops compared to the other RS models.
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Recommender systems can strongly influence which information we see online, e.g., on social media, and thus impact our beliefs, decisions, and actions. At the same time, these systems can create substantial business value for different stakeholders. Given the growing potential impact of such AI-based systems on individuals, organizations, and society, questions of fairness have gained increased attention in recent years. However, research on fairness in recommender systems is still a developing area. In this survey, we first review the fundamental concepts and notions of fairness that were put forward in the area in the recent past. Afterward, through a review of more than 150 scholarly publications, we present an overview of how research in this field is currently operationalized, e.g., in terms of general research methodology, fairness measures, and algorithmic approaches. Overall, our analysis of recent works points to specific research gaps. In particular, we find that in many research works in computer science, very abstract problem operationalizations are prevalent, and questions of the underlying normative claims and what represents a fair recommendation in the context of a given application are often not discussed in depth. These observations call for more interdisciplinary research to address fairness in recommendation in a more comprehensive and impactful manner.
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历史互动是推荐模型培训的默认选择,通常表现出高稀疏性,即大多数用户项目对都是未观察到的缺失数据。标准选择是将缺失的数据视为负训练样本,并估计用户项目对之间的相互作用以及观察到的相互作用。通过这种方式,在训练过程中不可避免地会误标记一些潜在的互动,这将损害模型的保真度,阻碍模型回忆起错误标签的项目,尤其是长尾尾。在这项工作中,我们从新的不确定性的新角度研究了标签的问题,该问题描述了缺失数据的固有随机性。随机性促使我们超越了相互作用的可能性,并接受了不确定性建模。为此,我们提出了一个新的不确定性不确定性建议(AUR)框架,该框架由新的不确定性估计器以及正常的推荐模型组成。根据核心不确定性理论,我们得出了一个新的建议目标来学习估计量。由于错误标签的机会反映了一对的潜力,因此AUR根据不确定性提出了建议,该建议被证明是为了改善较不受欢迎的项目的建议性能而不会牺牲整体性能。我们在三个代表性推荐模型上实例化AUR:来自主流模型体系结构的矩阵分解(MF),LightGCN和VAE。两个现实世界数据集的广泛结果验证了AUR W.R.T.的有效性。更好的建议结果,尤其是在长尾项目上。
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推荐系统通常会从各种用户行为中学习用户兴趣,包括点击和点击后行为(例如,喜欢和喜欢)。但是,这些行为不可避免地表现出受欢迎程度的偏见,从而导致一些不公平的问题:1)对于具有相似质量,更受欢迎的物品的物品会获得更多的曝光; 2)更糟糕的是,受欢迎程度较低的流行物品可能会获得更多的曝光率。现有关于缓解流行偏见的工作会盲目消除偏见,通常忽略项目质量的影响。我们认为,不同用户行为(例如,转换率)之间的关系实际上反映了项目质量。因此,为了处理不公平的问题,我们建议通过考虑多种用户行为来减轻流行性偏见。在这项工作中,我们研究了多行为推荐中相互作用生成过程背后的因果关系。具体来说,我们发现:1)项目受欢迎程度是暴露的项目和用户的点击交互之间的混杂因素,导致第一个不公平; 2)一些隐藏的混杂因素(例如,项目生产者的声誉)影响了项目的流行和质量,导致第二次不公平。为了减轻这些混杂问题,我们提出了一个因果框架来估计因果效应,该因果效应利用后门调整以阻止混杂因素引起的后门路径。在推论阶段,我们消除了受欢迎程度的负面影响,并利用质量的良好效果进行推荐。在两个现实世界数据集上的实验验证了我们提出的框架的有效性,这在不牺牲建议准确性的情况下增强了公平性。
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因果图作为因果建模的有效和强大的工具,通常被假定为有向的无环图(DAG)。但是,推荐系统通常涉及反馈循环,该反馈循环定义为推荐项目的循环过程,将用户反馈纳入模型更新以及重复该过程。结果,重要的是将循环纳入因果图中,以准确地对推荐系统进行动态和迭代数据生成过程。但是,反馈回路并不总是有益的,因为随着时间的流逝,它们可能会鼓励越来越狭窄的内容暴露,如果无人看管的话,可能会导致回声室。结果,重要的是要了解何时会导致Echo Chambers以及如何减轻回声室而不会损害建议性能。在本文中,我们设计了一个带有循环的因果图,以描述推荐的动态过程。然后,我们采取马尔可夫工艺来分析回声室的数学特性,例如导致回声腔的条件。受理论分析的启发,我们提出了一个动态的因果协作过滤($ \ partial $ ccf)模型,该模型估算了用户基于后门调整的项目的干预后偏好,并通过反事实推理减轻了Echo Echo Chamber。在现实世界数据集上进行了多个实验,结果表明,我们的框架可以比其他最先进的框架更好地减轻回声室,同时通过基本建议模型实现可比的建议性能。
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受到计算机愿景和语言理解的深度学习的巨大成功的影响,建议的研究已经转移到发明基于神经网络的新推荐模型。近年来,我们在开发神经推荐模型方面目睹了显着进展,这概括和超越了传统的推荐模型,由于神经网络的强烈代表性。在本调查论文中,我们从建议建模与准确性目标的角度进行了系统审查,旨在总结该领域,促进研究人员和从业者在推荐系统上工作的研究人员和从业者。具体而具体基于推荐建模期间的数据使用,我们将工作划分为协作过滤和信息丰富的建议:1)协作滤波,其利用用户项目交互数据的关键来源; 2)内容丰富的建议,其另外利用与用户和项目相关的侧面信息,如用户配置文件和项目知识图; 3)时间/顺序推荐,其考虑与交互相关的上下文信息,例如时间,位置和过去的交互。在为每种类型审查代表性工作后,我们终于讨论了这一领域的一些有希望的方向。
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In recent years, Graph Neural Networks (GNNs), which can naturally integrate node information and topological structure, have been demonstrated to be powerful in learning on graph data. These advantages of GNNs provide great potential to advance social recommendation since data in social recommender systems can be represented as user-user social graph and user-item graph; and learning latent factors of users and items is the key. However, building social recommender systems based on GNNs faces challenges. For example, the user-item graph encodes both interactions and their associated opinions; social relations have heterogeneous strengths; users involve in two graphs (e.g., the useruser social graph and the user-item graph). To address the three aforementioned challenges simultaneously, in this paper, we present a novel graph neural network framework (GraphRec) for social recommendations. In particular, we provide a principled approach to jointly capture interactions and opinions in the user-item graph and propose the framework GraphRec, which coherently models two graphs and heterogeneous strengths. Extensive experiments on two real-world datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed framework GraphRec.
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Today, recommender systems have played an increasingly important role in shaping our experiences of digital environments and social interactions. However, as recommender systems become ubiquitous in our society, recent years have also witnessed significant fairness concerns for recommender systems. Specifically, studies have shown that recommender systems may inherit or even amplify biases from historical data, and as a result, provide unfair recommendations. To address fairness risks in recommender systems, most of the previous approaches to date are focused on modifying either the existing training data samples or the deployed recommender algorithms, but unfortunately with limited degrees of success. In this paper, we propose a new approach called fair recommendation with optimized antidote data (FairRoad), which aims to improve the fairness performances of recommender systems through the construction of a small and carefully crafted antidote dataset. Toward this end, we formulate our antidote data generation task as a mathematical optimization problem, which minimizes the unfairness of the targeted recommender systems while not disrupting the deployed recommendation algorithms. Extensive experiments show that our proposed antidote data generation algorithm significantly improve the fairness of recommender systems with a small amounts of antidote data.
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隐式反馈已被广泛用于构建商业推荐系统。由于观察到的反馈代表用户的点击日志,因此真实相关性和观察到的反馈之间存在语义差距。更重要的是,观察到的反馈通常偏向流行项目,从而高估了流行项目的实际相关性。尽管现有的研究使用反向倾向加权(IPW)或因果推理开发了公正的学习方法,但它们仅专注于消除项目的流行偏见。在本文中,我们提出了一种新颖的无偏建议学习模型,即双边自我非偏置推荐剂(Biser),以消除推荐模型引起的项目的暴露偏见。具体而言,双方由两个关键组成部分组成:(i)自我内向倾向加权(SIPW)逐渐减轻项目的偏见而不会产生高计算成本; (ii)双边无偏学习(BU),以弥合模型预测中两个互补模型之间的差距,即基于用户和项目的自动编码器,从而减轻了SIPW的较高差异。广泛的实验表明,Biser在几个数据集上始终优于最先进的无偏建议型号,包括外套,Yahoo! R3,Movielens和Citeulike。
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推荐系统的目标是通过用户项目的交互历史记录对每个用户和每个项目之间的相关性进行建模,以便最大程度地提高样本得分并最大程度地减少负面样本。当前,两个流行的损失功能被广泛用于优化推荐系统:点心和成对。尽管这些损失功能被广泛使用,但是有两个问题。 (1)这些传统损失功能不适合推荐系统的目标,并充分利用了先验知识信息。 (2)这些传统损失功能的缓慢收敛速度使各种建议模型的实际应用变得困难。为了解决这些问题,我们根据先验知识提出了一个名为“监督个性化排名”(SPR)的新型损失函数。提出的方法通过利用原始数据中每个用户或项目的相互作用历史记录的先验知识来改善BPR损失。与BPR不同,而不是构建<用户,正面项目,负面项目>三元组,而是拟议的SPR构造<用户,相似的用户,正面项目,负面项目,否定项目> Quadruples。尽管SPR非常简单,但非常有效。广泛的实验表明,我们提出的SPR不仅取得了更好的建议性能,而且还可以显着加速收敛速度,从而大大减少所需的训练时间。
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With information systems becoming larger scale, recommendation systems are a topic of growing interest in machine learning research and industry. Even though progress on improving model design has been rapid in research, we argue that many advances fail to translate into practice because of two limiting assumptions. First, most approaches focus on a transductive learning setting which cannot handle unseen users or items and second, many existing methods are developed for static settings that cannot incorporate new data as it becomes available. We argue that these are largely impractical assumptions on real-world platforms where new user interactions happen in real time. In this survey paper, we formalize both concepts and contextualize recommender systems work from the last six years. We then discuss why and how future work should move towards inductive learning and incremental updates for recommendation model design and evaluation. In addition, we present best practices and fundamental open challenges for future research.
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在隐性反馈推荐中,将短期偏好纳入推荐系统近年来引起了不断的关注。但是,在历史交互中的意外行为,如偶然点击一些物品,也不能反映用户固有的偏好。现有研究未能模拟意外行为的影响,从而实现劣等的推荐性能。在本文中,我们提出了一种多偏好模型(MPM)来消除意外行为的影响。 MPM首先通过细粒度的偏好模块从最近的历史交互中提取用户的即时偏好。然后,培训意外行为检测器以判断这些即时偏好是否由意外行为偏置。我们还将用户的一般偏好集成在MPM中。最后,执行输出模块以消除意外行为的影响,并集成所有信息以进行最终推荐。我们在电影的两个数据集和电子零售中进行广泛的实验,展示了我们在最先进的方法上的模型的显着改进。实验结果表明,MPM在HR @ 10和NDCG @ 10中获得了大规模的改善,平均与斯trec模型相比相对增加了3.643%和4.107%。我们在https://github.com/chenjie04/mpm/发布我们的代码。
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与淘宝和亚马逊等大型平台不同,由于严重的数据分配波动(DDF)问题,在小规模推荐方案中开发CVR模型是更具挑战性的。 DDF防止现有的CVR模型自生效以来,因为1)需要几个月的数据需要足够小的场景训练CVR模型,导致培训和在线服务之间的相当大的分布差异; 2)电子商务促销对小型情景产生了更大的影响,导致即将到期的时间段的不确定性。在这项工作中,我们提出了一种名为MetacVR的新型CVR方法,从Meta学习的角度解决了DDF问题。首先,由特征表示网络(FRN)和输出层组成的基础CVR模型是精心设计和培训的,在几个月内与样品充分设计和培训。然后,我们将不同数据分布的时间段视为不同的场合,并使用相应的样本和预先训练的FRN获得每个场合的正面和负原型。随后,设计了距离度量网络(DMN)以计算每个样本和所有原型之间的距离度量,以便于减轻分布不确定性。最后,我们开发了一个集合预测网络(EPN),该网络(EPN)包含FRN和DMN的输出以进行最终的CVR预测。在这个阶段,我们冻结了FRN并用最近一段时间的样品训练DMN和EPN,因此有效地缓解了分布差异。据我们所知,这是在小规模推荐方案中针对DDF问题的CVR预测第一次研究。实验结果对现实世界数据集验证了我们的MetacVR和Online A / B测试的优越性也表明我们的模型在PCVR上实现了11.92%的令人印象深刻的收益和GMV的8.64%。
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In recent years, deep neural networks have yielded immense success on speech recognition, computer vision and natural language processing. However, the exploration of deep neural networks on recommender systems has received relatively less scrutiny. In this work, we strive to develop techniques based on neural networks to tackle the key problem in recommendation -collaborative filtering -on the basis of implicit feedback.Although some recent work has employed deep learning for recommendation, they primarily used it to model auxiliary information, such as textual descriptions of items and acoustic features of musics. When it comes to model the key factor in collaborative filtering -the interaction between user and item features, they still resorted to matrix factorization and applied an inner product on the latent features of users and items.By replacing the inner product with a neural architecture that can learn an arbitrary function from data, we present a general framework named NCF, short for Neural networkbased Collaborative Filtering. NCF is generic and can express and generalize matrix factorization under its framework. To supercharge NCF modelling with non-linearities, we propose to leverage a multi-layer perceptron to learn the user-item interaction function. Extensive experiments on two real-world datasets show significant improvements of our proposed NCF framework over the state-of-the-art methods. Empirical evidence shows that using deeper layers of neural networks offers better recommendation performance.
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