Recent years have seen progress beyond domain-specific sound separation for speech or music towards universal sound separation for arbitrary sounds. Prior work on universal sound separation has investigated separating a target sound out of an audio mixture given a text query. Such text-queried sound separation systems provide a natural and scalable interface for specifying arbitrary target sounds. However, supervised text-queried sound separation systems require costly labeled audio-text pairs for training. Moreover, the audio provided in existing datasets is often recorded in a controlled environment, causing a considerable generalization gap to noisy audio in the wild. In this work, we aim to approach text-queried universal sound separation by using only unlabeled data. We propose to leverage the visual modality as a bridge to learn the desired audio-textual correspondence. The proposed CLIPSep model first encodes the input query into a query vector using the contrastive language-image pretraining (CLIP) model, and the query vector is then used to condition an audio separation model to separate out the target sound. While the model is trained on image-audio pairs extracted from unlabeled videos, at test time we can instead query the model with text inputs in a zero-shot setting, thanks to the joint language-image embedding learned by the CLIP model. Further, videos in the wild often contain off-screen sounds and background noise that may hinder the model from learning the desired audio-textual correspondence. To address this problem, we further propose an approach called noise invariant training for training a query-based sound separation model on noisy data. Experimental results show that the proposed models successfully learn text-queried universal sound separation using only noisy unlabeled videos, even achieving competitive performance against a supervised model in some settings.
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Current audio-visual separation methods share a standard architecture design where an audio encoder-decoder network is fused with visual encoding features at the encoder bottleneck. This design confounds the learning of multi-modal feature encoding with robust sound decoding for audio separation. To generalize to a new instrument: one must finetune the entire visual and audio network for all musical instruments. We re-formulate visual-sound separation task and propose Instrument as Query (iQuery) with a flexible query expansion mechanism. Our approach ensures cross-modal consistency and cross-instrument disentanglement. We utilize "visually named" queries to initiate the learning of audio queries and use cross-modal attention to remove potential sound source interference at the estimated waveforms. To generalize to a new instrument or event class, drawing inspiration from the text-prompt design, we insert an additional query as an audio prompt while freezing the attention mechanism. Experimental results on three benchmarks demonstrate that our iQuery improves audio-visual sound source separation performance.
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将音频分离成不同声音源的深度学习技术面临着几种挑战。标准架构需要培训不同类型的音频源的独立型号。虽然一些通用分离器采用单个模型来靶向多个来源,但它们难以推广到看不见的来源。在本文中,我们提出了一个三个组件的管道,可以从大型但弱标记的数据集:audioset训练通用音频源分离器。首先,我们提出了一种用于处理弱标记训练数据的变压器的声音事件检测系统。其次,我们设计了一种基于查询的音频分离模型,利用此数据进行模型培训。第三,我们设计一个潜在的嵌入处理器来编码指定用于分离的音频目标的查询,允许零拍摄的概括。我们的方法使用单一模型进行多种声音类型的源分离,并仅依赖于跨标记的培训数据。此外,所提出的音频分离器可用于零拍摄设置,学习以分离从未在培训中看到的音频源。为了评估分离性能,我们在侦察中测试我们的模型,同时在不相交的augioset上培训。我们通过对从训练中保持的音频源类型进行另一个实验,进一步通过对训练进行了另一个实验来验证零射性能。该模型在两种情况下实现了对当前监督模型的相当的源 - 失真率(SDR)性能。
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The thud of a bouncing ball, the onset of speech as lips open -when visual and audio events occur together, it suggests that there might be a common, underlying event that produced both signals. In this paper, we argue that the visual and audio components of a video signal should be modeled jointly using a fused multisensory representation. We propose to learn such a representation in a self-supervised way, by training a neural network to predict whether video frames and audio are temporally aligned. We use this learned representation for three applications: (a) sound source localization, i.e. visualizing the source of sound in a video; (b) audio-visual action recognition; and (c) on/offscreen audio source separation, e.g. removing the off-screen translator's voice from a foreign official's speech. Code, models, and video results are available on our webpage:
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Videos are a rich source of multi-modal supervision. In this work, we learn representations using self-supervision by leveraging three modalities naturally present in videos: visual, audio and language streams. To this end, we introduce the notion of a multimodal versatile network -a network that can ingest multiple modalities and whose representations enable downstream tasks in multiple modalities. In particular, we explore how best to combine the modalities, such that fine-grained representations of the visual and audio modalities can be maintained, whilst also integrating text into a common embedding. Driven by versatility, we also introduce a novel process of deflation, so that the networks can be effortlessly applied to the visual data in the form of video or a static image. We demonstrate how such networks trained on large collections of unlabelled video data can be applied on video, video-text, image and audio tasks. Equipped with these representations, we obtain state-of-the-art performance on multiple challenging benchmarks including UCF101, HMDB51, Kinetics600, Audioset and ESC-50 when compared to previous self-supervised work. Our models are publicly available [1, 2, 3]. * Equal contribution. † Work done during an internship at DeepMind. 34th Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS 2020),
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We present a method for simultaneously localizing multiple sound sources within a visual scene. This task requires a model to both group a sound mixture into individual sources, and to associate them with a visual signal. Our method jointly solves both tasks at once, using a formulation inspired by the contrastive random walk of Jabri et al. We create a graph in which images and separated sounds correspond to nodes, and train a random walker to transition between nodes from different modalities with high return probability. The transition probabilities for this walk are determined by an audio-visual similarity metric that is learned by our model. We show through experiments with musical instruments and human speech that our model can successfully localize multiple sounds, outperforming other self-supervised methods. Project site:
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State-of-the-art computer vision systems are trained to predict a fixed set of predetermined object categories. This restricted form of supervision limits their generality and usability since additional labeled data is needed to specify any other visual concept. Learning directly from raw text about images is a promising alternative which leverages a much broader source of supervision. We demonstrate that the simple pre-training task of predicting which caption goes with which image is an efficient and scalable way to learn SOTA image representations from scratch on a dataset of 400 million (image, text) pairs collected from the internet. After pre-training, natural language is used to reference learned visual concepts (or describe new ones) enabling zero-shot transfer of the model to downstream tasks. We study the performance of this approach by benchmarking on over 30 different existing computer vision datasets, spanning tasks such as OCR, action recognition in videos, geo-localization, and many types of fine-grained object classification. The model transfers non-trivially to most tasks and is often competitive with a fully supervised baseline without the need for any dataset specific training. For instance, we match the accuracy of the original ResNet-50 on ImageNet zero-shot without needing to use any of the 1.28 million training examples it was trained on. We release our code and pre-trained model weights at
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Prior works on improving speech quality with visual input typically study each type of auditory distortion separately (e.g., separation, inpainting, video-to-speech) and present tailored algorithms. This paper proposes to unify these subjects and study Generalized Speech Enhancement, where the goal is not to reconstruct the exact reference clean signal, but to focus on improving certain aspects of speech. In particular, this paper concerns intelligibility, quality, and video synchronization. We cast the problem as audio-visual speech resynthesis, which is composed of two steps: pseudo audio-visual speech recognition (P-AVSR) and pseudo text-to-speech synthesis (P-TTS). P-AVSR and P-TTS are connected by discrete units derived from a self-supervised speech model. Moreover, we utilize self-supervised audio-visual speech model to initialize P-AVSR. The proposed model is coined ReVISE. ReVISE is the first high-quality model for in-the-wild video-to-speech synthesis and achieves superior performance on all LRS3 audio-visual enhancement tasks with a single model. To demonstrates its applicability in the real world, ReVISE is also evaluated on EasyCom, an audio-visual benchmark collected under challenging acoustic conditions with only 1.6 hours of training data. Similarly, ReVISE greatly suppresses noise and improves quality. Project page:
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We consider the question: what can be learnt by looking at and listening to a large number of unlabelled videos? There is a valuable, but so far untapped, source of information contained in the video itself -the correspondence between the visual and the audio streams, and we introduce a novel "Audio-Visual Correspondence" learning task that makes use of this. Training visual and audio networks from scratch, without any additional supervision other than the raw unconstrained videos themselves, is shown to successfully solve this task, and, more interestingly, result in good visual and audio representations. These features set the new state-of-the-art on two sound classification benchmarks, and perform on par with the state-of-the-art selfsupervised approaches on ImageNet classification. We also demonstrate that the network is able to localize objects in both modalities, as well as perform fine-grained recognition tasks.
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语音的视频录制包含相关的音频和视觉信息,为语音表示从扬声器的唇部运动和产生的声音提供了强大的信号。我们介绍了视听隐藏单元BERT(AV-HUBERT),是视听语音的自我监督的代表学习框架,这些屏幕屏蔽了多流视频输入并预测自动发现和迭代地精制多模式隐藏单元。 AV-HUBERT学习强大的视听语音表示,这些语音表示受益于唇读和自动语音识别。在最大的公众唇读基准LRS3(433小时)中,AV-Hubert达到32.5%WER,只有30个小时的标签数据,优于前一种最先进的方法(33.6%)培训,达到了一千次转录的视频数据(31k小时)。当使用来自LRS3的所有433小时的标记数据并结合自培训时,唇读WER进一步降低至26.9%。使用我们在相同的基准测试中使用您的视听表示,用于音频语音识别的相对效率为40%,而最先进的性能(1.3%Vs 2.3%)。我们的代码和模型可在获得
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可以代表和描述环境声音的机器具有实际潜力,例如,用于音频标记和标题系统。普遍的学习范式已经依赖于并行音频文本数据,但是,Web上几乎没有可用。我们提出了vip-ant,它在不使用任何并行音频文本数据的情况下诱导\ textbf {a} udio- \ textBF {t} EXT对齐。我们的主要思想是在双模形图像文本表示和双模态图像 - 音频表示之间共享图像模型;图像模态用作枢轴,并将音频和文本连接在三模态嵌入空间中。在没有配对的音频文本数据的困难零拍设置中,我们的模型在ESC50和US8K音频分类任务上展示了最先进的零点性能,甚至超过了披肩标题的领域的监督状态检索(带音频查询)2.2 \%R @ 1。我们进一步调查了最小音频监控的情况,发现,例如,只有几百个监督的音频文本对将零拍音频分类精度提高8 \%US8K。然而,为了匹配人类奇偶校验,我们的经验缩放实验表明我们需要大约2米$ 2 ^ {21} \约2M $监督的音频标题对。我们的工作开辟了新的途径,用于学习音频文本连接,几乎没有并行音频文本数据。
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