The key idea behind the unsupervised learning of disentangled representations is that real-world data is generated by a few explanatory factors of variation which can be recovered by unsupervised learning algorithms. In this paper, we provide a sober look at recent progress in the field and challenge some common assumptions. We first theoretically show that the unsupervised learning of disentangled representations is fundamentally impossible without inductive biases on both the models and the data. Then, we train more than 12 000 models covering most prominent methods and evaluation metrics in a reproducible large-scale experimental study on seven different data sets. We observe that while the different methods successfully enforce properties "encouraged" by the corresponding losses, well-disentangled models seemingly cannot be identified without supervision. Furthermore, increased disentanglement does not seem to lead to a decreased sample complexity of learning for downstream tasks. Our results suggest that future work on disentanglement learning should be explicit about the role of inductive biases and (implicit) supervision, investigate concrete benefits of enforcing disentanglement of the learned representations, and consider a reproducible experimental setup covering several data sets.
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A grand goal in deep learning research is to learn representations capable of generalizing across distribution shifts. Disentanglement is one promising direction aimed at aligning a models representations with the underlying factors generating the data (e.g. color or background). Existing disentanglement methods, however, rely on an often unrealistic assumption: that factors are statistically independent. In reality, factors (like object color and shape) are correlated. To address this limitation, we propose a relaxed disentanglement criterion - the Hausdorff Factorized Support (HFS) criterion - that encourages a factorized support, rather than a factorial distribution, by minimizing a Hausdorff distance. This allows for arbitrary distributions of the factors over their support, including correlations between them. We show that the use of HFS consistently facilitates disentanglement and recovery of ground-truth factors across a variety of correlation settings and benchmarks, even under severe training correlations and correlation shifts, with in parts over +60% in relative improvement over existing disentanglement methods. In addition, we find that leveraging HFS for representation learning can even facilitate transfer to downstream tasks such as classification under distribution shifts. We hope our original approach and positive empirical results inspire further progress on the open problem of robust generalization.
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We define and address the problem of unsupervised learning of disentangled representations on data generated from independent factors of variation. We propose FactorVAE, a method that disentangles by encouraging the distribution of representations to be factorial and hence independent across the dimensions. We show that it improves upon β-VAE by providing a better trade-off between disentanglement and reconstruction quality. Moreover, we highlight the problems of a commonly used disentanglement metric and introduce a new metric that does not suffer from them.
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We decompose the evidence lower bound to show the existence of a term measuring the total correlation between latent variables. We use this to motivate the β-TCVAE (Total Correlation Variational Autoencoder) algorithm, a refinement and plug-in replacement of the β-VAE for learning disentangled representations, requiring no additional hyperparameters during training. We further propose a principled classifier-free measure of disentanglement called the mutual information gap (MIG). We perform extensive quantitative and qualitative experiments, in both restricted and non-restricted settings, and show a strong relation between total correlation and disentanglement, when the model is trained using our framework.
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$ \ beta $ -vae是对变形的自身额外转换器的后续技术,提出了在VAE损失中的KL分歧项的特殊加权,以获得解除戒备的表示。即使在玩具数据集和有意义的情况下,甚至在玩具数据集上也是脆弱的学习,难以找到的难以找到的。在这里,我们调查原来的$ \β$ -VAE纸,并向先前获得的结果添加证据表明其缺乏可重复性。我们还进一步扩展了模型的实验,并在分析中包括进一步更复杂的数据集。我们还为$ \β$ -VAE模型实施了FID评分度量,并得出了对所获得的结果的定性分析。我们结束了关于可能进行的未来调查的简要讨论,以增加对索赔的更具稳健性。
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无负的对比度学习吸引了很多关注,以简单性和令人印象深刻的表现,以进行大规模预处理。但是它的解散财产仍未得到探索。在本文中,我们采用不同的无负对比度学习方法来研究这种自我监督方法的分离特性。我们发现现有的分离指标无法对高维表示模型进行有意义的测量,因此我们根据表示因素和数据因素之间的相互信息提出了一个新的分解指标。通过拟议的指标,我们首次在流行的合成数据集和现实世界数据集Celeba上首次基于无效的对比度学习的删除属性。我们的研究表明,研究的方法可以学习一个明确的表示子集。我们首次将对分离的表示学习的研究扩展到高维表示空间和无效的对比度学习。建议的度量标准的实现可在\ url {}中获得。
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以无监督的方式从高维领域提取生成参数的能力是计算物理学中的非常理想尚未实现的目标。这项工作探讨了用于非线性尺寸降低的变形Autiachoders(VAES),其特定目的是{\ EM解散}的特定目标,以识别生成数据的独立物理参数。解除戒开的分解是可解释的,并且可以转移到包括生成建模,设计优化和概率减少阶级型建模的各种任务。这项工作的重大重点是使用VAE来表征解剖学,同时最小地修改经典的VAE损失功能(即证据下限)以保持高重建精度。损耗景观的特点是过度正常的局部最小值,其环绕所需的解决方案。我们通过在模型多孔流量问题中并列在模拟潜在分布和真正的生成因子中,说明了分解和纠缠符号之间的比较。展示了等级前瞻,促进了解除不诚实的表现的学习。在用旋转不变的前沿训练时,正则化损失不受潜在的旋转影响,从而学习非旋转不变的前锋有助于捕获生成因子的性质,改善解剖学。最后,表明通过标记少量样本($ O(1 \%)$)来实现半监督学习 - 导致可以一致地学习的准确脱屑潜在的潜在表示。
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解决视觉推理测试的计算学习方法,例如Raven的渐进式矩阵(RPM),非常取决于识别测试中使用的视觉概念(即表示)以及基于这些概念(即,推理)。然而,学习表示和推理是一项具有挑战性且不足的任务,经常以舞台的方式(首先表示,然后推理)接近。在这项工作中,我们提出了一个端到端的联合代表性学习框架,该框架利用了弱的归纳偏见形式来共同改善这两项任务。具体而言,我们引入了RPMS,GM-RPM的一般生成图形模型,并将其应用于解决推理测试。我们使用基于GM-RPM原理的基于基于的抽象推理网络(DAREN)的新型学习框架来完成此操作。我们对Daren进行了多个基准数据集的经验评估。 Daren在推理和分离任务上都表现出对最先进的模型(SOTA)模型的一致改进。这证明了分离的潜在表示与解决抽象视觉推理任务的能力之间的密切相关性。
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Latent variable models such as the Variational Auto-Encoder (VAE) have become a go-to tool for analyzing biological data, especially in the field of single-cell genomics. One remaining challenge is the interpretability of latent variables as biological processes that define a cell's identity. Outside of biological applications, this problem is commonly referred to as learning disentangled representations. Although several disentanglement-promoting variants of the VAE were introduced, and applied to single-cell genomics data, this task has been shown to be infeasible from independent and identically distributed measurements, without additional structure. Instead, recent methods propose to leverage non-stationary data, as well as the sparse mechanism shift assumption in order to learn disentangled representations with a causal semantic. Here, we extend the application of these methodological advances to the analysis of single-cell genomics data with genetic or chemical perturbations. More precisely, we propose a deep generative model of single-cell gene expression data for which each perturbation is treated as a stochastic intervention targeting an unknown, but sparse, subset of latent variables. We benchmark these methods on simulated single-cell data to evaluate their performance at latent units recovery, causal target identification and out-of-domain generalization. Finally, we apply those approaches to two real-world large-scale gene perturbation data sets and find that models that exploit the sparse mechanism shift hypothesis surpass contemporary methods on a transfer learning task. We implement our new model and benchmarks using the scvi-tools library, and release it as open-source software at \url{}.
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The framework of variational autoencoders allows us to efficiently learn deep latent-variable models, such that the model's marginal distribution over observed variables fits the data. Often, we're interested in going a step further, and want to approximate the true joint distribution over observed and latent variables, including the true prior and posterior distributions over latent variables. This is known to be generally impossible due to unidentifiability of the model. We address this issue by showing that for a broad family of deep latentvariable models, identification of the true joint distribution over observed and latent variables is actually possible up to very simple transformations, thus achieving a principled and powerful form of disentanglement. Our result requires a factorized prior distribution over the latent variables that is conditioned on an additionally observed variable, such as a class label or almost any other observation. We build on recent developments in nonlinear ICA, which we extend to the case with noisy or undercomplete observations, integrated in a maximum likelihood framework. The result also trivially contains identifiable flow-based generative models as a special case.
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最近,在深度生成模型中,不可能是非线性ICA的可识别性的文艺复兴。对于i.I.D.数据,先前的作品已经假定访问足够丰富的辅助观察集,表示$ \ mathbf {u} $。我们在这里展示了在没有这种侧面信息的情况下可以获得可识别性。以前的方法必须制定强烈的假设,以获得可识别的模型。在这里,我们在一组宽松的约束集中获得了经验识别的模型。特别是,我们专注于在其潜在空间中执行聚类的生成模型 - 一种匹配以前可识别模型的模型结构,而是使用学习群集提供辅助信息的合成形式。我们评估我们的提案,包括通过统计测试,并发现学习群集有效功能:具有潜在群集的深度生成模型是经验识别的,与依赖侧面信息的模型相同。
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