我们提出了一种新的形式的傅立叶分析以及相关的信号处理概念,该信号(或数据)由边缘加权的定向无环图(DAGS)索引。这意味着我们的傅立叶基础产生了我们定义的适当的转移和卷积操作员的概念。 DAG是捕获数据之间因果关系的常见模型,而我们的框架在这​​种转变,卷积和傅立叶变换中仅是从DAG中的前辈计算出来的。傅立叶变换需要DAG的传递闭合,根据边缘重量的解释,可能会为此形式。示例包括影响水平,距离或污染分布。我们的框架与先前的GSP不同:它特定于DAG和杠杆,并扩展了Moebius反转的经典理论。对于原型应用,我们考虑DAGS建模动态网络,其中边缘会随着时间而变化。具体而言,我们对感染的传播对从现实世界接触数据获得的DAG进行建模,并从样品中学习感染信号,假设傅立叶域中的稀疏性。
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Research in Graph Signal Processing (GSP) aims to develop tools for processing data defined on irregular graph domains. In this paper we first provide an overview of core ideas in GSP and their connection to conventional digital signal processing, along with a brief historical perspective to highlight how concepts recently developed in GSP build on top of prior research in other areas. We then summarize recent advances in developing basic GSP tools, including methods for sampling, filtering or graph learning. Next, we review progress in several application areas using GSP, including processing and analysis of sensor network data, biological data, and applications to image processing and machine learning.
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In applications such as social, energy, transportation, sensor, and neuronal networks, high-dimensional data naturally reside on the vertices of weighted graphs. The emerging field of signal processing on graphs merges algebraic and spectral graph theoretic concepts with computational harmonic analysis to process such signals on graphs. In this tutorial overview, we outline the main challenges of the area, discuss different ways to define graph spectral domains, which are the analogues to the classical frequency domain, and highlight the importance of incorporating the irregular structures of graph data domains when processing signals on graphs. We then review methods to generalize fundamental operations such as filtering, translation, modulation, dilation, and downsampling to the graph setting, and survey the localized, multiscale transforms that have been proposed to efficiently extract information from high-dimensional data on graphs. We conclude with a brief discussion of open issues and possible extensions.
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Pre-publication draft of a book to be published byMorgan & Claypool publishers. Unedited version released with permission. All relevant copyrights held by the author and publisher extend to this pre-publication draft.
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我们研究了以模型为简单络合物的抽象拓扑空间支撑的处理信号的线性过滤器,可以解释为解释节点,边缘,三角形面的图形的概括等,以处理此类信号,我们开发了定义为Matrix polynomials的简单卷积过滤器下霍德·拉普拉斯人的下部和上部。首先,我们研究了这些过滤器的特性,并表明它们是线性和转移不变的,以及置换和定向等效的。这些过滤器也可以以低计算复杂性的分布式方式实现,因为它们仅涉及(多个回合)上层和下相邻简单之间的简单转移。其次,着眼于边缘流,我们研究了这些过滤器的频率响应,并研究了如何使用Hodge分类来描述梯度,卷曲和谐波频率。我们讨论了这些频率如何对应于霍德拉普拉斯(Hodge laplacian)的下部和上等耦合以及上的核心,并且可以通过我们的滤波器设计独立调整。第三,我们研究设计简单卷积过滤器并讨论其相对优势的不同程序。最后,我们在几种应用中证实了简单过滤器:提取简单信号的不同频率组件,以denoise边缘流量以及分析金融市场和交通网络。
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In this review, we discuss approaches for learning causal structure from data, also called causal discovery. In particular, we focus on approaches for learning directed acyclic graphs (DAGs) and various generalizations which allow for some variables to be unobserved in the available data. We devote special attention to two fundamental combinatorial aspects of causal structure learning. First, we discuss the structure of the search space over causal graphs. Second, we discuss the structure of equivalence classes over causal graphs, i.e., sets of graphs which represent what can be learned from observational data alone, and how these equivalence classes can be refined by adding interventional data.
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图形信号处理(GSP)中的基本前提是,将目标信号的成对(反)相关性作为边缘权重以用于图形过滤。但是,现有的快速图抽样方案仅针对描述正相关的正图设计和测试。在本文中,我们表明,对于具有强固有抗相关的数据集,合适的图既包含正边缘和负边缘。作为响应,我们提出了一种以平衡签名图的概念为中心的线性时间签名的图形采样方法。具体而言,给定的经验协方差数据矩阵$ \ bar {\ bf {c}} $,我们首先学习一个稀疏的逆矩阵(Graph laplacian)$ \ MATHCAL {l} $对应于签名图$ \ Mathcal $ \ Mathcal {G} $ 。我们为平衡签名的图形$ \ Mathcal {g} _b $ - 近似$ \ Mathcal {g} $通过Edge Exge Exgement Exgmentation -As Graph频率组件定义Laplacian $ \ Mathcal {L} _b $的特征向量。接下来,我们选择样品以将低通滤波器重建误差分为两个步骤最小化。我们首先将Laplacian $ \ Mathcal {L} _b $的所有Gershgorin圆盘左端对齐,最小的EigenValue $ \ lambda _ {\ min}(\ Mathcal {l} _b)$通过相似性转换$ \ MATHCAL $ \ MATHCAL} s \ Mathcal {l} _b \ s^{ - 1} $,利用最新的线性代数定理,称为gershgorin disc perfect perfect对齐(GDPA)。然后,我们使用以前的快速gershgorin盘式对齐采样(GDAS)方案对$ \ Mathcal {L} _p $进行采样。实验结果表明,我们签名的图形采样方法在各种数据集上明显优于现有的快速采样方案。
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We propose a novel method for constructing wavelet transforms of functions defined on the vertices of an arbitrary finite weighted graph. Our approach is based on defining scaling using the the graph analogue of the Fourier domain, namely the spectral decomposition of the discrete graph Laplacian L. Given a wavelet generating kernel g and a scale parameter t, we define the scaled wavelet operator T t g = g(tL). The spectral graph wavelets are then formed by localizing this operator by applying it to an indicator function. Subject to an admissibility condition on g, this procedure defines an invertible transform. We explore the localization properties of the wavelets in the limit of fine scales. Additionally, we present a fast Chebyshev polynomial approximation algorithm for computing the transform that avoids the need for diagonalizing L. We highlight potential applications of the transform through examples of wavelets on graphs corresponding to a variety of different problem domains.
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我们提出了普遍因果关系,这是一个基于类别理论的总体框架,该框架定义了基于因果推理的普遍特性,该属性独立于所使用的基本代表性形式主义。更正式的是,普遍的因果模型被定义为由对象和形态组成的类别,它们代表因果影响,以及进行干预措施(实验)和评估其结果(观察)的结构。函子在类别之间的映射和自然变换映射在相同两个类别的一对函子之间。我们框架中的抽象因果图是使用类别理论的通用构造构建的,包括抽象因果图的限制或共限制,或更普遍的KAN扩展。我们提出了普遍因果推断的两个基本结果。第一个结果称为普遍因果定理(UCT),与图的通用性有关,这些结果被视为函数映射对象和关系从抽象因果图的索引类别到一个实际因果模型,其节点由随机变量标记为实际因果模型和边缘代表功能或概率关系。 UCT指出,任何因果推论都可以以规范的方式表示为代表对象的抽象因果图的共同限制。 UCT取决于滑轮理论的基本结果。第二个结果是因果繁殖特性(CRP),指出对象x对另一个对象y的任何因果影响都可以表示为两个抽象因果图之间的自然转化。 CRP来自Yoneda引理,这是类别理论中最深层的结果之一。 CRP属性类似于复制元素希尔伯特空间中的繁殖属性,该元素是机器学习中内核方法的基础。
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Linear structural causal models (SCMs)-- in which each observed variable is generated by a subset of the other observed variables as well as a subset of the exogenous sources-- are pervasive in causal inference and casual discovery. However, for the task of causal discovery, existing work almost exclusively focus on the submodel where each observed variable is associated with a distinct source with non-zero variance. This results in the restriction that no observed variable can deterministically depend on other observed variables or latent confounders. In this paper, we extend the results on structure learning by focusing on a subclass of linear SCMs which do not have this property, i.e., models in which observed variables can be causally affected by any subset of the sources, and are allowed to be a deterministic function of other observed variables or latent confounders. This allows for a more realistic modeling of influence or information propagation in systems. We focus on the task of causal discovery form observational data generated from a member of this subclass. We derive a set of necessary and sufficient conditions for unique identifiability of the causal structure. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work that gives identifiability results for causal discovery under both latent confounding and deterministic relationships. Further, we propose an algorithm for recovering the underlying causal structure when the aforementioned conditions are satisfied. We validate our theoretical results both on synthetic and real datasets.
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考虑基于AI和ML的决策对这些新兴技术的安全和可接受的使用的决策的社会和道德后果至关重要。公平,特别是保证ML决定不会导致对个人或少数群体的歧视。使用因果关系,可以更好地实现和衡量可靠的公平/歧视,从而更好地实现了敏感属性(例如性别,种族,宗教等)之间的因果关系,仅仅是仅仅是关联,例如性别,种族,宗教等(例如,雇用工作,贷款授予等) )。然而,对因果关系解决公平性的最大障碍是因果模型的不可用(通常表示为因果图)。文献中现有的因果关系方法并不能解决此问题,并假设可获得因果模型。在本文中,我们没有做出这样的假设,并且我们回顾了从可观察数据中发现因果关系的主要算法。这项研究的重点是因果发现及其对公平性的影响。特别是,我们展示了不同的因果发现方法如何导致不同的因果模型,最重要的是,即使因果模型之间的轻微差异如何对公平/歧视结论产生重大影响。通过使用合成和标准公平基准数据集的经验分析来巩固这些结果。这项研究的主要目标是强调因果关系使用因果关系适当解决公平性的因果发现步骤的重要性。
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A link stream is a set of triplets $(t, u, v)$ indicating that $u$ and $v$ interacted at time $t$. Link streams model numerous datasets and their proper study is crucial in many applications. In practice, raw link streams are often aggregated or transformed into time series or graphs where decisions are made. Yet, it remains unclear how the dynamical and structural information of a raw link stream carries into the transformed object. This work shows that it is possible to shed light into this question by studying link streams via algebraically linear graph and signal operators, for which we introduce a novel linear matrix framework for the analysis of link streams. We show that, due to their linearity, most methods in signal processing can be easily adopted by our framework to analyze the time/frequency information of link streams. However, the availability of linear graph methods to analyze relational/structural information is limited. We address this limitation by developing (i) a new basis for graphs that allow us to decompose them into structures at different resolution levels; and (ii) filters for graphs that allow us to change their structural information in a controlled manner. By plugging-in these developments and their time-domain counterpart into our framework, we are able to (i) obtain a new basis for link streams that allow us to represent them in a frequency-structure domain; and (ii) show that many interesting transformations to link streams, like the aggregation of interactions or their embedding into a euclidean space, can be seen as simple filters in our frequency-structure domain.
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因果推断的一个共同主题是学习观察到的变量(也称为因果发现)之间的因果关系。考虑到大量候选因果图和搜索空间的组合性质,这通常是一项艰巨的任务。也许出于这个原因,到目前为止,大多数研究都集中在相对较小的因果图上,并具有多达数百个节点。但是,诸如生物学之类的领域的最新进展使生成实验数据集,并进行了数千种干预措施,然后进行了数千个变量的丰富分析,从而增加了机会和迫切需要大量因果图模型。在这里,我们介绍了因子定向无环图(F-DAG)的概念,是将搜索空间限制为非线性低级别因果相互作用模型的一种方法。将这种新颖的结构假设与最近的进步相结合,弥合因果发现与连续优化之间的差距,我们在数千个变量上实现了因果发现。此外,作为统计噪声对此估计程序的影响的模型,我们根据随机图研究了F-DAG骨架的边缘扰动模型,并量化了此类扰动对F-DAG等级的影响。该理论分析表明,一组候选F-DAG比整个DAG空间小得多,因此在很难评估基础骨架的高维度中更统计学上的稳定性。我们提出了因子图(DCD-FG)的可区分因果发现,这是对高维介入数据的F-DAG约束因果发现的可扩展实现。 DCD-FG使用高斯非线性低级结构方程模型,并且在模拟中的最新方法以及最新的大型单细胞RNA测序数据集中,与最新方法相比显示出显着改善遗传干预措施。
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最近有一项激烈的活动在嵌入非常高维和非线性数据结构的嵌入中,其中大部分在数据科学和机器学习文献中。我们分四部分调查这项活动。在第一部分中,我们涵盖了非线性方法,例如主曲线,多维缩放,局部线性方法,ISOMAP,基于图形的方法和扩散映射,基于内核的方法和随机投影。第二部分与拓扑嵌入方法有关,特别是将拓扑特性映射到持久图和映射器算法中。具有巨大增长的另一种类型的数据集是非常高维网络数据。第三部分中考虑的任务是如何将此类数据嵌入中等维度的向量空间中,以使数据适合传统技术,例如群集和分类技术。可以说,这是算法机器学习方法与统计建模(所谓的随机块建模)之间的对比度。在论文中,我们讨论了两种方法的利弊。调查的最后一部分涉及嵌入$ \ mathbb {r}^ 2 $,即可视化中。提出了三种方法:基于第一部分,第二和第三部分中的方法,$ t $ -sne,UMAP和大节。在两个模拟数据集上进行了说明和比较。一个由嘈杂的ranunculoid曲线组成的三胞胎,另一个由随机块模型和两种类型的节点产生的复杂性的网络组成。
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结构节点嵌入,向量捕获图中每个节点的局部连接信息,在数据挖掘和机器学习中具有许多应用程序,例如网络对齐和节点分类,群集和异常检测。为了分析有向图的分析,例如交易图,通信网络和社交网络,在结构节点嵌入中捕获定向信息的能力是非常需要的,嵌入式提取方法的可伸缩性也是如此。然而,大多数现有方法仅为无向图设计。因此,我们提出了DigraphWave - 一种可扩展的算法,用于在有向图上提取结构节点嵌入。 DigraphWave嵌入由压缩扩散模式特征组成,它们的增强是两倍,以增加其区分能力。通过证明扩散初始化节点的局部附近的热量上的下限,建立了理论上是合理的扩散时间尺度值,而DigraphWave仅留下两个易于解释的超级标准:嵌入式维度和邻域分辨率指定器。在我们的实验中,两种嵌入的增强功能(称为换位和聚集)被证明会导致对自动形态身份分类的宏F1得分显着提高,而DigraphWave优于所有其他结构性嵌入碱基。此外,digraphwave要么胜过或匹配真实图形数据集上所有基准的性能,在网络对齐任务中显示出特别大的性能增益,同时也可以扩展到具有数百万节点和边缘的图形,比以前的速度快30倍基于扩散模式的方法,并具有一部分内存消耗。
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