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The common practice for training commonsense models has gone from-human-to-corpus-to-machine: humans author commonsense knowledge graphs in order to train commonsense models. In this work, we investigate an alternative, from-machine-to-corpus-to-machine: general language models author these commonsense knowledge graphs to train commonsense models. Our study leads to a new framework, Symbolic Knowledge Distillation. As with prior art in Knowledge Distillation (Hinton et al., 2015), our approach uses larger models to teach smaller models. A key difference is that we distill knowledge symbolically-as text-in addition to the neural model. We also distill only one aspect-the commonsense of a general language model teacher, allowing the student to be a different type, a commonsense model. Altogether, we show that careful prompt engineering and a separately trained critic model allow us to selectively distill high-quality causal commonsense from GPT-3, a general language model. Empirical results demonstrate that, for the first time, a human-authored commonsense knowledge graph is surpassed by our automatically distilled variant in all three criteria: quantity, quality, and diversity. In addition, it results in a neural commonsense model that surpasses the teacher model's commonsense capabilities despite its 100x smaller size. We apply this to the ATOMIC resource, and share our new symbolic knowledge graph and commonsense models.
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语言模型(LMS)已被证明在各种下游应用程序中很有用,例如摘要,翻译,问答和文本分类。由于它们可以存储的大量信息,LMS正在成为人工智能中越来越重要的工具。在这项工作中,我们提出了道具(提示为探测),该道具利用GPT-3(最初由OpenAI在2020年提出的大型语言模型)来执行知识基础构建任务(KBC)。 Prop实施了一种多步骤方法,该方法结合了各种提示技术来实现这一目标。我们的结果表明,手动提示策划是必不可少的,必须鼓励LM给出可变长度的答案集,特别是包括空的答案集,True/False问题是提高LM生成的建议精度的有用设备。 LM的大小是至关重要的因素,并且实体字典别名提高了LM评分。我们的评估研究表明,这些提出的技术可以大大提高最终预测的质量:Prop赢得了LM-KBC竞争的轨道2,表现优于基线36.4个百分点。我们的实施可在https://github.com/hemile/iswc-challenge上获得。
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Knowledge graphs (KG) have served as the key component of various natural language processing applications. Commonsense knowledge graphs (CKG) are a special type of KG, where entities and relations are composed of free-form text. However, previous works in KG completion and CKG completion suffer from long-tail relations and newly-added relations which do not have many know triples for training. In light of this, few-shot KG completion (FKGC), which requires the strengths of graph representation learning and few-shot learning, has been proposed to challenge the problem of limited annotated data. In this paper, we comprehensively survey previous attempts on such tasks in the form of a series of methods and applications. Specifically, we first introduce FKGC challenges, commonly used KGs, and CKGs. Then we systematically categorize and summarize existing works in terms of the type of KGs and the methods. Finally, we present applications of FKGC models on prediction tasks in different areas and share our thoughts on future research directions of FKGC.
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The remarkable success of pretrained language models has motivated the study of what kinds of knowledge these models learn during pretraining. Reformulating tasks as fillin-the-blanks problems (e.g., cloze tests) is a natural approach for gauging such knowledge, however, its usage is limited by the manual effort and guesswork required to write suitable prompts. To address this, we develop AUTOPROMPT, an automated method to create prompts for a diverse set of tasks, based on a gradient-guided search. Using AUTO-PROMPT, we show that masked language models (MLMs) have an inherent capability to perform sentiment analysis and natural language inference without additional parameters or finetuning, sometimes achieving performance on par with recent state-of-the-art supervised models. We also show that our prompts elicit more accurate factual knowledge from MLMs than the manually created prompts on the LAMA benchmark, and that MLMs can be used as relation extractors more effectively than supervised relation extraction models. These results demonstrate that automatically generated prompts are a viable parameter-free alternative to existing probing methods, and as pretrained LMs become more sophisticated and capable, potentially a replacement for finetuning.
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Pre-trained language models, despite their rapid advancements powered by scale, still fall short of robust commonsense capabilities. And yet, scale appears to be the winning recipe; after all, the largest models seem to have acquired the largest amount of commonsense capabilities. Or is it? In this paper, we investigate the possibility of a seemingly impossible match: can smaller language models with dismal commonsense capabilities (i.e., GPT-2), ever win over models that are orders of magnitude larger and better (i.e., GPT-3), if the smaller models are powered with novel commonsense distillation algorithms? The key intellectual question we ask here is whether it is possible, if at all, to design a learning algorithm that does not benefit from scale, yet leads to a competitive level of commonsense acquisition. In this work, we study the generative models of commonsense knowledge, focusing on the task of generating generics, statements of commonsense facts about everyday concepts, e.g., birds can fly. We introduce a novel commonsense distillation framework, I2D2, that loosely follows the Symbolic Knowledge Distillation of West et al. but breaks the dependence on the extreme-scale models as the teacher model by two innovations: (1) the novel adaptation of NeuroLogic Decoding to enhance the generation quality of the weak, off-the-shelf language models, and (2) self-imitation learning to iteratively learn from the model's own enhanced commonsense acquisition capabilities. Empirical results suggest that scale is not the only way, as novel algorithms can be a promising alternative. Moreover, our study leads to a new corpus of generics, Gen-A-Tomic, that is of the largest and highest quality available to date.
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Recent work has presented intriguing results examining the knowledge contained in language models (LM) by having the LM fill in the blanks of prompts such as "Obama is a by profession". These prompts are usually manually created, and quite possibly suboptimal; another prompt such as "Obama worked as a " may result in more accurately predicting the correct profession. Because of this, given an inappropriate prompt, we might fail to retrieve facts that the LM does know, and thus any given prompt only provides a lower bound estimate of the knowledge contained in an LM. In this paper, we attempt to more accurately estimate the knowledge contained in LMs by automatically discovering better prompts to use in this querying process. Specifically, we propose mining-based and paraphrasing-based methods to automatically generate high-quality and diverse prompts, as well as ensemble methods to combine answers from different prompts. Extensive experiments on the LAMA benchmark for extracting relational knowledge from LMs demonstrate that our methods can improve accuracy from 31.1% to 39.6%, providing a tighter lower bound on what LMs know. We have released the code and the resulting LM Prompt And Query Archive (LPAQA) at https://github. com/jzbjyb/LPAQA.1 Some models we use in this paper, e.g. BERT (Devlin et al., 2019), are bi-directional, and do not directly define probability distribution over text, which is the underlying definition of an LM. Nonetheless, we call them LMs for simplicity.
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大型基于变压器的预训练的语言模型在各种知识密集的任务上取得了令人印象深刻的表现,并可以在其参数中捕获事实知识。我们认为,考虑到不断增长的知识和资源需求,在模型参数中存储大量知识是亚最佳选择。我们认为,更有效的替代方法是向模型提供对上下文相关的结构化知识的明确访问,并训练它以使用该知识。我们提出了LM核 - 实现这一目标的一般框架 - 允许从外部知识源对语言模型培训的\ textit {解耦},并允许后者更新而不会影响已经训练的模型。实验结果表明,LM核心获得外部知识,在知识探索任务上的最先进的知识增强语言模型中实现了重要而强大的优于性能。可以有效处理知识更新;并在两个下游任务上表现良好。我们还提出了一个彻底的错误分析,突出了LM核的成功和失败。
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petroni等。 (2019)证明,可以通过将它们表达为冻结式提示并将模型的预测准确性解释为下限,作为其编码的事实信息量的较低限制,从预先接收的语言模型中检索世界事实。随后的工作已经尝试通过搜索更好的提示来缩回估计,使用不相交的事实作为培训数据。在这项工作中,我们制作两个互补贡献,以更好地了解这些事实探测技术。首先,我们提出了OptiPrompt,一种新颖的和有效的方法,直接在连续嵌入空间中优化。我们发现这种简单的方法能够预测喇嘛基准中的额外6.4%的事实。其次,我们提出了一个更重要的问题:我们真的可以将这些探测结果解释为下限吗?这些提示搜索方法是否有可能从培训数据中学习?我们发现,有些令人惊讶的是,这些方法使用的培训数据包含了潜在的事实分布的某些规则,以及所有现有的提示方法,包括我们的方法,可以利用它们以获得更好的事实预测。我们开展一系列控制实验来解除“学习”从“学习召回”,提供了更详细的图片,不同的提示可以揭示关于预先接受的语言模型。
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关于概念及其属性的常识知识(CSK)有助于AI应用程序。诸如ConceptNet之类的先前作品已经编译了大型CSK集合。但是,它们的表现力限制在主题性 - 预处理(SPO)的三联元中,对p和o的s和字符串的简单概念。与先前的作品相比,CSK断言具有精致的表现力和更好的精度和回忆。 Ascent ++通过用子组和方面捕获复合概念,以及用语义方面的主张来捕获复合概念。后者对于表达断言和进一步预选赛的时间和空间有效性至关重要。此外,Ascent ++将开放信息提取(OpenIE)与典型性和显着性分数的明智清洁和排名相结合。对于高覆盖范围,我们的方法挖掘到具有广泛的Web内容的大规模爬网C4中。通过人类判断的评估显示了上升++ Kb的卓越质量,以及对QA支持任务的外部评估强调了Ascent ++的好处。可以在https://ascentpp.mpi-inf.mpg.de/上访问Web界面,数据和代码。
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Recent progress in pretraining language models on large textual corpora led to a surge of improvements for downstream NLP tasks. Whilst learning linguistic knowledge, these models may also be storing relational knowledge present in the training data, and may be able to answer queries structured as "fillin-the-blank" cloze statements. Language models have many advantages over structured knowledge bases: they require no schema engineering, allow practitioners to query about an open class of relations, are easy to extend to more data, and require no human supervision to train. We present an in-depth analysis of the relational knowledge already present (without fine-tuning) in a wide range of state-of-theart pretrained language models. We find that (i) without fine-tuning, BERT contains relational knowledge competitive with traditional NLP methods that have some access to oracle knowledge, (ii) BERT also does remarkably well on open-domain question answering against a supervised baseline, and (iii) certain types of factual knowledge are learned much more readily than others by standard language model pretraining approaches. The surprisingly strong ability of these models to recall factual knowledge without any fine-tuning demonstrates their potential as unsupervised open-domain QA systems. The code to reproduce our analysis is available at https: //github.com/facebookresearch/LAMA.
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Natural Language Processing (NLP) has been revolutionized by the use of Pre-trained Language Models (PLMs) such as BERT. Despite setting new records in nearly every NLP task, PLMs still face a number of challenges including poor interpretability, weak reasoning capability, and the need for a lot of expensive annotated data when applied to downstream tasks. By integrating external knowledge into PLMs, \textit{\underline{K}nowledge-\underline{E}nhanced \underline{P}re-trained \underline{L}anguage \underline{M}odels} (KEPLMs) have the potential to overcome the above-mentioned limitations. In this paper, we examine KEPLMs systematically through a series of studies. Specifically, we outline the common types and different formats of knowledge to be integrated into KEPLMs, detail the existing methods for building and evaluating KEPLMS, present the applications of KEPLMs in downstream tasks, and discuss the future research directions. Researchers will benefit from this survey by gaining a quick and comprehensive overview of the latest developments in this field.
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In this paper, we present kogito, an open-source tool for generating commonsense inferences about situations described in text. kogito provides an intuitive and extensible interface to interact with natural language generation models that can be used for hypothesizing commonsense knowledge inference from a textual input. In particular, kogito offers several features for targeted, multi-granularity knowledge generation. These include a standardized API for training and evaluating knowledge models, and generating and filtering inferences from them. We also include helper functions for converting natural language texts into a format ingestible by knowledge models - intermediate pipeline stages such as knowledge head extraction from text, heuristic and model-based knowledge head-relation matching, and an ability to define and use custom knowledge relations. We make the code for kogito available at https://github.com/epfl-nlp/kogito along with thorough documentation at https://kogito.readthedocs.io.
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我们在ISWC 2022上对知识图模型的知识形象人群提出了一个用于语言模型的系统,该系统对知识库构建(LM-KBC)挑战进行了评估。我们的系统涉及特定于任务的预培训以改善蒙版的LM表示。对象令牌,促使分解候选对象以及其他高质量检索的方法。我们的系统是基于BERT LM的LM-KBC挑战赛曲目1的获胜者;它在挑战的隐藏测试集中获得了55.0%的F-1得分。
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When people think of everyday things like an "egg," they typically have a mental image associated with it. This commonsense knowledge helps us understand how these everyday things work and how to interact with them. For example, when someone tries to make a fried egg, they know that it has a shell and that it can be cracked open to reveal the egg white and yolk inside. However, if a system does not have a coherent picture of such everyday things, thinking that the egg yolk surrounds the shell, then it might have to resort to ridiculous approaches such as trying to scrape the egg yolk off the shell into the pan. Do language models have a coherent picture of such everyday things? To investigate this, we propose a benchmark dataset consisting of 100 everyday things, their parts, and the relationships between these parts. We observe that state-of-the-art pre-trained language models (LMs) like GPT-3 and Macaw have fragments of knowledge about these entities, but they fail to produce consistent parts mental models. We propose a simple extension to these LMs where we apply a constraint satisfaction layer on top of raw predictions from LMs to produce more consistent and accurate parts mental models of everyday things.
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预训练的语言模型(PTLM)已显示出在自然语言任务上表现良好。许多先前的作品都以通过知识图(KGS)标记的关系链接的实体的形式利用结构性常识来协助PTLM。检索方法使用kg作为单独的静态模块,该模块限制了覆盖范围,因为kgs包含有限的知识。生成方法训练PTLMS kg三倍以提高获得知识的规模。但是,对符号KG实体的培训限制了其在涉及自然语言文本的任务中的适用性,在这些任务中,它们忽略了整体上下文。为了减轻这种情况,我们提出了一个以句子为条件的常识性上下文化器(COSE-CO)作为输入,以使其在生成与输入文本的整体上下文相关的任务中通常可用。为了训练Cose-Co,我们提出了一个新的数据集,其中包括句子和常识知识对。 COSE-CO推断出的知识是多种多样的,并且包含了基础KG中不存在的新实体。我们增强了在多选质量质量检查和开放式常识性推理任务中产生的知识,从而改善了CSQA,ARC,QASC和OBQA数据集的当前最佳方法。我们还展示了其在改善释义生成任务的基线模型方面的适用性。
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We present the first comprehensive study on automatic knowledge base construction for two prevalent commonsense knowledge graphs: ATOMIC (Sap et al., 2019) and Con-ceptNet (Speer et al., 2017). Contrary to many conventional KBs that store knowledge with canonical templates, commonsense KBs only store loosely structured open-text descriptions of knowledge. We posit that an important step toward automatic commonsense completion is the development of generative models of commonsense knowledge, and propose COMmonsEnse Transformers (COMET ) that learn to generate rich and diverse commonsense descriptions in natural language. Despite the challenges of commonsense modeling, our investigation reveals promising results when implicit knowledge from deep pre-trained language models is transferred to generate explicit knowledge in commonsense knowledge graphs. Empirical results demonstrate that COMET is able to generate novel knowledge that humans rate as high quality, with up to 77.5% (ATOMIC) and 91.7% (ConceptNet) precision at top 1, which approaches human performance for these resources. Our findings suggest that using generative commonsense models for automatic commonsense KB completion could soon be a plausible alternative to extractive methods.
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Pre-trained language models (LMs) have shown remarkable reasoning performance using explanations (or ``chain-of-thought'' (CoT)) for in-context learning. On the other hand, these reasoning tasks are usually presumed to be more approachable for symbolic programming. To make progress towards understanding in-context learning, we curate synthetic datasets containing equivalent (natural, symbolic) data pairs, where symbolic examples contain first-order logic rules and predicates from knowledge bases (KBs). Then we revisit neuro-symbolic approaches and use Language Models as Logic Programmer (LMLP) that learns from demonstrations containing logic rules and corresponding examples to iteratively reason over KBs, recovering Prolog's backward chaining algorithm. Comprehensive experiments are included to systematically compare LMLP with CoT in deductive reasoning settings, showing that LMLP enjoys more than 25% higher accuracy than CoT on length generalization benchmarks even with fewer parameters.
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