Our work focuses on tackling the challenging but natural visual recognition task of long-tailed data distribution (i.e., a few classes occupy most of the data, while most classes have rarely few samples). In the literature, class re-balancing strategies (e.g., re-weighting and re-sampling) are the prominent and effective methods proposed to alleviate the extreme imbalance for dealing with long-tailed problems. In this paper, we firstly discover that these rebalancing methods achieving satisfactory recognition accuracy owe to that they could significantly promote the classifier learning of deep networks. However, at the same time, they will unexpectedly damage the representative ability of the learned deep features to some extent. Therefore, we propose a unified Bilateral-Branch Network (BBN) to take care of both representation learning and classifier learning simultaneously, where each branch does perform its own duty separately. In particular, our BBN model is further equipped with a novel cumulative learning strategy, which is designed to first learn the universal patterns and then pay attention to the tail data gradually. Extensive experiments on four benchmark datasets, including the large-scale iNaturalist ones, justify that the proposed BBN can significantly outperform state-of-the-art methods. Furthermore, validation experiments can demonstrate both our preliminary discovery and effectiveness of tailored designs in BBN for long-tailed problems. Our method won the first place in the iNaturalist 2019 large scale species classification competition, and our code is open-source and available at https://github.com/Megvii-Nanjing/BBN . * Q. Cui and Z.-M. Chen's contribution was made when they were interns in Megvii Research Nanjing, Megvii Technology, China. X.
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Deep learning algorithms can fare poorly when the training dataset suffers from heavy class-imbalance but the testing criterion requires good generalization on less frequent classes. We design two novel methods to improve performance in such scenarios. First, we propose a theoretically-principled label-distribution-aware margin (LDAM) loss motivated by minimizing a margin-based generalization bound. This loss replaces the standard cross-entropy objective during training and can be applied with prior strategies for training with class-imbalance such as re-weighting or re-sampling. Second, we propose a simple, yet effective, training schedule that defers re-weighting until after the initial stage, allowing the model to learn an initial representation while avoiding some of the complications associated with re-weighting or re-sampling. We test our methods on several benchmark vision tasks including the real-world imbalanced dataset iNaturalist 2018. Our experiments show that either of these methods alone can already improve over existing techniques and their combination achieves even better performance gains 1 .
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深度神经网络通常使用遇到数量不平衡和分类难度不平衡问题的数据集的性能很差。尽管在该领域取得了进展,但现有的两阶段方法中仍然存在数据集偏差或域转移问题。因此,提出了一个分阶段的渐进学习时间表,从而提出了从表示学习到上层分类器培训的平稳转移。这对严重失衡或较小尺度的数据集具有更大的有效性。设计了耦合 - 调节损失损失函数,耦合校正项,局灶性损失和LDAM损失。损失可以更好地处理数量不平衡和异常值,同时调节具有不同分类困难的样本的注意力重点。这些方法在多个基准数据集上取得了令人满意的结果,包括不平衡的CIFAR10,不平衡的CIFAR100,Imagenet-LT和Inaturalist 2018,并且还可以轻松地将其用于其他不平衡分类模型。
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提出了一种学习算法,称为最大利润率(MM),以考虑集体不平衡数据学习问题:训练有素的模型倾向于预测大多数班级而不是少数群体。也就是说,少数群体的适合似乎是概括的挑战之一。为了对少数群体进行良好的概括,我们设计了一个新的最大利润率(MM)损失函数,通过最大程度地减少通过转移决策结合的基于利润的概括。理论上原理的标签 - 分布式利润率(LDAM)损失已成功应用于先前的策略,例如重新采样或重新采样以及有效的培训时间表。但是,他们尚未研究最大保证金损失函数。在这项研究中,我们研究了两种类型的基于硬利润的决策边界的性能,其中LDAM对人为不平衡的CIFAR-10/100的培训时间表,以进行公平的比较和有效性。
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The long-tail distribution of the visual world poses great challenges for deep learning based classification models on how to handle the class imbalance problem. Existing solutions usually involve class-balancing strategies, e.g. by loss re-weighting, data re-sampling, or transfer learning from head-to tail-classes, but most of them adhere to the scheme of jointly learning representations and classifiers. In this work, we decouple the learning procedure into representation learning and classification, and systematically explore how different balancing strategies affect them for long-tailed recognition. The findings are surprising: (1) data imbalance might not be an issue in learning high-quality representations; (2) with representations learned with the simplest instance-balanced (natural) sampling, it is also possible to achieve strong long-tailed recognition ability by adjusting only the classifier. We conduct extensive experiments and set new state-of-the-art performance on common long-tailed benchmarks like ImageNet-LT, Places-LT and iNaturalist, showing that it is possible to outperform carefully designed losses, sampling strategies, even complex modules with memory, by using a straightforward approach that decouples representation and classification. Our code is available at https://github.com/facebookresearch/classifier-balancing.
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现实世界数据普遍面对严重的类别 - 不平衡问题,并且展示了长尾分布,即,大多数标签与有限的情况有关。由此类数据集监督的NA \“IVE模型更愿意占主导地位标签,遇到严重的普遍化挑战并变得不佳。我们从先前的角度提出了两种新的方法,以减轻这种困境。首先,我们推导了一个以平衡为导向的数据增强命名均匀的混合物(Unimix)促进长尾情景中的混合,采用先进的混合因子和采样器,支持少数民族。第二,受贝叶斯理论的动机,我们弄清了贝叶斯偏见(北美),是由此引起的固有偏见先前的不一致,并将其补偿为对标准交叉熵损失的修改。我们进一步证明了所提出的方法理论上和经验地确保分类校准。广泛的实验验证我们的策略是否有助于更好校准的模型,以及他们的策略组合在CIFAR-LT,ImageNet-LT和Inattations 2018上实现最先进的性能。
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With the rapid increase of large-scale, real-world datasets, it becomes critical to address the problem of longtailed data distribution (i.e., a few classes account for most of the data, while most classes are under-represented). Existing solutions typically adopt class re-balancing strategies such as re-sampling and re-weighting based on the number of observations for each class. In this work, we argue that as the number of samples increases, the additional benefit of a newly added data point will diminish. We introduce a novel theoretical framework to measure data overlap by associating with each sample a small neighboring region rather than a single point. The effective number of samples is defined as the volume of samples and can be calculated by a simple formula (1−β n )/(1−β), where n is the number of samples and β ∈ [0, 1) is a hyperparameter. We design a re-weighting scheme that uses the effective number of samples for each class to re-balance the loss, thereby yielding a class-balanced loss. Comprehensive experiments are conducted on artificially induced long-tailed CIFAR datasets and large-scale datasets including ImageNet and iNaturalist. Our results show that when trained with the proposed class-balanced loss, the network is able to achieve significant performance gains on long-tailed datasets. * The work was performed while Yin Cui and Yang Song worked at Google (a subsidiary of Alphabet Inc.).
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Significant progress has been made in learning image classification neural networks under long-tail data distribution using robust training algorithms such as data re-sampling, re-weighting, and margin adjustment. Those methods, however, ignore the impact of data imbalance on feature normalization. The dominance of majority classes (head classes) in estimating statistics and affine parameters causes internal covariate shifts within less-frequent categories to be overlooked. To alleviate this challenge, we propose a compound batch normalization method based on a Gaussian mixture. It can model the feature space more comprehensively and reduce the dominance of head classes. In addition, a moving average-based expectation maximization (EM) algorithm is employed to estimate the statistical parameters of multiple Gaussian distributions. However, the EM algorithm is sensitive to initialization and can easily become stuck in local minima where the multiple Gaussian components continue to focus on majority classes. To tackle this issue, we developed a dual-path learning framework that employs class-aware split feature normalization to diversify the estimated Gaussian distributions, allowing the Gaussian components to fit with training samples of less-frequent classes more comprehensively. Extensive experiments on commonly used datasets demonstrated that the proposed method outperforms existing methods on long-tailed image classification.
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我们提出了一种称为分配 - 均衡损失的新损失功能,用于展示长尾类分布的多标签识别问题。与传统的单标分类问题相比,由于两个重要问题,多标签识别问题通常更具挑战性,即标签的共同发生以及负标签的主导地位(当被视为多个二进制分类问题时)。分配 - 平衡损失通过对标准二进制交叉熵丢失的两个关键修改来解决这些问题:1)重新平衡考虑标签共发生造成的影响的重量的新方法,以及2)负耐受规则化以减轻负标签的过度抑制。 Pascal VOC和Coco的实验表明,使用这种新损失功能训练的模型可实现现有方法的显着性能。代码和型号可在:https://github.com/wutong16/distributionbalancedloss。
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现实世界数据通常存在长尾分布。对不平衡数据的培训倾向于呈现神经网络在头部上表现良好,而尾部课程则更加差。尾班的培训实例的严重稀疏性是主要挑战,这导致培训期间的偏见分配估计。丰富的努力已经致力于改善挑战,包括数据重新采样和综合尾班的新培训实例。然而,没有先前的研究已经利用了从头课程转移到尾班的可转让知识,以校准尾舱的分布。在本文中,我们假设可以通过类似的头部级别来丰富尾部类,并提出一种名为标签感知分布校准Ladc的新型分布校准方法。 Ladc从相关的头部课程转移统计数据以推断尾部课程的分布。从校准分布的采样进一步促进重新平衡分类器。图像和文本的实验和文本长尾数据集表明,LADC显着优于现有方法。可视化还显示LADC提供更准确的分布估计。
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半监督学习(SSL)在标记数据稀缺时,在利用未标记数据的情况下表现出强大的能力。但是,大多数SSL算法在假设中,在培训和测试集中平衡类分布。在这项工作中,我们考虑到SSL对类别不平衡数据的问题,这更好地反映了现实世界的情况。特别是,我们将表示和分类器的训练分离,并系统地在培训包括分类器的整个网络以及仅微调特征提取器的整个网络时进行不同数据重新采样技术的影响。我们发现数据重新采样是重要的,以了解一个良好的分类器,因为它增加了伪标签的准确性,特别是对于未标记数据中的少数群体类别。有趣的是,我们发现准确的伪标签在训练特征提取器时无助于,相反,数据重新采样损害了特征提取器的训练。这一发现是针对错误的伪标签始终损害SSL中的模型性能的通用直觉。基于这些发现,我们建议重新思考具有单个数据重新采样策略的当前范式,并在类上不平衡数据上开发SSL的简单但高效的双采样(BIS)策略。 BIS实现了两种不同的重新采样策略,用于训练特征提取器和分类器,并将这种解耦培训集成到端到端框架中。具体地,BIS逐渐改变训练期间的数据分布,使得在开始时,特征提取器有效地训练,而朝向训练的结束时,数据被重新平衡,使得分类器可靠地训练。我们在广泛的数据集中广泛地基准了我们提出的双采样策略,实现了最先进的表演。
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长尾数据集(Head Class)组成的培训样本比尾巴类别多得多,这会导致识别模型对头等舱有偏见。加权损失是缓解此问题的最受欢迎的方法之一,最近的一项工作表明,班级难度可能比常规使用的类频率更好地决定了权重的分布。在先前的工作中使用了一种启发式公式来量化难度,但是我们从经验上发现,最佳公式取决于数据集的特征。因此,我们提出了困难网络,该难题学习在元学习框架中使用模型的性能来预测类的难度。为了使其在其他班级的背景下学习班级的合理难度,我们新介绍了两个关键概念,即相对难度和驾驶员损失。前者有助于困难网络在计算班级难度时考虑其他课程,而后者对于将学习指向有意义的方向是必不可少的。对流行的长尾数据集进行了广泛的实验证明了该方法的有效性,并且在多个长尾数据集上实现了最先进的性能。
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