从限制黑暗部门的暗物质颗粒的生产可能导致许多新颖的实验签名。根据理论的细节,质子 - 质子碰撞中的黑暗夸克生产可能导致颗粒的半衰期:黑暗强度的准直喷雾,其中颗粒碰撞器实验只有一些。实验签名的特征在于,具有与喷射器的可见部件相结合的重建缺失的动量。这种复杂的拓扑对检测器效率低下和错误重建敏感,从而产生人为缺失的势头。通过这项工作,我们提出了一种信号不可知的策略来拒绝普通喷射,并通过异常检测技术鉴定半衰期喷射。具有喷射子结构变量的深度神经自动化器网络作为输入,证明了对分析异常喷射的非常有用。该研究重点介绍了半意射流签名;然而,该技术可以适用于任何新的物理模型,该模型预测来自非SM粒子的喷射器的签名。
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我们描述了作为黑暗机器倡议和LES Houches 2019年物理学研讨会进行的数据挑战的结果。挑战的目标是使用无监督机器学习算法检测LHC新物理学的信号。首先,我们提出了如何实现异常分数以在LHC搜索中定义独立于模型的信号区域。我们定义并描述了一个大型基准数据集,由> 10亿美元的Muton-Proton碰撞,其中包含> 10亿美元的模拟LHC事件组成。然后,我们在数据挑战的背景下审查了各种异常检测和密度估计算法,我们在一组现实分析环境中测量了它们的性能。我们绘制了一些有用的结论,可以帮助开发无监督的新物理搜索在LHC的第三次运行期间,并为我们的基准数据集提供用于HTTPS://www.phenomldata.org的未来研究。重现分析的代码在https://github.com/bostdiek/darkmachines-unsupervisedChallenge提供。
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AutoEncoders在异常检测中具有高能物理学中的有用应用,特别是对于喷气机 - 在碰撞中产生的颗粒的准直淋浴,例如Cern大型强子撞机的碰撞。我们探讨了基于图形的AutoEncoders,它们在其“粒子云”表示中的喷射器上运行,并且可以在喷气机内的粒子中利用相互依存的依赖性,用于这种任务。另外,我们通过图形神经网络对能量移动器的距离开发可差的近似,这随后可以用作自动化器的重建损耗函数。
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We present a detailed study on Variational Autoencoders (VAEs) for anomalous jet tagging at the Large Hadron Collider. By taking in low-level jet constituents' information, and training with background QCD jets in an unsupervised manner, the VAE is able to encode important information for reconstructing jets, while learning an expressive posterior distribution in the latent space. When using the VAE as an anomaly detector, we present different approaches to detect anomalies: directly comparing in the input space or, instead, working in the latent space. In order to facilitate general search approaches such as bump-hunt, mass-decorrelated VAEs based on distance correlation regularization are also studied. We find that the naive mass-decorrelated VAEs fail at maintaining proper detection performance, by assigning higher probabilities to some anomalous samples. To build a performant mass-decorrelated anomalous jet tagger, we propose the Outlier Exposed VAE (OE-VAE), for which some outlier samples are introduced in the training process to guide the learned information. OE-VAEs are employed to achieve two goals at the same time: increasing sensitivity of outlier detection and decorrelating jet mass from the anomaly score. We succeed in reaching excellent results from both aspects. Code implementation of this work can be found at https://github.com/taolicheng/VAE-Jet
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In collider-based particle and nuclear physics experiments, data are produced at such extreme rates that only a subset can be recorded for later analysis. Typically, algorithms select individual collision events for preservation and store the complete experimental response. A relatively new alternative strategy is to additionally save a partial record for a larger subset of events, allowing for later specific analysis of a larger fraction of events. We propose a strategy that bridges these paradigms by compressing entire events for generic offline analysis but at a lower fidelity. An optimal-transport-based $\beta$ Variational Autoencoder (VAE) is used to automate the compression and the hyperparameter $\beta$ controls the compression fidelity. We introduce a new approach for multi-objective learning functions by simultaneously learning a VAE appropriate for all values of $\beta$ through parameterization. We present an example use case, a di-muon resonance search at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), where we show that simulated data compressed by our $\beta$-VAE has enough fidelity to distinguish distinct signal morphologies.
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对异常检测方法的需求不断增长,可以以模型 - 不可知的方式扩大对新颗粒的搜索。大多数新方法的建议专注于信号灵敏度。但是,选择异常事件是不够的 - 还必须有一个策略来为所选事件提供上下文。我们提出了无监督检测的第一个完整的策略,其包括信号灵敏度和用于背景估计的数据驱动方法。我们的技术由两个同时培训的autoencoders建造,被迫彼此去相关。该方法可以脱机用于非共振异常检测,也是第一个完整的在线兼容的异常检测策略。我们表明,我们的方法在为ADC2021数据挑战准备的各种信号上实现了出色的性能。
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我们使用神经网络研究几种简化的暗物质(DM)模型及其在LHC的签名。我们专注于通常的单声角加上缺失的横向能量通道,但要训练算法我们在2D直方图中组织数据而不是逐个事件阵列。这导致较大的性能提升,以区分标准模型(SM)和SM以及新物理信号。我们使用KineMatic单速仪功能作为输入数据,允许我们描述具有单个数据示例的模型的系列。我们发现神经网络性能不依赖于模拟的后台事件数量,如果它们作为$ s / \ sqrt {b} $函数呈现,其中$ s $和$ b $是信号和背景的数量每直方图的事件分别。这提供了对方法的灵活性,因为在这种情况下测试特定模型只需要了解新物理单次横截面。此外,我们还在关于真实DM性质的错误假设下讨论网络性能。最后,我们提出了多模型分类器以更普遍的方式搜索和识别新信号,对于下一个LHC运行。
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Recent developments in the methods of explainable AI (XAI) methods allow researchers to explore the inner workings of deep neural networks (DNNs), revealing crucial information about input-output relationships and realizing how data connects with machine learning models. In this paper we explore interpretability of DNN models designed to identify jets coming from top quark decay in high energy proton-proton collisions at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). We review a subset of existing top tagger models and explore different quantitative methods to identify which features play the most important roles in identifying the top jets. We also investigate how and why feature importance varies across different XAI metrics, how feature correlations impact their explainability, and how latent space representations encode information as well as correlate with physically meaningful quantities. Our studies uncover some major pitfalls of existing XAI methods and illustrate how they can be overcome to obtain consistent and meaningful interpretation of these models. We additionally illustrate the activity of hidden layers as Neural Activation Pattern (NAP) diagrams and demonstrate how they can be used to understand how DNNs relay information across the layers and how this understanding can help to make such models significantly simpler by allowing effective model reoptimization and hyperparameter tuning. By incorporating observations from the interpretability studies, we obtain state-of-the-art top tagging performance from augmented implementation of existing network
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The abundance of dark matter (DM) subhalos orbiting a host galaxy is a generic prediction of the cosmological framework, and is a promising way to constrain the nature of DM. In this paper, we investigate the use of machine learning-based tools to quantify the magnitude of phase-space perturbations caused by the passage of DM subhalos. A simple binary classifier and an anomaly detection model are proposed to estimate if stars or star particles close to DM subhalos are statistically detectable in simulations. The simulated datasets are three Milky Way-like galaxies and nine synthetic Gaia DR2 surveys derived from these. Firstly, we find that the anomaly detection algorithm, trained on a simulated galaxy with full 6D kinematic observables and applied on another galaxy, is nontrivially sensitive to the DM subhalo population. On the other hand, the classification-based approach is not sufficiently sensitive due to the extremely low statistics of signal stars for supervised training. Finally, the sensitivity of both algorithms in the Gaia-like surveys is negligible. The enormous size of the Gaia dataset motivates the further development of scalable and accurate data analysis methods that could be used to select potential regions of interest for DM searches to ultimately constrain the Milky Way's subhalo mass function, as well as simulations where to study the sensitivity of such methods under different signal hypotheses.
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A new Lossy Causal Temporal Convolutional Neural Network Autoencoder for anomaly detection is proposed in this work. Our framework uses a rate-distortion loss and an entropy bottleneck to learn a compressed latent representation for the task. The main idea of using a rate-distortion loss is to introduce representation flexibility that ignores or becomes robust to unlikely events with distinctive patterns, such as anomalies. These anomalies manifest as unique distortion features that can be accurately detected in testing conditions. This new architecture allows us to train a fully unsupervised model that has high accuracy in detecting anomalies from a distortion score despite being trained with some portion of unlabelled anomalous data. This setting is in stark contrast to many of the state-of-the-art unsupervised methodologies that require the model to be only trained on "normal data". We argue that this partially violates the concept of unsupervised training for anomaly detection as the model uses an informed decision that selects what is normal from abnormal for training. Additionally, there is evidence to suggest it also effects the models ability at generalisation. We demonstrate that models that succeed in the paradigm where they are only trained on normal data fail to be robust when anomalous data is injected into the training. In contrast, our compression-based approach converges to a robust representation that tolerates some anomalous distortion. The robust representation achieved by a model using a rate-distortion loss can be used in a more realistic unsupervised anomaly detection scheme.
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