We present a framework for efficient inference in structured image models that explicitly reason about objects. We achieve this by performing probabilistic inference using a recurrent neural network that attends to scene elements and processes them one at a time. Crucially, the model itself learns to choose the appropriate number of inference steps. We use this scheme to learn to perform inference in partially specified 2D models (variable-sized variational auto-encoders) and fully specified 3D models (probabilistic renderers). We show that such models learn to identify multiple objects -counting, locating and classifying the elements of a scenewithout any supervision, e.g., decomposing 3D images with various numbers of objects in a single forward pass of a neural network at unprecedented speed. We further show that the networks produce accurate inferences when compared to supervised counterparts, and that their structure leads to improved generalization.
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为了帮助代理在其构建块方面的场景的原因,我们希望提取任何给定场景的组成结构(特别是包括场景的对象的配置和特征)。当需要推断出现在代理的位置/观点的同时需要推断场景结构时,这个问题特别困难,因为两个变量共同引起代理人的观察。我们提出了一个无监督的变分方法来解决这个问题。利用不同场景存在的共享结构,我们的模型学会从RGB视频输入推断出两组潜在表示:一组“对象”潜伏,对应于场景的时间不变,对象级内容,如以及一组“帧”潜伏,对应于全局时变元素,例如视点。这种潜水所的分解允许我们的模型Simone,以单独的方式表示对象属性,其不依赖于视点。此外,它允许我们解解对象动态,并将其轨迹总结为时间抽象的,查看 - 不变,每个对象属性。我们在三个程序生成的视频数据集中展示了这些功能,以及在查看合成和实例分段方面的模型的性能。
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The success of machine learning algorithms generally depends on data representation, and we hypothesize that this is because different representations can entangle and hide more or less the different explanatory factors of variation behind the data. Although specific domain knowledge can be used to help design representations, learning with generic priors can also be used, and the quest for AI is motivating the design of more powerful representation-learning algorithms implementing such priors. This paper reviews recent work in the area of unsupervised feature learning and deep learning, covering advances in probabilistic models, auto-encoders, manifold learning, and deep networks. This motivates longer-term unanswered questions about the appropriate objectives for learning good representations, for computing representations (i.e., inference), and the geometrical connections between representation learning, density estimation and manifold learning.
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Human perception is structured around objects which form the basis for our higher-level cognition and impressive systematic generalization abilities. Yet most work on representation learning focuses on feature learning without even considering multiple objects, or treats segmentation as an (often supervised) preprocessing step. Instead, we argue for the importance of learning to segment and represent objects jointly. We demonstrate that, starting from the simple assumption that a scene is composed of multiple entities, it is possible to learn to segment images into interpretable objects with disentangled representations. Our method learns -without supervision -to inpaint occluded parts, and extrapolates to scenes with more objects and to unseen objects with novel feature combinations. We also show that, due to the use of iterative variational inference, our system is able to learn multi-modal posteriors for ambiguous inputs and extends naturally to sequences.
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We marry ideas from deep neural networks and approximate Bayesian inference to derive a generalised class of deep, directed generative models, endowed with a new algorithm for scalable inference and learning. Our algorithm introduces a recognition model to represent an approximate posterior distribution and uses this for optimisation of a variational lower bound. We develop stochastic backpropagation -rules for gradient backpropagation through stochastic variables -and derive an algorithm that allows for joint optimisation of the parameters of both the generative and recognition models. We demonstrate on several real-world data sets that by using stochastic backpropagation and variational inference, we obtain models that are able to generate realistic samples of data, allow for accurate imputations of missing data, and provide a useful tool for high-dimensional data visualisation.
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随机过程提供了数学上优雅的方式模型复杂数据。从理论上讲,它们为可以编码广泛有趣的假设的功能类提供了灵活的先验。但是,实际上,难以通过优化或边缘化来有效推断,这一问题进一步加剧了大数据和高维输入空间。我们提出了一种新颖的变性自动编码器(VAE),称为先前的编码变量自动编码器($ \ pi $ vae)。 $ \ pi $ vae是有限的交换且Kolmogorov一致的,因此是一个连续的随机过程。我们使用$ \ pi $ vae学习功能类的低维嵌入。我们表明,我们的框架可以准确地学习表达功能类,例如高斯流程,也可以学习函数的属性以启用统计推断(例如log高斯过程的积分)。对于流行的任务,例如空间插值,$ \ pi $ vae在准确性和计算效率方面都达到了最先进的性能。也许最有用的是,我们证明了所学的低维独立分布的潜在空间表示提供了一种优雅,可扩展的方法,可以在概率编程语言(例如Stan)中对随机过程进行贝叶斯推断。
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Unsupervised learning with generative models has the potential of discovering rich representations of 3D scenes. While geometric deep learning has explored 3Dstructure-aware representations of scene geometry, these models typically require explicit 3D supervision. Emerging neural scene representations can be trained only with posed 2D images, but existing methods ignore the three-dimensional structure of scenes. We propose Scene Representation Networks (SRNs), a continuous, 3Dstructure-aware scene representation that encodes both geometry and appearance. SRNs represent scenes as continuous functions that map world coordinates to a feature representation of local scene properties. By formulating the image formation as a differentiable ray-marching algorithm, SRNs can be trained end-toend from only 2D images and their camera poses, without access to depth or shape. This formulation naturally generalizes across scenes, learning powerful geometry and appearance priors in the process. We demonstrate the potential of SRNs by evaluating them for novel view synthesis, few-shot reconstruction, joint shape and appearance interpolation, and unsupervised discovery of a non-rigid face model. 1
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How can we perform efficient inference and learning in directed probabilistic models, in the presence of continuous latent variables with intractable posterior distributions, and large datasets? We introduce a stochastic variational inference and learning algorithm that scales to large datasets and, under some mild differentiability conditions, even works in the intractable case. Our contributions is two-fold. First, we show that a reparameterization of the variational lower bound yields a lower bound estimator that can be straightforwardly optimized using standard stochastic gradient methods. Second, we show that for i.i.d. datasets with continuous latent variables per datapoint, posterior inference can be made especially efficient by fitting an approximate inference model (also called a recognition model) to the intractable posterior using the proposed lower bound estimator. Theoretical advantages are reflected in experimental results.
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与CNN的分类,分割或对象检测相比,生成网络的目标和方法根本不同。最初,它们不是作为图像分析工具,而是生成自然看起来的图像。已经提出了对抗性训练范式来稳定生成方法,并已被证明是非常成功的 - 尽管绝不是第一次尝试。本章对生成对抗网络(GAN)的动机进行了基本介绍,并通​​过抽象基本任务和工作机制并得出了早期实用方法的困难来追溯其成功的道路。将显示进行更稳定的训练方法,也将显示出不良收敛及其原因的典型迹象。尽管本章侧重于用于图像生成和图像分析的gan,但对抗性训练范式本身并非特定于图像,并且在图像分析中也概括了任务。在将GAN与最近进入场景的进一步生成建模方法进行对比之前,将闻名图像语义分割和异常检测的架构示例。这将允许对限制的上下文化观点,但也可以对gans有好处。
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We present a principled approach to incorporating labels in VAEs that captures the rich characteristic information associated with those labels. While prior work has typically conflated these by learning latent variables that directly correspond to label values, we argue this is contrary to the intended effect of supervision in VAEs-capturing rich label characteristics with the latents. For example, we may want to capture the characteristics of a face that make it look young, rather than just the age of the person. To this end, we develop the CCVAE, a novel VAE model and concomitant variational objective which captures label characteristics explicitly in the latent space, eschewing direct correspondences between label values and latents. Through judicious structuring of mappings between such characteristic latents and labels, we show that the CCVAE can effectively learn meaningful representations of the characteristics of interest across a variety of supervision schemes. In particular, we show that the CCVAE allows for more effective and more general interventions to be performed, such as smooth traversals within the characteristics for a given label, diverse conditional generation, and transferring characteristics across datapoints.
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Figure 1: DeepSDF represents signed distance functions (SDFs) of shapes via latent code-conditioned feed-forward decoder networks. Above images are raycast renderings of DeepSDF interpolating between two shapes in the learned shape latent space. Best viewed digitally.
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The combination of machine learning models with physical models is a recent research path to learn robust data representations. In this paper, we introduce p$^3$VAE, a generative model that integrates a perfect physical model which partially explains the true underlying factors of variation in the data. To fully leverage our hybrid design, we propose a semi-supervised optimization procedure and an inference scheme that comes along meaningful uncertainty estimates. We apply p$^3$VAE to the semantic segmentation of high-resolution hyperspectral remote sensing images. Our experiments on a simulated data set demonstrated the benefits of our hybrid model against conventional machine learning models in terms of extrapolation capabilities and interpretability. In particular, we show that p$^3$VAE naturally has high disentanglement capabilities. Our code and data have been made publicly available at https://github.com/Romain3Ch216/p3VAE.
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