In this paper, we propose ARCH (Animatable Reconstruction of Clothed Humans), a novel end-to-end framework for accurate reconstruction of animation-ready 3D clothed humans from a monocular image. Existing approaches to digitize 3D humans struggle to handle pose variations and recover details. Also, they do not produce models that are animation ready. In contrast, ARCH is a learned pose-aware model that produces detailed 3D rigged full-body human avatars from a single unconstrained RGB image. A Semantic Space and a Semantic Deformation Field are created using a parametric 3D body estimator. They allow the transformation of 2D/3D clothed humans into a canonical space, reducing ambiguities in geometry caused by pose variations and occlusions in training data. Detailed surface geometry and appearance are learned using an implicit function representation with spatial local features. Furthermore, we propose additional per-pixel supervision on the 3D reconstruction using opacity-aware differentiable rendering. Our experiments indicate that ARCH increases the fidelity of the reconstructed humans. We obtain more than 50% lower reconstruction errors for standard metrics compared to state-of-the-art methods on public datasets. We also show numerous qualitative examples of animated, high-quality reconstructed avatars unseen in the literature so far.
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Pixel-aligned Implicit function (PIFu): We present pixel-aligned implicit function (PIFu), which allows recovery of high-resolution 3D textured surfaces of clothed humans from a single input image (top row). Our approach can digitize intricate variations in clothing, such as wrinkled skirts and high-heels, including complex hairstyles. The shape and textures can be fully recovered including largely unseen regions such as the back of the subject. PIFu can also be naturally extended to multi-view input images (bottom row).
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We introduce Structured 3D Features, a model based on a novel implicit 3D representation that pools pixel-aligned image features onto dense 3D points sampled from a parametric, statistical human mesh surface. The 3D points have associated semantics and can move freely in 3D space. This allows for optimal coverage of the person of interest, beyond just the body shape, which in turn, additionally helps modeling accessories, hair, and loose clothing. Owing to this, we present a complete 3D transformer-based attention framework which, given a single image of a person in an unconstrained pose, generates an animatable 3D reconstruction with albedo and illumination decomposition, as a result of a single end-to-end model, trained semi-supervised, and with no additional postprocessing. We show that our S3F model surpasses the previous state-of-the-art on various tasks, including monocular 3D reconstruction, as well as albedo and shading estimation. Moreover, we show that the proposed methodology allows novel view synthesis, relighting, and re-posing the reconstruction, and can naturally be extended to handle multiple input images (e.g. different views of a person, or the same view, in different poses, in video). Finally, we demonstrate the editing capabilities of our model for 3D virtual try-on applications.
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Recent advances in image-based 3D human shape estimation have been driven by the significant improvement in representation power afforded by deep neural networks. Although current approaches have demonstrated the potential in real world settings, they still fail to produce reconstructions with the level of detail often present in the input images. We argue that this limitation stems primarily form two conflicting requirements; accurate predictions require large context, but precise predictions require high resolution. Due to memory limitations in current hardware, previous approaches tend to take low resolution images as input to cover large spatial context, and produce less precise (or low resolution) 3D estimates as a result. We address this limitation by formulating a multi-level architecture that is end-to-end trainable. A coarse level observes the whole image at lower resolution and focuses on holistic reasoning. This provides context to an fine level which estimates highly detailed geometry by observing higher-resolution images. We demonstrate that our approach significantly outperforms existing state-of-the-art techniques on single image human shape reconstruction by fully leveraging 1k-resolution input images.
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目前用于学习现实和可动画3D穿衣服的方法需要带有仔细控制的用户的构成3D扫描或2D图像。相比之下,我们的目标是从不受约束的姿势中只有2D人的人们学习化身。给定一组图像,我们的方法估计来自每个图像的详细3D表面,然后将它们组合成一个可动画的化身。隐式功能非常适合第一个任务,因为他们可以捕获像头发或衣服等细节。然而,目前的方法对各种人类的姿势并不稳健,并且通常会产生破碎或肢体的3D表面,缺少细节或非人形状。问题是这些方法使用对全局姿势敏感的全局特征编码器。为了解决这个问题,我们提出图标(“从正规中获得的隐式衣物人类”),它使用本地特征。图标有两个主要模块,两者都利用SMPL(-X)正文模型。首先,图标Infers详细的衣服 - 人类法线(前/后)在SMPL(-X)法线上。其次,可视性感知隐式表面回归系统产生人占用场的ISO表面。重要的是,在推断时间下,反馈回路在使用推断的布料正线改进SMPL(-X)网格之间交替,然后改装正常。给定多种姿势的多个重建帧,我们使用扫描来从中生成可动画的化身。对Agora和Cape数据集的评估显示,即使具有大量有限的培训数据,图标越优于重建中的最新状态。另外,它对分布外样品进行更强大,例如,野外的姿势/图像和帧外裁剪。图标从野外图像中迈向强大的3D穿上人体重建。这使得能够使用个性化和天然姿势依赖布变形来直接从视频创建化身。
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铰接式3D形状重建的事先工作通常依赖于专用传感器(例如,同步的多摄像机系统)或预先构建的3D可变形模型(例如,Smal或SMPL)。这些方法无法在野外扩展到不同的各种物体。我们呈现Banmo,这是一种需要专用传感器的方法,也不需要预定义的模板形状。 Banmo在可怜的渲染框架中从许多单眼休闲视频中建立高保真,铰接式的3D模型(包括形状和动画皮肤的重量)。虽然许多视频的使用提供了更多的相机视图和对象关节的覆盖范围,但它们在建立不同背景,照明条件等方面建立了重大挑战。我们的主要洞察力是合并三所思想学校; (1)使用铰接骨骼和混合皮肤的经典可变形形状模型,(2)可容纳基于梯度的优化,(3)在像素之间产生对应关系的规范嵌入物模型。我们介绍了神经混合皮肤模型,可允许可微分和可逆的铰接变形。与规范嵌入式结合时,这些模型允许我们在跨越可通过循环一致性自我监督的视频中建立密集的对应。在真实和合成的数据集上,Banmo显示比人类和动物的先前工作更高保真3D重建,具有从新颖的观点和姿势的现实图像。项目网页。
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综合照片 - 现实图像和视频是计算机图形的核心,并且是几十年的研究焦点。传统上,使用渲染算法(如光栅化或射线跟踪)生成场景的合成图像,其将几何形状和材料属性的表示为输入。统称,这些输入定义了实际场景和呈现的内容,并且被称为场景表示(其中场景由一个或多个对象组成)。示例场景表示是具有附带纹理的三角形网格(例如,由艺术家创建),点云(例如,来自深度传感器),体积网格(例如,来自CT扫描)或隐式曲面函数(例如,截短的符号距离)字段)。使用可分辨率渲染损耗的观察结果的这种场景表示的重建被称为逆图形或反向渲染。神经渲染密切相关,并将思想与经典计算机图形和机器学习中的思想相结合,以创建用于合成来自真实观察图像的图像的算法。神经渲染是朝向合成照片现实图像和视频内容的目标的跨越。近年来,我们通过数百个出版物显示了这一领域的巨大进展,这些出版物显示了将被动组件注入渲染管道的不同方式。这种最先进的神经渲染进步的报告侧重于将经典渲染原则与学习的3D场景表示结合的方法,通常现在被称为神经场景表示。这些方法的一个关键优势在于它们是通过设计的3D-一致,使诸如新颖的视点合成捕获场景的应用。除了处理静态场景的方法外,我们还涵盖了用于建模非刚性变形对象的神经场景表示...
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Single-image 3D human reconstruction aims to reconstruct the 3D textured surface of the human body given a single image. While implicit function-based methods recently achieved reasonable reconstruction performance, they still bear limitations showing degraded quality in both surface geometry and texture from an unobserved view. In response, to generate a realistic textured surface, we propose ReFu, a coarse-to-fine approach that refines the projected backside view image and fuses the refined image to predict the final human body. To suppress the diffused occupancy that causes noise in projection images and reconstructed meshes, we propose to train occupancy probability by simultaneously utilizing 2D and 3D supervisions with occupancy-based volume rendering. We also introduce a refinement architecture that generates detail-preserving backside-view images with front-to-back warping. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our method achieves state-of-the-art performance in 3D human reconstruction from a single image, showing enhanced geometry and texture quality from an unobserved view.
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The combination of artist-curated scans, and deep implicit functions (IF), is enabling the creation of detailed, clothed, 3D humans from images. However, existing methods are far from perfect. IF-based methods recover free-form geometry but produce disembodied limbs or degenerate shapes for unseen poses or clothes. To increase robustness for these cases, existing work uses an explicit parametric body model to constrain surface reconstruction, but this limits the recovery of free-form surfaces such as loose clothing that deviates from the body. What we want is a method that combines the best properties of implicit and explicit methods. To this end, we make two key observations: (1) current networks are better at inferring detailed 2D maps than full-3D surfaces, and (2) a parametric model can be seen as a "canvas" for stitching together detailed surface patches. ECON infers high-fidelity 3D humans even in loose clothes and challenging poses, while having realistic faces and fingers. This goes beyond previous methods. Quantitative, evaluation of the CAPE and Renderpeople datasets shows that ECON is more accurate than the state of the art. Perceptual studies also show that ECON's perceived realism is better by a large margin. Code and models are available for research purposes at
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Recovering the skeletal shape of an animal from a monocular video is a longstanding challenge. Prevailing animal reconstruction methods often adopt a control-point driven animation model and optimize bone transforms individually without considering skeletal topology, yielding unsatisfactory shape and articulation. In contrast, humans can easily infer the articulation structure of an unknown animal by associating it with a seen articulated character in their memory. Inspired by this fact, we present CASA, a novel Category-Agnostic Skeletal Animal reconstruction method consisting of two major components: a video-to-shape retrieval process and a neural inverse graphics framework. During inference, CASA first retrieves an articulated shape from a 3D character assets bank so that the input video scores highly with the rendered image, according to a pretrained language-vision model. CASA then integrates the retrieved character into an inverse graphics framework and jointly infers the shape deformation, skeleton structure, and skinning weights through optimization. Experiments validate the efficacy of CASA regarding shape reconstruction and articulation. We further demonstrate that the resulting skeletal-animated characters can be used for re-animation.
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我们向渲染和时间(4D)重建人类的渲染和时间(4D)重建的神经辐射场,通过稀疏的摄像机捕获或甚至来自单眼视频。我们的方法将思想与神经场景表示,新颖的综合合成和隐式统计几何人称的人类表示相结合,耦合使用新颖的损失功能。在先前使用符号距离功能表示的结构化隐式人体模型,而不是使用统一的占用率来学习具有统一占用的光域字段。这使我们能够从稀疏视图中稳健地融合信息,并概括超出在训练中观察到的姿势或视图。此外,我们应用几何限制以共同学习观察到的主题的结构 - 包括身体和衣服 - 并将辐射场正规化为几何合理的解决方案。在多个数据集上的广泛实验证明了我们方法的稳健性和准确性,其概括能力显着超出了一系列的姿势和视图,以及超出所观察到的形状的统计外推。
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Learning-based 3D reconstruction methods have shown impressive results. However, most methods require 3D supervision which is often hard to obtain for real-world datasets. Recently, several works have proposed differentiable rendering techniques to train reconstruction models from RGB images. Unfortunately, these approaches are currently restricted to voxel-and mesh-based representations, suffering from discretization or low resolution. In this work, we propose a differentiable rendering formulation for implicit shape and texture representations. Implicit representations have recently gained popularity as they represent shape and texture continuously. Our key insight is that depth gradients can be derived analytically using the concept of implicit differentiation. This allows us to learn implicit shape and texture representations directly from RGB images. We experimentally show that our singleview reconstructions rival those learned with full 3D supervision. Moreover, we find that our method can be used for multi-view 3D reconstruction, directly resulting in watertight meshes.
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