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Dexterous manipulation with anthropomorphic robot hands remains a challenging problem in robotics because of the high-dimensional state and action spaces and complex contacts. Nevertheless, skillful closed-loop manipulation is required to enable humanoid robots to operate in unstructured real-world environments. Reinforcement learning (RL) has traditionally imposed enormous interaction data requirements for optimizing such complex control problems. We introduce a new framework that leverages recent advances in GPU-based simulation along with the strength of imitation learning in guiding policy search towards promising behaviors to make RL training feasible in these domains. To this end, we present an immersive virtual reality teleoperation interface designed for interactive human-like manipulation on contact rich tasks and a suite of manipulation environments inspired by tasks of daily living. Finally, we demonstrate the complementary strengths of massively parallel RL and imitation learning, yielding robust and natural behaviors. Videos of trained policies, our source code, and the collected demonstration datasets are available at https://maltemosbach.github.io/interactive_ human_like_manipulation/.
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在移动操作(MM)中,机器人可以在内部导航并与其环境进行交互,因此能够完成比仅能够导航或操纵的机器人的更多任务。在这项工作中,我们探讨如何应用模仿学习(IL)来学习MM任务的连续Visuo-Motor策略。许多事先工作表明,IL可以为操作或导航域训练Visuo-Motor策略,但很少有效应用IL到MM域。这样做是挑战的两个原因:在数据方面,当前的接口使得收集高质量的人类示范困难,在学习方面,有限数据培训的政策可能会在部署时遭受协变速转变。为了解决这些问题,我们首先提出了移动操作Roboturk(Momart),这是一种新颖的遥控框架,允许同时导航和操纵移动操纵器,并在现实的模拟厨房设置中收集一类大规模的大规模数据集。然后,我们提出了一个学习错误检测系统来解决通过检测代理处于潜在故障状态时的协变量转变。我们从该数据中培训表演者的IL政策和错误探测器,在专家数据培训时,在多个多级任务中达到超过45%的任务成功率和85%的错误检测成功率。 CodeBase,DataSets,Visualization,以及更多可用的https://sites.google.com/view/il-for-mm/home。
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Surgical robot automation has attracted increasing research interest over the past decade, expecting its huge potential to benefit surgeons, nurses and patients. Recently, the learning paradigm of embodied AI has demonstrated promising ability to learn good control policies for various complex tasks, where embodied AI simulators play an essential role to facilitate relevant researchers. However, existing open-sourced simulators for surgical robot are still not sufficiently supporting human interactions through physical input devices, which further limits effective investigations on how human demonstrations would affect policy learning. In this paper, we study human-in-the-loop embodied intelligence with a new interactive simulation platform for surgical robot learning. Specifically, we establish our platform based on our previously released SurRoL simulator with several new features co-developed to allow high-quality human interaction via an input device. With these, we further propose to collect human demonstrations and imitate the action patterns to achieve more effective policy learning. We showcase the improvement of our simulation environment with the designed new features and tasks, and validate state-of-the-art reinforcement learning algorithms using the interactive environment. Promising results are obtained, with which we hope to pave the way for future research on surgical embodied intelligence. Our platform is released and will be continuously updated in the website: https://med-air.github.io/SurRoL/
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3D视觉输入的对象操纵对构建可宽大的感知和政策模型构成了许多挑战。然而,现有基准中的3D资产主要缺乏与拓扑和几何中的现实世界内复杂的3D形状的多样性。在这里,我们提出了Sapien操纵技能基准(Manishill)以在全物理模拟器中的各种物体上基准操纵技巧。 Manishill中的3D资产包括大型课堂内拓扑和几何变化。仔细选择任务以涵盖不同类型的操纵挑战。 3D Vision的最新进展也使我们认为我们应该定制基准,以便挑战旨在邀请研究3D深入学习的研究人员。为此,我们模拟了一个移动的全景摄像头,返回以自我为中心的点云或RGB-D图像。此外,我们希望Manishill是为一个对操纵研究感兴趣的广泛研究人员提供服务。除了支持从互动的政策学习,我们还支持学习 - 从演示(LFD)方法,通过提供大量的高质量演示(〜36,000个成功的轨迹,总共〜1.5米点云/ RGB-D帧)。我们提供使用3D深度学习和LFD算法的基线。我们的基准(模拟器,环境,SDK和基线)的所有代码都是开放的,并且将基于基准举办跨学科研究人员面临的挑战。
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Robots have been steadily increasing their presence in our daily lives, where they can work along with humans to provide assistance in various tasks on industry floors, in offices, and in homes. Automated assembly is one of the key applications of robots, and the next generation assembly systems could become much more efficient by creating collaborative human-robot systems. However, although collaborative robots have been around for decades, their application in truly collaborative systems has been limited. This is because a truly collaborative human-robot system needs to adjust its operation with respect to the uncertainty and imprecision in human actions, ensure safety during interaction, etc. In this paper, we present a system for human-robot collaborative assembly using learning from demonstration and pose estimation, so that the robot can adapt to the uncertainty caused by the operation of humans. Learning from demonstration is used to generate motion trajectories for the robot based on the pose estimate of different goal locations from a deep learning-based vision system. The proposed system is demonstrated using a physical 6 DoF manipulator in a collaborative human-robot assembly scenario. We show successful generalization of the system's operation to changes in the initial and final goal locations through various experiments.
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即使是最强大的自主行为也可能失败。这项研究的目的是在自主任务执行期间恢复和从失败中收集数据,以便将来可以防止它们。我们建议对实时故障恢复和数据收集进行触觉干预。Elly是一个系统,可以在自主机器人行为和人类干预之间进行无缝过渡,同时从人类恢复策略中收集感觉信息。系统和我们的设计选择在单臂任务上进行了实验验证 - 在插座中安装灯泡 - 以及双层任务 - 拧上瓶盖的帽子 - 使用两个配备的4手指握把。在这些示例中,Elly在总共40次运行中实现了超过80%的任务完成。
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机器人操纵器广泛用于现代制造过程。但是,它们在非结构化环境中的部署仍然是一个公开问题。为了应对现实世界操纵任务的多样性,复杂性和不确定性,必须开发灵活的框架,以减少环境特征的假设。近年来,加固学习(RL)为单臂机器人操纵表现出了很大的结果。然而,专注于双臂操纵的研究仍然很少见。根据经典的控制视角,解决这些任务通常涉及两个操纵器之间的相互作用的复杂建模,以及在任务中遇到的对象,以及在控制水平处耦合的两个机器人。相反,在这项工作中,我们探讨了无模型RL对双臂组件的适用性。当我们的目标是促进不限于双臂组件的方法,而是一般来说,双臂操纵,我们将尽量措施保持建模。因此,为了避免建模两个机器人与使用的组装工具之间的相互作用,我们呈现了一种模块化方法,其具有两个分散的单臂控制器,其使用单个集中式学习策略耦合。我们只使用稀疏奖励将建模努力降低到最低限度。我们的建筑使成功的装配和简单地从模拟转移到现实世界。我们展示了框架对双臂钉孔的有效性,并分析了不同动作空间的样品效率和成功率。此外,我们在处理位置不确定性时,我们比较不同的间隙和展示干扰恢复和稳健性的结果。最后,我们Zero-Shot Transfer策略在模拟中培训到现实世界并评估其性能。
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Imitation learning techniques aim to mimic human behavior in a given task. An agent (a learning machine) is trained to perform a task from demonstrations by learning a mapping between observations and actions. The idea of teaching by imitation has been around for many years, however, the field is gaining attention recently due to advances in computing and sensing as well as rising demand for intelligent applications. The paradigm of learning by imitation is gaining popularity because it facilitates teaching complex tasks with minimal expert knowledge of the tasks. Generic imitation learning methods could potentially reduce the problem of teaching a task to that of providing demonstrations; without the need for explicit programming or designing reward functions specific to the task. Modern sensors are able to collect and transmit high volumes of data rapidly, and processors with high computational power allow fast processing that maps the sensory data to actions in a timely manner. This opens the door for many potential AI applications that require real-time perception and reaction such as humanoid robots, self-driving vehicles, human computer interaction and computer games to name a few. However, specialized algorithms are needed to effectively and robustly learn models as learning by imitation poses its own set of challenges. In this paper, we survey imitation learning methods and present design options in different steps of the learning process. We introduce a background and motivation for the field as well as highlight challenges specific to the imitation problem. Methods for designing and evaluating imitation learning tasks are categorized and reviewed. Special attention is given to learning methods in robotics and games as these domains are the most popular in the literature and provide a wide array of problems and methodologies. We extensively discuss combining imitation learning approaches using different sources and methods, as well as incorporating other motion learning methods to enhance imitation. We also discuss the potential impact on industry, present major applications and highlight current and future research directions.
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最近在体现AI中的研究已经通过使用模拟环境来开发和培训机器人学习方法。然而,使用模拟已经引起了只需要机器人模拟器可以模拟的任务:运动和物理接触的任务。我们呈现IGIBSON 2.0,一个开源仿真环境,通过三个关键创新支持模拟更多样化的家庭任务。首先,IGIBSON 2.0支持对象状态,包括温度,湿度水平,清洁度和切割和切片状态,以涵盖更广泛的任务。其次,IGIBSON 2.0实现了一组谓词逻辑函数,该逻辑函数将模拟器状态映射到烹饪或浸泡等逻辑状态。另外,给定逻辑状态,IGIBSON 2.0可以对满足它的有效物理状态进行示例。此功能可以以最少的努力从用户生成潜在的无限实例。采样机制允许我们的场景在语义有意义的位置中的小对象更密集地填充。第三,IGIBSON 2.0包括虚拟现实(VR)界面,以将人类浸入其场景以收集示威操作。因此,我们可以从这些新型任务中收集人类的示威活动,并使用它们进行模仿学习。我们评估了IGIBSON 2.0的新功能,以实现新的任务的机器人学习,希望能够展示这一新模拟器的潜力来支持体现AI的新研究。 IGIBSON 2.0及其新数据集可在http://svl.stanford.edu/igibson/上公开提供。
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Reinforcement learning often suffer from the sparse reward issue in real-world robotics problems. Learning from demonstration (LfD) is an effective way to eliminate this problem, which leverages collected expert data to aid online learning. Prior works often assume that the learning agent and the expert aim to accomplish the same task, which requires collecting new data for every new task. In this paper, we consider the case where the target task is mismatched from but similar with that of the expert. Such setting can be challenging and we found existing LfD methods can not effectively guide learning in mismatched new tasks with sparse rewards. We propose conservative reward shaping from demonstration (CRSfD), which shapes the sparse rewards using estimated expert value function. To accelerate learning processes, CRSfD guides the agent to conservatively explore around demonstrations. Experimental results of robot manipulation tasks show that our approach outperforms baseline LfD methods when transferring demonstrations collected in a single task to other different but similar tasks.
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