基于机器学习(ML)的智能仪表数据分析对于先进的计量基础设施(AMI)中的能源管理和需求 - 响应应用非常有前途。开发AMI的分布式ML应用程序中的一个关键挑战是保留用户隐私,同时允许有效的最终用户参与。本文解决了这一挑战,并为AMI中的ML应用程序提出了隐私保留的联合学习框架。我们将每个智能仪表视为托管使用中央聚合器或数据集中器的信息的ML应用程序的联邦边缘设备。而不是传输智能仪表感测的原始数据,ML模型权重被传送到聚合器以保护隐私。聚合器处理这些参数以设计可以在每个边缘设备处替换的鲁棒ML模型。我们还讨论了在共享ML模型参数的同时提高隐私和提高通信效率的策略,适用于AMI中的网络连接相对较慢。我们展示了在联合案例联盟ML(FML)应用程序上的提议框架,其提高了短期负荷预测(STLF)。我们使用长期内存(LSTM)经常性神经网络(RNN)模型进行STLF。在我们的体系结构中,我们假设有一个聚合器连接到一组智能电表。聚合器使用从联合智能仪表接收的学习模型渐变,以生成聚合,鲁棒RNN模型,其提高了个人和聚合STLF的预测精度。我们的结果表明,通过FML,预测精度增加,同时保留最终用户的数据隐私。
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负载预测是能源行业中执行的一项重要任务,以帮助平衡供应并保持电网的稳定负载。随着供应过渡向不太可靠的可再生能源产生,智能电表将证明是促进这些预测任务的重要组成部分。但是,在隐私意识的消费者中,智能电表的采用率很低,这些消费者害怕侵犯其细粒度的消费数据。在这项工作中,我们建议并探索一种基于联合学习的方法(FL)方法,以分布式协作方式培训预测模型,同时保留基础数据的隐私。我们比较了两种方法:FL和聚集的变体FL+HC与非私有的,集中的学习方法和完全私人的本地化学习方法。在这些方法中,我们使用RMSE和计算效率测量模型性能。此外,我们建议FL策略之后是个性化步骤,并表明可以通过这样做可以提高模型性能。我们表明,FL+HC紧随其后的是个性化可以实现$ \ sim $ 5 \%的模型性能提高,而与本地化学习相比,计算$ \ sim $ 10倍。最后,我们提供有关私人汇总预测的建议,以构建私人端到端负载预测应用程序。
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With the evolution of power systems as it is becoming more intelligent and interactive system while increasing in flexibility with a larger penetration of renewable energy sources, demand prediction on a short-term resolution will inevitably become more and more crucial in designing and managing the future grid, especially when it comes to an individual household level. Projecting the demand for electricity for a single energy user, as opposed to the aggregated power consumption of residential load on a wide scale, is difficult because of a considerable number of volatile and uncertain factors. This paper proposes a customized GRU (Gated Recurrent Unit) and Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) architecture to address this challenging problem. LSTM and GRU are comparatively newer and among the most well-adopted deep learning approaches. The electricity consumption datasets were obtained from individual household smart meters. The comparison shows that the LSTM model performs better for home-level forecasting than alternative prediction techniques-GRU in this case. To compare the NN-based models with contrast to the conventional statistical technique-based model, ARIMA based model was also developed and benchmarked with LSTM and GRU model outcomes in this study to show the performance of the proposed model on the collected time series data.
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Mobile traffic prediction is of great importance on the path of enabling 5G mobile networks to perform smart and efficient infrastructure planning and management. However, available data are limited to base station logging information. Hence, training methods for generating high-quality predictions that can generalize to new observations on different parties are in demand. Traditional approaches require collecting measurements from different base stations and sending them to a central entity, followed by performing machine learning operations using the received data. The dissemination of local observations raises privacy, confidentiality, and performance concerns, hindering the applicability of machine learning techniques. Various distributed learning methods have been proposed to address this issue, but their application to traffic prediction has yet to be explored. In this work, we study the effectiveness of federated learning applied to raw base station aggregated LTE data for time-series forecasting. We evaluate one-step predictions using 5 different neural network architectures trained with a federated setting on non-iid data. The presented algorithms have been submitted to the Global Federated Traffic Prediction for 5G and Beyond Challenge. Our results show that the learning architectures adapted to the federated setting achieve equivalent prediction error to the centralized setting, pre-processing techniques on base stations lead to higher forecasting accuracy, while state-of-the-art aggregators do not outperform simple approaches.
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In recent years, mobile devices are equipped with increasingly advanced sensing and computing capabilities. Coupled with advancements in Deep Learning (DL), this opens up countless possibilities for meaningful applications, e.g., for medical purposes and in vehicular networks. Traditional cloudbased Machine Learning (ML) approaches require the data to be centralized in a cloud server or data center. However, this results in critical issues related to unacceptable latency and communication inefficiency. To this end, Mobile Edge Computing (MEC) has been proposed to bring intelligence closer to the edge, where data is produced. However, conventional enabling technologies for ML at mobile edge networks still require personal data to be shared with external parties, e.g., edge servers. Recently, in light of increasingly stringent data privacy legislations and growing privacy concerns, the concept of Federated Learning (FL) has been introduced. In FL, end devices use their local data to train an ML model required by the server. The end devices then send the model updates rather than raw data to the server for aggregation. FL can serve as an enabling technology in mobile edge networks since it enables the collaborative training of an ML model and also enables DL for mobile edge network optimization. However, in a large-scale and complex mobile edge network, heterogeneous devices with varying constraints are involved. This raises challenges of communication costs, resource allocation, and privacy and security in the implementation of FL at scale. In this survey, we begin with an introduction to the background and fundamentals of FL. Then, we highlight the aforementioned challenges of FL implementation and review existing solutions. Furthermore, we present the applications of FL for mobile edge network optimization. Finally, we discuss the important challenges and future research directions in FL.
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包含间歇性和可再生能源的含量增加了电力系统需求预测的重要性。由于它们提供的测量粒度,智能电表可以在需求预测中发挥关键作用。消费者的隐私问题,公用事业和供应商不愿与竞争对手或第三方共享数据,以及监管限制是一些限制智能米预测面。本文介绍了使用智能电表数据作为前一个约束的解决方案的短期需求预测的协作机器学习方法。隐私保存技术和联合学习使能够确保消费者对两者的机密性,它们的数据,使用它生成的模型(差异隐私),以及通信均值(安全聚合)。评估的方法考虑了几种方案,探讨了传统的集中方法如何在分散,协作和私人系统的方向上投射。在评估中获得的结果提供了几乎完美的隐私预算(1.39,$ 10E ^ {5} $)和(2.01,$ 10e ^ { - 5} $),具有可忽略不计的性能妥协。
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In recent years, deep learning (DL) models have demonstrated remarkable achievements on non-trivial tasks such as speech recognition and natural language understanding. One of the significant contributors to its success is the proliferation of end devices that acted as a catalyst to provide data for data-hungry DL models. However, computing DL training and inference is the main challenge. Usually, central cloud servers are used for the computation, but it opens up other significant challenges, such as high latency, increased communication costs, and privacy concerns. To mitigate these drawbacks, considerable efforts have been made to push the processing of DL models to edge servers. Moreover, the confluence point of DL and edge has given rise to edge intelligence (EI). This survey paper focuses primarily on the fifth level of EI, called all in-edge level, where DL training and inference (deployment) are performed solely by edge servers. All in-edge is suitable when the end devices have low computing resources, e.g., Internet-of-Things, and other requirements such as latency and communication cost are important in mission-critical applications, e.g., health care. Firstly, this paper presents all in-edge computing architectures, including centralized, decentralized, and distributed. Secondly, this paper presents enabling technologies, such as model parallelism and split learning, which facilitate DL training and deployment at edge servers. Thirdly, model adaptation techniques based on model compression and conditional computation are described because the standard cloud-based DL deployment cannot be directly applied to all in-edge due to its limited computational resources. Fourthly, this paper discusses eleven key performance metrics to evaluate the performance of DL at all in-edge efficiently. Finally, several open research challenges in the area of all in-edge are presented.
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Wind power forecasting helps with the planning for the power systems by contributing to having a higher level of certainty in decision-making. Due to the randomness inherent to meteorological events (e.g., wind speeds), making highly accurate long-term predictions for wind power can be extremely difficult. One approach to remedy this challenge is to utilize weather information from multiple points across a geographical grid to obtain a holistic view of the wind patterns, along with temporal information from the previous power outputs of the wind farms. Our proposed CNN-RNN architecture combines convolutional neural networks (CNNs) and recurrent neural networks (RNNs) to extract spatial and temporal information from multi-dimensional input data to make day-ahead predictions. In this regard, our method incorporates an ultra-wide learning view, combining data from multiple numerical weather prediction models, wind farms, and geographical locations. Additionally, we experiment with global forecasting approaches to understand the impact of training the same model over the datasets obtained from multiple different wind farms, and we employ a method where spatial information extracted from convolutional layers is passed to a tree ensemble (e.g., Light Gradient Boosting Machine (LGBM)) instead of fully connected layers. The results show that our proposed CNN-RNN architecture outperforms other models such as LGBM, Extra Tree regressor and linear regression when trained globally, but fails to replicate such performance when trained individually on each farm. We also observe that passing the spatial information from CNN to LGBM improves its performance, providing further evidence of CNN's spatial feature extraction capabilities.
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使用人工智能(AI)赋予无线网络中数据量的前所未有的数据量激增,为提供无处不在的数据驱动智能服务而开辟了新的视野。通过集中收集数据集和培训模型来实现传统的云彩中心学习(ML)基础的服务。然而,这种传统的训练技术包括两个挑战:(i)由于数据通信增加而导致的高通信和能源成本,(ii)通过允许不受信任的各方利用这些信息来威胁数据隐私。最近,鉴于这些限制,一种新兴的新兴技术,包括联合学习(FL),以使ML带到无线网络的边缘。通过以分布式方式培训全局模型,可以通过FL Server策划的全局模型来提取数据孤岛的好处。 FL利用分散的数据集和参与客户的计算资源,在不影响数据隐私的情况下开发广义ML模型。在本文中,我们介绍了对FL的基本面和能够实现技术的全面调查。此外,提出了一个广泛的研究,详细说明了无线网络中的流体的各种应用,并突出了他们的挑战和局限性。进一步探索了FL的疗效,其新兴的前瞻性超出了第五代(B5G)和第六代(6G)通信系统。本调查的目的是在关键的无线技术中概述了流动的技术,这些技术将作为建立对该主题的坚定了解的基础。最后,我们向未来的研究方向提供前进的道路。
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A well-performing prediction model is vital for a recommendation system suggesting actions for energy-efficient consumer behavior. However, reliable and accurate predictions depend on informative features and a suitable model design to perform well and robustly across different households and appliances. Moreover, customers' unjustifiably high expectations of accurate predictions may discourage them from using the system in the long term. In this paper, we design a three-step forecasting framework to assess predictability, engineering features, and deep learning architectures to forecast 24 hourly load values. First, our predictability analysis provides a tool for expectation management to cushion customers' anticipations. Second, we design several new weather-, time- and appliance-related parameters for the modeling procedure and test their contribution to the model's prediction performance. Third, we examine six deep learning techniques and compare them to tree- and support vector regression benchmarks. We develop a robust and accurate model for the appliance-level load prediction based on four datasets from four different regions (US, UK, Austria, and Canada) with an equal set of appliances. The empirical results show that cyclical encoding of time features and weather indicators alongside a long-short term memory (LSTM) model offer the optimal performance.
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In this paper, we propose a new short-term load forecasting (STLF) model based on contextually enhanced hybrid and hierarchical architecture combining exponential smoothing (ES) and a recurrent neural network (RNN). The model is composed of two simultaneously trained tracks: the context track and the main track. The context track introduces additional information to the main track. It is extracted from representative series and dynamically modulated to adjust to the individual series forecasted by the main track. The RNN architecture consists of multiple recurrent layers stacked with hierarchical dilations and equipped with recently proposed attentive dilated recurrent cells. These cells enable the model to capture short-term, long-term and seasonal dependencies across time series as well as to weight dynamically the input information. The model produces both point forecasts and predictive intervals. The experimental part of the work performed on 35 forecasting problems shows that the proposed model outperforms in terms of accuracy its predecessor as well as standard statistical models and state-of-the-art machine learning models.
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