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语义角色标签(SRL)是NLP社区的一项基本而艰巨的任务。 SRL的最新作品主要分为两行:1)基于生物的; 2)基于跨度的。尽管普遍存在,但它们具有不考虑内部论证结构的一些内在缺点,可能会阻碍模型的表现力。关键挑战是参数是平坦的结构,并且在参数中没有确定的子树实现。为了解决这个问题,在本文中,我们建议将平坦的论点跨越为潜在子树,因此将SRL缩小为树解析任务。特别是,我们为制剂配备了新型的跨度限制的treecrf,以使树结构跨度感知,并将其进一步扩展到二阶情况。我们在Conll05和Conll12基准测试上进行了广泛的实验。结果表明,我们的方法的性能比所有以前的语法 - 不知不线作品都更好,在端到端和w/ w/ w/ gold prepticates设置下实现了新的最先进的作品。
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目前,基于生物和元组的方法在基于跨度的语义角色标记(SRL)任务上表现得很好。然而,基于生物的方法通常需要在预测其参数时为每个谓词编码一次句子,并且基于元组的方法必须处理$ O(n ^ 3)$的巨大搜索空间,大大减少培训和推理效率。解析速度每秒小于50句话。此外,基于生物的和基于元组的方法通常在预测时仅考虑局部结构信息。本文建议将基于端到端的跨度的SRL作为图形解析任务。基于新颖的图形表示模式,我们在近期工作的肩部上呈现快速准确的SRL解析器对高阶语义依赖图解析。此外,我们提出了受限制的维特比程序,以确保输出图的合法性。英语Conll05和Conll12数据集的实验表明,我们的模型在没有训练有素的语言模型的两个设置下实现了新的最先进的结果,并且可以每秒用600句话解析600句话。
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One of the common traits of past and present approaches for Semantic Role Labeling (SRL) is that they rely upon discrete labels drawn from a predefined linguistic inventory to classify predicate senses and their arguments. However, we argue this need not be the case. In this paper, we present an approach that leverages Definition Modeling to introduce a generalized formulation of SRL as the task of describing predicate-argument structures using natural language definitions instead of discrete labels. Our novel formulation takes a first step towards placing interpretability and flexibility foremost, and yet our experiments and analyses on PropBank-style and FrameNet-style, dependency-based and span-based SRL also demonstrate that a flexible model with an interpretable output does not necessarily come at the expense of performance. We release our software for research purposes at https://github.com/SapienzaNLP/dsrl.
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超过三十年,研究人员已经开发和分析了潜伏树诱导的方法作为无监督句法解析的方法。尽管如此,与其监督的对应物相比,现代系统仍然不足以使其具有任何实际用途作为文本的结构注释。在这项工作中,我们提出了一种技术,该技术以跨度约束(即短语包围)的形式使用远端监督,以提高在无监督选项解析中的性能。使用相对少量的跨度约束,我们可以大大提高Diora的输出,这是一个已经竞争的无监督解析系统。与完整的解析树注释相比,可以通过最小的努力来获取跨度约束,例如使用从维基百科派生的词典,以查找确切的文本匹配。我们的实验显示了基于实体的跨度约束,提高了英语WSJ Penn TreeBank的选区分析超过5 F1。此外,我们的方法延伸到跨度约束易于实现的任何域,以及作为一个案例研究,我们通过从工艺数据集解析生物医学文本来证明其有效性。
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The widely studied task of Natural Language Inference (NLI) requires a system to recognize whether one piece of text is textually entailed by another, i.e. whether the entirety of its meaning can be inferred from the other. In current NLI datasets and models, textual entailment relations are typically defined on the sentence- or paragraph-level. However, even a simple sentence often contains multiple propositions, i.e. distinct units of meaning conveyed by the sentence. As these propositions can carry different truth values in the context of a given premise, we argue for the need to recognize the textual entailment relation of each proposition in a sentence individually. We propose PropSegmEnt, a corpus of over 35K propositions annotated by expert human raters. Our dataset structure resembles the tasks of (1) segmenting sentences within a document to the set of propositions, and (2) classifying the entailment relation of each proposition with respect to a different yet topically-aligned document, i.e. documents describing the same event or entity. We establish strong baselines for the segmentation and entailment tasks. Through case studies on summary hallucination detection and document-level NLI, we demonstrate that our conceptual framework is potentially useful for understanding and explaining the compositionality of NLI labels.
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我们提出了文件的实体级关系联合模型。与其他方法形成鲜明对比 - 重点关注本地句子中的对,因此需要提及级别的注释 - 我们的模型在实体级别运行。为此,遵循多任务方法,它在Coreference分辨率上建立并通过多级别表示结合全局实体和本地提到信息来聚集相关信号。我们在积木数据集中实现最先进的关系提取结果,并报告了未来参考的第一个实体级端到端关系提取结果。最后,我们的实验结果表明,联合方法与特定于任务专用的学习相提并论,虽然由于共享参数和培训步骤而言更有效。
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语义角色标签(SRL)旨在识别句子的谓词题目结构,并可以分解为两个子任务:谓词歧义歧义和参数标记。先前的工作独立处理这两个任务,这两个任务忽略了两个任务之间的语义连接。在本文中,我们建议使用机器阅读理解(MRC)框架来弥合这一差距。我们将谓词歧义形式化为多项选择的机器阅读理解,其中给定谓词的候选感官的描述用作选择正确的感觉的选项。然后使用所选的谓词感来确定该谓词的语义角色,这些语义角色用于构建另一个MRC模型的查询以进行参数标记。这样,我们能够利用参数标记的谓词语义和语义角色语义。我们还建议为计算效率选择所有可能的语义角色的子集。实验表明,所提出的框架可实现与先前工作的最新结果或可比的结果。代码可在\ url {https://github.com/shannonai/mrc-srl}上获得。
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Prior works on Information Extraction (IE) typically predict different tasks and instances (e.g., event triggers, entities, roles, relations) independently, while neglecting their interactions and leading to model inefficiency. In this work, we introduce a joint IE framework, HighIE, that learns and predicts multiple IE tasks by integrating high-order cross-task and cross-instance dependencies. Specifically, we design two categories of high-order factors: homogeneous factors and heterogeneous factors. Then, these factors are utilized to jointly predict labels of all instances. To address the intractability problem of exact high-order inference, we incorporate a high-order neural decoder that is unfolded from a mean-field variational inference method. The experimental results show that our approach achieves consistent improvements on three IE tasks compared with our baseline and prior work.
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We study grammar induction with mildly context-sensitive grammars for unsupervised discontinuous parsing. Using the probabilistic linear context-free rewriting system (LCFRS) formalism, our approach fixes the rule structure in advance and focuses on parameter learning with maximum likelihood. To reduce the computational complexity of both parsing and parameter estimation, we restrict the grammar formalism to LCFRS-2 (i.e., binary LCFRS with fan-out two) and further discard rules that require O(n^6) time to parse, reducing inference to O(n^5). We find that using a large number of nonterminals is beneficial and thus make use of tensor decomposition-based rank-space dynamic programming with an embedding-based parameterization of rule probabilities to scale up the number of nonterminals. Experiments on German and Dutch show that our approach is able to induce linguistically meaningful trees with continuous and discontinuous structures
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Contextualized representation models such as ELMo (Peters et al., 2018a) and BERT (Devlin et al., 2018) have recently achieved state-of-the-art results on a diverse array of downstream NLP tasks. Building on recent token-level probing work, we introduce a novel edge probing task design and construct a broad suite of sub-sentence tasks derived from the traditional structured NLP pipeline. We probe word-level contextual representations from four recent models and investigate how they encode sentence structure across a range of syntactic, semantic, local, and long-range phenomena. We find that existing models trained on language modeling and translation produce strong representations for syntactic phenomena, but only offer comparably small improvements on semantic tasks over a non-contextual baseline.
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We present SpanBERT, a pre-training method that is designed to better represent and predict spans of text. Our approach extends BERT by (1) masking contiguous random spans, rather than random tokens, and (2) training the span boundary representations to predict the entire content of the masked span, without relying on the individual token representations within it. Span-BERT consistently outperforms BERT and our better-tuned baselines, with substantial gains on span selection tasks such as question answering and coreference resolution. In particular, with the same training data and model size as BERT large , our single model obtains 94.6% and 88.7% F1 on SQuAD 1.1 and 2.0 respectively. We also achieve a new state of the art on the OntoNotes coreference resolution task (79.6% F1), strong performance on the TACRED relation extraction benchmark, and even gains on GLUE. 1 * Equal contribution. 1 Our code and pre-trained models are available at https://github.com/facebookresearch/ SpanBERT.
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我们为指定实体识别(NER)提出了一个有效的双重编码框架,该框架将对比度学习用于映射候选文本跨度,并将实体类型映射到同一矢量表示空间中。先前的工作主要将NER作为序列标记或跨度分类。相反,我们将NER视为一个度量学习问题,它最大程度地提高了实体提及的向量表示之间的相似性及其类型。这使得易于处理嵌套和平坦的ner,并且可以更好地利用嘈杂的自我诉讼信号。 NER对本双重编码器制定的主要挑战在于将非实体跨度与实体提及分开。我们没有明确标记所有非实体跨度为外部(O)与大多数先前方法相同的类别(O),而是引入了一种新型的动态阈值损失,这与标准的对比度损失一起学习。实验表明,我们的方法在受到监督和远处有监督的设置中的表现良好(例如,Genia,NCBI,BC5CDR,JNLPBA)。
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本文概述了与CRAC 2022研讨会相关的多语言核心分辨率的共享任务。共同的任务参与者应该开发能够识别提及并根据身份核心重点聚集的训练系统。Corefud 1.0的公共版本包含10种语言的13个数据集,被用作培训和评估数据的来源。先前面向核心共享任务中使用的串联分数用作主要评估度量。5个参与团队提交了8个核心预测系统;此外,组织者在共享任务开始时提供了一个基于竞争变压器的基线系统。获胜者系统的表现优于基线12个百分点(就所有语言的所有数据集而言,在所有数据集中平均得分)。
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Coreference resolution (CR) is one of the most challenging areas of natural language processing. This task seeks to identify all textual references to the same real-world entity. Research in this field is divided into coreference resolution and anaphora resolution. Due to its application in textual comprehension and its utility in other tasks such as information extraction systems, document summarization, and machine translation, this field has attracted considerable interest. Consequently, it has a significant effect on the quality of these systems. This article reviews the existing corpora and evaluation metrics in this field. Then, an overview of the coreference algorithms, from rule-based methods to the latest deep learning techniques, is provided. Finally, coreference resolution and pronoun resolution systems in Persian are investigated.
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