Successful identification of blood vessel blockage is a crucial step for Alzheimer's disease diagnosis. These blocks can be identified from the spatial and time-depth variable Two-Photon Excitation Microscopy (TPEF) images of the brain blood vessels using machine learning methods. In this study, we propose several preprocessing schemes to improve the performance of these methods. Our method includes 3D-point cloud data extraction from image modality and their feature-space fusion to leverage complementary information inherent in different modalities. We also enforce the learned representation to be sequence-order invariant by utilizing bi-direction dataflow. Experimental results on The Clog Loss dataset show that our proposed method consistently outperforms the state-of-the-art preprocessing methods in stalled and non-stalled vessel classification.
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最近,融合了激光雷达点云和相机图像,提高了3D对象检测的性能和稳健性,因为这两种方式自然具有强烈的互补性。在本文中,我们通过引入新型级联双向融合〜(CB融合)模块和多模态一致性〜(MC)损耗来提出用于多模态3D对象检测的EPNet ++。更具体地说,所提出的CB融合模块提高点特征的丰富语义信息,以级联双向交互融合方式具有图像特征,导致更全面且辨别的特征表示。 MC损失明确保证预测分数之间的一致性,以获得更全面且可靠的置信度分数。基蒂,JRDB和Sun-RGBD数据集的实验结果展示了通过最先进的方法的EPNet ++的优越性。此外,我们强调一个关键但很容易被忽视的问题,这是探讨稀疏场景中的3D探测器的性能和鲁棒性。广泛的实验存在,EPNet ++优于现有的SOTA方法,在高稀疏点云壳中具有显着的边距,这可能是降低LIDAR传感器的昂贵成本的可用方向。代码将来会发布。
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Lung cancer is a severe menace to human health, due to which millions of people die because of late diagnoses of cancer; thus, it is vital to detect the disease as early as possible. The Computerized chest analysis Tomography of scan is assumed to be one of the efficient solutions for detecting and classifying lung nodules. The necessity of high accuracy of analyzing C.T. scan images of the lung is considered as one of the crucial challenges in detecting and classifying lung cancer. A new long-short-term-memory (LSTM) based deep fusion structure, is introduced, where, the texture features computed from lung nodules through new volumetric grey-level-co-occurrence-matrices (GLCM) computations are applied to classify the nodules into: benign, malignant and ambiguous. An improved Otsu segmentation method combined with the water strider optimization algorithm (WSA) is proposed to detect the lung nodules. Otsu-WSA thresholding can overcome the restrictions present in previous thresholding methods. Extended experiments are run to assess this fusion structure by considering 2D-GLCM computations based 2D-slices fusion, and an approximation of this 3D-GLCM with volumetric 2.5D-GLCM computations-based LSTM fusion structure. The proposed methods are trained and assessed through the LIDC-IDRI dataset, where 94.4%, 91.6%, and 95.8% Accuracy, sensitivity, and specificity are obtained, respectively for 2D-GLCM fusion and 97.33%, 96%, and 98%, accuracy, sensitivity, and specificity, respectively, for 2.5D-GLCM fusion. The yield of the same are 98.7%, 98%, and 99%, for the 3D-GLCM fusion. The obtained results and analysis indicate that the WSA-Otsu method requires less execution time and yields a more accurate thresholding process. It is found that 3D-GLCM based LSTM outperforms its counterparts.
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Color fundus photography and Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) are the two most cost-effective tools for glaucoma screening. Both two modalities of images have prominent biomarkers to indicate glaucoma suspected. Clinically, it is often recommended to take both of the screenings for a more accurate and reliable diagnosis. However, although numerous algorithms are proposed based on fundus images or OCT volumes in computer-aided diagnosis, there are still few methods leveraging both of the modalities for the glaucoma assessment. Inspired by the success of Retinal Fundus Glaucoma Challenge (REFUGE) we held previously, we set up the Glaucoma grAding from Multi-Modality imAges (GAMMA) Challenge to encourage the development of fundus \& OCT-based glaucoma grading. The primary task of the challenge is to grade glaucoma from both the 2D fundus images and 3D OCT scanning volumes. As part of GAMMA, we have publicly released a glaucoma annotated dataset with both 2D fundus color photography and 3D OCT volumes, which is the first multi-modality dataset for glaucoma grading. In addition, an evaluation framework is also established to evaluate the performance of the submitted methods. During the challenge, 1272 results were submitted, and finally, top-10 teams were selected to the final stage. We analysis their results and summarize their methods in the paper. Since all these teams submitted their source code in the challenge, a detailed ablation study is also conducted to verify the effectiveness of the particular modules proposed. We find many of the proposed techniques are practical for the clinical diagnosis of glaucoma. As the first in-depth study of fundus \& OCT multi-modality glaucoma grading, we believe the GAMMA Challenge will be an essential starting point for future research.
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Human activity recognition (HAR) using drone-mounted cameras has attracted considerable interest from the computer vision research community in recent years. A robust and efficient HAR system has a pivotal role in fields like video surveillance, crowd behavior analysis, sports analysis, and human-computer interaction. What makes it challenging are the complex poses, understanding different viewpoints, and the environmental scenarios where the action is taking place. To address such complexities, in this paper, we propose a novel Sparse Weighted Temporal Attention (SWTA) module to utilize sparsely sampled video frames for obtaining global weighted temporal attention. The proposed SWTA is comprised of two parts. First, temporal segment network that sparsely samples a given set of frames. Second, weighted temporal attention, which incorporates a fusion of attention maps derived from optical flow, with raw RGB images. This is followed by a basenet network, which comprises a convolutional neural network (CNN) module along with fully connected layers that provide us with activity recognition. The SWTA network can be used as a plug-in module to the existing deep CNN architectures, for optimizing them to learn temporal information by eliminating the need for a separate temporal stream. It has been evaluated on three publicly available benchmark datasets, namely Okutama, MOD20, and Drone-Action. The proposed model has received an accuracy of 72.76%, 92.56%, and 78.86% on the respective datasets thereby surpassing the previous state-of-the-art performances by a margin of 25.26%, 18.56%, and 2.94%, respectively.
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多模态数据在遥感(RS)中变得容易获得,并且可以提供有关地球表面的互补信息。因此,多模态信息的有效融合对于卢比的各种应用是重要的,而且由于域差异,噪音和冗余,也是非常具有挑战性的。缺乏有效和可扩展的融合技术,用于遍布多种模式编码器和完全利用互补信息。为此,我们提出了一种基于新型金字塔注意融合(PAF)模块和门控融合单元(GFU)的多模态遥感数据的新型多模态网络(Multimodnet)。 PAF模块旨在有效地从每个模态中获得丰富的细粒度上下文表示,具有内置的交叉级别和巧克力关注融合机制,GFU模块利用了新颖的门控机制,用于早期合并特征,从而降低隐藏的冗余和噪音。这使得可以有效地提取补充方式来提取最迟到的特征融合的最有价值和互补的信息。两个代表性RS基准数据集的广泛实验证明了多模态土地覆盖分类的多模型的有效性,鲁棒性和优越性。
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由直觉的激励,即在相应的3D点云中定位2D图像的关键步骤正在建立它们之间的2d-3d对应关系,我们提出了第一个基于特征的密度通信框架,以解决图像到点云注册问题,称为Corri2p,由三个模块组成,即特征嵌入,对称重叠区域检测和通过已建立的对应关系构成估计。具体而言,给定一对2D图像和3D点云,我们首先将它们转换为高维特征空间,并将结果特征馈入对称重叠区域检测器,以确定图像和点云相互重叠的区域。然后,我们使用重叠区域的功能在RANSAC内运行EPNP之前以估算相机的姿势,以建立2D-3D对应关系。 Kitti和Nuscenes数据集的实验结果表明,我们的Corri2p优于最先进的图像到点云注册方法。我们将公开提供代码。
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The International Workshop on Reading Music Systems (WoRMS) is a workshop that tries to connect researchers who develop systems for reading music, such as in the field of Optical Music Recognition, with other researchers and practitioners that could benefit from such systems, like librarians or musicologists. The relevant topics of interest for the workshop include, but are not limited to: Music reading systems; Optical music recognition; Datasets and performance evaluation; Image processing on music scores; Writer identification; Authoring, editing, storing and presentation systems for music scores; Multi-modal systems; Novel input-methods for music to produce written music; Web-based Music Information Retrieval services; Applications and projects; Use-cases related to written music. These are the proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Reading Music Systems, held in Alicante on the 23rd of July 2021.
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扩散MRI拖拉术是一种先进的成像技术,可实现大脑白质连接的体内映射。白质拟层将拖拉机分类为簇或解剖学上有意义的区域。它可以量化和可视化全脑拖拉学。当前,大多数拟层方法都集中在深白质(DWM)上,而由于其复杂性,更少的方法解决了浅表白质(SWM)。我们提出了一种新型的两阶段深度学习的框架,即浅表白质分析(SUPWMA​​),该框架对全脑拖拉机的198个SWM簇进行了有效且一致的分析。一个基于点云的网络适应了我们的SWM分析任务,并且监督的对比度学习可以在SWM的合理流线和离群值之间进行更多的歧视性表示。我们在大规模拖拉机数据集上训练模型,包括来自标签的SWM簇和解剖学上难以置信的流线样本的简化样品,我们对六个不同年龄和健康状况的独立获取的数据集进行测试(包括新生儿和具有空间型脑肿瘤的患者) )。与几种最先进的方法相比,SupWMA在所有数据集上获得了高度一致,准确的SWM分析结果,在整个健康和疾病的寿命中都良好的概括。另外,SUPWMA​​的计算速度比其他方法快得多。
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我们为RGB视频提供了基于变压器的神经网络体系结构,用于多对象3D重建。它依赖于表示知识的两种替代方法:作为特征的全局3D网格和一系列特定的2D网格。我们通过专用双向注意机制在两者之间逐步交换信息。我们利用有关图像形成过程的知识,以显着稀疏注意力重量矩阵,从而使我们的体系结构在记忆和计算方面可行。我们在3D特征网格的顶部附上一个detr风格的头,以检测场景中的对象并预测其3D姿势和3D形状。与以前的方法相比,我们的体系结构是单阶段,端到端可训练,并且可以从整体上考虑来自多个视频帧的场景,而无需脆弱的跟踪步骤。我们在挑战性的SCAN2CAD数据集上评估了我们的方法,在该数据集中,我们的表现要优于RGB视频的3D对象姿势估算的最新最新方法; (2)将多视图立体声与RGB-D CAD对齐结合的强大替代方法。我们计划发布我们的源代码。
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自动检测视网膜结构,例如视网膜血管(RV),凹起的血管区(FAZ)和视网膜血管连接(RVJ),对于了解眼睛的疾病和临床决策非常重要。在本文中,我们提出了一种新型的基于投票的自适应特征融合多任务网络(VAFF-NET),用于在光学相干性层析成像(OCTA)中对RV,FAZ和RVJ进行联合分割,检测和分类。提出了一个特定于任务的投票门模块,以适应并融合两个级别的特定任务的不同功能:来自单个编码器的不同空间位置的特征,以及来自多个编码器的功能。特别是,由于八八座图像中微脉管系统的复杂性使视网膜血管连接连接到分叉/跨越具有挑战性的任务的同时定位和分类,因此我们通过结合热图回归和网格分类来专门设计任务头。我们利用来自各种视网膜层的三个不同的\ textit {en face}血管造影,而不是遵循仅使用单个\ textit {en face}的现有方法。为了促进进一步的研究,已经发布了这些数据集的部分数据集,并已发布了公共访问:。
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Late-life depression (LLD) is a highly prevalent mood disorder occurring in older adults and is frequently accompanied by cognitive impairment (CI). Studies have shown that LLD may increase the risk of Alzheimer's disease (AD). However, the heterogeneity of presentation of geriatric depression suggests that multiple biological mechanisms may underlie it. Current biological research on LLD progression incorporates machine learning that combines neuroimaging data with clinical observations. There are few studies on incident cognitive diagnostic outcomes in LLD based on structural MRI (sMRI). In this paper, we describe the development of a hybrid representation learning (HRL) framework for predicting cognitive diagnosis over 5 years based on T1-weighted sMRI data. Specifically, we first extract prediction-oriented MRI features via a deep neural network, and then integrate them with handcrafted MRI features via a Transformer encoder for cognitive diagnosis prediction. Two tasks are investigated in this work, including (1) identifying cognitively normal subjects with LLD and never-depressed older healthy subjects, and (2) identifying LLD subjects who developed CI (or even AD) and those who stayed cognitively normal over five years. To the best of our knowledge, this is among the first attempts to study the complex heterogeneous progression of LLD based on task-oriented and handcrafted MRI features. We validate the proposed HRL on 294 subjects with T1-weighted MRIs from two clinically harmonized studies. Experimental results suggest that the HRL outperforms several classical machine learning and state-of-the-art deep learning methods in LLD identification and prediction tasks.
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X-ray imaging technology has been used for decades in clinical tasks to reveal the internal condition of different organs, and in recent years, it has become more common in other areas such as industry, security, and geography. The recent development of computer vision and machine learning techniques has also made it easier to automatically process X-ray images and several machine learning-based object (anomaly) detection, classification, and segmentation methods have been recently employed in X-ray image analysis. Due to the high potential of deep learning in related image processing applications, it has been used in most of the studies. This survey reviews the recent research on using computer vision and machine learning for X-ray analysis in industrial production and security applications and covers the applications, techniques, evaluation metrics, datasets, and performance comparison of those techniques on publicly available datasets. We also highlight some drawbacks in the published research and give recommendations for future research in computer vision-based X-ray analysis.
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