通过分析多OMICS数据,许多统计机器方法最终可能会突出复杂疾病的病因的新颖特征。然而,当观察到的样品可能被对抗性腐败的异常值(例如,虚构数据分布)可能被污染时,它们对分布的一些偏差敏感。同样,统计进步落后于支持复杂多OMICS数据集成的综合数据驱动分析。我们提出了一种新颖的非线性M估计的方法,“强大的内核机器回归(Robkmr)”,提高统计机器回归的鲁棒性和虚构数据的多样性,以检查多OMIC的高阶综合效果数据集。我们地址稳健的内核中心克矩阵,以准确估计模型参数。我们还提出了一个强大的评分测试,以评估来自多OMICS数据的特征的边缘和关节凸起产品。我们将我们提出的方法应用于来自白种人女性的骨质疏松症(OP)的多OMICS数据集。实验表明,所提出的方法有效地识别了OP的相关危险因素。具有固体证据(p值= 0.00001),生物验证,基于网络的分析,因果推断和药物重新施用,所选三个三胞胎((DKK1,SMTN,DRGX),(MTND5,FastKD2,CSMD3),(MTND5, COG3,CSMD3))是显着的生物标志物,直接涉及BMD。总的来说,前三种选定的基因(DKK1,MTND5,FastKD2)和一个基因(P值下的SIDT1 = 0.001)显着粘合来自30个药物,IBANDRONENT,ALENDRONES和30个候选药物重新培养的候选药物。此外,所提出的方法可以应用于可用多OMICS数据集的任何疾病模型。
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Causal inference is the process of using assumptions, study designs, and estimation strategies to draw conclusions about the causal relationships between variables based on data. This allows researchers to better understand the underlying mechanisms at work in complex systems and make more informed decisions. In many settings, we may not fully observe all the confounders that affect both the treatment and outcome variables, complicating the estimation of causal effects. To address this problem, a growing literature in both causal inference and machine learning proposes to use Instrumental Variables (IV). This paper serves as the first effort to systematically and comprehensively introduce and discuss the IV methods and their applications in both causal inference and machine learning. First, we provide the formal definition of IVs and discuss the identification problem of IV regression methods under different assumptions. Second, we categorize the existing work on IV methods into three streams according to the focus on the proposed methods, including two-stage least squares with IVs, control function with IVs, and evaluation of IVs. For each stream, we present both the classical causal inference methods, and recent developments in the machine learning literature. Then, we introduce a variety of applications of IV methods in real-world scenarios and provide a summary of the available datasets and algorithms. Finally, we summarize the literature, discuss the open problems and suggest promising future research directions for IV methods and their applications. We also develop a toolkit of IVs methods reviewed in this survey at https://github.com/causal-machine-learning-lab/mliv.
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Rapid advancements in collection and dissemination of multi-platform molecular and genomics data has resulted in enormous opportunities to aggregate such data in order to understand, prevent, and treat human diseases. While significant improvements have been made in multi-omic data integration methods to discover biological markers and mechanisms underlying both prognosis and treatment, the precise cellular functions governing these complex mechanisms still need detailed and data-driven de-novo evaluations. We propose a framework called Functional Integrative Bayesian Analysis of High-dimensional Multiplatform Genomic Data (fiBAG), that allows simultaneous identification of upstream functional evidence of proteogenomic biomarkers and the incorporation of such knowledge in Bayesian variable selection models to improve signal detection. fiBAG employs a conflation of Gaussian process models to quantify (possibly non-linear) functional evidence via Bayes factors, which are then mapped to a novel calibrated spike-and-slab prior, thus guiding selection and providing functional relevance to the associations with patient outcomes. Using simulations, we illustrate how integrative methods with functional calibration have higher power to detect disease related markers than non-integrative approaches. We demonstrate the profitability of fiBAG via a pan-cancer analysis of 14 cancer types to identify and assess the cellular mechanisms of proteogenomic markers associated with cancer stemness and patient survival.
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鉴定新型药物靶标相互作用(DTI)是药物发现中的关键和速率限制步骤。虽然已经提出了深入学习模型来加速识别过程,但我们表明最先进的模型无法概括到新颖(即,从未见过的)结构上。我们首先揭示负责此缺点的机制,展示模型如何依赖于利用蛋白质 - 配体二分网络拓扑的捷径,而不是学习节点特征。然后,我们介绍AI-BIND,这是一个与无监督的预训练的基于网络的采样策略相结合的管道,使我们能够限制注释不平衡并改善新型蛋白质和配体的结合预测。我们通过预测具有结合亲和力的药物和天然化合物对SARS-COV-2病毒蛋白和相关的人蛋白质来说明Ai-reat的值。我们还通过自动扩展模拟和与最近的实验证据进行比较来验证这些预测。总体而言,AI-Bind提供了一种强大的高通量方法来识别药物目标组合,具有成为药物发现中强大工具的可能性。
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Many scientific problems require identifying a small set of covariates that are associated with a target response and estimating their effects. Often, these effects are nonlinear and include interactions, so linear and additive methods can lead to poor estimation and variable selection. Unfortunately, methods that simultaneously express sparsity, nonlinearity, and interactions are computationally intractable -- with runtime at least quadratic in the number of covariates, and often worse. In the present work, we solve this computational bottleneck. We show that suitable interaction models have a kernel representation, namely there exists a "kernel trick" to perform variable selection and estimation in $O$(# covariates) time. Our resulting fit corresponds to a sparse orthogonal decomposition of the regression function in a Hilbert space (i.e., a functional ANOVA decomposition), where interaction effects represent all variation that cannot be explained by lower-order effects. On a variety of synthetic and real data sets, our approach outperforms existing methods used for large, high-dimensional data sets while remaining competitive (or being orders of magnitude faster) in runtime.
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生物医学网络是与疾病网络的蛋白质相互作用的普遍描述符,从蛋白质相互作用,一直到医疗保健系统和科学知识。随着代表学习提供强大的预测和洞察的显着成功,我们目睹了表现形式学习技术的快速扩展,进入了这些网络的建模,分析和学习。在这篇综述中,我们提出了一个观察到生物学和医学中的网络长期原则 - 而在机器学习研究中经常出口 - 可以为代表学习提供概念基础,解释其当前的成功和限制,并告知未来进步。我们综合了一系列算法方法,即在其核心利用图形拓扑到将网络嵌入到紧凑的向量空间中,并捕获表示陈述学习证明有用的方式的广度。深远的影响包括鉴定复杂性状的变异性,单细胞的异心行为及其对健康的影响,协助患者的诊断和治疗以及制定安全有效的药物。
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在许多学科中,在大量解释变量中推断反应变量的直接因果父母的问题具有很高的实际意义。但是,建立的方法通常至少会随着解释变量的数量而呈指数级扩展,难以扩展到非线性关系,并且很难扩展到周期性数据。受{\ em Debiased}机器学习方法的启发,我们研究了一种单Vs.-the-Rest特征选择方法,以发现响应的直接因果父母。我们提出了一种用于纯观测数据的算法,同时还提供理论保证,包括可能在周期存在下的部分非线性关系的情况。由于它仅需要对每个变量进行一个估计,因此我们的方法甚至适用于大图。与既定方法相比,我们证明了显着改善。
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该药物发现​​和开发过程是一个漫长而昂贵的过程,每次药物平均耗资超过10亿美元,需要10 - 15年的时间。为了减少在整个过程中的高水平流失量,在最近十年中,越来越多地将机器学习方法应用于药物发现和发育的各个阶段,尤其是在最早鉴定可药物疾病基因的阶段。在本文中,我们开发了一种新的张量分解模型,以预测用于治疗疾病的潜在药物靶标(基因或蛋白质)。我们创建了一个三维数据张量,该数据张量由1,048个基因靶标,860个疾病和230,0111111111111111111111111111111的证据属性和临床结果,并使用从开放式目标和药物数据库中提取的数据组成。我们用从药物发现的知识图中学到的基因目标表示丰富了数据,并应用了我们提出的方法来预测看不见的基因靶标和疾病对的临床结果。我们设计了三种评估策略来衡量预测性能,并将几个常用的机器学习分类器与贝叶斯矩阵和张量分解方法进行了基准测试。结果表明,合并知识图嵌入可显着提高预测准确性,并与密集的神经网络一起训练张量分解优于所有其他基线。总而言之,我们的框架结合了两种积极研究的机器学习方法,用于疾病目标识别,即张量分解和知识图表示学习,这可能是在数据驱动的药物发现中进一步探索的有希望的途径。
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The discovery of drug-target interactions (DTIs) is a pivotal process in pharmaceutical development. Computational approaches are a promising and efficient alternative to tedious and costly wet-lab experiments for predicting novel DTIs from numerous candidates. Recently, with the availability of abundant heterogeneous biological information from diverse data sources, computational methods have been able to leverage multiple drug and target similarities to boost the performance of DTI prediction. Similarity integration is an effective and flexible strategy to extract crucial information across complementary similarity views, providing a compressed input for any similarity-based DTI prediction model. However, existing similarity integration methods filter and fuse similarities from a global perspective, neglecting the utility of similarity views for each drug and target. In this study, we propose a Fine-Grained Selective similarity integration approach, called FGS, which employs a local interaction consistency-based weight matrix to capture and exploit the importance of similarities at a finer granularity in both similarity selection and combination steps. We evaluate FGS on five DTI prediction datasets under various prediction settings. Experimental results show that our method not only outperforms similarity integration competitors with comparable computational costs, but also achieves better prediction performance than state-of-the-art DTI prediction approaches by collaborating with conventional base models. Furthermore, case studies on the analysis of similarity weights and on the verification of novel predictions confirm the practical ability of FGS.
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Over the past decade, neural networks have been successful at making predictions from biological sequences, especially in the context of regulatory genomics. As in other fields of deep learning, tools have been devised to extract features such as sequence motifs that can explain the predictions made by a trained network. Here we intend to go beyond explainable machine learning and introduce SEISM, a selective inference procedure to test the association between these extracted features and the predicted phenotype. In particular, we discuss how training a one-layer convolutional network is formally equivalent to selecting motifs maximizing some association score. We adapt existing sampling-based selective inference procedures by quantizing this selection over an infinite set to a large but finite grid. Finally, we show that sampling under a specific choice of parameters is sufficient to characterize the composite null hypothesis typically used for selective inference-a result that goes well beyond our particular framework. We illustrate the behavior of our method in terms of calibration, power and speed and discuss its power/speed trade-off with a simpler data-split strategy. SEISM paves the way to an easier analysis of neural networks used in regulatory genomics, and to more powerful methods for genome wide association studies (GWAS).
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Network-based analyses of dynamical systems have become increasingly popular in climate science. Here we address network construction from a statistical perspective and highlight the often ignored fact that the calculated correlation values are only empirical estimates. To measure spurious behaviour as deviation from a ground truth network, we simulate time-dependent isotropic random fields on the sphere and apply common network construction techniques. We find several ways in which the uncertainty stemming from the estimation procedure has major impact on network characteristics. When the data has locally coherent correlation structure, spurious link bundle teleconnections and spurious high-degree clusters have to be expected. Anisotropic estimation variance can also induce severe biases into empirical networks. We validate our findings with ERA5 reanalysis data. Moreover we explain why commonly applied resampling procedures are inappropriate for significance evaluation and propose a statistically more meaningful ensemble construction framework. By communicating which difficulties arise in estimation from scarce data and by presenting which design decisions increase robustness, we hope to contribute to more reliable climate network construction in the future.
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