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Recently developed methods for video analysis, especially models for pose estimation and behavior classification, are transforming behavioral quantification to be more precise, scalable, and reproducible in fields such as neuroscience and ethology. These tools overcome long-standing limitations of manual scoring of video frames and traditional "center of mass" tracking algorithms to enable video analysis at scale. The expansion of open-source tools for video acquisition and analysis has led to new experimental approaches to understand behavior. Here, we review currently available open-source tools for video analysis and discuss how to set up these methods for labs new to video recording. We also discuss best practices for developing and using video analysis methods, including community-wide standards and critical needs for the open sharing of datasets and code, more widespread comparisons of video analysis methods, and better documentation for these methods especially for new users. We encourage broader adoption and continued development of these tools, which have tremendous potential for accelerating scientific progress in understanding the brain and behavior.
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We introduce a new dataset, Human3.6M, of 3.6 Million accurate 3D Human poses, acquired by recording the performance of 5 female and 6 male subjects, under 4 different viewpoints, for training realistic human sensing systems and for evaluating the next generation of human pose estimation models and algorithms. Besides increasing the size of the datasets in the current state of the art by several orders of magnitude, we also aim to complement such datasets with a diverse set of motions and poses encountered as part of typical human activities (taking photos, talking on the phone, posing, greeting, eating, etc.), with additional synchronized image, human motion capture and time of flight (depth) data, and with accurate 3D body scans of all the subject actors involved. We also provide controlled mixed reality evaluation scenarios where 3D human models are animated using motion capture and inserted using correct 3D geometry, in complex real environments, viewed with moving cameras, and under occlusion. Finally, we provide a set of large scale statistical models and detailed evaluation baselines for the dataset illustrating its diversity and the scope for improvement by future work in the research community. Our experiments show that our best large scale model can leverage our full training set to obtain a 20% improvement in performance compared to a training set of the scale of the largest existing public dataset for this problem. Yet the potential for improvement by leveraging higher capacity, more complex models with our large dataset, is substantially vaster and should stimulate future research. The dataset together with code for the associated large-scale learning models, features, visualization tools, as well as the evaluation server, is available online at http://vision.imar.ro/human3.6m.
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and ACCAD [5] datasets. The input is sparse markers and the output is SMPL body models.
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This paper proposes a novel application system for the generation of three-dimensional (3D) character animation driven by markerless human body motion capturing. The entire pipeline of the system consists of five stages: 1) the capturing of motion data using multiple cameras, 2) detection of the two-dimensional (2D) human body joints, 3) estimation of the 3D joints, 4) calculation of bone transformation matrices, and 5) generation of character animation. The main objective of this study is to generate a 3D skeleton and animation for 3D characters using multi-view images captured by ordinary cameras. The computational complexity of the 3D skeleton reconstruction based on 3D vision has been reduced as needed to achieve frame-by-frame motion capturing. The experimental results reveal that our system can effectively and efficiently capture human actions and use them to animate 3D cartoon characters in real-time.
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多代理行为建模旨在了解代理之间发生的交互。我们从行为神经科学,Caltech鼠标社交交互(CALMS21)数据集中提供了一个多代理数据集。我们的数据集由社交交互的轨迹数据组成,从标准居民入侵者测定中自由行为小鼠的视频记录。为了帮助加速行为研究,CALMS21数据集提供基准,以评估三种设置中自动行为分类方法的性能:(1)用于培训由单个注释器的所有注释,(2)用于风格转移以进行学习互动在特定有限培训数据的新行为学习的行为定义和(3)的注释差异。 DataSet由600万个未标记的追踪姿势的交互小鼠组成,以及超过100万帧,具有跟踪的姿势和相应的帧级行为注释。我们的数据集的挑战是能够使用标记和未标记的跟踪数据准确地对行为进行分类,以及能够概括新设置。
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With the continuously thriving popularity around the world, fitness activity analytic has become an emerging research topic in computer vision. While a variety of new tasks and algorithms have been proposed recently, there are growing hunger for data resources involved in high-quality data, fine-grained labels, and diverse environments. In this paper, we present FLAG3D, a large-scale 3D fitness activity dataset with language instruction containing 180K sequences of 60 categories. FLAG3D features the following three aspects: 1) accurate and dense 3D human pose captured from advanced MoCap system to handle the complex activity and large movement, 2) detailed and professional language instruction to describe how to perform a specific activity, 3) versatile video resources from a high-tech MoCap system, rendering software, and cost-effective smartphones in natural environments. Extensive experiments and in-depth analysis show that FLAG3D contributes great research value for various challenges, such as cross-domain human action recognition, dynamic human mesh recovery, and language-guided human action generation. Our dataset and source code will be publicly available at https://andytang15.github.io/FLAG3D.
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Human pose estimation has been widely applied in various industries. While recent decades have witnessed the introduction of many advanced two-dimensional (2D) human pose estimation solutions, three-dimensional (3D) human pose estimation is still an active research field in computer vision. Generally speaking, 3D human pose estimation methods can be divided into two categories: single-stage and two-stage. In this paper, we focused on the 2D-to-3D lifting process in the two-stage methods and proposed a more advanced baseline model for 3D human pose estimation, based on the existing solutions. Our improvements include optimization of machine learning models and multiple parameters, as well as introduction of a weighted loss to the training model. Finally, we used the Human3.6M benchmark to test the final performance and it did produce satisfactory results.
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Estimating human pose, shape, and motion from images and videos are fundamental challenges with many applications. Recent advances in 2D human pose estimation use large amounts of manually-labeled training data for learning convolutional neural networks (CNNs). Such data is time consuming to acquire and difficult to extend. Moreover, manual labeling of 3D pose, depth and motion is impractical. In this work we present SURREAL (Synthetic hUmans foR REAL tasks): a new large-scale dataset with synthetically-generated but realistic images of people rendered from 3D sequences of human motion capture data. We generate more than 6 million frames together with ground truth pose, depth maps, and segmentation masks. We show that CNNs trained on our synthetic dataset allow for accurate human depth estimation and human part segmentation in real RGB images. Our results and the new dataset open up new possibilities for advancing person analysis using cheap and large-scale synthetic data.
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3D pose estimation is a challenging problem in computer vision. Most of the existing neural-network-based approaches address color or depth images through convolution networks (CNNs). In this paper, we study the task of 3D human pose estimation from depth images. Different from the existing CNN-based human pose estimation method, we propose a deep human pose network for 3D pose estimation by taking the point cloud data as input data to model the surface of complex human structures. We first cast the 3D human pose estimation from 2D depth images to 3D point clouds and directly predict the 3D joint position. Our experiments on two public datasets show that our approach achieves higher accuracy than previous state-of-art methods. The reported results on both ITOP and EVAL datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of our method on the targeted tasks.
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由于价格合理的可穿戴摄像头和大型注释数据集的可用性,在过去几年中,Egintric Vision(又名第一人称视觉-FPV)的应用程序在过去几年中蓬勃发展。可穿戴摄像机的位置(通常安装在头部上)允许准确记录摄像头佩戴者在其前面的摄像头,尤其是手和操纵物体。这种内在的优势可以从多个角度研究手:将手及其部分定位在图像中;了解双手涉及哪些行动和活动;并开发依靠手势的人类计算机界面。在这项调查中,我们回顾了使用以自我为中心的愿景专注于手的文献,将现有方法分类为:本地化(其中的手或部分在哪里?);解释(手在做什么?);和应用程序(例如,使用以上为中心的手提示解决特定问题的系统)。此外,还提供了带有手基注释的最突出的数据集的列表。
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3D models provide a common ground for different representations of human bodies. In turn, robust 2D estimation has proven to be a powerful tool to obtain 3D fits "in-thewild". However, depending on the level of detail, it can be hard to impossible to acquire labeled data for training 2D estimators on large scale. We propose a hybrid approach to this problem: with an extended version of the recently introduced SMPLify method, we obtain high quality 3D body model fits for multiple human pose datasets. Human annotators solely sort good and bad fits. This procedure leads to an initial dataset, UP-3D, with rich annotations. With a comprehensive set of experiments, we show how this data can be used to train discriminative models that produce results with an unprecedented level of detail: our models predict 31 segments and 91 landmark locations on the body. Using the 91 landmark pose estimator, we present state-ofthe art results for 3D human pose and shape estimation using an order of magnitude less training data and without assumptions about gender or pose in the fitting procedure. We show that UP-3D can be enhanced with these improved fits to grow in quantity and quality, which makes the system deployable on large scale. The data, code and models are available for research purposes.* This work was performed while J. Romero and F. Bogo were with the MPI-IS 2 ; P. V. Gehler with the BCCN 1 and MPI-IS 2 .
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本文认为共同解决估计3D人体的高度相关任务,并从RGB图像序列预测未来的3D运动。基于Lie代数姿势表示,提出了一种新的自投影机制,自然保留了人类运动运动学。通过基于编码器 - 解码器拓扑的序列到序列的多任务架构进一步促进了这一点,这使我们能够利用两个任务共享的公共场所。最后,提出了一个全球细化模块来提高框架的性能。我们的方法称为PoMomemet的效力是通过消融测试和人文3.6M和Humaneva-I基准的实证评估,从而获得与最先进的竞争性能。
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