我们引入了一种新的经验贝叶斯方法,用于大规模多线性回归。我们的方法结合了两个关键思想:(i)使用灵活的“自适应收缩”先验,该先验近似于正常分布的有限混合物,近似于正常分布的非参数家族; (ii)使用变分近似来有效估计先前的超参数并计算近似后期。将这两个想法结合起来,将快速,灵活的方法与计算速度相当,可与快速惩罚的回归方法(例如Lasso)相当,并在各种场景中具有出色的预测准确性。此外,我们表明,我们方法中的后验平均值可以解释为解决惩罚性回归问题,并通过直接解决优化问题(而不是通过交叉验证来调整)从数据中学到的惩罚函数的精确形式。 。我们的方法是在r https://github.com/stephenslab/mr.ash.ash.alpha的r软件包中实现的
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The horseshoe prior is known to possess many desirable properties for Bayesian estimation of sparse parameter vectors, yet its density function lacks an analytic form. As such, it is challenging to find a closed-form solution for the posterior mode. Conventional horseshoe estimators use the posterior mean to estimate the parameters, but these estimates are not sparse. We propose a novel expectation-maximisation (EM) procedure for computing the MAP estimates of the parameters in the case of the standard linear model. A particular strength of our approach is that the M-step depends only on the form of the prior and it is independent of the form of the likelihood. We introduce several simple modifications of this EM procedure that allow for straightforward extension to generalised linear models. In experiments performed on simulated and real data, our approach performs comparable, or superior to, state-of-the-art sparse estimation methods in terms of statistical performance and computational cost.
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我们提出了一种估计具有标称分类数据的高维线性模型的方法。我们的估算器,称为范围,通过使其相应的系数完全相等来融合水平。这是通过对分类变量的系数的阶数统计之间的差异之间的差异来实现这一点,从而聚类系数。我们提供了一种算法,用于精确和有效地计算在具有潜在许多级别的单个变量的情况下的总体上的最小值的全局最小值,并且在多变量情况下在块坐标血管下降过程中使用它。我们表明,利用未知级别融合的Oracle最小二乘解决方案是具有高概率的坐标血缘的极限点,只要真正的级别具有一定的最小分离;已知这些条件在单变量案例中最小。我们展示了在一系列实际和模拟数据集中的范围的有利性能。 R包的R包Catreg实现线性模型的范围,也可以在CRAN上提供逻辑回归的版本。
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在稀疏线性建模 - 最佳子集选择中,研究了一个看似意外的,相对不太理解的基本工具的过度选择,这最小化了对非零系数的约束的限制的剩余平方和。虽然当信噪比(SNR)高时,最佳子集选择过程通常被视为稀疏学习中的“黄金标准”,但是当SNR低时,其预测性能会恶化。特别是,它通过连续收缩方法而言,例如脊回归和套索。我们研究了高噪声制度中最佳子集选择的行为,并提出了一种基于最小二乘标准的正则化版本的替代方法。我们提出的估算员(a)在很大程度上减轻了高噪声制度的最佳次集选择的可预测性能差。 (b)相对于通过脊回归和套索的最佳预测模型,通常递送大幅稀疏模型的同时表现出有利的。我们对所提出的方法的预测性质进行广泛的理论分析,并在噪声水平高时提供相对于最佳子集选择的优越预测性能的理由。我们的估算器可以表达为混合整数二阶圆锥优化问题的解决方案,因此,来自数学优化的现代计算工具可供使用。
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Many scientific problems require identifying a small set of covariates that are associated with a target response and estimating their effects. Often, these effects are nonlinear and include interactions, so linear and additive methods can lead to poor estimation and variable selection. Unfortunately, methods that simultaneously express sparsity, nonlinearity, and interactions are computationally intractable -- with runtime at least quadratic in the number of covariates, and often worse. In the present work, we solve this computational bottleneck. We show that suitable interaction models have a kernel representation, namely there exists a "kernel trick" to perform variable selection and estimation in $O$(# covariates) time. Our resulting fit corresponds to a sparse orthogonal decomposition of the regression function in a Hilbert space (i.e., a functional ANOVA decomposition), where interaction effects represent all variation that cannot be explained by lower-order effects. On a variety of synthetic and real data sets, our approach outperforms existing methods used for large, high-dimensional data sets while remaining competitive (or being orders of magnitude faster) in runtime.
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One of the core problems of modern statistics is to approximate difficult-to-compute probability densities. This problem is especially important in Bayesian statistics, which frames all inference about unknown quantities as a calculation involving the posterior density. In this paper, we review variational inference (VI), a method from machine learning that approximates probability densities through optimization. VI has been used in many applications and tends to be faster than classical methods, such as Markov chain Monte Carlo sampling. The idea behind VI is to first posit a family of densities and then to find the member of that family which is close to the target. Closeness is measured by Kullback-Leibler divergence. We review the ideas behind mean-field variational inference, discuss the special case of VI applied to exponential family models, present a full example with a Bayesian mixture of Gaussians, and derive a variant that uses stochastic optimization to scale up to massive data. We discuss modern research in VI and highlight important open problems. VI is powerful, but it is not yet well understood. Our hope in writing this paper is to catalyze statistical research on this class of algorithms.
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Modern statistical learning algorithms are capable of amazing flexibility, but struggle with interpretability. One possible solution is sparsity: making inference such that many of the parameters are estimated as being identically 0, which may be imposed through the use of nonsmooth penalties such as the $\ell_1$ penalty. However, the $\ell_1$ penalty introduces significant bias when high sparsity is desired. In this article, we retain the $\ell_1$ penalty, but define learnable penalty weights $\lambda_p$ endowed with hyperpriors. We start the article by investigating the optimization problem this poses, developing a proximal operator associated with the $\ell_1$ norm. We then study the theoretical properties of this variable-coefficient $\ell_1$ penalty in the context of penalized likelihood. Next, we investigate application of this penalty to Variational Bayes, developing a model we call the Sparse Bayesian Lasso which allows for behavior qualitatively like Lasso regression to be applied to arbitrary variational models. In simulation studies, this gives us the Uncertainty Quantification and low bias properties of simulation-based approaches with an order of magnitude less computation. Finally, we apply our methodology to a Bayesian lagged spatiotemporal regression model of internal displacement that occurred during the Iraqi Civil War of 2013-2017.
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具有伽马超高提升的分层模型提供了一个灵活,稀疏的促销框架,用于桥接$ l ^ 1 $和$ l ^ 2 $ scalalizations在贝叶斯的配方中致正问题。尽管对这些模型具有贝叶斯动机,但现有的方法仅限于\ Textit {最大后验}估计。尚未实现执行不确定性量化的可能性。本文介绍了伽马超高图的分层逆问题的变分迭代交替方案。所提出的变分推理方法产生精确的重建,提供有意义的不确定性量化,易于实施。此外,它自然地引入了用于选择超参数的模型选择。我们说明了我们在几个计算的示例中的方法的性能,包括从时间序列数据的动态系统的解卷积问题和稀疏识别。
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这项正在进行的工作旨在为统计学习提供统一的介绍,从诸如GMM和HMM等经典模型到现代神经网络(如VAE和扩散模型)缓慢地构建。如今,有许多互联网资源可以孤立地解释这一点或新的机器学习算法,但是它们并没有(也不能在如此简短的空间中)将这些算法彼此连接起来,或者与统计模型的经典文献相连现代算法出现了。同样明显缺乏的是一个单一的符号系统,尽管对那些已经熟悉材料的人(如这些帖子的作者)不满意,但对新手的入境造成了重大障碍。同样,我的目的是将各种模型(尽可能)吸收到一个用于推理和学习的框架上,表明(以及为什么)如何以最小的变化将一个模型更改为另一个模型(其中一些是新颖的,另一些是文献中的)。某些背景当然是必要的。我以为读者熟悉基本的多变量计算,概率和统计以及线性代数。这本书的目标当然不是​​完整性,而是从基本知识到过去十年中极强大的新模型的直线路径或多或少。然后,目标是补充而不是替换,诸如Bishop的\ emph {模式识别和机器学习}之类的综合文本,该文本现在已经15岁了。
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We extend best-subset selection to linear Multi-Task Learning (MTL), where a set of linear models are jointly trained on a collection of datasets (``tasks''). Allowing the regression coefficients of tasks to have different sparsity patterns (i.e., different supports), we propose a modeling framework for MTL that encourages models to share information across tasks, for a given covariate, through separately 1) shrinking the coefficient supports together, and/or 2) shrinking the coefficient values together. This allows models to borrow strength during variable selection even when the coefficient values differ markedly between tasks. We express our modeling framework as a Mixed-Integer Program, and propose efficient and scalable algorithms based on block coordinate descent and combinatorial local search. We show our estimator achieves statistically optimal prediction rates. Importantly, our theory characterizes how our estimator leverages the shared support information across tasks to achieve better variable selection performance. We evaluate the performance of our method in simulations and two biology applications. Our proposed approaches outperform other sparse MTL methods in variable selection and prediction accuracy. Interestingly, penalties that shrink the supports together often outperform penalties that shrink the coefficient values together. We will release an R package implementing our methods.
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Multivariate Hawkes processes are temporal point processes extensively applied to model event data with dependence on past occurrences and interaction phenomena. In the generalised nonlinear model, positive and negative interactions between the components of the process are allowed, therefore accounting for so-called excitation and inhibition effects. In the nonparametric setting, learning the temporal dependence structure of Hawkes processes is often a computationally expensive task, all the more with Bayesian estimation methods. In general, the posterior distribution in the nonlinear Hawkes model is non-conjugate and doubly intractable. Moreover, existing Monte-Carlo Markov Chain methods are often slow and not scalable to high-dimensional processes in practice. Recently, efficient algorithms targeting a mean-field variational approximation of the posterior distribution have been proposed. In this work, we unify existing variational Bayes inference approaches under a general framework, that we theoretically analyse under easily verifiable conditions on the prior, the variational class, and the model. We notably apply our theory to a novel spike-and-slab variational class, that can induce sparsity through the connectivity graph parameter of the multivariate Hawkes model. Then, in the context of the popular sigmoid Hawkes model, we leverage existing data augmentation technique and design adaptive and sparsity-inducing mean-field variational methods. In particular, we propose a two-step algorithm based on a thresholding heuristic to select the graph parameter. Through an extensive set of numerical simulations, we demonstrate that our approach enjoys several benefits: it is computationally efficient, can reduce the dimensionality of the problem by selecting the graph parameter, and is able to adapt to the smoothness of the underlying parameter.
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潜在位置网络模型是网络科学的多功能工具;应用程序包括集群实体,控制因果混淆,并在未观察的图形上定义前提。估计每个节点的潜在位置通常是贝叶斯推理问题的群体,吉布斯内的大都市是最流行的近似后分布的工具。然而,众所周知,GIBBS内的大都市对于大型网络而言是低效;接受比计算成本昂贵,并且所得到的后绘高度相关。在本文中,我们提出了一个替代的马尔可夫链蒙特卡罗战略 - 使用分裂哈密顿蒙特卡罗和萤火虫蒙特卡罗的组合定义 - 利用后部分布的功能形式进行更有效的后退计算。我们展示了这些战略在吉布斯和综合网络上的其他算法中优于大都市,以及学区的教师和工作人员的真正信息共享网络。
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