It would be useful for machines to use computers as humans do so that they can aid us in everyday tasks. This is a setting in which there is also the potential to leverage large-scale expert demonstrations and human judgements of interactive behaviour, which are two ingredients that have driven much recent success in AI. Here we investigate the setting of computer control using keyboard and mouse, with goals specified via natural language. Instead of focusing on hand-designed curricula and specialized action spaces, we focus on developing a scalable method centered on reinforcement learning combined with behavioural priors informed by actual human-computer interactions. We achieve state-of-the-art and human-level mean performance across all tasks within the MiniWob++ benchmark, a challenging suite of computer control problems, and find strong evidence of cross-task transfer. These results demonstrate the usefulness of a unified human-agent interface when training machines to use computers. Altogether our results suggest a formula for achieving competency beyond MiniWob++ and towards controlling computers, in general, as a human would.
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在嘈杂的互联网规模数据集上进行了预测,已对具有广泛的文本,图像和其他模式能力的培训模型进行了大量研究。但是,对于许多顺序决策域,例如机器人技术,视频游戏和计算机使用,公开可用的数据不包含以相同方式训练行为先验所需的标签。我们通过半监督的模仿学习将互联网规模的预处理扩展到顺序的决策域,其中代理通过观看在线未标记的视频来学习行动。具体而言,我们表明,使用少量标记的数据,我们可以训练一个足够准确的反向动力学模型,可以标记一个巨大的未标记在线数据来源 - 在这里,在线播放Minecraft的在线视频 - 然后我们可以从中训练一般行为先验。尽管使用了本地人类界面(鼠标和键盘为20Hz),但我们表明,这种行为先验具有非平凡的零射击功能,并且可以通过模仿学习和加强学习,可以对其进行微调,以进行硬探索任务。不可能通过增强学习从头开始学习。对于许多任务,我们的模型都表现出人类水平的性能,我们是第一个报告可以制作钻石工具的计算机代理,这些工具可以花费超过20分钟(24,000个环境动作)的游戏玩法来实现。
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Inspired by progress in large-scale language modeling, we apply a similar approach towards building a single generalist agent beyond the realm of text outputs. The agent, which we refer to as Gato, works as a multi-modal, multi-task, multi-embodiment generalist policy. The same network with the same weights can play Atari, caption images, chat, stack blocks with a real robot arm and much more, deciding based on its context whether to output text, joint torques, button presses, or other tokens. In this report we describe the model and the data, and document the current capabilities of Gato.
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在交互式环境中,现有的基础语言基准要么缺乏现实世界的语言元素,要么由于人类参与数据收集或反馈信号而难以扩展。为了弥合这一差距,我们开发了网络商店 - 一个模拟的电子商务网站环境,拥有11.18亿美元的现实世界中的产品和12,087美元的人群文本说明。给定指定产品需求的文本指令,代理需要导航多种类型的网页并发布各种操作以查找,自定义和购买项目。 WebShop为语言基础提供了一些挑战,包括了解构图说明,查询(重新)表述,理解和对网页中的嘈杂文本进行操作以及执行战略探索。我们为这项任务收集了超过1,600美元的人类示范,并使用强化学习,模仿学习以及预训练的图像和语言模型来训练和评估各种代理商。我们的最佳模型达到了任务成功率$ 29 \%$,它优于基于规则的启发式方法($ 9.6 \%$),但远低于人类专家绩效($ 59 \%$)。我们还分析了代理和人类轨迹,并消融各种模型组件,以提供有关具有更强语言理解和决策能力的未来代理人的见解。最后,我们表明,在Amazon.com上进行评估时,在网络商店进行培训的代理商展示了非平凡的SIM转移转移,这表明网络商店在开发可以在野外运行的实用基于网络的代理商中的潜在价值。
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We present a retrospective on the state of Embodied AI research. Our analysis focuses on 13 challenges presented at the Embodied AI Workshop at CVPR. These challenges are grouped into three themes: (1) visual navigation, (2) rearrangement, and (3) embodied vision-and-language. We discuss the dominant datasets within each theme, evaluation metrics for the challenges, and the performance of state-of-the-art models. We highlight commonalities between top approaches to the challenges and identify potential future directions for Embodied AI research.
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Transformer, originally devised for natural language processing, has also attested significant success in computer vision. Thanks to its super expressive power, researchers are investigating ways to deploy transformers to reinforcement learning (RL) and the transformer-based models have manifested their potential in representative RL benchmarks. In this paper, we collect and dissect recent advances on transforming RL by transformer (transformer-based RL or TRL), in order to explore its development trajectory and future trend. We group existing developments in two categories: architecture enhancement and trajectory optimization, and examine the main applications of TRL in robotic manipulation, text-based games, navigation and autonomous driving. For architecture enhancement, these methods consider how to apply the powerful transformer structure to RL problems under the traditional RL framework, which model agents and environments much more precisely than deep RL methods, but they are still limited by the inherent defects of traditional RL algorithms, such as bootstrapping and "deadly triad". For trajectory optimization, these methods treat RL problems as sequence modeling and train a joint state-action model over entire trajectories under the behavior cloning framework, which are able to extract policies from static datasets and fully use the long-sequence modeling capability of the transformer. Given these advancements, extensions and challenges in TRL are reviewed and proposals about future direction are discussed. We hope that this survey can provide a detailed introduction to TRL and motivate future research in this rapidly developing field.
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创建可以自然与人类互动的代理是人工智能(AI)研究中的共同目标。但是,评估这些互动是具有挑战性的:收集在线人类代理相互作用缓慢而昂贵,但更快的代理指标通常与交互式评估相关。在本文中,我们评估了这些现有评估指标的优点,并提出了一种新颖的评估方法,称为标准化测试套件(STS)。 STS使用从真实人类交互数据中挖掘出的行为方案。代理商请参阅重播方案上下文,接收指令,然后将控制权控制以脱机完成交互。记录这些代理的延续并将其发送给人类注释者以将其标记为成功或失败,并且根据其成功的连续性比例对代理进行排名。最终的ST是自然主义相互作用的快速,控制,可解释的和代表的。总的来说,STS巩固了我们许多标准评估指标中所需的许多值,从而使我们能够加速研究进展,以生产可以自然与人类互动的代理。可以在上找到视频。
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本文介绍了一种扮演流行的第一人称射击(FPS)视频游戏的AI代理商的AI代理商;来自像素输入的全球攻势(CSGO)。代理人,一个深度神经网络,符合Deathmatch游戏模式内置AI内置AI的媒体难度的性能,同时采用人类的戏剧风格。与在游戏中的许多事先工作不同,CSGO没有API,因此算法必须培训并实时运行。这限制了可以生成的策略数据的数量,妨碍许多增强学习算法。我们的解决方案使用行为克隆 - 在从在线服务器上的人类播放(400万帧,大小与Imagenet相当的400万帧)上刮出的大型嘈杂数据集的行为克隆训练,以及一个较小的高质量专家演示数据集。这种比例是比FPS游戏中的模仿学习的先前工作的数量级。
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我们对学习协调的互动代理感兴趣,即$ BUILDER $ - 执行操作但忽略任务的目标 - 以及$架构师$指导建造者以朝着任务的目标指导。我们定义和探索正式的设置,其中人工代理配备了允许它们同时学习任务的机制,同时同时演变共享通信协议。实验符号学领域表明,从先验的未知指示中学习的人类熟练程度。因此,我们从中获取灵感并提出了建筑师构建器问题(ABP):一个不对称的设置,其中建筑师必须学习指导建设者朝构建特定结构。该架构师知道目标结构,但不能在环境中行动,只能向构建器发送任意消息。另一方面的建筑师可以在环境中采取行动,但没有关于手头的任务的知识,必须学会解决它依赖于架构师发送的消息。至关重要的是,消息的含义最初没有在代理商之间定义,而是必须在整个学习中进行协商。在这些约束下,我们建议建筑师构建器迭代(abig),一个解决方案到架构师 - 建筑师的问题,其中建筑师利用Builder的学习模型指导它,同时构建器使用自模仿学习来加强其导游行为。我们分析ABIG的关键学习机制,并在ABP的二维实例化中测试,其中任务涉及抓取立方体,将它们放在给定位置或构建各种形状。在这种环境中,ABIG导致低级,高频,指导通信协议,不仅使建筑师构建器对能够在手头上解决任务,而且还可以概括到未操作任务。
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自主代理在Atari Games等专业领域取得了长足的进步。但是,他们通常在具有有限和手动构想的目标的孤立环境中学习Tabula Rasa,因此未能跨越各种任务和能力。受到人类如何不断学习和适应开放世界的启发,我们主张建立通才代理的三位一体:1)一个支持多种任务和目标的环境,2)多模式知识的大规模数据库和3个数据库)灵活且可扩展的代理体系结构。我们介绍了MinedoJo,这是一个建立在流行的Minecraft游戏上的新框架,该游戏具有模拟套件,其中包含数千种不同的开放式任务,以及带有Minecraft视频,教程,Wiki页面和论坛讨论的Internet规模知识库。使用Minedojo的数据,我们提出了一种新型的代理学习算法,该算法利用大型预训练的视频语言模型作为学习的奖励功能。我们的代理商能够解决以自由形式的语言指定的各种开放式任务,而无需任何手动设计的密集塑造奖励。我们开源的仿真套件和知识库(,以促进研究的研究,以通常具有能力的体现药物的目标。
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Text-based games present a unique class of sequential decision making problem in which agents interact with a partially observable, simulated environment via actions and observations conveyed through natural language. Such observations typically include instructions that, in a reinforcement learning (RL) setting, can directly or indirectly guide a player towards completing reward-worthy tasks. In this work, we study the ability of RL agents to follow such instructions. We conduct experiments that show that the performance of state-of-the-art text-based game agents is largely unaffected by the presence or absence of such instructions, and that these agents are typically unable to execute tasks to completion. To further study and address the task of instruction following, we equip RL agents with an internal structured representation of natural language instructions in the form of Linear Temporal Logic (LTL), a formal language that is increasingly used for temporally extended reward specification in RL. Our framework both supports and highlights the benefit of understanding the temporal semantics of instructions and in measuring progress towards achievement of such a temporally extended behaviour. Experiments with 500+ games in TextWorld demonstrate the superior performance of our approach.
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Humans are excellent at understanding language and vision to accomplish a wide range of tasks. In contrast, creating general instruction-following embodied agents remains a difficult challenge. Prior work that uses pure language-only models lack visual grounding, making it difficult to connect language instructions with visual observations. On the other hand, methods that use pre-trained vision-language models typically come with divided language and visual representations, requiring designing specialized network architecture to fuse them together. We propose a simple yet effective model for robots to solve instruction-following tasks in vision-based environments. Our \ours method consists of a multimodal transformer that encodes visual observations and language instructions, and a policy transformer that predicts actions based on encoded representations. The multimodal transformer is pre-trained on millions of image-text pairs and natural language text, thereby producing generic cross-modal representations of observations and instructions. The policy transformer keeps track of the full history of observations and actions, and predicts actions autoregressively. We show that this unified transformer model outperforms all state-of-the-art pre-trained or trained-from-scratch methods in both single-task and multi-task settings. Our model also shows better model scalability and generalization ability than prior work.
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Our situated environment is full of uncertainty and highly dynamic, thus hindering the widespread adoption of machine-led Intelligent Decision-Making (IDM) in real world scenarios. This means IDM should have the capability of continuously learning new skills and efficiently generalizing across wider applications. IDM benefits from any new approaches and theoretical breakthroughs that exhibit Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) breaking the barriers between tasks and applications. Recent research has well-examined neural architecture, Transformer, as a backbone foundation model and its generalization to various tasks, including computer vision, natural language processing, and reinforcement learning. We therefore argue that a foundation decision model (FDM) can be established by formulating various decision-making tasks as a sequence decoding task using the Transformer architecture; this would be a promising solution to advance the applications of IDM in more complex real world tasks. In this paper, we elaborate on how a foundation decision model improves the efficiency and generalization of IDM. We also discuss potential applications of a FDM in multi-agent game AI, production scheduling, and robotics tasks. Finally, through a case study, we demonstrate our realization of the FDM, DigitalBrain (DB1) with 1.2 billion parameters, which achieves human-level performance over 453 tasks, including text generation, images caption, video games playing, robotic control, and traveling salesman problems. As a foundation decision model, DB1 would be a baby step towards more autonomous and efficient real world IDM applications.
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