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现代高性能计算(HPC)系统的复杂性日益增加,需要引入自动化和数据驱动的方法,以支持系统管理员为增加系统可用性的努力。异常检测是改善可用性不可或缺的一部分,因为它减轻了系统管理员的负担,并减少了异常和解决方案之间的时间。但是,对当前的最新检测方法进行了监督和半监督,因此它们需要具有异常的人体标签数据集 - 在生产HPC系统中收集通常是不切实际的。基于聚类的无监督异常检测方法,旨在减轻准确的异常数据的需求,到目前为止的性能差。在这项工作中,我们通过提出RUAD来克服这些局限性,RUAD是一种新型的无监督异常检测模型。 Ruad比当前的半监督和无监督的SOA方法取得了更好的结果。这是通过考虑数据中的时间依赖性以及在模型体系结构中包括长短期限内存单元的实现。提出的方法是根据tier-0系统(带有980个节点的Cineca的Marconi100的完整历史)评估的。 RUAD在半监督训练中达到曲线(AUC)下的区域(AUC)为0.763,在无监督的训练中达到了0.767的AUC,这改进了SOA方法,在半监督训练中达到0.747的AUC,无需训练的AUC和0.734的AUC在无处不在的AUC中提高了AUC。训练。它还大大优于基于聚类的当前SOA无监督的异常检测方法,其AUC为0.548。
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机器学习(ML)系统的开发和部署可以用现代工具轻松执行,但该过程通常是匆忙和意思是结束的。缺乏勤奋会导致技术债务,范围蠕变和未对准的目标,模型滥用和失败,以及昂贵的后果。另一方面,工程系统遵循明确定义的流程和测试标准,以简化高质量,可靠的结果的开发。极端是航天器系统,其中关键任务措施和鲁棒性在开发过程中根深蒂固。借鉴航天器工程和ML的经验(通过域名通过产品的研究),我们开发了一种经过验证的机器学习开发和部署的系统工程方法。我们的“机器学习技术准备水平”(MLTRL)框架定义了一个原则的过程,以确保强大,可靠和负责的系统,同时为ML工作流程流线型,包括来自传统软件工程的关键区别。 MLTRL甚至更多,MLTRL为跨团队和组织的人们定义了一个人工智能和机器学习技术的人员。在这里,我们描述了通过生产化和部署在医学诊断,消费者计算机视觉,卫星图像和粒子物理学等领域,以通过生产和部署在基本研究中开发ML方法的几个现实世界使用情况的框架和阐明。
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Time series anomaly detection has applications in a wide range of research fields and applications, including manufacturing and healthcare. The presence of anomalies can indicate novel or unexpected events, such as production faults, system defects, or heart fluttering, and is therefore of particular interest. The large size and complex patterns of time series have led researchers to develop specialised deep learning models for detecting anomalous patterns. This survey focuses on providing structured and comprehensive state-of-the-art time series anomaly detection models through the use of deep learning. It providing a taxonomy based on the factors that divide anomaly detection models into different categories. Aside from describing the basic anomaly detection technique for each category, the advantages and limitations are also discussed. Furthermore, this study includes examples of deep anomaly detection in time series across various application domains in recent years. It finally summarises open issues in research and challenges faced while adopting deep anomaly detection models.
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机器学习(ML)代表了当前和未来信息系统的关键技术,许多域已经利用了ML的功能。但是,网络安全中ML的部署仍处于早期阶段,揭示了研究和实践之间的显着差异。这种差异在当前的最新目的中具有其根本原因,该原因不允许识别ML在网络安全中的作用。除非广泛的受众理解其利弊,否则ML的全部潜力将永远不会释放。本文是对ML在整个网络安全领域中的作用的首次尝试 - 对任何对此主题感兴趣的潜在读者。我们强调了ML在人类驱动的检测方法方面的优势,以及ML在网络安全方面可以解决的其他任务。此外,我们阐明了影响网络安全部署实际ML部署的各种固有问题。最后,我们介绍了各种利益相关者如何为网络安全中ML的未来发展做出贡献,这对于该领域的进一步进步至关重要。我们的贡献补充了两项实际案例研究,这些案例研究描述了ML作为对网络威胁的辩护的工业应用。
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The Internet of Things (IoT) is a system that connects physical computing devices, sensors, software, and other technologies. Data can be collected, transferred, and exchanged with other devices over the network without requiring human interactions. One challenge the development of IoT faces is the existence of anomaly data in the network. Therefore, research on anomaly detection in the IoT environment has become popular and necessary in recent years. This survey provides an overview to understand the current progress of the different anomaly detection algorithms and how they can be applied in the context of the Internet of Things. In this survey, we categorize the widely used anomaly detection machine learning and deep learning techniques in IoT into three types: clustering-based, classification-based, and deep learning based. For each category, we introduce some state-of-the-art anomaly detection methods and evaluate the advantages and limitations of each technique.
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异常识别中的一个常见研究区域是基于纹理背景的工业图像异常检测。纹理图像的干扰和纹理异常的小型性是许多现有模型无法检测异常的主要原因。我们提出了一种异常检测策略,该策略根据上述问题结合了字典学习和归一流的流程。我们的方法增强了已经使用的两阶段异常检测方法。为了改善基线方法,这项研究增加了表示学习中的正常流程,并结合了深度学习和词典学习。在实验验证后,所有MVTEC AD纹理类型数据的改进算法超过了95 $ \%$检测精度。它显示出强大的鲁棒性。地毯数据的基线方法的检测准确性为67.9%。该文章已升级,将检测准确性提高到99.7%。
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X-ray imaging technology has been used for decades in clinical tasks to reveal the internal condition of different organs, and in recent years, it has become more common in other areas such as industry, security, and geography. The recent development of computer vision and machine learning techniques has also made it easier to automatically process X-ray images and several machine learning-based object (anomaly) detection, classification, and segmentation methods have been recently employed in X-ray image analysis. Due to the high potential of deep learning in related image processing applications, it has been used in most of the studies. This survey reviews the recent research on using computer vision and machine learning for X-ray analysis in industrial production and security applications and covers the applications, techniques, evaluation metrics, datasets, and performance comparison of those techniques on publicly available datasets. We also highlight some drawbacks in the published research and give recommendations for future research in computer vision-based X-ray analysis.
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This paper presents an introduction to the state-of-the-art in anomaly and change-point detection. On the one hand, the main concepts needed to understand the vast scientific literature on those subjects are introduced. On the other, a selection of important surveys and books, as well as two selected active research topics in the field, are presented.
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太阳能电池制造中的有效缺陷检测对于稳定的绿色能源技术制造至关重要。本文介绍了一种基于深度学习的自动检测模型SEMACNN,用于分类和语义分割电致发光图像,用于太阳能电池质量评估和异常检测。该模型的核心是基于马哈拉氏症距离的一种异常检测算法,该算法可以以半监督的方式对具有少量具有相关缺陷的数字电致发光图像的不平衡数据进行训练。这对于迅速将模型集成到工业格局中特别有价值。该模型已通过植物收集的数据集进行了训练,该数据集由68 748个带有母线网格的异质结太阳能电池的电致发光图像。我们的模型在验证子集中的精度达到92.5%,F1得分为95.8%,召回94.8%,精度为96.9%,由1049个手动注释的图像组成。该模型还在Open ELPV数据集上进行了测试,并证明了稳定的性能,准确性为94.6%,F1得分为91.1%。 SEMACNN模型展示了其性能和计算成本之间的良好平衡,这使其适用于集成到太阳能电池制造的质量控制系统中。
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While there have been a number of remarkable breakthroughs in machine learning (ML), much of the focus has been placed on model development. However, to truly realize the potential of machine learning in real-world settings, additional aspects must be considered across the ML pipeline. Data-centric AI is emerging as a unifying paradigm that could enable such reliable end-to-end pipelines. However, this remains a nascent area with no standardized framework to guide practitioners to the necessary data-centric considerations or to communicate the design of data-centric driven ML systems. To address this gap, we propose DC-Check, an actionable checklist-style framework to elicit data-centric considerations at different stages of the ML pipeline: Data, Training, Testing, and Deployment. This data-centric lens on development aims to promote thoughtfulness and transparency prior to system development. Additionally, we highlight specific data-centric AI challenges and research opportunities. DC-Check is aimed at both practitioners and researchers to guide day-to-day development. As such, to easily engage with and use DC-Check and associated resources, we provide a DC-Check companion website (https://www.vanderschaar-lab.com/dc-check/). The website will also serve as an updated resource as methods and tooling evolve over time.
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The widespread use of information and communication technology (ICT) over the course of the last decades has been a primary catalyst behind the digitalization of power systems. Meanwhile, as the utilization rate of the Internet of Things (IoT) continues to rise along with recent advancements in ICT, the need for secure and computationally efficient monitoring of critical infrastructures like the electrical grid and the agents that participate in it is growing. A cyber-physical system, such as the electrical grid, may experience anomalies for a number of different reasons. These may include physical defects, mistakes in measurement and communication, cyberattacks, and other similar occurrences. The goal of this study is to emphasize what the most common incidents are with power systems and to give an overview and classification of the most common ways to find problems, starting with the consumer/prosumer end working up to the primary power producers. In addition, this article aimed to discuss the methods and techniques, such as artificial intelligence (AI) that are used to identify anomalies in the power systems and markets.
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A Digital Twin (DT) is a simulation of a physical system that provides information to make decisions that add economic, social or commercial value. The behaviour of a physical system changes over time, a DT must therefore be continually updated with data from the physical systems to reflect its changing behaviour. For resource-constrained systems, updating a DT is non-trivial because of challenges such as on-board learning and the off-board data transfer. This paper presents a framework for updating data-driven DTs of resource-constrained systems geared towards system health monitoring. The proposed solution consists of: (1) an on-board system running a light-weight DT allowing the prioritisation and parsimonious transfer of data generated by the physical system; and (2) off-board robust updating of the DT and detection of anomalous behaviours. Two case studies are considered using a production gas turbine engine system to demonstrate the digital representation accuracy for real-world, time-varying physical systems.
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