We present X-Decoder, a generalized decoding model that can predict pixel-level segmentation and language tokens seamlessly. X-Decodert takes as input two types of queries: (i) generic non-semantic queries and (ii) semantic queries induced from text inputs, to decode different pixel-level and token-level outputs in the same semantic space. With such a novel design, X-Decoder is the first work that provides a unified way to support all types of image segmentation and a variety of vision-language (VL) tasks. Further, our design enables seamless interactions across tasks at different granularities and brings mutual benefits by learning a common and rich pixel-level visual-semantic understanding space, without any pseudo-labeling. After pretraining on a mixed set of a limited amount of segmentation data and millions of image-text pairs, X-Decoder exhibits strong transferability to a wide range of downstream tasks in both zero-shot and finetuning settings. Notably, it achieves (1) state-of-the-art results on open-vocabulary segmentation and referring segmentation on eight datasets; (2) better or competitive finetuned performance to other generalist and specialist models on segmentation and VL tasks; and (3) flexibility for efficient finetuning and novel task composition (e.g., referring captioning and image editing). Code, demo, video, and visualization are available at https://x-decoder-vl.github.io.
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视觉语言(VL)预训练最近受到了广泛的关注。但是,大多数现有的端到端预训练方法只旨在解决诸如图像文本检索,视觉询问答案(VQA)和图像字幕等VL任务,以测试对图像的高级了解,或者仅对目标区域进行测试 - 对诸如短语接地和对象检测等任务的水平理解。我们提出了Fiber(基于回避的变压器),这是一种新的VL模型体系结构,可以无缝处理这两种类型的任务。 Fiber没有将多模式融合到模型深处,而不是将融合后的专用变压器层用于融合,而是通过将交叉注意力插入图像和文本骨干杆中,从而在记忆和性能方面带来了增长。此外,与以前的工作不同,它要么仅在图像文本数据上进行训练,要么在带有框级注释的细粒度数据上进行培训,我们提出了一种两阶段的预训练策略,该策略有效地使用了这两种数据:(( i)基于图像文本数据的粗粒细化预训练;然后是(ii)基于图像文本框数据的细粒度预训练。我们对各种VL任务进行全面的实验,从VQA,图像字幕和检索到短语接地,参考表达理解和对象检测。使用深层多模式融合,结合两阶段的预训练,光纤可对所有任务的强基础进行一致的性能改进,通常使用幅度更优于更多数据的方法。代码可从https://github.com/microsoft/fiber获得。
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事实证明,演讲者的追随者模型在视觉和语言导航中有效,在该导航中,扬声器模型用于合成新的说明,以增强追随者导航模型的培训数据。但是,在以前的许多方法中,生成的指令未直接训练以优化追随者的性能。在本文中,我们介绍\ textsc {foam},a \ textsc {fo} llower- \ textsc {a} ware speaker \ textsc {m} odel,它不断更新给定关注的反馈,以便生成的指令可以是更多的指令。适合当前追随者的学习状态。具体而言,我们使用BI级优化框架优化了扬声器,并通过评估标记数据的跟随器来获得其训练信号。房间对房间和房间的室内数据集中的实验结果表明,我们的方法可以超越跨设置的强大基线模型。分析还表明,我们生成的指示的质量比基线更高。
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致致辞问题答案(CQA)旨在测试模型是否可以回答有关每个人都知道的勤杂朗语言的问题。结合外部知识库的事先作品已经显示了有希望的结果,但知识库是昂贵的构造,并且通常限于固定的一组关系。在本文中,我们专注于更好地利用\ Texit {隐式知识}存储在预先接受预先接受的语言模型中。虽然研究人员发现嵌入在预先接受预先训练的语言模型中的知识,但可以通过填写仔细设计的提取和文本分类的谨慎设计的空白来提取,但如果我们可以在输入和输入的CQA中采用此范例,仍然不清楚输出采取更灵活的形式。为此,我们调查了四种翻译方法,可以将自然问题转化为渗出风格的句子,从语言模型中更好地征求致辞知识,包括基于句法的模型,无监督的神经模型和两个监督的神经模型。此外,要结合不同的翻译方法,我们建议鼓励模型预测与未标记数据不同翻译问题的一致性。我们展示了我们在零拍摄设置中三个CQA数据集上的方法的有效性。我们表明,我们的方法与知识库改进的模型互补,并结合它们可以导致最先进的零射击性能。分析还揭示了不同的强化翻译方法的明显特征,并为什么结合它们导致巨大改进提供了洞察。
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Vision-and语言(VL)预培训已被证明对各种VL下游任务非常有效。虽然最近的工作表明,基于完全变换器的VL模型可以比以前的基于区域特征的方法更有效,但它们在下游任务上的性能通常显着降低。在本文中,我们呈现仪表〜(\ textbf {m} ultimodal \ textbf {e} nd-to-text \ textbf {t} ransform \ textbf {er}),我们通过它系统地调查如何设计和预先列车基于完全变换器的VL模型以端到端的方式。具体而言,我们将模型设计沿多个尺寸分析:视觉编码器(例如,剪辑 - vit,Swin变压器),文本编码器(例如,Roberta,Deberta),多模式融合(例如,合并注意力与共同关注),架构设计(例如,仅编码器与编码器 - 解码器)和预训练目标(例如,屏蔽图像建模)。我们对广泛的VL任务进行全面实验,并提供有关如何在保持快速推理速度的同时培训表演VL变压器的见解。值得注意的是,仪表〜使用仅使用4M图像进行预培训的VQAV2 TEST-STD设置的精度为77.64 \%,超过最先进的区域特征的VINVL模型+1.04 \%,以及优于以前最好的完全变换器的ALBEF模型+1.6 \%。
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While deeper convolutional networks are needed to achieve maximum accuracy in visual perception tasks, for many inputs shallower networks are sufficient. We exploit this observation by learning to skip convolutional layers on a per-input basis. We introduce SkipNet, a modified residual network, that uses a gating network to selectively skip convolutional blocks based on the activations of the previous layer. We formulate the dynamic skipping problem in the context of sequential decision making and propose a hybrid learning algorithm that combines supervised learning and reinforcement learning to address the challenges of non-differentiable skipping decisions. We show SkipNet reduces computation by 30 90% while preserving the accuracy of the original model on four benchmark datasets and outperforms the state-of-the-art dynamic networks and static compression methods. We also qualitatively evaluate the gating policy to reveal a relationship between image scale and saliency and the number of layers skipped.
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In this paper, we study the problem of knowledge-intensive text-to-SQL, in which domain knowledge is necessary to parse expert questions into SQL queries over domain-specific tables. We formalize this scenario by building a new Chinese benchmark KnowSQL consisting of domain-specific questions covering various domains. We then address this problem by presenting formulaic knowledge, rather than by annotating additional data examples. More concretely, we construct a formulaic knowledge bank as a domain knowledge base and propose a framework (ReGrouP) to leverage this formulaic knowledge during parsing. Experiments using ReGrouP demonstrate a significant 28.2% improvement overall on KnowSQL.
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Surgical robot automation has attracted increasing research interest over the past decade, expecting its huge potential to benefit surgeons, nurses and patients. Recently, the learning paradigm of embodied AI has demonstrated promising ability to learn good control policies for various complex tasks, where embodied AI simulators play an essential role to facilitate relevant researchers. However, existing open-sourced simulators for surgical robot are still not sufficiently supporting human interactions through physical input devices, which further limits effective investigations on how human demonstrations would affect policy learning. In this paper, we study human-in-the-loop embodied intelligence with a new interactive simulation platform for surgical robot learning. Specifically, we establish our platform based on our previously released SurRoL simulator with several new features co-developed to allow high-quality human interaction via an input device. With these, we further propose to collect human demonstrations and imitate the action patterns to achieve more effective policy learning. We showcase the improvement of our simulation environment with the designed new features and tasks, and validate state-of-the-art reinforcement learning algorithms using the interactive environment. Promising results are obtained, with which we hope to pave the way for future research on surgical embodied intelligence. Our platform is released and will be continuously updated in the website: https://med-air.github.io/SurRoL/
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Brain midline shift (MLS) is one of the most critical factors to be considered for clinical diagnosis and treatment decision-making for intracranial hemorrhage. Existing computational methods on MLS quantification not only require intensive labeling in millimeter-level measurement but also suffer from poor performance due to their dependence on specific landmarks or simplified anatomical assumptions. In this paper, we propose a novel semi-supervised framework to accurately measure the scale of MLS from head CT scans. We formulate the MLS measurement task as a deformation estimation problem and solve it using a few MLS slices with sparse labels. Meanwhile, with the help of diffusion models, we are able to use a great number of unlabeled MLS data and 2793 non-MLS cases for representation learning and regularization. The extracted representation reflects how the image is different from a non-MLS image and regularization serves an important role in the sparse-to-dense refinement of the deformation field. Our experiment on a real clinical brain hemorrhage dataset has achieved state-of-the-art performance and can generate interpretable deformation fields.
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Text-to-SQL semantic parsing is an important NLP task, which greatly facilitates the interaction between users and the database and becomes the key component in many human-computer interaction systems. Much recent progress in text-to-SQL has been driven by large-scale datasets, but most of them are centered on English. In this work, we present MultiSpider, the largest multilingual text-to-SQL dataset which covers seven languages (English, German, French, Spanish, Japanese, Chinese, and Vietnamese). Upon MultiSpider, we further identify the lexical and structural challenges of text-to-SQL (caused by specific language properties and dialect sayings) and their intensity across different languages. Experimental results under three typical settings (zero-shot, monolingual and multilingual) reveal a 6.1% absolute drop in accuracy in non-English languages. Qualitative and quantitative analyses are conducted to understand the reason for the performance drop of each language. Besides the dataset, we also propose a simple schema augmentation framework SAVe (Schema-Augmentation-with-Verification), which significantly boosts the overall performance by about 1.8% and closes the 29.5% performance gap across languages.
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