Creativity is an indispensable part of human cognition and also an inherent part of how we make sense of the world. Metaphorical abstraction is fundamental in communicating creative ideas through nuanced relationships between abstract concepts such as feelings. While computer vision benchmarks and approaches predominantly focus on understanding and generating literal interpretations of images, metaphorical comprehension of images remains relatively unexplored. Towards this goal, we introduce MetaCLUE, a set of vision tasks on visual metaphor. We also collect high-quality and rich metaphor annotations (abstract objects, concepts, relationships along with their corresponding object boxes) as there do not exist any datasets that facilitate the evaluation of these tasks. We perform a comprehensive analysis of state-of-the-art models in vision and language based on our annotations, highlighting strengths and weaknesses of current approaches in visual metaphor Classification, Localization, Understanding (retrieval, question answering, captioning) and gEneration (text-to-image synthesis) tasks. We hope this work provides a concrete step towards developing AI systems with human-like creative capabilities.
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Vanilla用于物体检测和实例分割的模型遭受重偏向朝着长尾设置中的频繁对象进行偏向。现有方法主要在培训期间解决此问题,例如,通过重新采样或重新加权。在本文中,我们调查了一个很大程度上被忽视的方法 - 置信分数的后处理校准。我们提出NORCAL,用于长尾对象检测和实例分割的归一化校准校准,简单而简单的配方,通过其训练样本大小重新恢复每个阶级的预测得分。我们展示了单独处理背景类并使每个提案的课程分数标准化是实现卓越性能的键。在LVIS DataSet上,Norcal不仅可以在罕见的课程上有效地改善所有基线模型,也可以在普通和频繁的阶级上改进。最后,我们进行了广泛的分析和消融研究,以了解我们方法的各种建模选择和机制的见解。我们的代码在上公开提供。
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The availability of large-scale image captioning and visual question answering datasets has contributed significantly to recent successes in vision-and-language pretraining. However, these datasets are often collected with overrestrictive requirements inherited from their original target tasks (e.g., image caption generation), which limit the resulting dataset scale and diversity. We take a step further in pushing the limits of vision-and-language pretraining data by relaxing the data collection pipeline used in Conceptual Captions 3M (CC3M) [70] and introduce the Conceptual 12M (CC12M), a dataset with 12 million image-text pairs specifically meant to be used for visionand-language pre-training. We perform an analysis of this dataset and benchmark its effectiveness against CC3M on multiple downstream tasks with an emphasis on long-tail visual recognition. Our results clearly illustrate the benefit of scaling up pre-training data for vision-and-language tasks, as indicated by the new state-of-the-art results on both the nocaps and Conceptual Captions benchmarks. 1
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