Prompting large language models has enabled significant recent progress in multi-step reasoning over text. However, when applied to text generation from semi-structured data (e.g., graphs or tables), these methods typically suffer from low semantic coverage, hallucination, and logical inconsistency. We propose MURMUR, a neuro-symbolic modular approach to text generation from semi-structured data with multi-step reasoning. MURMUR is a best-first search method that generates reasoning paths using: (1) neural and symbolic modules with specific linguistic and logical skills, (2) a grammar whose production rules define valid compositions of modules, and (3) value functions that assess the quality of each reasoning step. We conduct experiments on two diverse data-to-text generation tasks like WebNLG and LogicNLG. These tasks differ in their data representations (graphs and tables) and span multiple linguistic and logical skills. MURMUR obtains significant improvements over recent few-shot baselines like direct prompting and chain-of-thought prompting, while also achieving comparable performance to fine-tuned GPT-2 on out-of-domain data. Moreover, human evaluation shows that MURMUR generates highly faithful and correct reasoning paths that lead to 26% more logically consistent summaries on LogicNLG, compared to direct prompting.
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Vision transformers (ViTs) have achieved impressive results on various computer vision tasks in the last several years. In this work, we study the capability of frozen ViTs, pretrained only on visual data, to generalize to audio-visual data without finetuning any of its original parameters. To do so, we propose a latent audio-visual hybrid (LAVISH) adapter that adapts pretrained ViTs to audio-visual tasks by injecting a small number of trainable parameters into every layer of a frozen ViT. To efficiently fuse visual and audio cues, our LAVISH adapter uses a small set of latent tokens, which form an attention bottleneck, thus, eliminating the quadratic cost of standard cross-attention. Compared to the existing modality-specific audio-visual methods, our approach achieves competitive or even better performance on various audio-visual tasks while using fewer tunable parameters and without relying on costly audio pretraining or external audio encoders. Our code is available at
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The last several years have witnessed remarkable progress in video-and-language (VidL) understanding. However, most modern VidL approaches use complex and specialized model architectures and sophisticated pretraining protocols, making the reproducibility, analysis and comparisons of these frameworks difficult. Hence, instead of proposing yet another new VidL model, this paper conducts a thorough empirical study demystifying the most important factors in the VidL model design. Among the factors that we investigate are (i) the spatiotemporal architecture design, (ii) the multimodal fusion schemes, (iii) the pretraining objectives, (iv) the choice of pretraining data, (v) pretraining and finetuning protocols, and (vi) dataset and model scaling. Our empirical study reveals that the most important design factors include: temporal modeling, video-to-text multimodal fusion, masked modeling objectives, and joint training on images and videos. Using these empirical insights, we then develop a step-by-step recipe, dubbed VindLU, for effective VidL pretraining. Our final model trained using our recipe achieves comparable or better than state-of-the-art results on several VidL tasks without relying on external CLIP pretraining. In particular, on the text-to-video retrieval task, our approach obtains 61.2% on DiDeMo, and 55.0% on ActivityNet, outperforming current SOTA by 7.8% and 6.1% respectively. Furthermore, our model also obtains state-of-the-art video question-answering results on ActivityNet-QA, MSRVTT-QA, MSRVTT-MC and TVQA. Our code and pretrained models are publicly available at:
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We propose Universal Document Processing (UDOP), a foundation Document AI model which unifies text, image, and layout modalities together with varied task formats, including document understanding and generation. UDOP leverages the spatial correlation between textual content and document image to model image, text, and layout modalities with one uniform representation. With a novel Vision-Text-Layout Transformer, UDOP unifies pretraining and multi-domain downstream tasks into a prompt-based sequence generation scheme. UDOP is pretrained on both large-scale unlabeled document corpora using innovative self-supervised objectives and diverse labeled data. UDOP also learns to generate document images from text and layout modalities via masked image reconstruction. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first time in the field of document AI that one model simultaneously achieves high-quality neural document editing and content customization. Our method sets the state-of-the-art on 9 Document AI tasks, e.g., document understanding and QA, across diverse data domains like finance reports, academic papers, and websites. UDOP ranks first on the leaderboard of the Document Understanding Benchmark (DUE).
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Recent datasets expose the lack of the systematic generalization ability in standard sequence-to-sequence models. In this work, we analyze this behavior of seq2seq models and identify two contributing factors: a lack of mutual exclusivity bias (i.e., a source sequence already mapped to a target sequence is less likely to be mapped to other target sequences), and the tendency to memorize whole examples rather than separating structures from contents. We propose two techniques to address these two issues respectively: Mutual Exclusivity Training that prevents the model from producing seen generations when facing novel, unseen examples via an unlikelihood-based loss; and prim2primX data augmentation that automatically diversifies the arguments of every syntactic function to prevent memorizing and provide a compositional inductive bias without exposing test-set data. Combining these two techniques, we show substantial empirical improvements using standard sequence-to-sequence models (LSTMs and Transformers) on two widely-used compositionality datasets: SCAN and COGS. Finally, we provide analysis characterizing the improvements as well as the remaining challenges, and provide detailed ablations of our method. Our code is available at
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Current metrics for evaluating factuality for abstractive document summarization have achieved high correlations with human judgment, but they do not account for the vision modality and thus are not adequate for vision-and-language summarization. We propose CLIPBERTScore, a simple weighted combination of CLIPScore and BERTScore to leverage the robustness and strong factuality detection performance between image-summary and document-summary, respectively. Next, due to the lack of meta-evaluation benchmarks to evaluate the quality of multimodal factuality metrics, we collect human judgments of factuality with respect to documents and images. We show that this simple combination of two metrics in the zero-shot setting achieves higher correlations than existing factuality metrics for document summarization, outperforms an existing multimodal summarization metric, and performs competitively with strong multimodal factuality metrics specifically fine-tuned for the task. Our thorough analysis demonstrates the robustness and high correlation of CLIPBERTScore and its components on four factuality metric-evaluation benchmarks. Finally, we demonstrate two practical downstream applications of our CLIPBERTScore metric: for selecting important images to focus on during training, and as a reward for reinforcement learning to improve factuality of multimodal summary generation w.r.t automatic and human evaluation. Our data and code are publicly available at
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在这项工作中,我们介绍了无文本视觉语言变压器(TVLT),其中均匀的变压器块使用最小的模态设计进行视觉和语言表示的原始视觉和音频输入,并且不使用特定于文本的模块,例如作为令牌化或自动语音识别(ASR)。 TVLT通过重建连续视频帧和音频谱图(蒙版自动编码)和对比度建模以使视频和音频对比度建模进行训练。 TVLT在各种多模式任务上的性能与其基于文本的对应物相当,例如视觉询问,图像检索,视频检索和多模式情感分析,具有28倍的推理速度和仅1/3参数。我们的发现表明,从低级视觉和音频信号中学习紧凑,有效的视觉语言表示的可能性,而无需假设文本的先前存在。我们的代码和检查点可在以下网址找到:
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当前的抽象摘要模型要么仅通过突出源文档的一部分而缺乏明显的解释性或提供不完整的理由。为此,我们提出了摘要程序(SP),这是一个由二进制树的(有序)列表组成的可解释的模块化框架,每个框架都编码来自源文档的抽象摘要句子的分步生成过程。一个摘要程序每个摘要句子包含一个根节点,一棵不同的树将每个摘要句子(根节点)连接到派生的文档句子(叶节点),其中包含中间生成的句子的连接节点。边缘代表涉及摘要的不同模块化操作,例如句子融合,压缩和释义。我们首先建议通过神经模块提出有效的最佳搜索方法,SP搜索通过直接优化Rouge分数来识别人类摘要的SP搜索。接下来,使用这些程序作为自动监督,我们建议使用生成摘要程序的SEQ2SEQ模型,然后执行以获取最终摘要。我们证明,SP搜索有效地代表了使用通常忠于其预期行为的模块的人类摘要背后的生成过程。我们还进行了一项仿真研究,以表明汇总计划通过允许人类更好地模拟模型推理来改善摘要模型的解释性。汇总计划构成了朝着可解释和模块化的抽象摘要迈出的有希望的步骤,这是先前主要通过黑框端到端神经系统解决的复杂任务。我们的代码可从 Programs获得
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