While prior work has established that the use of parallel data is conducive for cross-lingual learning, it is unclear if the improvements come from the data itself, or if it is the modeling of parallel interactions that matters. Exploring this, we examine the usage of unsupervised machine translation to generate synthetic parallel data, and compare it to supervised machine translation and gold parallel data. We find that even model generated parallel data can be useful for downstream tasks, in both a general setting (continued pretraining) as well as the task-specific setting (translate-train), although our best results are still obtained using real parallel data. Our findings suggest that existing multilingual models do not exploit the full potential of monolingual data, and prompt the community to reconsider the traditional categorization of cross-lingual learning approaches.
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预处理的大语言模型(LLM)广泛用于自然语言处理(NLP)的许多子场,通常被称为具有特定任务示例的优秀少数学习者。值得注意的是,思想链(COT)提示,这是一种通过分步答案示例引发复杂的多步推理的技术,在算术和符号推理中实现了最新的表演,难以置信的System-2任务不遵循LLMS的标准缩放定律。尽管这些成功通常归因于LLM的几次学习能力,但我们表明,LLM是通过在每个答案之前简单地添加“让我们逐步思考”而成为不错的零射击推理者。实验结果表明,使用相同的单个提示模板,我们的零射击功能明显优于零摄像机LLM在不同的基准推理任务上的零摄像机表现,包括算术(Multiarith,GSM8K,Aqua-Rat,SVAMP,SVAMP),符号推理(最后一个字母,字母,字母,字母,,,,,字母,字母)(最后一个字母),硬币翻转)和其他逻辑推理任务(日期理解,跟踪洗牌对象),而没有任何手工制作的几个示例,例如通过175B参数指令gpt模型将Multiarith的准确性从17.7%提高到78.7%,GSM8K从10.4%提高到40.7%,以及另一种现成的大型模型,540B参数Palm Palm的相似改进。在非常多样化的推理任务中,这个单一提示的多功能性暗示了LLM的尚未开发和研究的基本零拍功能,这表明可以通过简单提示来提取高级,多任务的广泛认知能力。我们希望我们的工作不仅可以作为具有挑战性的推理基准的最小零击基线,而且还强调了仔细探索和分析LLM中隐藏在LLM中的巨大的零拍知识的重要性,然后在制作Finetunning数据集或少数拍摄的典范之前。
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语言模型预训练的最新进展利用大规模数据集创建多语言模型。但是,这些数据集中大多遗漏了低资源语言。这主要是因为网络上没有很好地表示口语,因此被排除在用于创建数据集的大规模爬网中。此外,这些模型的下游用户仅限于最初选择用于预训练的语言的选择。这项工作调查了如何最佳利用现有的预培训模型来为16种非洲语言创建低资源翻译系统。我们关注两个问题:1)如何将预训练的模型用于初始预培训中未包含的语言? 2)生成的翻译模型如何有效地转移到新域?为了回答这些问题,我们创建了一个新的非洲新闻语料库,涵盖16种语言,其中8种语言不属于任何现有评估数据集的一部分。我们证明,将两种语言转移到其他语言和其他领域的最有效策略是,以少量的高质量翻译数据微调大型预训练模型。
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微调加强学习(RL)模型由于缺乏大规模的现成数据集以及不同环境之间可传递性的较高差异而变得具有挑战性。最近的工作着眼于从序列建模的角度来应对离线RL,并通过引入变压器体系结构的结果得到改进的结果。但是,当模型从头开始训练时,它会遭受缓慢的收敛速度。在本文中,我们希望利用这种强化学习作为序列建模的表述,并研究在离线RL任务(控制,游戏)上进行填充时,在其他领域(视觉,语言)上进行了预训练的序列模型的可传递性。为此,我们还提出了改善这些域之间传递的技术。结果表明,在各种环境上的收敛速度和奖励方面,表现出一致的性能,加速了3-6倍的训练,并使用Wikipedia-pretrenained and GPT2语言模型在各种任务中实现了最先进的绩效。我们希望这项工作不仅为RL利用通用序列建模技术和预训练模型的潜力带来启发,而且还激发了未来的工作,在完全不同领域的生成建模任务之间共享知识。
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Logical reasoning of text is an important ability that requires understanding the information present in the text, their interconnections, and then reasoning through them to infer new conclusions. Prior works on improving the logical reasoning ability of language models require complex processing of training data (e.g., aligning symbolic knowledge to text), yielding task-specific data augmentation solutions that restrict the learning of general logical reasoning skills. In this work, we propose APOLLO, an adaptively pretrained language model that has improved logical reasoning abilities. We select a subset of Wikipedia, based on a set of logical inference keywords, for continued pretraining of a language model. We use two self-supervised loss functions: a modified masked language modeling loss where only specific parts-of-speech words, that would likely require more reasoning than basic language understanding, are masked, and a sentence-level classification loss that teaches the model to distinguish between entailment and contradiction types of sentences. The proposed training paradigm is both simple and independent of task formats. We demonstrate the effectiveness of APOLLO by comparing it with prior baselines on two logical reasoning datasets. APOLLO performs comparably on ReClor and outperforms baselines on LogiQA.
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Autonomous vehicles are being deployed with a spectrum of capability, extending from driver assistance features for the highway in personal vehicles (SAE Level 2+) to fully autonomous fleet ride sharing services operating in complex city environments (SAE Level 4+). This spectrum of autonomy often operates in different physical environments with different degrees of assumed driver in-the-loop oversight and hence have very different system and subsystem requirements. At the heart of SAE Level 2 to 5 systems is localization and mapping, which ranges from road determination for feature geofencing or high-level routing, through lane determination for advanced driver assistance, to where-in-lane positioning for full vehicle control. We assess localization and mapping requirements for different levels of autonomy and supported features. This work provides a framework for system decomposition, including the level of redundancy needed to achieve the target level of safety. We examine several representative autonomous and assistance features and make recommendations on positioning requirements as well map georeferencing and information integrity.
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Self-supervised monocular depth estimation has shown impressive results in static scenes. It relies on the multi-view consistency assumption for training networks, however, that is violated in dynamic object regions and occlusions. Consequently, existing methods show poor accuracy in dynamic scenes, and the estimated depth map is blurred at object boundaries because they are usually occluded in other training views. In this paper, we propose SC-DepthV3 for addressing the challenges. Specifically, we introduce an external pretrained monocular depth estimation model for generating single-image depth prior, namely pseudo-depth, based on which we propose novel losses to boost self-supervised training. As a result, our model can predict sharp and accurate depth maps, even when training from monocular videos of highly-dynamic scenes. We demonstrate the significantly superior performance of our method over previous methods on six challenging datasets, and we provide detailed ablation studies for the proposed terms. Source code and data will be released at https://github.com/JiawangBian/sc_depth_pl
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Systems for person re-identification (ReID) can achieve a high accuracy when trained on large fully-labeled image datasets. However, the domain shift typically associated with diverse operational capture conditions (e.g., camera viewpoints and lighting) may translate to a significant decline in performance. This paper focuses on unsupervised domain adaptation (UDA) for video-based ReID - a relevant scenario that is less explored in the literature. In this scenario, the ReID model must adapt to a complex target domain defined by a network of diverse video cameras based on tracklet information. State-of-art methods cluster unlabeled target data, yet domain shifts across target cameras (sub-domains) can lead to poor initialization of clustering methods that propagates noise across epochs, thus preventing the ReID model to accurately associate samples of same identity. In this paper, an UDA method is introduced for video person ReID that leverages knowledge on video tracklets, and on the distribution of frames captured over target cameras to improve the performance of CNN backbones trained using pseudo-labels. Our method relies on an adversarial approach, where a camera-discriminator network is introduced to extract discriminant camera-independent representations, facilitating the subsequent clustering. In addition, a weighted contrastive loss is proposed to leverage the confidence of clusters, and mitigate the risk of incorrect identity associations. Experimental results obtained on three challenging video-based person ReID datasets - PRID2011, iLIDS-VID, and MARS - indicate that our proposed method can outperform related state-of-the-art methods. Our code is available at: \url{https://github.com/dmekhazni/CAWCL-ReID}
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Human and robot partners increasingly need to work together to perform tasks as a team. Robots designed for such collaboration must reason about how their task-completion strategies interplay with the behavior and skills of their human team members as they coordinate on achieving joint goals. Our goal in this work is to develop a computational framework for robot adaptation to human partners in human-robot team collaborations. We first present an algorithm for autonomously recognizing available task-completion strategies by observing human-human teams performing a collaborative task. By transforming team actions into low dimensional representations using hidden Markov models, we can identify strategies without prior knowledge. Robot policies are learned on each of the identified strategies to construct a Mixture-of-Experts model that adapts to the task strategies of unseen human partners. We evaluate our model on a collaborative cooking task using an Overcooked simulator. Results of an online user study with 125 participants demonstrate that our framework improves the task performance and collaborative fluency of human-agent teams, as compared to state of the art reinforcement learning methods.
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