From a visual scene containing multiple people, human is able to distinguish each individual given the context descriptions about what happened before, their mental/physical states or intentions, etc. Above ability heavily relies on human-centric commonsense knowledge and reasoning. For example, if asked to identify the "person who needs healing" in an image, we need to first know that they usually have injuries or suffering expressions, then find the corresponding visual clues before finally grounding the person. We present a new commonsense task, Human-centric Commonsense Grounding, that tests the models' ability to ground individuals given the context descriptions about what happened before, and their mental/physical states or intentions. We further create a benchmark, HumanCog, a dataset with 130k grounded commonsensical descriptions annotated on 67k images, covering diverse types of commonsense and visual scenes. We set up a context-object-aware method as a strong baseline that outperforms previous pre-trained and non-pretrained models. Further analysis demonstrates that rich visual commonsense and powerful integration of multi-modal commonsense are essential, which sheds light on future works. Data and code will be available
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