This short report reviews the current state of the research and methodology on theoretical and practical aspects of Artificial Neural Networks (ANN). It was prepared to gather state-of-the-art knowledge needed to construct complex, hypercomplex and fuzzy neural networks. The report reflects the individual interests of the authors and, by now means, cannot be treated as a comprehensive review of the ANN discipline. Considering the fast development of this field, it is currently impossible to do a detailed review of a considerable number of pages. The report is an outcome of the Project 'The Strategic Research Partnership for the mathematical aspects of complex, hypercomplex and fuzzy neural networks' meeting at the University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn, Poland, organized in September 2022.
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Nowadays, the applications of hydraulic systems are present in a wide variety of devices in both industrial and everyday environments. The implementation and usage of hydraulic systems have been well documented; however, today, this still faces a challenge, the integration of tools that allow more accurate information about the functioning and operation of these systems for proactive decision-making. In industrial applications, many sensors and methods exist to measure and determine the status of process variables (e.g., flow, pressure, force). Nevertheless, little has been done to have systems that can provide users with device-health information related to hydraulic devices integrated into the machinery. Implementing artificial intelligence (AI) technologies and machine learning (ML) models in hydraulic system components has been identified as a solution to the challenge many industries currently face: optimizing processes and carrying them out more safely and efficiently. This paper presents a solution for the characterization and estimation of anomalies in one of the most versatile and used devices in hydraulic systems, cylinders. AI and ML models were implemented to determine the current operating status of these hydraulic components and whether they are working correctly or if a failure mode or abnormal condition is present.
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Bayesian Optimization is a useful tool for experiment design. Unfortunately, the classical, sequential setting of Bayesian Optimization does not translate well into laboratory experiments, for instance battery design, where measurements may come from different sources and their evaluations may require significant waiting times. Multi-fidelity Bayesian Optimization addresses the setting with measurements from different sources. Asynchronous batch Bayesian Optimization provides a framework to select new experiments before the results of the prior experiments are revealed. This paper proposes an algorithm combining multi-fidelity and asynchronous batch methods. We empirically study the algorithm behavior, and show it can outperform single-fidelity batch methods and multi-fidelity sequential methods. As an application, we consider designing electrode materials for optimal performance in pouch cells using experiments with coin cells to approximate battery performance.
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Large language models (LLMs) have been shown to be able to perform new tasks based on a few demonstrations or natural language instructions. While these capabilities have led to widespread adoption, most LLMs are developed by resource-rich organizations and are frequently kept from the public. As a step towards democratizing this powerful technology, we present BLOOM, a 176B-parameter open-access language model designed and built thanks to a collaboration of hundreds of researchers. BLOOM is a decoder-only Transformer language model that was trained on the ROOTS corpus, a dataset comprising hundreds of sources in 46 natural and 13 programming languages (59 in total). We find that BLOOM achieves competitive performance on a wide variety of benchmarks, with stronger results after undergoing multitask prompted finetuning. To facilitate future research and applications using LLMs, we publicly release our models and code under the Responsible AI License.
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Structured channel pruning has been shown to significantly accelerate inference time for convolution neural networks (CNNs) on modern hardware, with a relatively minor loss of network accuracy. Recent works permanently zero these channels during training, which we observe to significantly hamper final accuracy, particularly as the fraction of the network being pruned increases. We propose Soft Masking for cost-constrained Channel Pruning (SMCP) to allow pruned channels to adaptively return to the network while simultaneously pruning towards a target cost constraint. By adding a soft mask re-parameterization of the weights and channel pruning from the perspective of removing input channels, we allow gradient updates to previously pruned channels and the opportunity for the channels to later return to the network. We then formulate input channel pruning as a global resource allocation problem. Our method outperforms prior works on both the ImageNet classification and PASCAL VOC detection datasets.
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深度学习已在许多神经影像应用中有效。但是,在许多情况下,捕获与小血管疾病有关的信息的成像序列的数量不足以支持数据驱动的技术。此外,基于队列的研究可能并不总是具有用于准确病变检测的最佳或必需成像序列。因此,有必要确定哪些成像序列对于准确检测至关重要。在这项研究中,我们旨在找到磁共振成像(MRI)序列的最佳组合,以深入基于学习的肿瘤周围空间(EPV)。为此,我们实施了一个有效的轻巧U-NET,适用于EPVS检测,并全面研究了来自易感加权成像(SWI),流体侵入的反转恢复(FLAIR),T1加权(T1W)和T2的不同信息组合 - 加权(T2W)MRI序列。我们得出的结论是,T2W MRI对于准确的EPV检测最为重要,并且在深神经网络中掺入SWI,FLAIR和T1W MRI可能会使精度的提高无关。
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我们提出了一个新的灵敏度分析模型,该模型结合了Copulas和在未观察到的混杂状态下的因果推断的标准化。我们将新模型称为$ \ rho $ -gnf($ \ rho $ - graphical正常化流),其中$ \ rho {\ in} [ - 1,+1] $是一个有界灵敏度参数,表示后门非 - 由于未观察到的混杂而引起的因果关系,使用研究最丰富且广泛流行的高斯副群建模。具体而言,$ \ rho $ -gnf使我们能够估计和分析前门因果效应或平均因果效应(ACE)作为$ \ rho $的函数。我们将其称为$ \ rho_ {curve} $。 $ \ rho_ {curve} $使我们能够指定无王牌所需的混杂力量。我们将其称为$ \ rho_ {value} $。此外,$ \ rho_ {curve} $还使我们能够为$ \ rho $ values的间隔提供ACE的界限。我们说明了$ \ rho $ -gnf的好处,并通过对我们的经验王牌界限的实验比其他流行的王牌范围更狭窄。
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随着超维数据的大数据分析的最新激增,对机器学习应用程序的降低技术的兴趣重新引起了人们的兴趣。为了使这些方法提高绩效提高并了解基础数据,需要确定适当的指标。此步骤通常被忽略,通常会选择指标,而无需考虑数据的基本几何形状。在本文中,我们提出了一种将弹性指标纳入T分布的随机邻居嵌入(T-SNE)和均匀的歧管近似和投影(UMAP)的方法。我们将方法应用于功能数据,该功能数据以旋转,参数化和比例为特征。如果这些属性被忽略,它们可能会导致不正确的分析和分类性能差。通过我们的方法,我们证明了三个基准数据集(MPEG-7,CAR数据集和Themoor的平面数据集)的形状识别任务的提高,我们分别获得了0.77、0.95和1.00 F1分数。
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脑小血管疾病的成像标记提供了有关脑部健康的宝贵信息,但是它们的手动评估既耗时又受到实质性内部和间际变异性的阻碍。自动化评级可能受益于生物医学研究以及临床评估,但是现有算法的诊断可靠性尚不清楚。在这里,我们介绍了\ textIt {血管病变检测和分割}(\ textit {v textit {where valdo?})挑战,该挑战是在国际医学图像计算和计算机辅助干预措施(MICCAI)的卫星事件中运行的挑战(MICCAI) 2021.这一挑战旨在促进大脑小血管疾病的小而稀疏成像标记的自动检测和分割方法的开发,即周围空间扩大(EPVS)(任务1),脑微粒(任务2)和预先塑造的鞋类血管起源(任务3),同时利用弱和嘈杂的标签。总体而言,有12个团队参与了针对一个或多个任务的解决方案的挑战(任务1 -EPVS 4,任务2 -Microbleeds的9个,任务3 -lacunes的6个)。多方数据都用于培训和评估。结果表明,整个团队和跨任务的性能都有很大的差异,对于任务1- EPV和任务2-微型微型且对任务3 -lacunes尚无实际的结果,其结果尤其有望。它还强调了可能阻止个人级别使用的情况的性能不一致,同时仍证明在人群层面上有用。
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