Are extralinguistic signals such as image pixels crucial for inducing constituency grammars? While past work has shown substantial gains from multimodal cues, we investigate whether such gains persist in the presence of rich information from large language models (LLMs). We find that our approach, LLM-based C-PCFG (LC-PCFG), outperforms previous multi-modal methods on the task of unsupervised constituency parsing, achieving state-of-the-art performance on a variety of datasets. Moreover, LC-PCFG results in an over 50% reduction in parameter count, and speedups in training time of 1.7x for image-aided models and more than 5x for video-aided models, respectively. These results challenge the notion that extralinguistic signals such as image pixels are needed for unsupervised grammar induction, and point to the need for better text-only baselines in evaluating the need of multi-modality for the task.
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We present Masked Audio-Video Learners (MAViL) to train audio-visual representations. Our approach learns with three complementary forms of self-supervision: (1) reconstruction of masked audio and video input data, (2) intra- and inter-modal contrastive learning with masking, and (3) self-training by reconstructing joint audio-video contextualized features learned from the first two objectives. Pre-training with MAViL not only enables the model to perform well in audio-visual classification and retrieval tasks but also improves representations of each modality in isolation, without using information from the other modality for fine-tuning or inference. Empirically, MAViL sets a new state-of-the-art on AudioSet (53.1 mAP) and VGGSound (67.1% accuracy). For the first time, a self-supervised audio-visual model outperforms ones that use external supervision on these benchmarks. Code will be available soon.
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Semantic navigation is necessary to deploy mobile robots in uncontrolled environments like our homes, schools, and hospitals. Many learning-based approaches have been proposed in response to the lack of semantic understanding of the classical pipeline for spatial navigation, which builds a geometric map using depth sensors and plans to reach point goals. Broadly, end-to-end learning approaches reactively map sensor inputs to actions with deep neural networks, while modular learning approaches enrich the classical pipeline with learning-based semantic sensing and exploration. But learned visual navigation policies have predominantly been evaluated in simulation. How well do different classes of methods work on a robot? We present a large-scale empirical study of semantic visual navigation methods comparing representative methods from classical, modular, and end-to-end learning approaches across six homes with no prior experience, maps, or instrumentation. We find that modular learning works well in the real world, attaining a 90% success rate. In contrast, end-to-end learning does not, dropping from 77% simulation to 23% real-world success rate due to a large image domain gap between simulation and reality. For practitioners, we show that modular learning is a reliable approach to navigate to objects: modularity and abstraction in policy design enable Sim-to-Real transfer. For researchers, we identify two key issues that prevent today's simulators from being reliable evaluation benchmarks - (A) a large Sim-to-Real gap in images and (B) a disconnect between simulation and real-world error modes - and propose concrete steps forward.
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We consider the problem of embodied visual navigation given an image-goal (ImageNav) where an agent is initialized in an unfamiliar environment and tasked with navigating to a location 'described' by an image. Unlike related navigation tasks, ImageNav does not have a standardized task definition which makes comparison across methods difficult. Further, existing formulations have two problematic properties; (1) image-goals are sampled from random locations which can lead to ambiguity (e.g., looking at walls), and (2) image-goals match the camera specification and embodiment of the agent; this rigidity is limiting when considering user-driven downstream applications. We present the Instance-specific ImageNav task (InstanceImageNav) to address these limitations. Specifically, the goal image is 'focused' on some particular object instance in the scene and is taken with camera parameters independent of the agent. We instantiate InstanceImageNav in the Habitat Simulator using scenes from the Habitat-Matterport3D dataset (HM3D) and release a standardized benchmark to measure community progress.
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In this work, we show how to learn a visual walking policy that only uses a monocular RGB camera and proprioception. Since simulating RGB is hard, we necessarily have to learn vision in the real world. We start with a blind walking policy trained in simulation. This policy can traverse some terrains in the real world but often struggles since it lacks knowledge of the upcoming geometry. This can be resolved with the use of vision. We train a visual module in the real world to predict the upcoming terrain with our proposed algorithm Cross-Modal Supervision (CMS). CMS uses time-shifted proprioception to supervise vision and allows the policy to continually improve with more real-world experience. We evaluate our vision-based walking policy over a diverse set of terrains including stairs (up to 19cm high), slippery slopes (inclination of 35 degrees), curbs and tall steps (up to 20cm), and complex discrete terrains. We achieve this performance with less than 30 minutes of real-world data. Finally, we show that our policy can adapt to shifts in the visual field with a limited amount of real-world experience. Video results and code at
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腿部运动的最新进展使四足动物在具有挑战性的地形上行走。但是,两足机器人本质上更加不稳定,因此很难为其设计步行控制器。在这项工作中,我们利用了对机车控制的快速适应的最新进展,并将其扩展到双皮亚机器人。与现有作品类似,我们从基本策略开始,该策略在将适应模块的输入中作为输入作为输入。该外部媒介包含有关环境的信息,并使步行控制器能够快速在线适应。但是,外部估计器可能是不完善的,这可能导致基本政策的性能不佳,这预计是一个完美的估计器。在本文中,我们提出了A-RMA(Adapting RMA),该A-RMA(适应RMA)还通过使用无模型RL对其进行了鉴定,从而适应了不完美的外部外部估计器的基本策略。我们证明,A-RMA在仿真中胜过许多基于RL的基线控制器和基于模型的控制器,并显示了单个A-RMA策略的零拍摄部署,以使双皮德机器人Cassie能够在各种各样的现实世界中的不同场景超出了培训期间所见。的视频和结果
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对象目标导航的最新方法依赖于增强学习,通常需要大量的计算资源和学习时间。我们提出了使用无互动学习(PONI)的对象导航的潜在功能,这是一种模块化方法,可以散布“在哪里看?”的技能?对于对象和“如何导航到(x,y)?”。我们的主要见解是“在哪里看?”可以纯粹将其视为感知问题,而没有环境相互作用就可以学习。为了解决这个问题,我们提出了一个网络,该网络可以预测两个在语义图上的互补电位功能,并使用它们来决定在哪里寻找看不见的对象。我们使用在自上而下的语义图的被动数据集上使用受监督的学习来训练潜在的功能网络,并将其集成到模块化框架中以执行对象目标导航。 Gibson和MatterPort3D的实验表明,我们的方法可实现对象目标导航的最新方法,同时减少培训计算成本高达1,600倍。可以使用代码和预训练的模型:
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