As language models (LMs) scale, they develop many novel behaviors, good and bad, exacerbating the need to evaluate how they behave. Prior work creates evaluations with crowdwork (which is time-consuming and expensive) or existing data sources (which are not always available). Here, we automatically generate evaluations with LMs. We explore approaches with varying amounts of human effort, from instructing LMs to write yes/no questions to making complex Winogender schemas with multiple stages of LM-based generation and filtering. Crowdworkers rate the examples as highly relevant and agree with 90-100% of labels, sometimes more so than corresponding human-written datasets. We generate 154 datasets and discover new cases of inverse scaling where LMs get worse with size. Larger LMs repeat back a dialog user's preferred answer ("sycophancy") and express greater desire to pursue concerning goals like resource acquisition and goal preservation. We also find some of the first examples of inverse scaling in RL from Human Feedback (RLHF), where more RLHF makes LMs worse. For example, RLHF makes LMs express stronger political views (on gun rights and immigration) and a greater desire to avoid shut down. Overall, LM-written evaluations are high-quality and let us quickly discover many novel LM behaviors.
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Developing safe and useful general-purpose AI systems will require us to make progress on scalable oversight: the problem of supervising systems that potentially outperform us on most skills relevant to the task at hand. Empirical work on this problem is not straightforward, since we do not yet have systems that broadly exceed our abilities. This paper discusses one of the major ways we think about this problem, with a focus on how to turn it into one that can be productively studied empirically. We first present an experimental design centered on choosing tasks for which human specialists succeed but unaided humans and current general AI systems fail. We then present a proof-of-concept experiment following meant to demonstrate a key feature of this experimental design and show its viability with two question-answering tasks: MMLU and time-limited QuALITY. On these tasks, we find that human participants who interact with an unreliable large-language-model dialog assistant through chat -- a trivial baseline strategy for scalable oversight -- substantially outperform both the model alone and their own unaided performance. These results are an encouraging sign that scalable oversight will be tractable to study with present models and bolster recent findings that large language models can productively assist humans with difficult tasks.
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In inverse reinforcement learning (IRL), a learning agent infers a reward function encoding the underlying task using demonstrations from experts. However, many existing IRL techniques make the often unrealistic assumption that the agent has access to full information about the environment. We remove this assumption by developing an algorithm for IRL in partially observable Markov decision processes (POMDPs). We address two limitations of existing IRL techniques. First, they require an excessive amount of data due to the information asymmetry between the expert and the learner. Second, most of these IRL techniques require solving the computationally intractable forward problem -- computing an optimal policy given a reward function -- in POMDPs. The developed algorithm reduces the information asymmetry while increasing the data efficiency by incorporating task specifications expressed in temporal logic into IRL. Such specifications may be interpreted as side information available to the learner a priori in addition to the demonstrations. Further, the algorithm avoids a common source of algorithmic complexity by building on causal entropy as the measure of the likelihood of the demonstrations as opposed to entropy. Nevertheless, the resulting problem is nonconvex due to the so-called forward problem. We solve the intrinsic nonconvexity of the forward problem in a scalable manner through a sequential linear programming scheme that guarantees to converge to a locally optimal policy. In a series of examples, including experiments in a high-fidelity Unity simulator, we demonstrate that even with a limited amount of data and POMDPs with tens of thousands of states, our algorithm learns reward functions and policies that satisfy the task while inducing similar behavior to the expert by leveraging the provided side information.
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Recent advances in upper limb prostheses have led to significant improvements in the number of movements provided by the robotic limb. However, the method for controlling multiple degrees of freedom via user-generated signals remains challenging. To address this issue, various machine learning controllers have been developed to better predict movement intent. As these controllers become more intelligent and take on more autonomy in the system, the traditional approach of representing the human-machine interface as a human controlling a tool becomes limiting. One possible approach to improve the understanding of these interfaces is to model them as collaborative, multi-agent systems through the lens of joint action. The field of joint action has been commonly applied to two human partners who are trying to work jointly together to achieve a task, such as singing or moving a table together, by effecting coordinated change in their shared environment. In this work, we compare different prosthesis controllers (proportional electromyography with sequential switching, pattern recognition, and adaptive switching) in terms of how they present the hallmarks of joint action. The results of the comparison lead to a new perspective for understanding how existing myoelectric systems relate to each other, along with recommendations for how to improve these systems by increasing the collaborative communication between each partner.
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While inferring common actor states (such as position or velocity) is an important and well-explored task of the perception system aboard a self-driving vehicle (SDV), it may not always provide sufficient information to the SDV. This is especially true in the case of active emergency vehicles (EVs), where light-based signals also need to be captured to provide a full context. We consider this problem and propose a sequential methodology for the detection of active EVs, using an off-the-shelf CNN model operating at a frame level and a downstream smoother that accounts for the temporal aspect of flashing EV lights. We also explore model improvements through data augmentation and training with additional hard samples.
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Digital platforms, including online forums and helplines, have emerged as avenues of support for caregivers suffering from postpartum mental health distress. Understanding support seekers' experiences as shared on these platforms could provide crucial insight into caregivers' needs during this vulnerable time. In the current work, we provide a descriptive analysis of the concerns, psychological states, and motivations shared by healthy and distressed postpartum support seekers on two digital platforms, a one-on-one digital helpline and a publicly available online forum. Using a combination of human annotations, dictionary models and unsupervised techniques, we find stark differences between the experiences of distressed and healthy mothers. Distressed mothers described interpersonal problems and a lack of support, with 8.60% - 14.56% reporting severe symptoms including suicidal ideation. In contrast, the majority of healthy mothers described childcare issues, such as questions about breastfeeding or sleeping, and reported no severe mental health concerns. Across the two digital platforms, we found that distressed mothers shared similar content. However, the patterns of speech and affect shared by distressed mothers differed between the helpline vs. the online forum, suggesting the design of these platforms may shape meaningful measures of their support-seeking experiences. Our results provide new insight into the experiences of caregivers suffering from postpartum mental health distress. We conclude by discussing methodological considerations for understanding content shared by support seekers and design considerations for the next generation of support tools for postpartum parents.
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We present a method for providing statistical guarantees on runtime safety and goal reachability for integrated planning and control of a class of systems with unknown nonlinear stochastic underactuated dynamics. Specifically, given a dynamics dataset, our method jointly learns a mean dynamics model, a spatially-varying disturbance bound that captures the effect of noise and model mismatch, and a feedback controller based on contraction theory that stabilizes the learned dynamics. We propose a sampling-based planner that uses the mean dynamics model and simultaneously bounds the closed-loop tracking error via a learned disturbance bound. We employ techniques from Extreme Value Theory (EVT) to estimate, to a specified level of confidence, several constants which characterize the learned components and govern the size of the tracking error bound. This ensures plans are guaranteed to be safely tracked at runtime. We validate that our guarantees translate to empirical safety in simulation on a 10D quadrotor, and in the real world on a physical CrazyFlie quadrotor and Clearpath Jackal robot, whereas baselines that ignore the model error and stochasticity are unsafe.
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In medical image analysis, automated segmentation of multi-component anatomical structures, which often have a spectrum of potential anomalies and pathologies, is a challenging task. In this work, we develop a multi-step approach using U-Net-based neural networks to initially detect anomalies (bone marrow lesions, bone cysts) in the distal femur, proximal tibia and patella from 3D magnetic resonance (MR) images of the knee in individuals with varying grades of osteoarthritis. Subsequently, the extracted data are used for downstream tasks involving semantic segmentation of individual bone and cartilage volumes as well as bone anomalies. For anomaly detection, the U-Net-based models were developed to reconstruct the bone profiles of the femur and tibia in images via inpainting so anomalous bone regions could be replaced with close to normal appearances. The reconstruction error was used to detect bone anomalies. A second anomaly-aware network, which was compared to anomaly-na\"ive segmentation networks, was used to provide a final automated segmentation of the femoral, tibial and patellar bones and cartilages from the knee MR images containing a spectrum of bone anomalies. The anomaly-aware segmentation approach provided up to 58% reduction in Hausdorff distances for bone segmentations compared to the results from the anomaly-na\"ive segmentation networks. In addition, the anomaly-aware networks were able to detect bone lesions in the MR images with greater sensitivity and specificity (area under the receiver operating characteristic curve [AUC] up to 0.896) compared to the anomaly-na\"ive segmentation networks (AUC up to 0.874).
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在医学图像分析中,许多疾病的微妙视觉特征要具有挑战性,尤其是由于缺乏配对数据。例如,在温和的阿尔茨海默氏病(AD)中,很难从纯成像数据中观察到脑组织萎缩,尤其是没有配对的AD和认知正常(CN)数据以进行比较。这项工作介绍了疾病发现甘(Didigan),这是一种基于弱的基于风格的框架,可发现和可视化细微的疾病特征。 Didigan了解了AD和CN视觉特征的疾病歧管,并将此歧管采样的样式代码施加到解剖结构“蓝图”上,以综合配对AD和CN磁共振图像(MRIS)。为了抑制生成的AD和CN对之间的非疾病相关变化,Didigan利用具有循环一致性和抗偏置的结构约束来实施解剖对应关系。当对阿尔茨海默氏病神经影像学计划(ADNI)数据集进行测试时,Didigan通过合成的配对AD和CN扫描显示了关键的AD特征(减少海马体积,心室增大和皮质结构的萎缩)。定性结果通过自动化的大脑体积分析来支持,其中还测量了脑组织结构的系统成对降低
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在模拟中测试黑盒感知控制系统面临两个困难。首先,模拟中的感知输入缺乏现实世界传感器输入的保真度。其次,对于合理准确的感知系统,遇到罕见的故障轨迹可能需要进行许多模拟。本文结合了感知误差模型 - 基于传感器的检测系统的替代模型与状态依赖性自适应重要性抽样。这使我们能够有效地评估模拟中现实世界感知控制系统的罕见故障概率。我们使用配备RGB障碍物检测器的自动制动系统进行的实验表明,我们的方法可以使用廉价的模拟来计算准确的故障概率。此外,我们展示了安全指标的选择如何影响能够可靠地采样高概率失败的学习建议分布的过程。
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