We present POTATO, the Portable text annotation tool, a free, fully open-sourced annotation system that 1) supports labeling many types of text and multimodal data; 2) offers easy-to-configure features to maximize the productivity of both deployers and annotators (convenient templates for common ML/NLP tasks, active learning, keypress shortcuts, keyword highlights, tooltips); and 3) supports a high degree of customization (editable UI, inserting pre-screening questions, attention and qualification tests). Experiments over two annotation tasks suggest that POTATO improves labeling speed through its specially-designed productivity features, especially for long documents and complex tasks. POTATO is available at https://github.com/davidjurgens/potato and will continue to be updated.
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The management of cattle over a huge area is still a challenging problem in the farming sector. With evolution in technology, Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) with consumer level digital cameras are becoming a popular alternative to manual animal censuses for livestock estimation since they are less risky and expensive.This paper evaluated and compared the cutting-edge object detection algorithms, YOLOv7,RetinaNet with ResNet50 backbone, RetinaNet with EfficientNet and mask RCNN. It aims to improve the occlusion problem that is to detect hidden cattle from a huge dataset captured by drones using deep learning algorithms for accurate cattle detection. Experimental results showed YOLOv7 was superior with precision of 0.612 when compared to the other two algorithms. The proposed method proved superior to the usual competing algorithms for cow face detection, especially in very difficult cases.
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Legal contracts, such as employment or lease agreements, are important documents as they govern the obligations and entitlements of the various contracting parties. However, these documents are typically long and written in legalese resulting in lots of manual hours spent in understanding them. In this paper, we address the task of summarizing legal contracts for each of the contracting parties, to enable faster reviewing and improved understanding of them. Specifically, we collect a dataset consisting of pairwise importance comparison annotations by legal experts for ~293K sentence pairs from lease agreements. We propose a novel extractive summarization system to automatically produce a summary consisting of the most important obligations, entitlements, and prohibitions in a contract. It consists of two modules: (1) a content categorize to identify sentences containing each of the categories (i.e., obligation, entitlement, and prohibition) for a party, and (2) an importance ranker to compare the importance among sentences of each category for a party to obtain a ranked list. The final summary is produced by selecting the most important sentences of a category for each of the parties. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed system by comparing it against several text ranking baselines via automatic and human evaluation.
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Athletes routinely undergo fitness evaluations to evaluate their training progress. Typically, these evaluations require a trained professional who utilizes specialized equipment like force plates. For the assessment, athletes perform drop and squat jumps, and key variables are measured, e.g. velocity, flight time, and time to stabilization, to name a few. However, amateur athletes may not have access to professionals or equipment that can provide these assessments. Here, we investigate the feasibility of estimating key variables using video recordings. We focus on jump velocity as a starting point because it is highly correlated with other key variables and is important for determining posture and lower-limb capacity. We find that velocity can be estimated with a high degree of precision across a range of athletes, with an average R-value of 0.71 (SD = 0.06).
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分散的学习算法可以通过在不同设备和位置生成的大型分布式数据集对深度学习模型进行培训,而无需中央服务器。在实际情况下,分布式数据集可以在整个代理之间具有显着不同的数据分布。当前的最新分散算法主要假设数据分布是独立且分布相同的(IID)。本文的重点是用最小的计算和内存开销来改善非IID数据分布的分散学习。我们提出了邻居梯度聚类(NGC),这是一种新型的分散学习算法,使用自我和交叉梯度信息修改每个代理的局部梯度。特别是,所提出的方法用自级的加权平均值,模型变化的跨梯度(接收到的邻居模型参数相对于本地数据集的衍生物)和数据变化,将模型的局部梯度取代了模型变化的均值平均值交叉梯度(相对于其邻居数据集的本地模型的衍生物)。此外,我们提出了compngc,这是NGC的压缩版本,通过压缩交叉梯度将通信开销降低了$ 32 \ times $。我们证明了所提出的技术在各种模型体系结构和图形拓扑上采样的非IID数据分布上提出的技术的经验收敛性和效率。我们的实验表明,NGC和COMPNGC的表现优于现有的最先进的(SOTA)去中心化学习算法,而不是非IID数据的$ 1-5 \%$,其计算和内存需求明显降低。此外,我们还表明,所提出的NGC方法的表现优于$ 5-40 \%$,而没有其他交流。
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Restless multi-armed bandits (RMABs) extend multi-armed bandits to allow for stateful arms, where the state of each arm evolves restlessly with different transitions depending on whether that arm is pulled. Solving RMABs requires information on transition dynamics, which are often unknown upfront. To plan in RMAB settings with unknown transitions, we propose the first online learning algorithm based on the Whittle index policy, using an upper confidence bound (UCB) approach to learn transition dynamics. Specifically, we estimate confidence bounds of the transition probabilities and formulate a bilinear program to compute optimistic Whittle indices using these estimates. Our algorithm, UCWhittle, achieves sublinear $O(H \sqrt{T \log T})$ frequentist regret to solve RMABs with unknown transitions in $T$ episodes with a constant horizon $H$. Empirically, we demonstrate that UCWhittle leverages the structure of RMABs and the Whittle index policy solution to achieve better performance than existing online learning baselines across three domains, including one constructed via sampling from a real-world maternal and childcare dataset.
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每年有超过500万五岁以下的儿童死于大部分可预防或可治疗的医疗状况,而在疫苗接种率低的欠发达国家中,死亡人数大部分大部分发生。联合国可持续发展目标之一(SDG 3)旨在结束五岁以下的新生儿和儿童的可预防死亡。我们专注于尼日利亚,在尼日利亚,婴儿死亡率令人震惊。我们与尼日利亚的大型非营利组织Helpmum合作设计和优化了不确定性下的异质健康干预措施的分配,以增加疫苗接种的吸收,这是尼日利亚的首次此类合作。我们的框架,顾问:AI驱动的疫苗接种干预优化器基于整数线性程序,该计划旨在最大程度地提高成功疫苗接种的累积概率。我们的优化公式在实践中是棘手的。我们提出了一种启发式方法,使我们能够解决现实世界中用例的问题。我们还为启发式方法提出了理论界限。最后,我们表明,通过实验评估,所提出的方法在疫苗接种方面优于基线方法。 Helpmum目前正在计划基于我们在最大的尼日利亚城市部署的方法,这将是该国AI驱动的疫苗接种吸收计划的首次部署,并希望为其他数据驱动计划铺平道路改善尼日利亚的健康状况。
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我们显示出与错误(LWE)问题的经典学习之间的直接和概念上的简单减少,其连续类似物(Bruna,Regev,Song and Tang,STOC 2021)。这使我们能够将基于LWE的密码学的强大机械带到Clwe的应用中。例如,我们在GAP最短矢量问题的经典最坏情况下获得了Clwe的硬度。以前,这仅在晶格问题的量子最坏情况下才知道。更广泛地说,随着我们在两个问题之间的减少,LWE的未来发展也将适用于CLWE及其下游应用程序。作为一种具体的应用,我们显示了高斯混合物密度估计的硬度结果改善。在此计算问题中,给定样品访问高斯人的混合物,目标是输出估计混合物密度函数的函数。在经典LWE问题的(合理且被广泛相信的)指数硬度下,我们表明高斯混合物密度估计$ \ Mathbb {r}^n $,大约$ \ log n $ gaussian组件给定$ \ mathsf {poly}(poly}(poly}(poly})) n)$样品需要$ n $的时间准分线性。在LWE的(保守)多项式硬度下,我们显示出$ n^{\ epsilon} $高斯的密度估计,对于任何常数$ \ epsilon> 0 $,它可以改善Bruna,Regev,Song和Tang(Stoc 2021) ,在多项式(量子)硬度假设下,他们至少以$ \ sqrt {n} $高斯的表现表现出硬度。我们的关键技术工具是从古典LWE到LWE的缩短,并使用$ k $ -sparse Secrets,其中噪声的乘法增加仅为$ o(\ sqrt {k})$,与环境尺寸$ n $无关。
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