We present a simple approach which can turn a ViT encoder into an efficient video model, which can seamlessly work with both image and video inputs. By sparsely sampling the inputs, the model is able to do training and inference from both inputs. The model is easily scalable and can be adapted to large-scale pre-trained ViTs without requiring full finetuning. The model achieves SOTA results and the code will be open-sourced.
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堆叠提高了架子上的存储效率,但是缺乏可见性和可访问性使机器人难以揭示和提取目标对象的机械搜索问题。在本文中,我们将横向访问机械搜索问题扩展到带有堆叠项目的架子,并引入了两种新颖的政策 - 堆叠场景(DARSS)和Monte Carlo Tree搜索堆叠场景(MCTSSS)的分配区域减少 - 使用Destacking和恢复行动。 MCTSS通过在每个潜在行动后考虑未来的状态来改善先前的LookAhead政策。在1200次模拟和18个物理试验中进行的实验,配备了刀片和吸力杯,这表明命令和重新攻击动作可以揭示目标对象的模拟成功率为82---100%,而在物理实验中获得了66----100%对于搜索密集包装的架子至关重要。在仿真实验中,这两种策略的表现都优于基线,并获得相似的成功率,但与具有完整状态信息的Oracle政策相比采取了更多步骤。在模拟和物理实验中,DARS在中位数步骤中的表现优于MCTSS,以揭示目标,但是MCTSS在物理实验中的成功率更高,表明对感知噪声的稳健性。请参阅https://sites.google.com/berkeley.edu/stax-ray,以获取补充材料。
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We present Answer-Me, a task-aware multi-task framework which unifies a variety of question answering tasks, such as, visual question answering, visual entailment, visual reasoning. In contrast to previous works using contrastive or generative captioning training, we propose a novel and simple recipe to pre-train a vision-language joint model, which is multi-task as well. The pre-training uses only noisy image captioning data, and is formulated to use the entire architecture end-to-end with both a strong language encoder and decoder. Our results show state-of-the-art performance, zero-shot generalization, robustness to forgetting, and competitive single-task results across a variety of question answering tasks. Our multi-task mixture training learns from tasks of various question intents and thus generalizes better, including on zero-shot vision-language tasks. We conduct experiments in the challenging multi-task and open-vocabulary settings and across a variety of datasets and tasks, such as VQA2.0, SNLI-VE, NLVR2, GQA. We observe that the proposed approach is able to generalize to unseen tasks and that more diverse mixtures lead to higher accuracy in both known and novel tasks.
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We present a novel approach for unsupervised learning of depth and ego-motion from monocular video. Unsupervised learning removes the need for separate supervisory signals (depth or ego-motion ground truth, or multi-view video). Prior work in unsupervised depth learning uses pixel-wise or gradient-based losses, which only consider pixels in small local neighborhoods. Our main contribution is to explicitly consider the inferred 3D geometry of the whole scene, and enforce consistency of the estimated 3D point clouds and ego-motion across consecutive frames. This is a challenging task and is solved by a novel (approximate) backpropagation algorithm for aligning 3D structures.We combine this novel 3D-based loss with 2D losses based on photometric quality of frame reconstructions using estimated depth and ego-motion from adjacent frames. We also incorporate validity masks to avoid penalizing areas in which no useful information exists.We test our algorithm on the KITTI dataset and on a video dataset captured on an uncalibrated mobile phone camera. Our proposed approach consistently improves depth estimates on both datasets, and outperforms the stateof-the-art for both depth and ego-motion. Because we only require a simple video, learning depth and ego-motion on large and varied datasets becomes possible. We demonstrate this by training on the low quality uncalibrated video dataset and evaluating on KITTI, ranking among top performing prior methods which are trained on KITTI itself. 1
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