Instance-Dependent Noisy Label Learning via Graphical Modelling

Arpit Garg Australian Institute for Machine Learning, University of Adelaide Cuong Nguyen Australian Institute for Machine Learning, University of Adelaide Rafael Felix Australian Institute for Machine Learning, University of Adelaide Thanh-Toan Do Department of Data Science and AI, Faculty of Information Technology, Monash University Gustavo Carneiro Australian Institute for Machine Learning, University of Adelaide

Noisy labels are unavoidable yet troublesome in the ecosystem of deep learning because models can easily overfit them. There are many types of label noise, such as symmetric, asymmetric and instance-dependent noise (IDN), with IDN being the only type that depends on image information. Such dependence on image information makes IDN a critical type of label noise to study, given that labelling mistakes are caused in large part by insufficient or ambiguous information about the visual classes present in images. Aiming to provide an effective technique to address IDN, we present a new graphical modelling approach called InstanceGM, that combines discriminative and generative models. The main contributions of InstanceGM are: i) the use of the continuous Bernoulli distribution to train the generative model, offering significant training advantages, and ii) the exploration of a state-of-the-art noisy-label discriminative classifier to generate clean labels from instance-dependent noisy-label samples. InstanceGM is competitive with current noisy-label learning approaches, particularly in IDN benchmarks using synthetic and real-world datasets, where our method shows better accuracy than the competitors in most experiments.


1 Introduction

The latest developments in deep neural networks (DNNs) have shown outstanding results in a variety of applications ranging from computer vision [31] to natural language processing [48] and medical image analysis [47]. Such success is strongly reliant on high-capacity models, which in turn, require a massive amount of correctly-annotated data for training [67, 34]. Annotating a large amount of data is, however, arduous, costly and time-consuming, and therefore is often done via crowd-sourcing [56] that generally produces low-quality annotations. Although that brings down the cost and scales up the process, the trade-off is the mislabelling of the data, resulting in a deterioration of deep models’ performance [35, 3] due to the memorisation effect [44, 2, 35, 70]. This has, therefore, motivated the research of novel learning algorithms to tackle the label noise problem where data might have been mislabelled.

Early work in label noise [17] was carried out under the assumption that label noise was instance-independent (IIN), i.e., mislabelling occurred regardless of the information about the visual classes present in images. In IIN, we generally have a transition matrix that contains a pre-defined probability of flipping between pairs of labels (e.g., any image showing a cat has a high priori probability of being mislabelled as a dog and low a priori probability of being mislabelled as a car). This type of noise can also be divided into two sub-types: symmetric, where a true label is flipped to another label with equal probability across all classes, and asymmetric, where a true label is more likely to be mislabeled into one of some particular classes [17]. Nevertheless, the IIN assumption is impractical for many real-world datasets because we can intuitively argue that mislabellings mostly occur because of insufficient or ambiguous information about the visual classes present in images. As a result, recent studies have gradually shifted their focus toward the more realistic scenario of instance-dependent noise (IDN), where label noise depends on both the true class label and the image information [62].

Many methods have been introduced to handle not only IIN, but also IDN problems. Those include, but are not limited to, sample selection [61, 33, 72, 27, 12] that detects clean and noisy labels and applies semi-supervised learning methods on the processed data, robust losses [46, 1, 38] that can work well with either clean or noisy labels, and probabilistic approaches [66] that model the data generation process, including how a noisy label is created. Despite some successes, most methods are often demonstrated in IIN settings with simulated symmetric and asymmetric noise. However, their performance is degraded when evaluated on IDN problems, which include real-world and synthetic datasets. Although there are a few studies focusing on the IDN setting [66, 10, 62, 74, 26], their relatively inaccurate classification results suggest that the algorithms can be improved further.

In this paper, we propose a new method to tackle the IDN problem, called InstanceGM. Our method is designed based on a graphical model that considers the clean label as a latent variable and introduces another latent variable representing the image feature to model the generation of a label noise and an image . InstanceGM integrates generative and discriminate models, where the generative model is based on a variational auto-encoder (VAE) [28], except that we replace the conventional mean squared error (MSE) when modelling the likelihood of reconstructed images by a continuous Bernoulli distribution [40] that facilitates the training process since it avoids tuning additional hyper-parameters. For the discriminative model, to mitigate the problem of only using clean label data during the training process, which is a common issue present in the similar graphical model methods [66], we rely on DivideMix [33] that uses both clean and noisy-label data for training by exploring semi-supervised learning via MixMatch [5]. DivideMix is shown to be a reasonably effective discriminative classifier for our InstanceGM. In summary, the main contributions of the proposed method are:

  • InstanceGM follows a graphical modelling approach to generate both the image and its noisy label with the true label and image feature as latent variables. The modelling is associated with the continuous Bernoulli distribution to model the generation of instance to facilitate the training, avoiding tuning of additional hyper-parameters (see Footnote 2).

  • For the discriminative classifier of InstanceGM, we replace the commonly used co-teaching, which is a dual model that relies only on training samples classified as clean, with DivideMix [33] that uses all training samples classified as clean and noisy.

  • InstanceGM shows state-of-the-art results on a variety of IDN benchmarks, including simulated and real-world datasets, such as CIFAR10 and CIFAR100 [30], Red Mini-ImageNet from Controlled Noisy Web Labels (CNWL) [65], ANIMAL-10N [53] and CLOTHING-1M [64].

2 Related work

As DNNs have been shown to easily fit randomly labelled training data [68], they can also overfit a noisy-label dataset, which eventually results in poor generalisation to a clean-label testing data [44, 2, 35, 70]. Several studies have, therefore, been conducted to investigate supervised learning under the label noise setting, including robust loss function [41, 58], sample selection [59, 53, 55], robust regularisation [23, 60, 43, 14] and robust architecture [64, 11, 16, 29]. Below, we review methods dealing with noisy labels, especially IDN, without the reliance on clean validation sets [57, 22, 50].

Let us start with methods designed to handle \sayany type of label noise, including IDN and IIN. An important technique for both of these label noise types is sample selection [59, 53, 55], which aims to select clean-label samples automatically for training. Although it is well-motivated and often effective, it suffers from the cumulative error caused by mistakes in the selection process, mainly when there are numerous unclear classes in the training data. Consequently, sample selection methods often rely on multiple clean-label sample classifiers to increase their robustness against such cumulative error [33]. In addition, semi-supervised learning (SSL) [12, 33, 53, 72, 27, 4] have also been integrated with sample selection and multiple clean-label classifiers to enable the training from clean and noisy-label samples. In particular, SSL methods use clean and noisy samples by treating them as labelled and unlabelled data, respectively, with a MixMatch approach [5]. These methods above have been designed to handle \sayany type of label noise, so they are usually assessed in synthetic IIN benchmarks and real-world IDN benchmarks.

Given that real-world datasets do not, in general, contain IIN, more recently proposed methods aim to address IDN benchmarks [10, 62, 73, 6, 66, 37]. In these benchmarks, the task of differentiating between hard clean-labelled samples and noisy-label samples pose a major challenge. Such issue is noted by Song et al. [54], who state that the model performance in IDN can degrade significantly compared to other types of noises.

One direct way of addressing IDN problems relies on a graphical model approach that has random variables representing the observed noisy label, the image, and the latent clean label. This model also has a generative process to produce an image given the (clean and noisy) label information [32]. Another approach examines a graphical model using a discriminative process [49], where the model attempts to explain the posterior probability of the observed noisy label by averaging the posterior probabilities of the clean class label. Yao et al. [66] developed a new causal model to address IDN that also uses the same variables as the methods above plus a latent image feature variable, which relies on generative models to produce the image from the clean label and image feature, and to produce the noisy label from the image feature and clean label. That approach [66], however, did not produce competitive results compared with state of the art. We argue that the model’s poor performance is mostly due to the co-teaching [17] that is trained with a small set of samples classified as clean, which can inadvertently contain noisy-label samples – this is an issue that can cause a cumulative error, particularly in IDN problems.

Our work is motivated by the graphical model approaches mentioned above, that aim to address IDN problems. The main difference in our approach is the use of a more effective clean sample identifier that replaces co-teaching [66] by DivideMix [33], which considers the whole training set, instead of only the samples classified as clean. Moreover, we propose a more effective training of the image generative model based on the continuous Bernoulli distribution [40].

3 Methodology

Figure 1: The proposed graphical model of the generation process that produces the observable (shaded nodes) data and noisy label from hidden (non-shaded nodes) data representation and clean label .

3.1 Problem definition

We denote as an observed random variable representing an image, as a latent random variable corresponding to the clean label of , as a latent random variable denoting an image feature representation for of , and as the observed random variable for the noisy label. The training set is represented by , where the image is represented by (with color channels and size pixels) and the noisy label denoted by a one-hot vector. In the conventional supervised learning, is used to train a model (where represents the probability simplex), parameterised by , that can predict the labels of testing images. The aim is to exploit the noisy data from a training set to infer a model that can accurately predict the clean labels of data in a testing set.

3.2 Probabilistic noisy label modelling

We follow a similar approach presented in [66] to model the process that generates samples with noisy labels via the graphical model shown in Fig. 1, where the clean label and image feature representation are latent variables. Under this modelling assumption, a noisy-label sample can be generated as follows:

  1. sample a clean label from its prior: ,

  2. sample a representation from its prior: ,

  3. sample an input data from its continuous Bernoulli distribution: ,

  4. sample the corresponding noisy label from its categorical distribution:

Remark 1

Conventionally, the process of generating data in step 3 above is often modelled as a Bernoulli distribution or multivariate normal distribution, corresponding to the binary cross-entropy (BCE) or MSE reconstruction losses, respectively. Such modelling, however, leads to a pervasive error [40] since the image pixels are in instead of (Bernoulli distribution)111Except for black and white images. or (multivariate normal distribution). We therefore adopt the continuous Bernoulli distribution [40] which has a support in to correctly model this image generation process.

Note that the parameters of the continuous Bernoulli and categorical distributions are conditioned on , and , and modelled as the outputs of two DNNs:


where denotes the neural network, and , represent the network parameters. Following the convention in machine learning, we call the decoder and the noisy label classifier.

To solve the label noise problem that has data generated from the process above, we need to infer the posterior . However, due to the complexity of the graphical model in Fig. 1, exact inference for the posterior is intractable, and therefore, the estimation must rely on an approximation. Motivated by [66], we employ variational inference to approximate the true posterior by a variational \sayposterior . Such posterior can be obtained by minimising the following Kullback-Leibler (KL) divergence:


where the variational posterior can be factorised following the product rule of probability. We assume that the posterior of the clean label is independent from the noisy label , given the instance : . In addition, the variational posterior of feature representation is independent from the noisy label given the clean label and input data: . The variational posterior of interest can, therefore, be written as:

The proposed InstanceGM trains the
Figure 2: The proposed InstanceGM trains the Classifiers to output clean labels for instance-dependent noisy-label samples. We first warmup our two classifiers (Classifier-{11,12}) using the classification loss, and then with classification loss we train the GMM to separate clean and noisy samples with the semi-supervised model MixMatch [5] from the DivideMix [33] stage. Additionally, another set of encoders (Encoder-{1,2}) are used to generate the latent image features as depicted in the graphical model from Fig. 1. Furthermore, for image reconstruction, the decoders (Decoder-{1,2}) are used by utilizing the continuous Bernoulli loss, and another set of classifiers (Classifier-{21,22}) helps to identify the original noisy labels using the standard cross-entropy loss.

The objective function in (2) can then be expanded as:

Remark 2

The objective function in (4) shares similarity with the loss in variational auto-encoder [28]. In particular, the first two terms in (4) are analogous to the reconstruction loss, while the remaining terms are analogous to the KL loss that regularises the deviation between the posterior and its prior.

To optimise the objective in (4), both the posteriors and and priors and must be specified. We assume to be a multivariate normal distribution with a diagonal covariance matrix and to be a categorical distribution:


where the parameters of these distributions are modelled as the outputs of two DNNs. Hereafter, we call the network that models the clean label classifier, and the model , the encoder.

For the priors, we follow the convention in generative models, especially VAE, to assume as a standard normal distribution, while is a uniform distribution.

Given such assumptions, we can minimise the loss function in (4) w.r.t. the parameters of the two classifiers, the encoder and decoder in (5) and (1). The obtained clean label classifier that models will then be used as the final classifier to evaluate data in the testing set.

InstanceGM: noisy dataset : total number of epochs : threshold to decide clean or noisy samples used in DivideMix
1: \CallWarmup Warm-up training of 2 clean-label classifiers on noisy dataset \For
2: \CallCo-divide \LCommentApply Gaussian mixture model on loss values and filter out clean and noisy with a threshold on the likelihood \LComment are labelled sets (mostly clean) \LComment are unlabelled sets (mostly noisy)
4: \CallDivideMix Loss Calculate training loss in DivideMix
5: \CallDivideMix Loss \Fork = 1:2 Calculate loss on each one of the 2 models \Foreach
6:Compute each instance loss: \CallVariational-free energy \LComment is the variational posterior \LComment denotes prior and data generation \EndFor
7:Compute average loss:
8:Update model parameters by minimizing Eq. 6 \EndFor\EndFor
9:\Return clean-label classifier \EndProcedure
10:\FunctionVariational-free energy Calculate loss in Eq. 4
11:Sample Sample a clean label from its variational posterior
12:Sample Sample a feature representation from its variational posterior
13:Compute the 1st term in Eq. 4: image reconstruction loss
14:Compute the 2nd term in Eq. 4: noisy-label cross-entropy loss
15:Compute the remaining terms in Eq. 4
16:Compute as the sum of the above terms as specified in Eq. 4
17:\Return \EndFunction
Algorithm 1 Graphical model approach for learning with label noise
Remark 3

Optimising the objective function in (4) often requires the definition of hyper-parameters to weight the KL divergences  [15]. However, such weighting mechanism depends on the estimation of the KL divergences weights that is usually achieved with a grid-search using a validation set, making solutions dependent on the dataset. The reason for such weighting mechanism lies at the log-likelhoods used as reconstruction losses. For example, is simply replaced by the corresponding loss functions, such as MSE, without taking the normalisation constants of those likelihood functions into account, resulting in an incorrect balance between reconstruction loss and regularisation. In this paper, we propose the use of the correct form of the log-likelihood, namely the continuous Bernoulli distribution for and categorical distribution for , with their normalisation constants. Hence, we no longer need the weighting of the KL divergences, making our proposed method simpler to train.222More detailed information mentioned in Appendix B

3.3 Practical implementation

In practice, the small loss hypothesis is often used to effectively identify the clean samples in a training set [17, 33]. However, naively implementing such hypothesis using a single model might accumulate error due to sample selection bias. One way to avoid such scenario is to train two models simultaneously where each model is updated using only the clean samples selected by the other model. In this paper, we integrate a similar approach into our modelling presented in Section 3.2 to solve the label noise problem. In particular, we propose to train two models in parallel, resulting in four classifiers (two for the clean label classifier and the other two for noisy labels ), two encoders and two decoders .

In CausalNL [66], co-teaching is used as a way to integrate the small loss hypothesis to regularise the clean label classifiers. Co-teaching might, however, limit the capability of the modelling since it only uses samples classified as clean and ignores the other samples classified as noisy. In addition, co-teaching is initially designed for IIN problems, while our focus is on IDN problems. Hence, we propose to integrate DivideMix [33], a method based on the small loss hypothesis as shown in Fig. 2. This method starts with a warmup stage, and utilizes all training samples after classifying them as clean and noisy (co-divide) using a two-component Gaussian mixture model (GMM). The training samples are used by MixMatch [5] – a semi-supervised classification technique that considers clean samples as labelled and noisy samples as unlabeled. DivideMix shows a reasonable efficacy for IDN problems, as shown in Table 1.

Model IDN - CIFAR10 IDN - CIFAR100
0.20 0.30 0.40 0.45 0.50 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.45 0.50
CE [66] 75.81 69.15 62.45 51.72 39.42 30.42 24.15 21.45 15.23 14.42
Mixup [69] 73.17 70.02 61.56 56.45 48.95 32.92 29.76 25.92 23.13 21.31
Forward [46] 74.64 69.75 60.21 48.81 46.27 36.38 33.17 26.75 21.93 19.27
T-Revision [63] 76.15 70.36 64.09 52.42 49.02 37.24 36.54 27.23 25.53 22.54
Reweight [36] 76.23 70.12 62.58 51.54 45.46 36.73 31.91 28.39 24.12 20.23
PTD-R-V [62]* 76.58 72.77 59.50 _ 56.32 65.33 64.56 59.73 _ 56.80
Decoupling [42] 78.71 75.17 61.73 58.61 50.43 36.53 30.93 27.85 23.81 19.59
Co-teaching [17] 80.96 78.56 73.41 71.60 45.92 37.96 33.43 28.04 25.60 23.97
MentorNet [25] 81.03 77.22 71.83 66.18 47.89 38.91 34.23 31.89 27.53 24.15
CausalNL [66] 81.79 80.75 77.98 79.53 78.63 41.47 40.98 34.02 33.34 32.13
HOC [74]* 90.03 _ 85.49 _ _ 68.82 _ 62.29 _ _
CAL [73]* 92.01 _ 84.96 _ _ 69.11 _ 63.17 _ _
kMEIDTM [10]* 92.26 90.73 85.94 _ 73.77 69.16 66.76 63.46 _ 59.18
DivideMix [33] 94.80 94.60 94.53 94.08 93.04 77.07 76.33 70.80 57.78 58.61
InstanceGM 96.68 96.52 96.36 96.15 95.90 79.69 79.21 78.47 77.49 77.19
Table 1: Test accuracy (%) of different methods on CIFAR10 and CIFAR100 [30] under various IDN noise rates. Most results are extracted from [66], while results with * are reported in their respective papers. Results taken from kMEIDTM [10] are presented with .
Remark 4

Other instance-dependent methods similar to DivideMix [33], such as Contrast-to-Divide [72], ELR+ [35], can also be integrated into our proposed framework. The reason that DivideMix is used is due to its remarkable performance, especially on the IDN setting, and its publicly available implementation.

In general, the loss function for training the proposed model consists of two losses: one is the loss from the graphical modelling in (4), and the other is the loss to train DivideMix [33, Eq. (12)], denoted as . The whole loss is represented as:


and the training procedure is summarised in Algorithm 1 and depicted in Fig. 2.

4 Experiments

In this section, we show the results of extensive experiments on two standard benchmark datasets with IDN, CIFAR10 [30] and CIFAR100 [30] at various noise rates333Performance degradation at high IDN is presented in Appendix C., and three real-world datasets, ANIMAL-10N [53], Red Mini-Imagenet from CNWL [24] and CLOTHING-1M [64]. In Section 4.1, we explain all datasets mentioned above. In Section 4.2, we discuss all models and their parameters. We compare our approach with state-of-the-art models in IDN benchmarks and real-world datasets in Section 4.3.

4.1 Datasets

In both CIFAR10 and CIFAR100, there are training images and testing images with each images of size pixels, where CIFAR10 consists of classes, CIFAR100 has classes and both datasets are class-balanced. As CIFAR10 and CIFAR100 datasets do not include label noise by default, we added IDN with noise rates in following the setup proposed by Xia et al. [62].

Red Mini-Imagenet from CNWL [24] is a real-world dataset where images and their corresponding labels are crawled from internet at various controllable label noise rates. This dataset is proposed to study real-world noise in controlled settings. In this work, we focus on Red Mini-ImageNet since it shows a realistic type of label noise. Red Mini-ImageNet has classes, with each class containing images sampled from the ImageNet dataset [51]. The images are resized to pixels from the original size of to have a fair comparison with [12, 65]. The noise rates vary from to , but we use the rates , , and to be consistent with the literature [65, 66, 12].

ANIMAL-10N is another real-world dataset proposed by Song et al. [53], which contains animals with pairs having similar appearances (e.g., wolf and coyote, hamster and guinea pig, etc.). The estimated rate of label noise is . There are training images test images. No data augmentation is used, hence the setup is identical to the one proposed in [53].

CLOTHING-1M [64] is a real-world dataset that comprises training apparel images taken from categories of online shopping websites. The labels in this dataset are generated from surrounding texts, with an estimated noise of . Due to the inconsistency in image sizes, we follow the standard setup in the literature [18, 33, 12] and resize the images to pixels. This dataset additionally includes , and manually validated clean training, validation, and testing data, respectively. During training, the clean training and validation sets are not used and only the clean testing set is used for assessment.

4.2 Implementation

All the methods are implemented in PyTorch [45]. For the baseline model DivideMix, all the default hyperparameters are considered as mentioned in original paper by Li et al. [33]. All hyperparameter values mentioned below are from CausalNL [66] and DivideMix [33] unless otherwise specified. The size of the latent representation is fixed at for CIFAR10, CIFAR100 and Red Mini-Imagenet, for ANIMAL-10N, and for CLOTHING-1M. For CIFAR10, CIFAR100 and Red Mini-Imagenet, we used non-pretrained PreaAct-ResNet-18 (PRN18) [21] as an encoder. VGG-19 is used as an encoder for ANIMAL-10N, following SELFIE [53] and PLC [71]. For CLOTHING-1M, we used ImageNet-pretrained ResNet-50. Clean data is not used for training.

Method Noise rate
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8
CE [65] 47.36 42.70 37.30 29.76
MixUp [69] 49.10 46.40 40.58 33.58
DivideMix [33] 50.96 46.72 43.14 34.50
MentorMix [24] 51.02 47.14 43.80 33.46
FaMUS [65] 51.42 48.06 45.10 35.50
InstanceGM 58.38 52.24 47.96 39.62
With self-supervised learning
PropMix [12] 61.24 56.22 52.84 43.42
InstanceGM-SS444Implementation details are present in Appendix A 60.89 56.37 53.21 44.03
Table 2: Test accuracy (%) for Red Mini-Imagenet (CNWL) [24]. Other model results are as presented in FaMUS [65] and PropMix [12]. We presented our proposed results with our proposed InstanceGM and with inclusion of self-supervision [8] in proposed algorithm (InstanceGM-SS).

The training of the model used stochastic gradient descent (SGD) for DivideMix stage with momentum of , batch size of and an L2 regularisation whose parameter is . Additionally, Adam is used to train the VAE part of the model. The training runs for epochs for CIFAR10, CIFAR100, Red Mini-Imagenet and ANIMAL-10N. The learning rate is which is reduced to at half of the number of training epochs. The WarmUp stage lasts for epochs for CIFAR10, for CIFAR100, ANIMAL-10N and Red Mini-Imagenet. For CLOTHING-1M, the WarmUp stage lasts epoch with batch size of , and training runs for epochs and learning rate of decayed by a factor of after the epoch .

For CIFAR10, CIFAR100 [30], Red Mini-Imagenet [24] and ANIMAL-10N [53], the encoder has a similar architecture as CausalNL [66], with hidden convolutional layers and feature maps containing and features. In the decoding stage, we use hidden layer transposed-convolutional network and the feature maps have and features. In Red Mini-Imagenet, we use a similar architecture as CIFAR100 with and without self-supervision [8]. For CLOTHING-1M [64], we use encoder networks with convolutional layers, and the feature maps contain and features. The decoder networks have transposed-convolutional layers and the feature maps have and features.

4.3 Comparison with Baselines and Measurements

In this section, we compare our proposed InstanceGM on baseline IDN benchmark datasets in Section 4.3.1, and we also validate our proposed model on various real-world noisy datasets in Section 4.3.2.

4.3.1 Instance-Dependent Noise Benchmark Datasets

The comparison between our InstanceGM and recently proposed approaches on CIFAR10 and CIFAR100 IDN benchmarks is shown in Table 1. Note that the proposed approach achieves considerable improvements in both datasets at various IDN noise rates ranging from to . Given that CausalNL represents the main reference for our method, it is important to compare the performance of the two approaches. For CIFAR10, our method is roughly better in all noise rates, and for CIFAR100, our method is between and better. Compared to the current state-of-the-art methods in this benchmark (kMEIDTM [10] and DivideMix [33]), our method is around better in CIFAR10 and between to almost better in CIFAR100.

Method Test Accuracy (%)
CE [71] 79.4
Nested-Dropout [9] 81.3
CE+Dropout [9] 81.3
SELFIE [53]* 81.8
PLC [71]* 83.4
Nested-CE [9] 84.1
InstanceGM 84.6
Table 3: Test accuracy (%) of different methods evaluated on ANIMAL-10N [53] where only noisy data are used to train models. Other models’ results are as presented in Nested-CE [9], and results with * are reported in their respective papers

4.3.2 Real-world Noisy Datasets

In Tables 4, 2 and 3, we present the results on ANIMAL-10N, Red Mini-Imagenet and CLOTHING-1M, respectively. In general the results show that InstanceGM outperforms or is competitive with the present state-of-the-art models for large-scale web-crawled datasets and small-scale human-annotated noisy datasets. Table 3 reports the classification accuracy on ANIMAL-10N. We can observe that InstanceGM achieves slightly better performance than all other baselines. For the other real-world datasets Red Mini-Imagenet and CLOTHING-1M, InstanceGM is competitive, as shown in Tables 4 and 2, demonstrating its ability to handle real-world IDN problems. In particular,  Table 2 shows the results on Red Mini-Imagenet using two set-ups: 1) without pre-training (top part of the table), and 2) with self-supervised (SS) pre-training (bottom part of the table). The SS pre-training is based on DINO [8] with the unlabelled Red Mini-Imagenet dataset, allowing a fair comparison with PropMix [12], which uses a similar SS pre-training. Without SS pre-training, our InstanceGM is substantially superior to recently proposed approaches. With SS pre-training, results show that InstanceGM can improve its performance, allowing us to achieve state-of-the-art results on Red Mini-Imagenet.

Method Test Accuracy (%)
CausalNL [66] 72.24
IF-F-V [26] 72.29
DivideMix [33] 74.76
Nested-CoTeaching [9] 74.90
InstanceGM 74.40
Table 4: Test accuracy (%) for competing methods on CLOTHING-1M [64]. The accuracy of the baseline models (CausalNL and DivideMix) are in italics. Results of other models are from their respective papers. In the experiments only noisy labels are use for training. Top results with accuracy are highlighted in bold.

5 Ablation Study

We show the ablation study of our proposed method on CIFAR10 [30], under IDN noise rate of and ANIMAL-10N [53]. On Table 5, the performance of CausalNL [66] is relatively low, which can be explained by the small number of clean samples used by co-teaching [17], and the use of MSE for image reconstruction loss555line 80 in We argue that replacing co-teaching [17] by DivideMix [33] will improve classification accuracy because it allows the use of the whole training set. To demonstrate that, we take CausalNL [66] and replace its co-teaching by DivideMix, but keep the MSE reconstruction loss – this model is named CausalNL + DivideMix (w/o continuous Bernoulli). Note that this allows a accuracy improvement from CausalNL, but the use of MSE reconstruction loss can still limit classification accuracy. Hence, by replacing the MSE loss by the continuous Bernoulli loss for image reconstruction, we notice a further accuracy improvement.

Method Test Accuracy (%)
CausalNL [66] 78.63
CausalNL [66] + DivideMix [33] 88.62
 * w/o continuous Bernoulli
InstanceGM 95.90
Table 5: This ablation study shows the test accuracy on CIFAR10 under IDN at noise rate . First, we show the result of CausalNL [66]. Second, we show the result of CausalNL [66] with Co-teaching [17] replaced by DivideMix [33] (without Continuous Bernoulli reconstruction). Then at last we show the results of our proposed algorithm InstanceGM.

For ANIMAL-10N [53], we test InstanceGM with various backbone networks (VGG [52], ResNet [20], and ConvNeXt [39]) and the results are displayed in Table 6. Due to the architectural differences, ConvNeXt [39] performed best on our proposed algorithm, but for a fair comparison with the other models, we use the VGG backbone [52] results in Table 3.

Method Test Accuracy (%)
InstanceGM with ResNet [20] 82.2
InstanceGM with VGG [52] 84.6
InstanceGM with ConvNeXt [39] 84.7
Table 6: This ablation study shows the test accuracy on ANIMAL-10N using various architectures (without self-supervision), including ResNet [20], VGG [52] and ConvNeXt [39] with InstanceGM. Table 3, reported the results of VGG [52] to provide a fair comparison with other methods.

6 Conclusion

In this paper, we presented an instance-dependent noisy label learning algorithm method, called InstanceGM. InstanceGM explores generative and discriminative models [66], where for the generative model, we replace the usual MSE image reconstruction loss by the continuous Bernoulli reconstruction loss [40] that improves the training process, and for the discriminative model, we replace co-teaching by DivideMix [33] to enable the use of clean and noisy samples during training. We performed extensive experiments on various IDN benchmarks, and our results on CIFAR10, CIFAR100, Red Mini-Imagenet, ANIMAL-10N outperform the results of state-of-the-art methods, particularly in high noise rates and are competitive for CLOTHING-1M. The ablation study clearly shows the importance of the new continuous Bernoulli reconstruction loss [40] and DivideMix [33], with both improving classification accuracy from CausalNL [66].


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The appendix is organised as follows:

  • Appendix A presents a detailed description of InstanceGM-SS and experimental details of self-supervision. Section A.1 contains the experimental details for the self-supervision method DINO, and Section A.2 contains the experimental details of InstanceGM with self-supervision (InstaceGM-SS).

  • Appendix B shows the motivation behind the use of the continuous Bernoulli distribution.

  • Appendix C shows the results on high IDN rates for CIFAR10 dataset.

Appendix A Self-supervision and experimental details

In addition to training the proposed method from scratch, we also adapt self-supervised learning to pre-train the feature extractor part in the classifier , denoted as InstanceGM-SS in Table 2. In particular, we employ DINO [8] to self-supervisedly learn a feature extractor using the unlabelled data from the training set of Red Mini-Imagenet (DINO is a self-supervision method that uses self-distillation). Such integration allows our proposed method to be fairly compared with other label noise learning approaches that rely on self-supervision, such as PropMix [12].

a.1 Experimental details of self-supervision DINO

We trained the self-supervised model on Red Mini-Imagenet for epochs on PreAct-ResNet-18 (PRN18). We used the same set of hyper-parameters as provided by DINO. The method follows the teacher-student setting where the weights of the teacher network are exponentially weighted averaged from the student network [19]. It includes the teacher model temperature for warmup as and for training, and warmup teacher epochs as . The L2 weight decay regularisation is , and batch size is per gpu. The initial learning rate is set to and the minimum learning rate is set to , with the training warm up number of epochs set as . In addition,DINO needs various augmented views of the input image. It includes multi-crop strategy [7] with high-resolution global and low-resolution local views. The two versions of global crops views are considered with scale values of and . Moreover, the six different local crops views are considered having scale values of and , with teacher momentum as .

a.2 Experimental details of InstanceGM-SS

When we use the self-supervised trained classifier for InstanceGM-SS, we slightly change the settings to train the Red Mini-Imagenet, and results could be find in Table 2. In particular, we use the self-supervised PreAct-ResNet-18 as a classifier with the latent representation Z of size . We train the network for epochs with the learning rate reduced by 10 after epochs. The warmup stage is reduced to epochs. Otherwise, the previous settings for Red Mini-ImageNet without self-supervision are kept the same.

Appendix B Motivation of using continuous Bernoulli distribution

To explain the motivation behind the use of the continuous Bernoulli likelihood for image reconstruction, we refer to the variational inference technique. In particular, we denote as an observable variable, e.g., input images, while as a hidden (or latent) variable. For simplicity, we assume that both and are scalars. In variational inference, e.g. VAE, the objective is to maximise the evidence lower bound (ELBO) or minimise the variational-free energy w.r.t. – the parameter of the variational posterior :


where is the prior of (for example, a standard Gaussian distribution ), is a re-weighting factor. In theory, , and we use here to explain common practice in VAE which is described in the following.

The second term in (7) could be evaluated with a closed-form formula for some simple cases of and or approximated using Monte Carlo sampling. Thus, we would focus on the explanation of the first term – often known as reconstruction loss. Depending on how is modelled, we could have different reconstruction losses, as explained below.

b.1 Gaussian likelihood

If is a Gaussian distribution: , the negative log-likelihood term in (7) can be written as:


The correct form of the reconstruction loss in (8) contains two terms including a \sayweighted MSE term. However, common practice simply replaces the whole by , resulting in an incorrect formula. As a result, it requires to fine-tune to some small value to balance the contributions of the first and second terms in (7).

b.2 Bernoulli likelihood

If is a Bernoulli distribution: where and , then the negative log-likelihood in (7) is:


resulting in the binary cross-entropy loss (BCE) [13].

Simply implementing the reconstruction loss as BCE results in the pervasive error since the input must be in {0, 1} [40], which is applicable for black and white images only.

b.3 Continuous Bernoulli likelihood

For colour images, although one can model as a Gaussian distribution shown in (8), it might be a suboptimal choice since the support of the Gaussian distribution is un-bounded, while image data is bounded. Thus, we use the continuous Bernoulli distribution to model  [40] since the continuous Bernoulli distribution is supported in with only one parameter:


Note that one could also use the Beta distribution whose support space is also . The advantage of using the continuous Bernoulli distribution is the simplicity since we need only one parameter per pixel, while the Beta distribution requires double the number of parameters.

Appendix C Experimental Results on CIFAR10 at High IDN Levels

We investigated the performance of InstanceGM on high IDN levels including and . We provided the test classification accuracy on CIFAR10 on Table 7. The competing model results are from [26]. Our InstanceGM shows superior results even in such high noise rate problems. Note that all results at these high noise rate problems are not good but the performance degradation for InstanceGM is lower, compared to the other models.

Method IDN - CIFAR10
0.7 0.8 0.9
PTD-F-V [62] 20.35 13.58 09.44
PTM-F-V [26] 18.95 13.89 10.57
IF-F-V [26] 21.09 16.72 10.86
DivideMix [33] 22.13 08.10 04.08
InstanceGM 47.23 29.30 11.01
Table 7: Test accuracy (%) for CIFAR10 at high IDN rates. All the mentioned results of other methods are as presented in the paper [26].